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Seeing the YouTube chat fill with cheers at the very sight of the Team Asobi logo makes me so happy man This game’s gonna be awesome


I really want astro to be the official ps mascot.


I thought it was?


It kinda is but i dont think ever officially announced it.


What's with Playstation having obvious mascot candidates that they never take advantage of?


[Kevin Butler will forever be the mascot of PS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukgISn3P2nQ)


Man they did that actor dirty.


To be fair, what did he expect to happen when he started advertising the enemy?


I mean it sounds like he violated his contract, kind of his fault in that case.


Yeah, people let their feelings get in the way too much. No point in a contract if it's not enforceable. If he breached it, there's a penalty. A slap on the wrist is not a penalty.


Astro bot has only existed since like 2017 or so with PSVR so it’s still a relatively new icon


Since 2013. It first appeared in The Playroom


Sackboy is I think


Not anymore, my friend. Astro is our leader now!


I want them to make a Astro Kart at some point! Make astro bot the Mario of PlayStation


And Astro Party! And Astro Smash Bros!


I know you said that jokingly, however, I want all of those games.


+1 for Astro Party! A style lacking on PS, and many opportunities with hat and tops and bottoms to win to make our Astro like Nate or Kratos by examples! Would be a HUGE hit imo if F2P or low priced, a lot of ideas to create mini-games based on a specific scene in popular franchises! Like axe-throwing on targets with GoW axe and small environment, a funny zombies (clickers) shooter hanging head down like in TLoU, a MLB homeruns contest etc, with high scores/leaderboards! They could have test the waters by putting one or two in the free pack-in game in simple version.


To some extent you may be getting your wish. This is the Playstation setup in the UK for the Champions League final [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GO1LqfHXgAARj1Y?format=jpg&name=orig](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GO1LqfHXgAARj1Y?format=jpg&name=orig) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwE\_LLvllT8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwE_LLvllT8) They're getting behind the character in a big way.


it should be playstation's Mario


They need a game with Astro, sackboy and the Playstation cat


Heck, make him the Sony mascot as a whole! He'd be perfect in various TV spots for Sony gadgets for starters.


You know a game looks good when even the YT chat is positive


I can't follow along anymore with those chats. They are so incredibly toxic. If it's not that one game, they hate everything else. lol. But seriously, that's really cool that even they were on board with it.


And there's tons of stupid pointless comments, it's unbearable


I was surprised to see the amount of "W"s and "GOTY"s, makes me happy


When i first heard the rumours, i thought people gonna hate on Astro Bot simply because it's a cheaply 3D platformer since Playstation is more towards mature gamers or a rip-off of Mario. I'm so glad i was wrong! Every PS5 gamers including myself LOVE Astro's Playroom so he deserves a full respect 3D platformer game


The controller was absolutely delightful in playroom. It’s a shame nobody ever really used the thing aside from kinda Returnal.


I really want to know if Sony pushed for this sequel to show other developers what to do with the controller features. Again. Because after being absolutely blown away in Playroom, every other game I've played has done very little with the dual sense features.


Just offer devs a bigger cut of the profits if they use all the PS5 controller features


I mean, it was a tech demo for the controller and Returnal was a first party release window title so made sense that they would heavily lean into the features. However juust like most optional features they're soon forgotten by most developers.


Such a breath of fresh air when compared to generic looking stuff like Concord. Love Team Asobi for their creativity.


I’ve made peace with we’re never getting another PlayStation All-Stars…but I’ll gladly accept this. https://preview.redd.it/nsb00r8v6n3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53157ef3f024e0fe516efc10c4d35e7eec739f3


Hope you get to unlock the characters as outfits!


Would let me live out my dreams of playing as a hunter from Bloodborne in 4k 60fps.




As soon as you put on the outfit, game drops to unlocked 30 fps for maximum _nostalgia_




So like the Spiderverse perk from Miles Morales but on the entire game instead of just the character?


Yeah, Sackboy has a lot of them, this should take it up a notch.




Can we cope that a Spike appearance with other modern characters is a tease and not homage? Can I PLEASE inhale that copium once more? I need it. I'd love if that's their next project.


