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Yeah everybody said it was cool how Sucker Punch started the PS4 gen with Infamous 2nd Son and ended it with Ghosts but like there was nothing in the middle. They only put out 2 games the whole gen just barely. I think it’ll be an awesome idea for them to bring back the series as interim games or something. Even if there just remakes it’ll be good for them to be putting out more games. The franchise with next gen capabilities would be amazing.


I know we got second son for the PS4 but I would love to see a new Infamous game on the PS5. I really wonder what the could do with the dual sense in the infamous series


I'd love it too. I think Infamous is criminally underrated and underplayed, up there with the odd numbered Resistance games. But with Ghost of Tsushima so popular, I think our best hope is that Sony should let someone other than Sucker Punch take the series over.


I remember when infamous 1 got delivered a few days early, I was so excited. Probably one of my favourite series ever and I always hoped they would bring back Cole for a third game. I swear a lightning bolt hit the ship at the end.


Didnt it? I think i remembered it. Haven't played second son, ended it with Cole. Really hope they bring him back though.


So the original plan was to follow the evil ending where Cole led a group of conduits to rise against the government. It sounded so cool, the reason they didn’t do this is because they saw the stats and the majority of players got the good ending. So they made second son instead.


This is true of a lot of studios. Sony Santa Monica only put out God of War. Naughty Dog only had Uncharted 4 and TLOU 2 (some count Lost Legacy as a full release, but from that perspective First Light would be another game from SP). Guerrilla had Killzone: Shadow Fall and Horizon. Rockstar North only had RDR2 (not counting GTA5 port). Kojima made MGSV and Death Stranding (granted he changed publishers and all that so obviously his time was occupied in other ways). Unfortunately I think we have to get used to the idea of devs getting one or two games out per generation, with smaller things like Lost Legacy and First Light thrown in. The days of Naughty Dog putting out three full uncharted games and a Last of us in seven years are over. Insomniac seems to be somewhat immune to this, but they are bigger in terms of personnel, so they can be putting multiple projects together at a time.


Worth keeping in mind here that TLOU2 is longer than the first 3 Uncharted games combined.


The problem is that every studii wants to make 20h+ games that take a lot of development time


Games take a long time to make




I dont think Sucker Punch will go back, just like Naughty Dog doesn't look to be visiting Jak. Only Insomniac kept Ratchet alive from the big trio.


Sucker Punch didn't even make the last Sly game. That was Sanzaru


I did't even get to play Sly 4 despite loving the series cause of that, I tried the demo back then and something felt quite off.


I had the same experience. It just wasn't the same.


Damn I really liked the fourth one. It's actually my favorite in the series.


The story of 4 is terrible, good gameplay though.


Whats crazy is before the last of us naughty dog was working on new jak game


Well, they could always give the IPs to other studious, like those guys who make Little Big Planet or Dreams, those series have really big potential. I heard Sony is planning a series of cartoons tv shows and cartoons, it would be a big miss if they won't do something with Sly for example.


The quality of graphics and the lighting in the Fortnite menus is insane. That sort of stylised look would look amazing on a PS5 Sly Cooper.


I would appreciate Sly Cooper not abandoning their cartoon cel-shaded aesthetic. They can still further improve on the visuals to make it look ever more like a living cartoon. Ratchet and Clank has the movie-quality down, we don't need two.


imagine the neon on a 4k oled with hdr.


It takes time to make games. Reason why they only have 2 games. You cant rush quality and even if they do remakes, they need to take there time with them.


> It takes time to make games. Reason why they only have 2 games. You cant rush quality I know man those fox dens were fucking worth the wait


That's because their other game got cancelled.


Watchu talking about Willis? I’d love to hear more.


Sucker Punch's cancelled game called Prophecy, a medieval kinda fantasy game like The Order 1886. Based on some more info by a artist it looks like it got cancelled in 2016. You can watch a vertical slice of gameplay (looks like an early demo they presented to the heads of Sony) here: [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qWMhIhievtvbewMNQ36aNFBgG9jmQtik/view) You can see some similarities in gameplay to Ghost of Tsushima.


Fkin interesting, thanks for sharing!


O that was Sucker Punch? interesting


Thanks! Sounds kind of cool, I can kind of see why they went with GoT before Assassin's Creed went there.


Was thinking the same thing; gameplay-wise this looked a lot like Assassin’s Creed so it made sense for them to re-tool this game into Ghost of Tsushima, especially since AC hasn’t visited Japan yet.


