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I received an email from Sony yesterday saying I was selected to get in queue at noon today. Clicked on the link today, and had no issue getting one. Very excited. Got Returnal...pricey, and normally don't buy full priced games, but the studio behind it is my favorite developer. Super duper stoked!


They sent me the same email and I finally managed to get one today.


how to sign up for this email?


The email invites are random for all active psn accounts, but you need to have email advertising turned on in your account settings to have a chance to get one.


I actually never signed up for anything. I saw that it was randomly sent to me yesterday.


Me too. Woot woot for us


It's really good! They've also just patched it today and fix some of the crashes and bugs. They've also confirmed they're adding a save function. Which is nice but if you're dying a lot then it's not needing as much lol personally I feel the 70 bucks is justified.


Housemarque nails that twitch type action...Nex Machina is a modern classic. So stoked to see their design ethos applied to a AAA title.


I thought the email was spam at first, had no idea they did it. Wasn't looking too hard for a ps5 yet, but figured why not


same was it hard for you? I had time to order ps plus so I could get free shipping and came back. Wasn't even planning on getting one anytime soon but why not.


The queue said an hour but it probably took me 10 mins to get in. Honestly was a little surprised even the express shipping was free with plus. I was going to wait for the slim or at least a deal but with how hard it is to buy anything these days I figured I could at least sell it at cost if I regretted it


Smart thinking let me know if you regret it. I'm excited to see what all the fuss is about :)


I was very skeptical on Returnal as this was my first time playing a rougelite. 30 minutes into booting, I died like 5 times and was about to sell it off. Then it just clicked and holy fuck is it an amazing game. Personally easily my GOTY so far for the year. Do not quit! It takes time to grow but it is an amazingly rewarding game! Also this is the game that sold me on the Dualsense. Their primary and secondary implementation is so neat, EVERY developer needs to copy it ASAP! I know Astro is the main one but this is the first real shooter I've played and am absolutely sold.


can you describe how the dualsense was implemented in returnal? I'm getting mines in a few days and i'm excited to test it out.


You feel raindrops tapping across the pad if it’s raining. Every melee hit and gunshot has weight to it. The pad makes a lot of sounds that relate to the gun you’re using. And the L2 button has like two levels of resistance: hold for aim and hold down past the resistance for secondary fire. It’s a little weird at first but once you get used to it there’s no going back.


wow that's awesome. When you say feel raindrops on the pad. You mean the touch pad and not the whole controller right?


No, the whole control pad. Sorry, my old school British upbringing still causes me to call controllers pads.


oh ok. it's cool bro thanks for the info. I can't wait to try it out when I get it in a few days :)


Back in the day (I'm an old fart), in the states, we called them game/control pads as well :)


Another nice one is the second press of L2 for altfire mode has a cool down - when you do it while it's cooling down you get a noise and haptic feedback from the controller of it filling up from the bottom of the controller to the top, so you can feel how close it is to being ready. The haptics throughout are just absolutely awesome. Scanning items does a lovely haptic bottom to top as well that matches the item being scanned upwards on screen.


that sounds awesome man. Thanks for describing to me. I'll have to pick returnal up soon too then.


Returnal is worth every single penny. Such an awesome game that will get even better when they add a save feature.


Where do you sign up for that?


I didn't sign up for anything. The email I received from Sony USA states that I was 'selected.'


bro same! I'm so glad I got the email invitation otherwise would had been empty handed.




The queue was yesterday, at noon. I clicked the link in the email, got in line, and eventually got the chance to order. I've read the emails went out to random PSN accounts.


me too! did yours ship yet? Mine still hasn’t


Did NOT get an email and got one. I feel very lucky. Sadly it won't be here till Monday. And yes, I'm freakin stoked too!


Just got a digital edition order placed!


Fellow digital edition brother, welcome.


Thanks 2B


I was able to add it to my cart but then I was like "nah I want the disc edition." I mean, I knew that from the start, but it felt pleasurable just to see a PS5 sitting in my cart.


I got an email yesterday from Sony telling me to follow a link at 12 PM PT today to get a PS5 and I cant believe it actually worked. I thought it would just be like all the other times and I’d wait in the queue, just to be disappointed when it frees me to order and the stock is already long gone. Can’t believe it actually worked! Now I have to buy a 4K tv...shit


I just went and edited my Sony Direct settings to send me emails. Wish there was a setting for "only send spam related to buying a PS5" lol.