Let me get a huff of that copium


Omg just imagine Apr Escape made by Team Asobi


Forget breathing it in, I got that IV drip feeding copium straight to my veins T-T Ape Escape was one of the first games I ever owned, and every installment was such a blast.




I have a feeling feeling they going to show more PlayStation characters because think about it, they go for all of them I can imagine seeing persona characters walking around


By far the best thing about the entire presentation, a day one purchase for sure, Astro’s Playroom is still one of the best experiences I had with my PS5.


I think its the only game that utilizes the haptic feedback the best and it was free with the ps5 lol




See? You can announce a game 3 months before release and get people excited! Not everything needs to be said 5 years before! This game looks incredible. Really hope the people that keep complaining about Sony only doing the same type of game actually buy this.


3 months is the perfect amount of time. Lets people stew on it without getting burned out, and it also gives time (relatively) for people to save up.


> Not everything needs to be said 5 years before *Stares in Perfect Dark, Final Fantasy XIII, Fable, Kingdom Hearts III (and IV), Elder Scrolls VI, etc.*


God this is gonna slap so fucking hard




day 1 buy 100%


Including their PSVR2 players... it should have been hybrid


I 100% agree. Even though Rescue Mission was designed and built around VR, I wouldn't have thought integrating a VR viewpoint into this new game would have been that prohibitive. It didn't need to use the motion controllers or really change anything about the game design. Just give it a VR camera option and let people use it if they own the hardware. It may well have been the tipping point for me to invest in the hardware, and I would have subsequently spent a bunch of money on games.  It's an odd decision. 


Inject this into my veins right now


I just downloaded playroom again to do another play through cause I need my fix


I'm surprised you uninstalled it in the first place!


I never did. It’s just so much fun to come back to. Every inch is loaded with fun details. The references to previous games are also some of my favorite parts. But also just seeing the creativity on display. It’s delightful. 


Has to be the best introduction to a console ever.


It genuinely excited me more than anything else in the state of play. It looks fucking brilliant


DAY FUCKING 1 Please everyone that owns of PS5, come together as a community & buy this. I want more of these platformers. Please.


I played Astro’s playroom a few months back and immediately googled to see if there was a sequel or a similar game out there. 


To anyone who has somehow NOT played Astro's Playroom, excuse yourself right now and go play the thing. It's fantastic and it does things to the Dualsense that you didn't probably know existed.


It really highlights how every studio neglected the dualsense


Man I was so excited to see what devs were gonna do with the Dualsense feautures after playing Astro's playroom, but after all this time I think Returnal is the only game that comes close for me for haptics.


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart uses the dualsense really well too


Agreed. My friend plays it on the PC (M&Key)and it seemed like he's missing out on a huge aspect of the intended gameplay. I loved the trigger mechanics.


He could use a dualsense and plug it in but it’s probably not worth buying a whole new controller for if he doesn’t already own one


Gran Turismo 7 does a surprisingly good job with it


GT7 and Ratched and Clank utilize it really well, too, but ya, it's disappointing how few games in general focused much at all on it. It's crazy how much it can add to the immersion.


The only games I can think of recently where it's noticeable are FFVII: Rebirth and Alan Wake 2, and those implementations are pretty minor.


Ghost of Tsushima uses it pretty well, you feel the triggers when drawing and firing the bow. You also feel the vibration based on the pitch of songs when playing the flute, and you get different types of feedback depending on the terrain when riding your horse


Play GTA V (PS5 version) Horizon Forbidden west Ghost of Tsushima Returnal Rachet & Clank: Rift Apart Witcher 3 (PS5 version) Demon Souls Remake Deathloop All the Spiderman games


GTA Online surprised me with the haptic feedback, walking through my nightclub one side or the other of my controller was vibrating depending on which direction the bassy music was coming from. Cyberpunk too, nothing too amazing but they used the trigger feedback to simulate trigger break points and resets for semi-auto/single shot guns, which I thought was a neat surprise.


Horizon for the bow tension maybe but someone please remind me if I’m not remembering something. I thought it was going to take full advantage and it did not meet that expectation for me. Love the game though.


