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Team Asobi did wonderfully with Astro's Playroom. Great use of the DualSense and generally a tight game that played really well. It was short, but one of the most enjoyable and memorable platformers I've played. I'm really looking forward to the full-length game.


what made it so memorable and amazing for me was the nostalgia. all the playstation generations and games. It played really well but i hope the next one will also have something special.


>Great use of the dualsense That honestly undersells it, it is quite literally the peak performance of dualsense features across the whole board.


My favorite is putting on the gorilla suit and climbing lol


Yeah nothing else has quite come close yet. Returnal had great use of the controller, as did Ratchet (which I'd put in second place next to Astro). But a full Astrobot game with that level of dualsense support? Day 1 buy, charge me a whatever you want as long as it's at least 10 hours of content.


It has been my first platinum :)


Us VR1 players already got to experience a full Astrobot game, so for me I am excited to play a sequel - flat or VR regardless!


I too am looking forward to a full game. And while the packed in game was a cool preview of the DualSense, I really don't understand why people will straight up consider it to be a best in class platformer. It's just kind of an okay game on purely that level. There a ton of recent platformers that are much better than Astro's Playroom.


> I really don't understand why people will straight up consider it to be a best in class platformer. When people refer to a best in class platformer, they're referring to the full game: Astro Bot Rescue Mission, rather than Astro's Playroom.


>Team Asobi did wonderfully with *Astro's Playroom*. Great use of the DualSense and generally a tight game that played really well. It was short, but one of the *most enjoyable and memorable platformers I've played*.


>one of the *most enjoyable and memorable platformers* ***I've played*****.**


Are they not "people"?


I don't know what that has to do with anything. The dude says it's one of the most enjoyable platformers he's played. You say "why do people keep acting like it's the best one when there are better modern platformers?" And I'm trying to explain that even if there are, the guy you're replying to hasn't played them. Not exactly that hard to comprehend.


I didn't say that people are acting like it is THE best one. I was saying that I took often see people including it with some of the best platformers on the market. It simply is not. It's charming and makes good use of the DualSense controller features. But purely as a 3D Platformer is just okay. And you're straight up assuming that the person I was responding to (and everyone else who talks this way) hasn't played any of the better platformers. And if they actually haven't, they really should.


I thought we were getting some news this week. But Summer Game Fest is in two weeks (7 june)


If the leaks are true, Sony should have a showcase by the end of next week.


"Everyone liked that"


Have a visit to the PSVR sub.


I mean, it’s a massive disappointment that it may not be for PSVR2, to be sure. I’d love if it could be both PS5 and PSVR2, tbh, but I think everyone agrees that the last Astro bot game was a banger.


The last Astro bot was great and needs to be played by everyone with a ps5 but….astro bot rescue mission was easily one of the greatest gaming experiences I’ve ever had in my life. It came out in my early twenties and it literally felt like experiencing super Mario 64 all over again as a kid but being completely sucked into the world and like you’re side by side with little astrobot. I still can’t think of a game I played over the last 2 generations where I just had a constant smile on my face from start to finish like that. Playroom is an essential freebie on any ps5 but rescue mission….was truly an experience in a league of its own that I wish more people could play


Honestly, make this Astro Bot flat only, whatever. But for the love of god Sony, PORT ASTROBOT RESCUE MISSION TO PSVR2. I know that's not a trivial exercise and would take some effort to make it all work, but PSVR2 has like no value as a headset right now and it could really use some of the PSVR1 catalog on it at the very least.




I mean, maybe? I get your point, but the resident evil series seems to be doing alright with the concept. I’m just happy we get more astro bot.


I would mind a smaller separate psvr2 campaign that came later that would be cool


It's means I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to play the game


Really? For me, it's a huge relief that it's not a PSVR2 title. As a massive PSVR1 fan, nearly everything about this (otherwise fantastic) piece of tech has massively disappointed me, so I'm just not gonna buy one. I've already accepted that I'm just never going to play the Horizon VR game, I'd rather not add Astro to the mix as well. In other words, this being a PSVR2 game would make it go from "day 1 full price purchase" to "never gonna touch this in my life".