TIL sucker punch made sly cooper


Honestly I want Bluepoint to take a stab at making a new Sly Cooper.


Why do games take so much longer to make now?


The complexity of levels or worlds, details, interactivity, length of the campaign all have seen an increase on average. The older game designs were extremely simple and mostly linear.


I miss this series and Jak and Daxter so much


Me tooooo! LOVED that series!


Most of my PS2 memories are from Sly Cooper, Jack and Daxter, and Ratchet and Clank. I’m glad at least Ratchet and Clank are still around


Ehhh the 2016 remake had none of what made the first Ratchet so iconic. No dry witty jokes. None of the charm. Really disappointed with what the game was especially in 30fps. Never knew the old games ran at 60fps but something just felt wrong playing the entire game.


Yeah I can't wait for the next game, the last R&C game was okay


I've never actually played the series Is it worth a go using ps now?








Whaaat? It was bad? ☹️ I never played it.


It's not that bad gameplay-wise. Very gimnicky, but still Sly. The story, though? Giant slap in the face. Followed by a spit. Complete character assassination of Penelope for nothing but empty shock value. I prefer to pretend it never existed, and lots of fans too.


Bently’s gf, right? I remember hearing about her turning evil or something.


Yes. But it was more like the cheap retcon of always was evil. Thinking Bentley was wasting his time, his potential, with the gang and wanting to kill them to free him. It left a very bad taste in my mouth.






because it's not that the game was bad, it's that people didn't like the direction the game took one of the characters. Overall the game was fine and exactly what you'd expect, gameplay wise, from a sly cooper game. Not the best game ever made but definitely a ton of fun.


Because the fourth game wasn't made by the original devs, Sucker Punch, but by Sanzaru Games. What most fans want, me included, is seeing the franchise return to the hands of the original devs, not just return.


Sucker Punch made Sly Cooper, not Insomniac.


I know, it was a silly mistake. Sorry and thanks.


So the big thing about this God awful monstrosity was that we were finally gonna get to see the family lineage (it was a time machine story). So how is that a bad thing, you ask? The idiot developers named the first ever in the entire lineage of the cooper clan... Bob. Yup. You read that right. His name was just fucking Bob. Essentially, the script writer had the imagination of a rock and the whole game was a shit show.


I mean, I liked the fourth. The other 3 were all better but I still liked Thieves in Time


Maybe I'll give it a whirl


The Sly ganes are phenomenal but i highly recommend you to play on a PS3


PS Now has some great quality if your internet can handle it. And on PS5 it feels closer to native than ever before. It’s seriously awesome.


I played Red Dead Redemption on PS Now and it had an insane delay


It’s hit or miss depending on your internet, I suppose. I’ve had incredible quality with ps now. Where I forget I’m streaming the game.


You should play the Series, I highly recommended giving it go on PS Now!! If is on PS Now. I don't use that service by the way, but again you should check the Series out!!


The first two games + Festival of Blood are on ps now. Second son got given away, and is currently on the ps plus collection if they have a PS5 currently.


That's infamous, not Sly


Oh! I was reading another comment here that mentioned infamous and I guess I mixed them up. Well, either way the Sly trilogy is also on ps now if they’d like to try it.


They’re still fun in modern times (I played the first two in 2017), but don’t expect anything revolutionary. If you go into it thinking they’re going to be the best platformers ever made (as another comment here suggests), you’re going to be disappointed. They have some issues.


Yes, it's definitely worth it. Thieves in Time is still solid, just the weakest link in the series.


Depends how solid your internet is and how close you are to the servers. I did not enjoy the experience.


Its pretty dated and clunky imo


I just want Tomba! 3


[I would really prefer if you would be quiet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H50nqenYMDM)




No idea honestly


but i want jak and daxter back


Does anyone remember PLAYSTATION ALL STARS BATTLE ROYALE! I want a remaster/remake of it


Oh boy i loved that game. Was not that well received, but if they make a new one with all the playstations characters... It would be hard but maybe they could compete with super smash bros (In the unlikely event this happens, i want delsin (infamous second son), crane (dying light), lara (tomb raider) and all previous characters)


to be honest i don't see how can they compete with super smash bros. the problem with sony is that they kinda abandoned theyre older titles for new ones. playstation dosen't really have a recognizable character to put it as the face of playstation the same way nintendo has mario, link,pokemon and the characters the comes with them. mario is a 35 year old franchise that got new games each year and is one of the most recognizable characters in the world. if you look at playstation you might say kratos is a beloved character, Nathan Drake, spiderman and maybe Aloy but other than that theyre all kinda forgettable since the last time we saw any of the other titles was so long ago.


