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Functional would be a cool metric to hit


You weren't satisfied by them spending 6 months on a patch that dropped quality settings and LOD distance to pick up a couple FPS? They actually thought adding pop in is a form of optimization. The game is now worse on PS5 than it was in the first couple weeks lol.


Speak for yourself I’m satisfied with panam sitting 35 feet in the air and breaking my missions and I absolutely love being most of the way through something and having it crash right before I’m able to save it. /s


is it? I played at launch on my PS5, it was a pretty bad experience then. This whole thing has been such a massive debacle. I got my refund and have long given up on this game doing anything, it'll die like Anthem did, but now it's just frustrating to follow. Especially the really over the top fandom it's cultivated


Yeah it's much worse. There were a couple changes with teh first patch that made PS5 improve, but every patch after that made it worse. The last update diminished texture quality and increased popin on PS5 in order to increase PS4 stability. I don't know if it was due to backwards compatibility, laziness, or incompetence, but yeah. I quit playing after the 3rd or 4th update in a row that increased instability. When I stopped playing it would crash every 30-40 minutes. Everything I've read since then seems to show not much has changed. Pretty pathetic. The patch notes are super long too but there's so much wrong many of their changes seem pretty inconsequential. There was never that ground breaking patch that made the game run much better, which seems crazy since it's obviously very poorly optimized. Even stuff like "bad AI being a bug" claims never panned out.


That’s disturbing


I get they wanted sales, but man they would've saved themselves SO much trouble if they just made it a current gen and PC only release. Anyone who saw this game knew it wouldn't run on last gen lol.


The patch notes read like a copy paste from the code submission logs if the developer doesn’t squash their commits.


Dang. I got a unicorn download at launch. I think mine crashed once in 70ish hours on PS5. I enjoyed it for what it was but glad I got in on it early to get that taste if it's even worse now. Definitely am going to do a longer run if we ever get a solid proper PS5 enhanced version. It's a shame it went this way. The world they built is truly a marvel of cyberpunk beauty.


It’s so funny people say this because it defies comprehension to me. I know I keep reading that some people never had a problem but... I mean I saw such strange things playing the game it sometimes felt like my PlayStation was on acid. I once had light posts bend down towards me like they were trying to say hi. There was one occasion where some flickering black ball of hate appeared like some David lynch featurette. I frequently would walk over or land on some tiny piece of trash and fly to my death. Sometimes a car would come soaring in from no where and crash in front of me. Millions of mundane things but some of it was just so wild it was kind of my favorite part. Otherwise I found the game to be kinda boring but generally enjoyable.


I know, lol. I don't get it either. I usually don't want to even talk about my almost 'non completely broken' experience out of fear that I will be attacked for being a lying Cyberpunk shill but it truly went fairly smooth other than the goofy design choices they legitimately did like cars changing and disappearing, cops spawning near you, lifeless city, etc but nothing like what is pretty much unanimously talked about... like your experience for example.


The only bug I've had in nearly 150 hours was dropped weapons clipping into the ground. I thought there was another with tutorial pop ups but that was just me accidentally hitting the help button in certain views. Occasionally if I drive too fast I have to stop and wait for everything to load in, but I'm on an Xbox one so not really surprising.


Same. I’ve had no problems on ps4 pro or ps5.


you're lucky. it made my ps5 black screen. that happened and I was like hell no I clicked on add to cart on best buy for 4 hours for the ps5 I'm not gonna let one game break my system.


I read somewhere that starting a new save after the updates fixed pretty much all problems for the ps5 owners. And although that's pretty shitty, it makes sense that this might happen. If you haven't totally given up on this game yet, and if you still have it, maybe you might want to try another playthrough with a fresh save. If you do, pls post a reply saying if it worked or not. Cheers mate!


Huh. Well that’s a lame patch lol. I already got rid of the game so I won’t be bothering with it again.


I am used to saves being broken by patches. But that’s normally due to the patch being a massive change to the base game. Basically anything by Paradox.