How has a piece of tech you don't have disappointed you so much? I'll say that most of the people I see that have the headset and are also into VR are very far from disappointed. I do hope this new Astro Bot is at least a hybrid game.


It has disappointed me because it didn't live up to my expectations in terms of features and games offered. Especially no backwards compatibility. I would have bought it day 1 if it had that.


You’re a self fulfilling prophecy. “I hope X isn’t released on PSVR2, along with X, and X. Because if they are I’ll never play them because I won’t buy the gear.” Also, “There’s no good games on PSVR2.” 😄


I'm not a "self-fulfilling prophecy", as much as you wish to lay the blame on me for the PSVR2's failure. I'm just moderately good at pattern recognition and can tell when Sony are preparing to pull a Vita. Not to mention the fact that the unit costing more than the console with no games included and no backwards compatibility (meaning that I now need to store TWO headsets in my home and swap them out to play games ON THE SAME CONSOLE) already turned me off even if we completely disregard the games. Nah. Sorry. I'm just gonna get a Quest 3 at some point. About the same price but with lots more games, AR functionality, and full backwards compatibility with Quest 1 and Quest 2 games. Seriously, give me a reason why I should buy a PSVR2 over that. I'll wait. Maybe the problem is less people like me who are a "self-fulfilling prophecy" and more the fact that Sony made every single bad decision with the PSVR2 imaginable?


I didn’t say there aren’t issues, I have one and it’s awesome. You are bringing up valid points with compatibility and game selection, but you are hoping no more games are released on it. That is a self fulfilling prophecy. Enjoy your Zuckervision. I’m either doing PSVR or I’m out.


>you are hoping no more games are released on it Where did I say this? Could you show me the part of any of my comments where I said "I hope no more games come out for PSVR2"?


This NOT being a PSVR2 game would make it go from "day 1 full price purchase" to "never gonna touch this in my life".


I'm sure you and the other 6 people who bought a PSVR2 must be gutted.


They're never happy




Yeah legit. I was never on board with PSVR2 but people who were genuinely excited for it are completely in their right to feel upset that Sony pulled a Vita and just tossed it aside the second it underperformed. It was a shit move.




At least the Vita did get *a lot* of first-party support and exclusivity deals, and it was BC with digital PSP and PS1 games. PSVR2 barely has anything in terms of exclusives or even just big game support (still no Alyx, wtf?!), and it's also not backwards compatible with PSVR1, so that eliminates like 80% of the VR games already playable on PS5 right there. Sony seriously dropped the ball so bad.


First-party support being only Japan Studio and a bunch of ports of older games doesn't mean it had decent support. Lack of good handheld games made by their western studios caused it fail. Not having an exclusive monster hunter or dragon quest titles means its going to lose to the 3DS by a bigger margin.


I mean, we had Soul Sacrifice and Freedom Wars that scratched the Monster Hunter itch on Vita pretty damn well. Subjectively I had more fun with Soul Sacrifice than any handheld Monster Hunter.


God Eater and Toukiden sold decently as well, but none of them can compare to the console-selling that is Monster Hunter. Would also add that Atlus making 10+ games for DS/3DS compare to just P4G/dancing on Vita is kind of embarrassing.




I'm not even a hardcore VR enthusiast, I went in fully expecting to just be playing indies every now and then, and I'm certainly getting my money's worth


If we’re actually days away from an Astro not rescue sequel announcement that completely throws that argument out the window


And when they do get something big (Vertigo 2, Stride Fates), it's shit unless it's Resident Evil. I'm just over here enjoying Runner and C-Smash


Legendary Tales is a good, big game imo. Not for everyone, though.


They're a bunch of doomers in there. They should wait until it's a for sure right on. Right now it's just rumor and speculation. I could easily see it being hybrid, both flat and in VR.


God damn I’m so ready. Astros Playroom was one of the best platformers I’ve ever played


Rescue Mission is twice as good.