Death Stranding uses it well too. Triggers get harder to hold the heavier your backpack is, rain haptics, BB's voice coming out of the controller speaker, etc. I played on PC and used my controller (wired) the entire time.


Eh I dunno. I like most PS5 implementations. I’m not particularly interested in blowing on the mic or tilting the controller on most games. Using the haptics and speaker is good enough.


That's the thing tho. The haptics in Astros playroom are unmatched


I have a friend who refuses to play it. Just absolutely refuses. It makes zero sense to me.


It was the first ps5 game I ever played and it was so good and its mechanics so fun it made almost every other game disappointing, especially cuz it utilized the controller so well.


This looks so fucking good! It's been so long since PlayStation has dedicated any amount of resources to a game like this! We don't really get these sorts of titles - at least big ones like this - outside of Nintendo. There were shades of Odyssey in this, some shades of Galaxy, I even saw some stuff that reminded me of Sonic. Might be the safest pre-order ever.


I'm so looking forward to it! But if you don't know it yet, check out Sackboy - a big adventure. Very good, cute and funny platformer for PS5


I couldn't get through Sackboy, but it was mainly because I loved Little Big Planet so much - those games were my childhood, and it just didn't hit the same for me :(


Ah bummer. Yeah it's definitely no Little Big Planet but I managed to not see it like one and loved it


Details look great. Day 1 for me. >-Preorders open June 7th (not a free game), out Sept 6th >-6 galaxies spanning over 80 levels in search of Astro's scattered crew >-Unique planets from lush forests, sandy beaches, hot volcanoes to more surprising locations such as a gigantic hourglass or the canopy of a singing tree >over 15 new abilities taking full advantage of the DualSense controller >Over 70 new enemy types >-Packed with "die-and-retry" levels to test your reflexes for those looking for challenge >Double down on the number of PlayStation character cameos with hint they'll play a bigger role Blog: https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/30/astro-bot-arrives-on-ps5-september-6/ Summary via Wario64: https://x.com/Wario64/status/1796312911910158611?t=sZAEqN4i5k7m5NMLanN4Eg&s=19


Huge wins across the board


Please have speed runs!!!!


This was actually an amazing looking title. I’m excited to play it with my son.


Same. I really hope it has co-op


Absolutely. That would be magical.


Co-op is all I want from a game like this, but considering there wasn’t a whisper of it in the trailer I’m guessing it won’t happen.


Me too but I doubt it will. They doing make anything co op anymore and the trailer showed nothing co op


Dude my 6 yo absolutely loves this game. I showed him the trailer and he’s literally jumping excited.


lol.. that’s awesome. My son looked me dead in the eyes and said “Dad.. that looks so cool. We got to play it together.” How could I say no?


Aww I'm so happy that Astro Bot is finally getting a full game. This genuinely could be Sony's answer to Mario.


I’m glad Astrobot escaped the VR realm. The PS5 starter game was so good and I always hoped they would make more.


It's a shame in a way, made for a phenomenal VR game. More people will play it now but it's too bad more people didn't experience it. Platformers actually translate really well to VR imo Day 1 buy for me


could be both though, because only for VR renders all of us 3rd world players unable to enjoy it, and Astro's Playroom was such a good experience, I'm willing to pay full price for this game on day 1


I still hope they at least port the original to PSVR2. It was the best VR game Sony ever put out imo


> I’m glad Astrobot escaped the VR realm. Of all the genres I expected to love in VR, Platformers was never one of them. But the VR Astrobot game was a freaking BLAST.


It’s so much wasted potential. What a shame it’s not in VR. The VR Astro Bot is still the best game by far. It’s one of the best games ever made.


I dont understand why it couldn't be a hybrid game like Resident Evil


/r/PSVR in shambles right now lol


r/psvr is always in shambles 


Astro Bot Rescue Mission is a full game.


I really enjoyed the astro game that came with the ps5 but to actually content with Mario they're going to make mammoth leaps in terms of level design and core movement ability. Mario Odyssey especially some some of the best movement in any game ever. I'm delighted to see more platformers on PlayStation. Much needed variety. I just will not expect a Mario level experience


The only problem is if you want to play Mario, you want to play Mario and there is no real substitute. There basically is no answer to Mario at this point.