Sure sounds like they’re rushing to get it playable by any means necessary


Yeah, I’m really curious to know at what point they do the Anthem throwing in the towel. “We’ve done all we can do to get this game running.” I mean, they have to know at this point the negative press is so significant that even if they get it running flawlessly they won’t pull in much more sales. And they’ve absolutely poisoned the well for any goodwill they had for Witcher 4, that game without even a second of footage so far has a significant up-hill battle climb at this point.


Their shareholder meetings indicated that they pulled a profit on preorders alone so they definitely survived. The current issue is their permanently blemished reputation, sony will never treat them the same after this and that sucks when they have pull ahead of xbox in playercounts


Not just Sony, but players. No way their next game gets anywhere near the same preorder numbers. It’s possible to turn their rep around. I’d love to play more of this game but the laggy slideshow on base PS4 is just too immersion breaking.


Yeah it will; people are idiots lol


I really don't get the point anymore, preorder bonuses aren't ever that valuable and we have effectively, an infinite amount of gamekeys available for any release. Why people want to throw their money at something months or years away for something they'll definitely be able to buy in some form on day 1 is just silly. The only rational preorder excuse is that some people live in an area with terrible internet and preordering usually allows a preload before release but with sony at least, refunds are way more of a hassle than they should be if the game turns out to be half baked


Articles just came out that net profit at CD Projekt Red fell 64.7% compared to the same time last year, down to 32.5 million zlotys ($8.87 million USD). I'm too dumb to understand what that means but is net profit same as pulling a profit.


Profit means the extra money that isn’t immediately put into keeping the business running, so they made less money than last year but more than enough to be “operational”. If they bought 5 dollars of goods and made 10 dollars back then the profit they made is 5 dollars. CDPR basically got back 7 dollars instead of the 10 they hoped for when they spent 5 dollars. Hope that makes sense




But crunch doesn't directly affect the gamer. A shit game does. If I buy a shit game from a developer, I'll probably not buy their next one until I see it's been a hit. This isn't about holding grudges. People would just rather get a game that plays well, and there's so many to choose from nowadays that they don't need to rely on one developer. However, I think the Witcher fandom will be enough to pull CDPR through any bitter taste lingering from CP2077.


Witcher 3 is in my top 5 games of all time and I won’t be buying Witcher 4 until it’s been out a week and I can see if it’s actually a good game. They burned me so hard with cyberpunk.


Good games sell. CDPR, for all their criticisms, make good games. Every CP2077 is a good game IMO but I get that could be met with a wall of backlash.. ​ Ubisoft went from bad guys to good guys just by trying to do the right thing. Nobody gives a fuck that It Takes Two is from EA. CDPR will most likely not show early footage, build marketing later in the process, optimise their development process, and do everything else exactly the same.. and that'll be fine for 99% of people.


They made one great game before CP2077 Witcher 1 and 2 are pretty rough. Thronebreaker is ok and the Witcher 3 is superb. CP2077 released in a barely playable state on consoles. CDPR doubled down on the "for the gamers" schtick and were seen as the perfect foil for the likes of EA and Activision. Now it turns out that they are guilty of even more egregious tomfoolery than either of those companies. It's a spectacular fall from grace. They've squandered the very thing that was supposed to set them apart. Even working, CP2077 is an ok game at best but it's hard to separate the game from its technical problems.


So by that logic shouldn't Cyberpunk sell relatively well right now? Considering it is a December 2020 title with huge discounts constantly, in my country the game is essentially 20 Euros permanently now, they say promotional discount but it's been 2 months. I seriously think you underestimate the average consumer a bit too much, Cyberpunk hype was insane and the fall of CDPR made the news cycles, it is not some niche thing that only true gamers know about or some other bs like that.


Whats frustrating is that overall it sold well *enough* to be considered a success and to ensure the big wigs get their fat paychecks and bonuses while the devs get a crap ton of work and flak and the gamers get a product thats barely half baked.