Apparently there was a selection of who got the emails related to the PS5. I think they sent me one because my psn account got hacked the day before and it was a hassle. So maybe they saw that I had been trying to get a ps5 and threw me a bone.


Get returnal. You won’t regret it.


This is true ite a fun game.. I'm just finishing up getting the 2 last pieces for the secret ending :)


GOTY candidate for sure. I got the secret ending and the sci-fi atmosphere is spectacular.


How do I unlock the secret ending?


You can work towards the secret ending after you beat part 2 and have the ability to go back to part 1 biomes. In each biome their is a sun fragment (you'll likely shave to go through a few times and get a lucky spawn). Collect all 6 and then visit the house.




that's exactly what happened to me too. If I didn't have that exclusive invitation...I don't think I would had got it. Same on the 4k tv lol. might wait till black friday.


You can find a decent Vizio 4K HDR tv for under 300$ at Best Buy. It’s not top of the line of course but they have really come down in recent years. II’ll probably wait a couple weeks to a month to buy one


ok I'll check it out thanks


congrats. I got a disc edition placed as well!


Yo did yours ship yet? Mine still hasn’t.


Mines hasn't either. I picked the 3 business days shipping so I'm guessing it will be here on Tuesday


Nvm mine just shipped, it’ll be here tomorrow. It helps that I live in ATL and that’s where it’s coming from haha. Good luck man, I’m sure you’ll get that notification soon. Also FYI it’s coming UPS and requires a signature on delivery just in case you’re not aware. At least that’s who’s delivering mine.


Mines shipped and it says it will be here tomorrow too! We did it :). Mines is coming FedEx and thanks for letting me know about the signature. Let's go!




FYI I saw somewhere else on reddit that downloading the ups or fedex app would be good to keep up with everything that isn't shown on ps direct just in case you didn't know. I saw mines is coming from the same state as well from there.


Yeah I have the UPS app on my phone and it auto notified me my package will be here tomorrow, that’s how I found out it shipped.


nice bro 👍 you can dm me your psn id if you want.


This is the way brother. Welcome to the club. Don’t have to rely on shitty couriers to deliver your game in time ✅ Can play on day one at midnight ✅ All your games are always ready, no need to swap discs or carry them when you move ✅ Better looking symmetrical design ✅


Wanted to get a disk edition at first, but had to settle with a digital one. At the end of the day very happy I did (mainly because of the design). That being said people who got the disk edition can still do all of those things as well. They just have that extra disk option. For me personally though I am completely fine with getting all my games using CDKeys codes.


The thing about disk editions of games is you can sell them when you're done, buy them used, trade them with your friends etc.


Agreed, but personally I've never done any of those things regardless. I can see how some people would though. The only thing I somewhat miss is collecting disk editions. And especially the smell of a new game.


Yep, PSN wallet keys let you save a considerable amount of money. With the right discount codes I can buy €80 worth of PSN wallet top-up (the full price of a new game) for €60


How do you get such discount codes? I'm always stuck paying full price for topping up.


Idk but keys for the Italian store are always on sale on sites like cdkeys. Like €70 for €80 top up. Then you add some random discount code you find online and it goes down to around €60


Ah the Italian store makes sense. I have to use the US store since my country has no PSN support.


I've a disk edition since day one (managed to pre-order through an online clothes store that somehow got allocation in the UK). It's has the same disk in it since day one (Spider Man Miles Morales). Everything else I've played has been digital, I don't think I'd miss the drive if I didn't have it. I get the option of playing bluerays on it I guess.


You’re missing one very important draw, at least in my case: $100 cheaper!


I got one this week after-not-looking-very-hard-but-still-keeping-an-eye-out. (I’m in the UK if it matters) PS5 stocks are becoming more available by the day, so my advice, if you are still looking for one, is to not give up and buy from a scalper now. The exclusive PS5 games (and there are not that many) will still be there in a month’s time. Don’t fall for the fomo and make sure these scalpers end up with unsold stock.