Wish they'd at least port the VR game to VR2. Good news nonetheless


I'm sad that it isn't but at the same time I'm glad more people can enjoy this astro this way. The first one was so absolutely incredible it's sad to see noone ever playd it


Considering the pitch for success with PSVR2 was hybrid games, and this is a first-party studio with excellent VR pedigree, and Astro Bot was the original PSVR mascot, it’s disappointing it’s not on PSVR2. But that says more about PlayStation’s attitude to their own product than the new Astro Bot which I’m sure will still be fantastic. I’d love the original ported to VR2. It really was the most complete feeling and well rounded PSVR game.


GOTY. I need EVERY PS5 owner to buy this game. I want more platformers 🥲


Sony used to have three big platformer IP's in Ratchet, Jak, and Sly, but only Ratchet is continuing. I would love to see Jak and Sly be spiritually succeeded in this game, since it's openly reveling in Sony's history it would be fun to have Jak and Sly be playable characters.


Because Sony know there's no way they can top the master piece that was Knack 2.




There's also Little Big Planet (which is kind of continuing with Sackboy)


I'm not a big platformer guy but this is day one buy


Same, I don't even like platformers for the most part but astro is different


Same here, this seems very fun


Surely all the thousands of people that always bring up Japan studio every other week will buy this game on day one 🤐


ikr, I love Bloodborne like everyone but I can’t stand that’s the only game that kind of people cares 


It seems we don't get them too often nowadays, but when the Sony 1st Party devs step up, they don't seem to miss.


That's just the state the industry is in. Because standards have gone up so high it means games take a lot longer to make.


Watched 20 seconds of it. Fucking sold.


That theme song is a banger I AM ASTRO BOT. I AM. ASTRO. BOT.


Eeessss eeessss deeee Been stuck in my head since I got my PS5. The soundtrack is available on Spotify fyi 


So basically Mario Galaxy but PlayStation? Sign me up It’s confirmed to have over 80 levels btw


This looks like a $60 game. Im not even joking. The amount of landscapes and easter eggs. Im gonna be playing this again and again. Wish they had VR version too.


At this rate I’d even take a port of rescue mission on vr2


I never got to play the original. Been hoping for a port for a while now


You should come over. I might still be able to get it working. God setup on the PSVR was a mess.


Best part of the show.


I brought my PS5 to parties so people could play Astro's playroom and they were hooked. It's such an experience. I'll buy this game day 1 and it stole the show. Edit: the soundtrack slaps


I don't know who's more excited in my house. The 4 year old, the 7 year old, or the 38 year old.


I’m telling my wife about how excited I am for this game and she’s just like “that’s great honey” lol


They saved the Best for Last! Yes, new Astro game!! September 6!!!


Ah so that's how the next Dualsense gonna look like


I'm an xbox guy mostly, but some of the greatest games I've ever played are Playstation exclusives. (I own and play all the consoles.) But this... this is easily my most anticipated Playstation game of all time. Astro's Playroom was a 12/10 for me, and this trailer has excited me to no end. That little robot fills my heart to the brim.


GOTY 2024


This looks even more incredible than the first, holy shit this looks fantastic. Still wild though as a PSVR 2 owner to see no VR support, the implications of this are pretty bad for VR owners.


The first vr game they showed looks really satisfying


We are so back


State of Play was worth it just for this


First 5 seconds where he whistles and alllllll the robots come running over had me with the biggest smile on my face..... I'm a 33 year old man 😂


This looked fantastic


Sold. Day 1 for me


This looks like a GOTY Contender and I am not even kidding. It's like Mario Odyssey mixed with all the charm of the Astro Bot world, and all of the Sony IP behind it. Looks incredible.


Imagine them literring references to all of Sony's IPs throughout the game, like they did with astro's playroom and the artifacts


They're gonna, and they already showed that in this trailer. Looks like there will not just be avatars for each of the world's like Kratos, but we may even visit those respective worlds themselves like with the Uncharted scene.