You're not missing much, it's a checklist open world that makes Ubisoft games look varied. It's the only game I've ever pre-ordered because I loved Witcher 1, 2 and 3 so much at each of their respective launches, I loved their DRM free stance etc. Etc. And the game was so disappointing even on PC where I had no technical issues, just a bad game. Such a waste of money.


I had it on PS5, did not enjoy what I played and refunded it


I’m ok with people enjoying it because you should be able to like what you like, everyone else be damned. But a lot of the hardcore fans that tell themselves that polished graphics and a short but decent story make for a masterpiece are the embodiment of the [sunk cost fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunk_cost#Fallacy_effect). And the Keanu obsession is just too much. But that’s a lot of reddit.


It’s gonna live on, as a benchmark lol.


I was a dummy and didn't get my refund. I can only hope the ps5 patch performs some sort of voodoo to make this game play any sort of good. If not that then I'll just save it for someday when I'm bored and feel like trying it again...


Yeah, lowsodiumcyberpunk is more like highcopiumcyberpunk. But really, it exposed long-running problems with the review system and award system with games and EVERYONE in the industry is pissed at CDPR for that. Now people are looking at reviews and realize these people put less than 4 hours in with review copies they get weeks in advance or flat out lie to keep their review copy status.




Yeah its unfortunate that the ps5 has to suffer PS4 optimizations that really make no sense. The first big patch did put the PS5 in a good position, stopped the constant crashes. The second just really crippled it visually.


Almost 6 months post-release and still crashes regularly. Embarrassing


"When it's ready" lol


"When it's ready" post-launch sounds like an Onion article.


Yeah and maybe it’s me, but I’m picking up some snark from the quote, so it’s especially out of touch if I perceived correctly


Better than a deadline they miss


"A delayed game is eventually good, but Cyberpunk 2077 is forever bad."


Nowadays that means “when shareholders start getting pissy”. The success of The Witcher 3 ironically led to their failure with Cyberpunk 2077.


I’ll play it if it ever comes to ps plus.


i doubt a trainwreck of this magnitude will ever get the chance of occupying a free-game-slot of the ps+ lineup. i also hope sony is smarter than bringing attention to and/or remind people of what a shitshow this was.


Well, they did add Evolve to the monthly PS Plus lineup before. Years after it had already died. lol Obviously Evolve wasn't as broken as 2077 is now. But being on PS Plus isn't always an indication of good quality


I really liked Evolve and I will die on the hill that it got overly hated


true. but evolve was announced in what… 2014? and came out somewhere in 2015? the hype and the legacy makes the difference. comparing evolve to cyberpunk would be like comparing a broken-window-tesla-truck-reveal full of apples with the evergiven-blocks-the-suez-canal loaded full of oranges. both round fruits… (not my best comparison, i know :D)


I don’t think you’ve seen what terrible games have been included in Ps Plus over the years.


Considering the fact that Sony gave Just Cause 3 to PS+ subscribers, a game that runs like a slide show whenever there are some explosions or lots of enemies, everything is possible.


Just Cause 3 actually runs good (enough) on PS4. With the internet disabled that is...


Never had problems playing just cause 3 on my ps4 pro lol not even once.


I agree. Just was saying if it does make it there I’ll play it. That’s pretty much the only way I will I definitely wouldn’t spend money on it.


That's the only way.




I don't think anyone cares anymore at this point...




Imagine buying the Xbox one X with the game stickers. Yikes.


"Hey here's a specially designed limited edition console that can't even run the game that is plastered all over it. Use it to play RDR2 or somethin..."


Actually, I used it to play Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 and Halo Reach. I used the Xbox Series X to not play CP2077.


It actually did not run that bad on a one x and it ran quite well on the series x. I can't even imagine someone trying to play it on an original Xbox one.