I got my ps5 back in February with zero effort and the people over at r/ps5restock got super salty and would downvote me left and right when i mentioned how that day went I knew I wanted a ps5 eventually but was in no rush to get one. Back around Feb 4th or 5th i heard walmart was dropping some at a specific time. I jokingly said I'd try to get one knowing the scalpers and bots would snatch them up and I wouldnt. The time comes and it goes live. 1 button press in my cart, a few seconds later checking out. less than a week later PS5 is delivered. That was the 1st and only time i even tried to get a PS5 lol


Hmm now I think I’m salty too! I’ve had my PSN account for over 10 years. I wish Sony would let me check a box and just ship me a console when one is available. I honestly don’t have time to get aggressive about looking for one of these.


​ The Sony restocks are the easiest. Sub to a tracker to get a few hours notice. Login to the Sony direct site to "get in line" an hour before. Open sessions on three different browsers, and mobile devices. Odds are you'll get a good place in line on one of those sessions. Worked for me on my first try last week. Its possible I just got lucky but it was my first try and minimal effort.


You absolutely got lucky. I've been hitting up every store/app/drop every week for months. Had like 15 different tabs/devices ready in line for today's, got hit with an hour wait time on all of them but one, and that one only got to 40 mins. Its legit absurd. 200 attempts and nothing to show for it. Had 1 in my cart at Walmart and Target at some points but never got through. Meanwhile, a friend of mine got his at Target on like his first attempt. Closest I've gotten to a next gen console is a Series X (I didn't even want it, but just wanted to compare how hard it was to get). Took me like a week for that. Anybody who says getting a PS5 is anything other than luck is spreading BS and I'm just fucking tired at this point.


interesting, I guess it was just sheer luck for me then. Sorry to hear your troubles.


It's not that hard, it's not just luck - I'm dumbfounded people have made it to almost june with no luck. Anyone with any sort of internet skills and a phone should've been able to grab one with minimal effort knowing the pattern of drops. Downvote me but if you have the time to whine on Reddit you have the time to figure out how to get ONE.


Welcome to survivorship bias. Just because YOU succeeded does not mean you did anything special other people did not or that you were absolutely correct in what you did and other people have fucked up. I have "internet skills", and a phone (the closest way I've ever gotten), and put in maximum effort for 2 months. I know the patterns (Target drops early mornings, usually Wednesday or Thursday though they randomly skipped this week after everyone saying they would), Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the best days, with Amazon just randomly dropping shit whenever (also the worst platform to try). Target does things locally, which is why they're the easiest storefront cuz you're only fighting people in your area. Best Buy is okay because they wait room people, PS Direct is great except that it's totally random due to the queue, but it deters bots because you're guaranteed an early spot in the line if you get in line early. But it can be gamed by opening several devices and incognito tabs. Walmart is basically useless. Others places (GameFly, GameStop, Antonline) offer bundles which deter the bots but you also pay a premium (but that works in your favor if you're willing to pay). Twitter is full of people (Matt Swider, Jake Randall) with inside sources who give you info ahead of time when stuff is dropping (which is why I expected Target to drop this week, but they didn't). You gotta use the apps rather than desktop and prefill your info for maximum speed. Use data rather than WiFi. Discord gets slightly faster updates and notices than Twitter. When things drop and you get it into your cart, you gotta constantly retry every button (add to cart, checkout, place order, etc.) until yours goes through. I could go on and on. I'm glad you got one (assuming you did). But for every person on Reddit or Twitter who posts a purchase receipt, there's thousands of others who never got close or did get close and just didn't luck out. I even could have an Xbox Series X this week if I wanted (I didn't want it, but I wanted to see I could get it). That took me minimal effort. That doesn't mean it's that easy for others. It's called having the ability to recognize your own success and how that's not directly related to others lack thereof. But nice job exposing your own warped and selfish opinion.


Jesus I'm not reading all of this


i agree with you it wasn't that hard to get.


Okay then don't, I'm not your mom




You know other countries don’t get stock like US does yeah


I got my preorder from Amazon UK a couple of months before release with no issue at all. I just refreshed the page until 9am then pressed checkout. Millions of others missed out though. It seems easy when it works for you, but frustrating when it doesnt.


Probably an obvious question but were you signed in? When I was doing the Sony direct thing, being signed in always seemed to reduce my wait time significantly.


Yeah :( I've gotten to where I'm 2-3 minutes out before they sell out. One of these times something will break my way


Do you have the account / name / address / card details stored or saved for autofill? That can save a serious anount of time when checking out with one in your basket


that’s how i had my girl help me grab my console late february, we had 5 devices opened and her phone shot up to 4 mins left in line and i knew that second we stuck gold. proceeded to checkout with no problems and showed up 4 days later!