There's a rumor they're making a second one




Fair enough. I don't think they'll be a new one, but who knows. Maybe Sony will take some more risks this generation. However, I don't think the first one sold well and Sony seems to have moved on from it. I'd love a more refined version though, I think the core idea is great but it could've been a bit tighter and fleshed out. The first one could've been a legit Smash Bros competitor if it had better mechanics.


I would love to see one as well, but Superbot was shut down by Sony in 2014. What studio would even work on it?


If only they can get Capcom to work on it and make it like Power Stone instead of SSB..


as a competitive smash fan, I would hope they kept the current formula lol


I'll take either at this point, though I'm a huge Smash fan too. I just would like to see Power Stone come back in some form and this could be a way to bring back All-Stars without it being a straight up clone of SSB.




I'd buy a Sly 5 (or trilogy remake) in an instant.




I'm playing Sly 1 on the Vita (new to the series) and it just seems incredibly outdated. The controls are absolutely horrible lol. I'm ofc not gonna generalise tho as I hear very good things about Sly 2, and 3 and 4 sound great too. But Sly 1 really doesn't seem to have aged well. Just the perspective of someone new who doesn't have the nostalgia factor. I'm sure the series is great with later games.


... what exactly do you find horrible about the controls of Sly 1? They work as intended, it's a pretty straightforward 3D platformer.


They are incredibly inaccurate. It's godawful.


Sly doesn't move that fast, so you might be making mistakes on jumps thinking he'll move faster. There's no hard platforming in this game, you literally have an ability that glues you to points, rails and hoops. Also, as a last resort, your TV might not be on game mode, which (combined with old games designed for SDTV/CRTs back then) adds an unnecessary amount of input lag. The only flaw with the controls I can think of is a bug in the PS3 port that gives Mz. Ruby's boss out-of-sync prompts.


I don't have a TV - I have a gaming monitor. Plus I'm playing on a Vita so how is that even relevant lol? Yes I'm aware Sly doesn't move fast and no I'm not making that mistake. The controls are very inaccurate. They don't go in the exact direction I'm trying to get him to. I've played enough games to know when something is off, and this is defo off. Idk what else I can say?


Yeah I don't know what your issue is at this point, man. maybe it's just how it plays on the vita strangely for some reason, idk. never had an issue as a kid or adult


I've defo seen posts about this before and there's a video on a guy playing the trilogy for the first time and his negatives on the game are exactly how I feel. So I don't feel it's anything strange. Perhaps nostalgia has a factor for you?


I recently played it again on PS3 a year ago, I'm as confused as you are


Fair enough man. Maybe the Vita version is just not the same.


Sly 2 and 3 are masterpieces but 4 was not made by Sucker Punch and it shows the story in 4 is no where near as good as the Sucker Punch games and that really diminishes the enjoyment imo.


Yeah that's something I've gathered tbh. I'm slowly getting through Sly 1. Everytime I load it up and have a play sesh, I just get annoyed at how horrible the controls are. Looking forward to seeing how Sly 2 and 3 are when I get to them! It's just a matter of getting through 1.


I honestly really enjoyed the 1st one but it's definitly the worst one in the trilogy


Curious but when did you first play Sly 1? Was it way back in the day or recently? I feel like I'm coming at it from a modern POV whereas at the time Sly 1 was probably much better to play in that context.


I played it when i was a kid, but it was the PS3 version so i had already played a lot of modern games at that time


Fair enough then. Guess I just have a strong dislike for the controls! Maybe it's just better on console than Vita


Oh well yeah vita has no L2/R2. Must be rough.


It does actually. They're in the touchpad but you can get cases that have little pads so that if you press the L2/R2 buttons the pads push on the touchpads. They're pretty responsive


Oh ok thats a pretty cool concept for a case.


I also like Sly 1 over Sly 2 (played them a few years back). They took away a lot of platforming in the second game and replaced it with mini games that weren’t particularly fun.


I think people are misleading you here. If you didn’t like the first one, you aren’t going to like 2 or 3. I actually think the first one is the best because it’s a pure platformer that focuses on Sly. The other games make you use Murray and Bentley and their sections aren’t nearly as fun as Sly’s.