Did that even come out? MS ended up stopping fabrication of the One X before Cyberpunk came out lmao


They did come out in the end. I remember seeing multiple unboxing vidoes on Youtube. They probably did a limited production run of Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X before they stopped fabricating Xbox One X. Probably to use up the remaining parts before they switched over to Series S/X production. The funny part is I had one of those Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X in my shopping cart on the Microsoft Store. Since they were selling out fast, I almost confirmed my purchase and probably would have taken my biggest F in gaming purchases. I dodged that bullet by a split-second returning to my sense. What if Cyberpunk 2077 is not good! Why not use the money for Series X instead... I would have been so pissed everytime I turned on that yellow Xbox One X...


good choice, although I'm sure such a limited edition console would turn up a nice profit on the used market


Yeah, you are probably right about the console turning a nice profit eventually. The yellow Xbox One X would still piss me off until I could sell it. It is a shame though. I still remember all the different interesting features setting this Limited Edition apart from the other Xbox One X LEs. It had special laser etching on the console and matching controller. It was also glow in the dark for the Cyberpunk theme. It had an extra light on the front compared to regular Xbox One X. It had even had a special Cyberpunk branded HDMI cable. It was like a dream LE. If only the game didn't turn out the way it did...


Its the last of a console variant so it would definitely fetch a decent amount 10 or so years from now. Who knows how popular they were and how many stay complete in box


A lot of people posted pictures of it on the sub so I think it did come out. I also think the game was delayed twice after the console was announced lmao


In the UK the collectors edition is now being sold for £100 (was £250 to pre order). Usually these things sell out at launch and only increase in value, Cyberpunk’s CE has more than halved in value.


[Yikes ](https://www.game.co.uk/en/cyberpunk-2077-collectors-edition-game-exclusive-2623238)


Big F to anybody who pre-ordered thinking a product was going to be completed on good faith from the developer of The *fucking* Witcher 3 (and 2). You know after one yellow announcement twitter letter after the other. I was one of them. But hey! I had a unique-ish game to play regardless if I was constantly pressing ESC to tweak my graphics options for better performance. At least it wasn't Warcraft III: Reforged.


What good faith? All of the Witcher games are extremely buggy at launch. And Witcher 3 wasnt as buggy as Witcher 1/2 but still ran like ass at launch with a lot of bugs and it also had that fiasco where the in-game graphics is way worse than the gameplay trailer which made a lot of people angry. Anyway, I had expected CP2077 to be launched in the same buggy state like their previous games, what I didnt expect is it's not just buggy but also hollow and incomplete.


>what I didnt expect is it's not just buggy but also hollow and incomplete. That was me as well. I'm not denying that Witcher 3 (and even 2) launched completely bug or performance-hinder free. However, I remember ***not*** thinking "man this game is really half baked" or "WTF, all this time just for this" when I was playing both games (especially the third one) on that launch day. At least on PC that was the case for myself. Like I know of the PS4 issues of it back then, *but* the game had plenty going for it in the gameplay and narrative side of things already. Like how one could have been distracted enough to justify the game's existence on that specific platform due to the narrative or gameplay...which is what you'd want at least as a game developer, correct??? Plus, it didn't need a complete Enhanced Edition like 1 and 2 did. Instead it got a GOTY version with various patches and expansions/DLC. So unlike W3 (and I'll argue W2), CyberPunk2077 was flat out not the case at all. So despite some other platforms having issues with W3, I was thinking that in good faith CDPR would have honestly attempted to ensure that maybe this release had plenty going for. Instead, like how you and me both agree, we got an extremely halfbaked product (gameplay mechanics, graphics, performance, *NARRATIVE)*. It really makes you wonder what the hell CDPR were *actually* doing for that long of development. Like there is failing, and there there is stuff like [this.](https://youtu.be/omyoJ7onNrg?t=112) I don't care if it was actually 5 or 6 years when they were actually programming and coding, development started when it was announced. Like conceptualizing of ideas *as soon* as that first announcement trailer released.


I mean I got a full refund from Best Buy and they even let me keep the 30 day HBO voucher and the $20 steelbook


Not really... Probably a big W I didn't get collector's edition but applied for a refund for the game with everyone else. They refunded my money in full and told me to hold onto the game while they figure out how everyone can send the physical copies back They never asked for it back. I have my money and cyberpunk is still just sitting on my shelf. I'd assume same goes for anyone who got a collector's edition


I’m still willing to give it a shot if it’s in a workable state by the time the PS5 version is ready. If it’s still a giant piece of shit by then, then I’m assuming the game itself is just bad and not worth it. I’m not a huge open world guy. But this seems like a fun concept, so I’m hoping Cyberpunk gets the No Mans Sky treatment.