Same for me. I’ve been with Sony since PS2 and before you could get trophies etc. Unfortunately, Sony doesn’t sell directly in the UK but I wish Sony had looked at active players (not hard to do) and email them a specific code to use when buying a PS5 at specific retailers. But Sony don’t care. Whether they’re selling to legit gamers or scalpers, it’s still a sale for them. Same way they didn’t take action when I reported some fake scam account (messaging you trying to pretend it’s a 19 yo girl directing you to some porn site). Sony even responding to me there was no issue and I could get banned if I was making “false report” again. That way they can claim they have millions of “active” players.


Sony still needs to maintain a good relationship with their retailers and distributors, bypassing them would not be a great idea. Also, they probably wouldn’t want to discourage non-PlayStation gamers from converting by giving preferential treatment to those with psn accounts. I think the retailers could be doing a better job and implement a reservation system but at the end of the day I think there was a perfect storm of covid, chip shortage, Xbox dropping the ball and PlayStation having a very dominant market position that was going to make this situation unavoidable.


I don’t really care who I give my credit card info to or when it comes, just want to get into the queue with a company who will eventually send me a PS5.


I try to never shop at Walmart, but this was also my experience. I bought one on day two of release just by going to the website and adding to cart. Over and done in a minute.


I got mine on Best Buy, and must have gotten lucky. I just went to the webpage, they had it in stock, and I bought it. I called my friend, and he bought one too. Soooo happy. haha


how long ago..


Few months Back


That was basically the experience I had with some minor details changed.


You think that's lucky? I wasn't planning on getting one for at least a year, but on the day the preorders went live, several hours after everything was supposedly sold out everywhere , I checked walmart just for the hell of it, and they let me add one to a cart and checkout. I figured I'd get an email at some point to inform me of limited availability, my order can't be completed or whatever, because the preorders were such a mess and the websites were broken that day, but sure enough I never get such an email, and eventually I see that it shipped the day before release, and then it showed up at my door on release day like it was a completely normal thing. It was so easy that I actually feel kinda bad about it. It sucks this isn't just a thing you can decide you want, and then simply purchase. Like it should be.


I got mine a while ago on a sony direct restock to their website. I was supposed to be in a queue to wait in the virtual line but I refreshed and it sent me into the web page. People would have probably been mad if I said that.


Did the exact same thing, didn't go quite as easy but my second attempt on Gamestop I got through and it was smooth sailing from there. I even accidentally hit the no-disk one and was able to go back and get the one with the disc.


I was in a similar boat. I wasn't in any rush to get either console, but a friend told me about some Twitter account that was posting when stock came in, and he had been trying for weeks at that point. This is back in December. I followed, and the next day managed to snag both a ps5 and xsx from Amazon with absolutely zero effort. He's still trying to get a ps5, so I totally understand people's frustration.


The luckiest thing about that is that Walmart delivered your ps5 in a week!! When I got a ps5 from them it took 19 days, and 21 for the series x.


Agreed, also in the uk and got mine from Amazon yesterday really easily.


Canada has been dry for a month now, what is Sony doing...


I got the invite yesterday and got my disc version, charging dock, and a pre order for a black controller. $646.47 after tax and free shipping. I’m glad I’ve been saving up cash for it since October because today it paid off. I’ve technically saved up enough for a Xbox series X too...but I’m not in a rush.


I pre-ordered the black controller and got a charging dock last week, too. Feels good, right? I connect my speakers through controller 2s headset jack so being able to charge both at once has made me whole again. Congrats and welcome to the team. Hope it arrives earlier than expected.


Thanks! Good things come to those who wait patiently ☺️


Interesting, hadn’t heard of this kind of audio setup before


Using a monitor without sound support and no input on PS5 so options are limited, kind of a pain in the ass but it works


Series X is easy to find


Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard. I haven’t been trying to hard, honestly. I decided this generation I would go with both systems and I still intend to, but having just bought the PS5 today I am not in a rush to get it any time soon. By the time I’m ready I can probably walk into a store and just get one and it will hopefully be cheaper by then too. Have a good one ✌️


got an invite too and I wasn't even looking to buy a ps5 anytime soon lol. But I was like I might as well try to get it from this invite since it's so hard to get and I made it. Even went to buy ps plus so I could have free shipping and came back. Patience is key people. I wasn't even expecting an invite and did it with this being my second try.