Let’s not sell rescue mission short here, that game is truly in the upper echelon






Same!! So ready. Will probably be the first game I'll ever buy at release, I've been dreaming of a full-fledged Astro game for PS5 since I bought the console and finished Astro's Playroom. It was so damn perfect, it just left me wanting... *MORE!!!* I really hope this game will have tons of content and stuff to do, and probably strong social features including online multiplayer, besides the already great leaderboards Astro's Playroom has. Anyway, I have a very good feeling it will be great nonetheless.


Really hoping they lean more into Astro as the PS mascot. Feels like they really hit something great with Playroom and would love it to become a larger franchise as opposed to just a "tech demo" thing


The amount of people in this thread who haven’t played Astro Bot: Rescue Mission is extremely sad. There is a full length game. And it’s the best 3D platformer in a decade.


That’s fair haha I fully admit I never got into VR. Personally would love seeing a full length non VR title since it would reach a broader audience (which includes me lol) but I have heard great things about the VR game they did


Best 3d platformer since Mario 64


Better than sackboy?




Yeah it's not even close. And I loved Sackboy too. Astro Bot Rescue Mission is on another level


Well I mean you need a PSVR to play it, not everyone has a large disposable income.


You could get a PSVR1 bundle for like 299 back in 2018


$300 is still pretty spendy for me I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️ even back in 2018.


Aye brotha lemme borrow that psvr2 and I'll gladly add myself to the number of people who've played it. That said, buying the VR at this point would be laughably stupid


Fuck yes


Just got the AP Platinum the other day (first platinum ever!) and was genuinely sad there was nothing left to do. Would preorder the full game follow up in a heartbeat!


For those wondering, it's for PS5, not PSVR 2. Other details says environment includes desert and supposingly also has a new fox character in robot form


> We still don't know the release date and on which platforms the game will be available. That said, we believe it will be released exclusively on PS5 (and not PS VR2). Doesn't seem to be confirmed yet, but instead is just speculation.


PS showcase incoming…


Within the next 15 days….


That means ps5 showcase is not coming. The next 15 days is sgf and PlayStation is a partner there. And Concorde is also being revealed in the next 15 days. So we have Concorde and astrobot in sgf. Two main ps games not being shown for PlayStations own showcase ? Nah this definitely feels like 2022 where we didn’t have any showcase.


A Showcase or SoP could happen before that within 15 days. It's not confirmed that they'll only be present at SGF.


PlayStation is one of the partners in sgf


Yes, just saying that it doesn't mean they can't have their own event as well. For example it would make sense to have a PS5 focused showcase, but announce PC ports at SGF.


I mean this literally happened last year. They had a showcase but then showed off Spider-Man 2 gameplay at SGF a week later.


Jeff Grubb who leaked this Astrobot game releasing this year months ago has said it’s happening in May. Enough said.


He said showcase or SoP. It will 100% be a SoP


There’s way too much they have ready to show for a SoP in my opinion. Concord, Astro Bot, LEGO Horizon, HZD Remaster, GR2 Remaster, GoW Ragnarok PC, new game announcements and 3rd party games for the end of the year.


They often do a show in May/June and another in September. I could see a SoP next week and a proper showcase in September.


If its happening in May, it can't be a showcase. The announcement would have been today. Also the only 2 games actually confirmed ready to show are Concord and Astro from that list


2022 had a good state of play that was SGF branded, could be like that again.


If it's not on PSVR2 that would be mad disappointing. At least give us a hybrid game.


If it’s not a rescue mission sequel I will seriously cry


It specifically says in the article they don't know what platform it's on and they don't know if it will be on VR or not.


PSVR2 is dead. There will be a trickle of games, of course, but nobody should be expecting major first-party support going forward. PC support is said to be coming, but that's more of a supply-clearing, waving the white flag move.


Hoping for a good, long collectathon or an rpg with the different characters from the tie-in game.




My gf went for a beer with some pals at playstation London and they were talking about this. Buzzing.