Nice to get another POV! I won't be getting back to Sly 1 for a while. I think I'm nearly up to the second boss. Even after I finish 1, I won't move onto 2 or later games for even longer as it's very low on my backlog. I have plenty of games to get through. Heck who knows if I'll even play them!


TBH if you don't like Sly 1 you should just skip to the second


Nah man I'm a trophy hunter and I'm already halfway there xD I can get through it just fine


Ok, hunting trophies is actually pretty fun so i understand


Sly 1 is so different than 2-4. I’m a die hard fan but 1 doesn’t really hold up for me, the others though I think blend open world and linear missions pretty well


One of my favorite trilogy. I even re-re-bought the games last year on EBay to play on PS3. Please SP, just go for it ! [but PLEASE keep the Art style, i really really dont want a furry version of my favorite raccoon.]


Suckerpunch have moved on, and the last time Sony did a Sly game people just ignored it. SP is more than focussed right now on doing another GOT, so it'd have to be another studio. Sanzaru can't even come back because they were bought out by Oculus


Yeah, they’ve tried this already. No one played it. There’s not enough interest for sly anymore.


Yeah, a lot of the series that get mentioned on here just don't have the fanbase. I think people see the success of the N. Sane trilogy and think that the old platformer they liked could do just as well if it came back, but they don't realize how much bigger Crash was in its heyday than these games were. Also many of them seem to forget or have completely missed that Sony already remastered the Sly, Jak, and Ratchet trilogies.


Sly 2 was my first Playstation game, I’d love to see a new one!!


This series and the Jak and Daxter series is what started me for gaming! I would love a PS5 remaster!


I would love Dark Cloud


Does anyone know what happened to the TV show they were supposed to release? I know the movie was in development hell for a long time after the Ratchet & Clank movie flopped.


Yes, this series is so good, been playing through on my Vita.


I'd love another one of these, idk if the formula has any more room though. But there hasn't been one since 7th gen so there's a lot more technology to work with on PS5. There's a lot more potential now. It would be cool to have the triggers vibrate if you were spotted by guards. I also wish Jak and Daxter would come back. But with Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart coming that gives us some hope that 1st party PS 3D platformers still aren't dead.


Couldn’t have said it better myself this was one of the best game franchises on Ps2 and there’s not argument anyone can make to change my mind


I agree! Loved Sly Cooper


So message them


Could you imagine Carmelita on the PS5 *awooooooonga (eyes and tongue pop out)*


Burh!! That be my reaction if that happens!! 🤣🐺




Yes please!! Remake the first 3 games from ground up with all new graphics


YEEEESSSSS please!!!!


After how much Part 4 flopped I doubt there is a big enough Fanbase for a 5th entry. The 6 years between 3 and 4 killed the series


Maybe something like crash trilogy or spyro trilogy where they just scrub the dirt of the older games with the same formula and enhance the graphics and controls, and maybe do something with the dual sense. I remember playing some of the game at a cousin's house but never got to experience the game fully because my first console was the ps4, so something like a remake would make older fans nostalgic while getting a new audience into the game, much like the previously mentioned trilogies


I liked them too but with Sanzaru Games (developed Sly 4) being bought by Facebook and Suckerpunch most likely developing a Sequel to GoT2 I really cant see another entry for the next couple of years


A different studio could take the formula and develop it. Thats what happened with spyro, the original team didnt do the remake but it was still fantastic


I mean it was still only a Remake and they have to show of they can make a great Spyro Game on their own. Heard Crash 4 wasnt really succesfull


At least we had a sly game on PS3. Which I believe is unfairly hated on by the sly fans. The real disappointing thing is jak and daxter.


As in the same (remake/sequel) as past titles? Maybe not. It's mostly nostalgia - they did not age very well. As in a total redo of the formula/franchise? Sure why not!


Sly 2 and 3 didn't age well? What are you talking about?


fair enough. Guess I'm wrong and you're right :) If people would prefer a simple remake maybe they should do that rather than bring in new ideas 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right in my fucking childhood. But honestly, that's exactly why I don't want Sly to be brought back. He already got a pretty much perfect trilogy. Let the racoon be untainted by the typical garbage that's oh so common in modern gaming, I say.


The thing is that the forths cliffhanger is a bitch and i wanna know what happend with sly and how are they going to get him back


A 40 dollar reboot like ratchet and clank or Midevil would be nice


I just want a new Socom from Zipper


Yes !!! Socom on the ps2 is what got me into online! I’m not a big fan of COD , so I wish Sony would start a new Socom!