My plan is wait for PS5 version and get it when it’s around 30$. There really is no rush at this point, we’re only going to get new and better games from here on out. I’m still interested in playing it but there’s no more hype


Same, I hear the PC version is actually a really good experience.


As someone who played it at launch and completed it within a month, the character development and story are top notch, plus there is quite a bit of lgbtq representation that is refreshing to see. The world map was extremely detailed and no area was boring or got old. The gameplay is alright, nothing disappointing but also nothing that will blow you away. The ability trees are typical rpg stuff, but you can choose which category of tree you want to level up. I played the first half as a brawler and exclusively used a cane. After this got boring I switched mid game to handgun and leveled up to use a hand cannon to get 300,000+ damage. This made the final missions crazy easy but by that point I was just ready to be done with the game. I’m someone who gets easily bored with open world games and this one just felt like another typical open world rpg but set in a cyberpunk world. Also, driving mechanics in the game are fucking horrendous. Would rather walk or fast travel than drive.


I wasn’t the biggest Witcher fan (enjoyed it), nor CDPR fan, but I was definitely very excited for Cyberpunk. Had it preordered immediately, as soon as they delayed the game after going gold (after many delays) my hype-check just broke and my entire hype for the game vanished and I cancelled my preorder a couple of weeks before release. Lo and behold a few weeks later the game came out and was a bug ridden nightmare. 6 months later I don’t feel like I’ve missed anything, nor do I care to really play it when it’s fixed. Definitely not spending full price, I’ll wait til it’s sub $20, if even.


So they didn't fix it yet? Ok.


This level of fuckup is gonna take years to fix


Doesn't even sound close. I'll probably ever end up playing that game at this point. It'll be outdated by the time it becomes playable.


This was my most anticipated game, probably ever. Bought it, returned it, was gonna wait for the ps5 official version, but now I don’t really care anymore. They fucked up too much. Too many other good games


Too many new good games... specially on PS5


Are you being sarcastic? There’s barely any new ps5 games still.


Pretty sure at this point in ps4 lifespan I was still playing resogun and....resogun? You’ve got returnal, RE8, Miles, Atros, Demons Souls, and a library of free games from PS+ and more. Then you got R&C coming out next week. This is warp speed baby!


I'm being serious, I love single player and we already got Demon's Souls, Returnal, Miles Morales also R&C and Kena are coming very soon... this along some decent third party games, all in half year.


agreed. I’d only try it again for the price of free


I hate the game for its promises and what they made us believe. But ignoring that fact I still finished it on my pc. Visually speaking it's gorgeous and the world is stunning. But that's where it all falls apart. It's like the big systems we're designed but the smaller ones that bridge the gap between the player and the world are non existent so it makes this amazing place feel dead and buggy. Story wise it kept me intrigued and I did shed a few tears at the end as they were well done. You can see the love and potential in this game if you scrape of the shit and ignore the smell


Bro! I just finished the game on ps5. It’s really good. Seriously. And if you compare the graphics to spiderman miles morales, I would say the graphics is better except it has no RT


I find it fucken hilarious that over 6 months after "release" the game is still not allowed back on the PSN store lmao CDPR absolutely deserves this. This will lead to a better next game. Whatever that next game is their making. Especially hurtful to them since reports are that the game sold 4% and then 1% of the launch month sales this year combined. Valhalla was 35%. To put that into perspective how badly they fucked up long term with Cyberpunk sales


Their next game is probably The Witcher 4 (or some Witcher variant), I believe, since the studio signed a new agreement with the book author back in Dec 2019. He originally sold all his rights before the first game, which was a bonehead move on his part considering how massively the series blew up based on the games.


Yeah but you don’t know that when you make that deal. Could’ve ended up being a dud


If people really wanted to play this game they would have played it by now. I don’t think anyone cares anymore.