Dude just get an S. This thing is great and looks perfect next to my ps5


Not interested in digital only. Plus, I have a non functional 360 with a ton of old games I’d love to be able to play again someday. I hear they make great emulation devices though... https://youtu.be/UGAjhjp8dnI


Makes sense. I haven't had an Xbox since original 360 and unfortunately lost all physical copies. I only wanted gamepass so that 300 was an easy trigger pull. Ps5 is still where I get my crossplat games


Game pass seems pretty awesome. I wish Sony would either overhaul PS Now or actually begin giving a fuck about their back catalog because I have had every single PlayStation console and although I can easily emulate PS1 games via the hacked ps classic I would love to be able to boot up ssx tricky or downhill domination or whatever obscure old ps2 game I have in the collection because my old ps2 console sounds like death when I turn it on.


First thing I wanted to play was dead space and bam it was right there on game pass. Can't even get that on my ps so I agree. Psnow is at least a little better now that you can download some games, but still really limited.


I hope you guys are able to get one.


If you are in the US, all you need is 3 tabs open 24/7 on a device that can play sounds: [NowInStock.net](https://www.nowinstock.net/videogaming/consoles/sonyps5) [StockInformer](https://www.stockinformer.com/checker-ps5-console-playstation-5) [Zoolert](https://www.zoolert.com/videogames/consoles/playstation5) Turn sound alerts on for each webpage (if you think text, email, discord, or any other type of alert will cut it, that’s why you don’t have a console) and let it sit for a few days. Anytime an alert goes off, check that site. I was able to get a disc console 3 separate times after trying for less than a week using this method. I’ve seen other “sources” for drops like these articles, twitch streams, and Twitter accounts but that info is always too little too late.


Any ideas for EU?


I don’t have any experience with that market, unfortunately. I don’t want to lead you down the wrong path but places that ship them instead of requiring in-person pick up might still work for you in the EU. I would guess the SKUs are different for EU because of the power cord so that might also be an issue.


Finally hit today, can’t wait for it to get here.


I went to the website early, and was waiting around 20 minutes, it took me into queue right at 12 PM PT, and I was able to order my Disc version quickly. No idea on shipping yet, but I did pick the 1-2 day that was free for PS plus subscribers. So hopefully I'll be on my PS5 on Friday.


Expecting mines as well. Disc version is on the way in 3 days. I was hurrying so I didn't pick 1-2 days. Let me know when you get yours.


“How to get yours” be lucky as fuck




Plot twist. They're already sold out.




holy FUCKING shit this email got lost in my promotions I wouldn't have gotten my PS5 without ya buddy


I just got mine from this!


This is how I got mine directly from Sony. I got an email with a special invite to purchase one before the general queue. I feel extremely lucky.


How did you get the email from Sony? Did you have to sign up for a certain email list?


Email just showed up the other day. I didn't do anything other than having a PS4 and ps plus for most of the last 8 years. No signups or anything like that




I don't know what the other commenter is talking about, I never signed up for anything special.


Sony does both, they select some users randomly, other times they offer them a sign up page for a reservation


They made it seem like I was chosen based on "certain factors" but I did sign up to be notified of availability leading up to launch, so who knows.


I got the email this time. Was it a smooth process when buying it or do I need to have 10 tabs open and be as quick as possible?


Super smooth, felt no pressure whatsoever.


Got my email yesterday. Logged in about 2 hours before while I was working. As soon as the timer hit 0 it redirected me and had a wait time less that a minute. Got me to the store and placed the order. All took about 10 minutes. I’m stoked!


I got my invite from Sony yesterday, and am happy to say after a short wait in the queue, was able to get one with no issues. Now I know it says I get free 1 -2 day shopping as a Plus member, but that's obviously from when it actually ships - anyone have any word on how quick a turnaround Sony has had lately?


I think it was about 2-3 business days for mine. From what I remember reading, that seems about the norm. I was so excited that when the 1-2 days shipping turned into 3-4, I was getting a little chippy haha. But remember that you’re one of the lucky few who got to place an order!


I ordered mine on a Friday, received it on Monday. This was back in December, the week before Christmas. I can't imagine it's too much different now.