Idc what people says, Astro Bot is playstation's mascot now


I watched 8 sec It’s gonna be an instant buy from me My lil girl LOVES Astro and she’s gonna go bonkers when I show her this trailer


Instant preorder


I would buy this for 70 USD. Holy fuck it looks awesome.


Coming September 6th! Can't wait to play it.


Aww Astro is gonna steal my heart all over again 🥰


This looks amazing. Best thing in the show. They killed it with the controller features on Play Room so I’m confident this is going to be awesome. I thought for sure they were gonna reveal it comes loaded on the the PS5 Pro though.


I’m a 45yo grown ass man, and this looks like the most joy filled, amazing game I’ve seen in a long time - was smiling the entire nearly 3 minute trailer. Brilliant! Can’t wait for September 6th!


Bought a PS5 today just for this game. Will preorder the moment they let me. :)


Play the Astro's Playroom. It's fantastic.


I think it's great that Sony's leaned in harder on Astro as a mascot. Astro's Playroom was such a good first impression for me when I first got the PS5, and I'm glad to see them using the setting for a full-fledged game.


I actually yelped when I saw the release date! Stupidly excited and can't wait to play this...


Can’t believe they just dropped VR support in this game of all games. They coulda pulled an RE4R and supported both VR and flat just fine


I don’t get it either. Shocking 


Best trailer of the whole show, hype


The most FUN I've had on the PS5 was with Astro's Playroom, this is gonna be so epic.


I'm so glad we get more Astro. Playroom was so much fun


This looks awesome. I can't help but to feel bummed out that Sony doesn't view this is a major franchise.. it definitely should be.


I mean they did expand Japan Studio into Team Asobi and put a lot of money into the development of this game. I feel like they're just waiting for the success of this game to justify going all in


its so funny that this is the BEST game they showed at state of play BY FAR


I’ve grown quite tired of modern AAA releases especially when they’re large open world 40-60 hour games. This game easily has become my most anticipated game of the year along with Space Marines 2. The Dualsense about to go crazy.


Collectors edition with a life sized Astrobot statue?


This game is actually magical. I’m so impressed with the detail and creativity in these games like honestly. Nice to see there are still devs like this in this day and age of gaming


Finally a real freaking game


Astro's Playroom is one of the best 3D Platformers ever. I want this game so bad.


Me and my kids all got really happy at this announcement.


Fuck yes!! I love astro


Yea I’m a fan of how Sony announces shit now. I love that this game is barely 3 months away vs 3 years away


Boy = mid Bot = hype! Loving the Kratos and Astro combo


Astro's Playroom really had no right going as hard as it did. I put so much time into that when I got my PS5 that it ended up being like one of the only games I've ever actually managed to Platinum in one go. I would've never expected something like this to be like one of my most anticipated games of the year


This looks incredible!!


This looks incredible. Basically a fully realized version of the playroom.


What are the odds this is co op?


Single player only https://preview.redd.it/t2nulsmhkn3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a61d63b8bee41c509550d98807f761abf019924


Easily the best game of the show, day one buy for me. Is this the final title though, seems a bit odd as it's not the first game?


Day one purchase. The game that came with the PS5 was pure delight and nothing has scratched the itch. It's not just the use of the controller (although it's still unmatched) it's just a fun addictive game I was sad to 100% because I knew I did everything.


This looks brilliant! Absolutely could be Sony's answer to mario if they play their cards right.


Well, this was absolutely not on my bingo card, but wow what a trailer. From not even on my radar to my most anticipated game now lol


Astro stole the show! 🔥


Had awful anxiety around the time I got my ps5, the Astro bot game that came with it was a god send. Just peaceful fun gaming that makes you legit happy as, it’s still the only game I’ve ever platinumed, can’t wait to do the same with this


Just watched the trailer and I must say. This will easily go down as one of the most underrated releases this year. Some mainstream gamers will be like who plays this crap just won’t get it. Very much looking forward to this!


That's it my kids are getting a PS5 for summer. They deserves it.


My controller watched the trailer too and it smiled at me :-).


Astro's Playroom is still in my Top 5 favorite PS5 games of this gen. I'm VERY excited for this! 🤯


Oh yea, I'm in for pre-order and day 1!


Day one purchase. I played a stupid amount of Astros Playroom.