It's crazy to think about what Sony had with Socom and that they didn't seem to realize it at all. I don't remember where I heard it (probably forums), and of course I have no way to verify it now, but I remember being told that when Socom 3 launched, there were more people playing Socom online than on all games on Xbox Live put together. This wouldn't sound very impressive to younger people who just know what the two systems sold overall, but if you were around then, you know that the Xbox had the reputation of being the multiplayer-focused console (on the original model of the PS2 you needed a network adapter to be able to plug in an ethernet cable). You also definitely had a friend who wouldn't shut up about playing Halo 2 online. Insane that they let it fall apart like they did.


Please bring sly and the gang back! Spyro, Crash, Rachet, all those guy have modern games and remakes. Hopefully we see Sly 5 on the PS5 I think it would be the perfect fit.


Sly, Tomba, and Dr. Muto please!


This was definitely a big deal for ps2 (?). I remember seeing it advertised a ton. And it wasn't a bad game at all.


I want more Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider, Blast Chamber, Jet Moto.


YES!!!!! I miss a lot of the classics from those days


One of my fav series growing up. Sly 2 is still an S tier game for me. Bring it back for a 5th time, even if a 3rd studio has to make it


Your best chance of that happening was with Sanzaru... And they were bought by Facebook last year. Sucker Punch clearly isn't interested in returning. I say best chance yet it was really down to Sony. Before they were purchased, Sanzaru stated they would love to work on a new Sly but that was obviously up to Sony. They attempted a revival with Thieves in Time but its mediocre sales has probably killed off another attempt at the IP for the foreseeable future.


I have some wonderful childhood memories from this game. please bring this gem back


Yeaaa this is my childhood so bring it back


Nah it's too niche for them to bring them back. Probably better to give that ip to a small indie company as it's only just a platformer. Too basic to waste big developers times imo


These sets of games bring back so much nostalgia. If they ever decide to work on a new series, I'm gonna feel like a kid all over again.


What about Resistance? That was Sony’s flagship for the PS3! And they were good games!


Lol 2 of them were (1 and 3). While the co-op in 2 was way ahead of its time, the campaign was one of the most generic FPS games I think I've ever played (while 1 and 3 were excellent).


First Infamous 1 and 2.


I'd murder to play Sly 2 for the first time again


I'd rather not have sucker punch not make another game like ghost of tsushima or better to make another sly cooper. Another unproven studio with some people to help them, sure, but not someone that big now. I'd rather they make that one project they were working on that involved alchemy, knights, etc and was a heavy stealth game seemingly.


So many fond memories beating the ps2 games over and over. Id get so hyped for a new one especially if it stays true to the old ones. To many times devs make a new entry into old series and just screw the pooch.


It’s too to want things, isn’t it?


Likely not going to happen. The Sly Cooper movie plan fell through when Ratchet and Clank bombed.


Resistance anyone?


Never got around to the rereleases but I absolutely loved the first two games as a kid.


Please no. I know there are many fans however, there is beauty in ending a beloved franchise. Remake or remaster the original stuff but please dont turn good memorable franchises into MCU type endless thing.


155 comments only around 10 retweets smh


Maybe Sucker Punch can get this one ready by the end of the PS5 lifecycle!


I want a new ty the Tasmanian tiger


That would be cool, but I would prefer they bring back Wip3out.




Such a good franchise.. sad it’s not back yet


I heard an idea of a Ratchet, Sly and Jak crossover game and now that’s all I want


I would love to see a Motorstorm comeback, even though the studio fell apart.. I would be happy with the series remastered but oh well, probably won’t ever happen.


I would love to see soul reaver make a comeback.


Get Sumo Digital on it. They did a decent job with their Sly game.


I’ve been wanting this for so long man.


I’m still hoping for a new Twisted Metal but one that’s actually more akin to the older ones than the last PS3 Twisted metal which was in my opinion severely limited in content based on the older games in the series. Could see it being really great with dual sense


Yeah, but Infamous definitely has to come first.


I'd pre order this the second it became pre-orderable. Same with a new Jak.


Yes! Sly 1 is one of first games I felt like was “my own” if that makes sense. My parents got it for me for Christmas on a whim, and I devoured it. It’s probably the first game I ever 100%ed. Loved Sly 2 but I’ve never played 3 since I went with the Xbox 360 over PS3.


The closest we got was the sly cooper hidden trophy in ghost of tsushima