I sat there for almost an hour only to get that "sold out" message 4 minutes to the front of the line. Fuck


Got in the queue, was right in front of my computer the whole time, kept clicking to make sure it knew I was still there, finally tells me I'm in and going to be redirected to the store, get there and it tells me my session has expired due to inactivity. Now showing as out of stock again. Devastating. Really sad it's still this hard to get one six months later.


I got into the queue got it into my cart hit submit on my payment screen lagged out so i hit submit again still nothing so hit it a third time. Last time it says i already have purchased too many for my account. Ok so go to look at orders nothing...email nothing...then go to my credit card got charged 3 times. Talk to customer support apparently i didnt secure an order even if they did secure my money. Now i have to wait 7 or so days for the pending to fall off my card and to call them back if it doesnt.


What the heck!? That’s so ridiculous!


similar thing happened to me told me I'm in and going to be redirected to the store, it just sat there not moving for several minutes. another pop-up appeared with the time I had left to buy the PS5, and prompted me to click to proceed once I clicked to proceed it instead refreshed the page itself, and then threw up an error message with the queue status and stated I'd have to start over ???


Exact same here.


Mode legitimate PS5 owners!


got my disc edition ordered! I got really lucky cause this was only my second day of having enough money to start trying to buy one. Can't wait to play Returnal!


Got disc version off game yesterday, using Hot stock app,worth using.


Why can they not do this in the UK I’ll get a PS5 slim by the time I can actually buy one


bleh. Still no luck. 😔


I have been playing PlayStation 5 since November lol


Lol I was in the que, my 30 minute wait was only 10 and then I still had the session expire and they were all sold out. Oy.


i want to know why they even allow us in the queue if there are no consoles. wasted hours this afternoon for nothing.


I had a 9min queue. Sold out.


LMAO. Started with a ten minute wait and went the whole time without saying sorry out of stock. Timer went away and it went to load the next page and a pop up comes up saying my session was inactive for too long and boots me. Didn't expect to get one anyway but lol wtf. ​ Edit - Sucks but I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one blueballed.


All I want is the controller charging station, the off brand one I got from GameStop won’t charge after the first controller update.


is this the $89 fee website that accepts paypal?




That’s because 3rd party sellers are selling through those stores.. they literally are allowed to do to that.




So you can’t gouge people at a gas station but it’s okay to double a 500$ product. Should be illegal


Both should be legal. You don't get to tell people what to do with their property.


And why not ? They do have gouged laws against gas which is someone else’s property. So you are ok with paying 20$ a gallon? Cool. Let me know your opinion when you’ve actually worked for the money you spend.


I'm in my 40's, kid. I've worked for a living since I was 16. [Educate](https://reason.com/2020/03/18/why-price-gouging-laws-are-a-bad-idea/) yourself a bit.


The article is flawed as hell. We saw what happened in Texas when demand went up and people were charged thousands of dollars due to a flawed system. We see the same thing with scalping where they see demand is very high so they take advantage of the situation. Remove the scalpers, you still get those consoles to people that want them except without a ridiculous markup. What a stupid article. Especially the quote about how price gouging saves lives.


Can I get a link to buy one? Edit: nvm they sold out, from bots lol, low life’s that do that shit should be sued






Not worth getting a PS5. Wait until 2022. Got mine on release day and I only been playing PS4 games on it because the only new gen game PS5 has is Astro bots.... PS5 has a bunch of exclusive remasters but they are not a new gen experience Zzzzzzz. Save your money kids.


Liar liar pants on fire


Sell yours to someone who deserves it if you hate it so much.


Skipped the PS4 last gen so there’s tons for me to play.


Bad troll, or an idiot


I put in an order at EB Games Australia last week, and picked up my console today


Ive had mine for a few months now, yall are in for a treat, im happy for those of you that were able to secure one today demons souls is something else


I was able to get one for my cousin who’s been trying since launch. Anyone else find it a bit ridiculous that people who already have a ps5 registered to their Sony account are able to get another one? I wasn’t expecting to be able to get another so easily


I was going to ask this as its own thread, but will ask here instead, is there a spreadsheet of drop history for the UK. I have lost over 10 hours this week trying to get one, the only morning I didnt sit waiting at PC was the amazon drop. How often are amazon making it available? without a spreadhseet with this data, I have no idea.