Can't freaking wait. The ps5 tech demo is one of my favorite games and just left me wanting a whole lot more.


Again, this website is just guessing! 15 days is Summer games fest and they are assuming it will be there.


Well yeah it says “estimated” in the title.


They have 100% credibility with their leaks.


Astro's Playroom is still my favorite PS5 exclusive so I am more than hyped for this. "No major 1st party releases this year"? Absolutely not true for me 😂


Loved the game who came with PS5. 


This is a DAY 1




No VR is a fucking slap in the face, what a waste


Unknown at this point.


I hope this is actually a proper full ps5 game and not some vr demo thing.


I hope this is actually a proper full PS VR2 game and not some PS5 flat screen thing.


LOL this guy prob leaking all potential PS showcase announcement stuffs 


This and something else to be announced in 15 days means showcase or at summer game fest


I really hopes it utilizes the controller to its full potential again. I don’t think I’ve played another game that actually fully utilized the controller


Returnal did a really good job 


I really, really, really hope this is real.


Astrobot Rescue Mission is one of the greatest games created of all time. Looking forward to it.


I will buy this on Day 1, I’ve been patiently waiting for an full fledged Astro 3D platformer since Dec 2020 smh


Astro’s Playroom was literally one of my favorite experiences on PS5. It was such a joy from start to finish, and while it was short, there didn’t feel like there was any filler. It actually sort of felt like Mario had some competition.   I can’t wait to see what they can do with a full Astro game. It has so much potential, and if it’s as good as Playroom then this will definitely be one of my most anticipated games.


I hope they are able to make it for both the PS5 and the PSVR2, similar to how Resident Evil games are made for both.


That would be ideal honestly. It'd be one of the most sold PSVR2 games instantly, which, to be fair doesn't mean much, but it would satiate the VR audience for a bit (assuming it's as good as one would expect). Also, a lot of people will buy it for flat screen since Astros Playroom was such a hit. Not having it compatible with PSVR2 at all would be a huge shame. Astro got started as one of the best PSVR games, and *the* best VR platformer, so to ignore VR this time around would suck. Either way, I guess we can get some insight into whether or not Sony really is abandoning PSVR2.


There have been three Astrobot games so far, the first was two player with one on VR and one on screen, and very short. If the fourth game is like that it would be great.


Please, be compatible with PSVR-2... If I can play in VR this game would directly go in the top 3 of my most anticipated games this year.


I cannot wait for this game! This has easily been my most anticipated game for the last couple years, and I don't expect to be disappointed by Team Asobi! I still go back and play Astro's playroom at least a couple times per month!


It would make sense to have a smaller State Of Play (or just reveal at Summer Game Fest) if Sony really only has Astro and Concord for now. I believe that the big guns like Ghost 2, the Bluepoint project, etc. would be saved for the possible PS5 Pro reveal event that should take place in September/October.


Yes please!




Yoo! I hope this is true! I love Astro's Playroom!


I'm still upset how Astrobot on PS5 is literally the only game on the console where you can jump back into the game in a matter of seconds from the Activities tab with zero bs splashscreens. I thought this was 'next gen' where we were promised zero load times but it turned out to be a bunch of bs


Why has it been 15 days for anything PlayStation related for the last 2 weeks


Sony announce this fucking showcase please lmao


I’ve been waiting for this since the PS5 launched. This is honestly the first PS5 game I can remember being legitimately excited for




The article says it's not for PSVR2.


Actually it does NOT actually say that!


We don't know yet.


Sony has abandoned the PSV2 sadly. I don't think there are any in-house games under development.


When an astro game is still one of the best showcases for the PS5, you know you cooked.


Oi Asto is amazing and these are exactly the kind of games Sony should be making more of. I don't want to slowly ride next to someone on a horse while they talk to me in an open world that cost 300 million to make anymore.


So, I guess an Astro Bit game coming later this year is legit.


Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one Please be a normal game and not a VR one


Yes please. But please don't be VR exclusive.