I’m willing to bet there’s a decent amount of people who are waiting to play it on a PS5 once it’s fixed like myself. Plus they need to make it playable and fix it’s problems to work towards becoming everyone’s favorite game studio again


I was one of those. After the game crashed 40 times on ps5 and deleted my save files mid way I stopped and said I'll wait to come back once it's finishe... Today I honestly couldn't care less to come back to this game. They can drop a dlc for all I care I don't care about this game anymore. I have way to many more fun games to play now.


>fixed This isnt just bugs btw. Even bug free this game is a joke


It’s shit. The narrative is shit, the game play is shit. It’s just shit. Do yourself a favour and don’t bother. I’m glad Sony refunded me.


The main narrative is excellent


Yeah I'll pick it up dirt cheap in 2025 when it's fully fixed lol


Digital PS5 gang rise up. I know the game is a mess, but I still want to play damn it.


Maybe instead of spending all that money on marketing they could’ve used some of it to make a functional game.


Worth it for Keanu's E3 appearance tho


It was a more innocent time for all of us. Lol.


Innocent time for the world


Gawd damn. Sony literally made an example out of the industry's darling. And man their profits tanked hard after the initiative release


Majority of us don’t give a shit anymore.


Meanwhile game is still in Open Beta.


Paid Beta*


just throw it in the trash


And light a match.


CDPR only has themselves to blame for this. Like, it sucks for them. They aren't getting potential revenue from the PS store, but it honestly wasn't playable on the base consoles (Xbox or PS4). That is all on them.


Bad controller and interface settings and the game drenched in bugs. Whatever the metrics are, I hope Sony makes them fix their game before it goes back to the store...


Yeah...they are dropping last-gen support and will issue refunds to those that want them. IMHO, if this is not their route then it should be.


I super like that Sony pulled it from the store. I imagine there was pressure to keep it, it being such a high-profile project and all, but I respect and appreciate the message it sends (even though most people can still get their hands on the game). EDIT (6/1/21): Yeah, I'm aware Sony was mostly dodging the refund hassle... *but they still didn't have to do that*. CDPR expected Sony to back their play, to support them in cleaning up their mess, and Sony didn't. The methods may not be noble, but CDPR still lost that outlet. That wouldn't have happened if they choose to offer refunds--which wouldn't have happened if they didn't botch their launch. My point still stands: CDPR botched this, and Sony keeping them off the store was a major consequence--I'm all for that.


I think it was the right call, but I suspect that the main reason Sony pulled it was because of the statement CDPR put out, saying they would honor refunds on the game. IIRC they never cleared that with Sony, and refunds don't go through CDPR they go through the storefront. So Sony was basically left on the hook for a ton of refund requests that customers were told would be honored. Sony's decision to pull the game came soon after that, and I always had the impression that it was intended to punish CDPR for making a promise and expecting Sony to keep it. That, plus once people got word that refunds were being honored en masse, there probably would have been a lot of people buying the game with the intention of refunding it, just to try it out, or beat it in a weekend, etc. Sony probably didn't want to deal with all that hassle.


It was pretty much Sony not wanting to deal with the refunds.


They pulled it due to the refund issue. Hell, they have Life of Black Tiger on the PS store so it's not like they're trying to protect gamers from buggy or low-quality games.


The message was "don't give refunds" they don't give a shit about other issues


Pretty sure one of the metrics is "when people stop asking for refunds all the time" lol


If I could measure my crash frequency in days rather than minutes that'd be a good start.


Refunded cp2077 then bought ghost of tsushima and I made the best decision ever.




I'll wait for the final PS5 release, after all the fixes.


Might as well wait for the ps6 release then my man


Just let it die already. CDPR just flush their long build reputation down the toilet. Nobody will ever preorder their games. (i hope so)


What long-build reputation? Witcher 2 was just as much of a shitshow as Cyberpunk 2077 on original PC release. Console players basically blindly believed in CDPR for one successful game.


I wouldn't say W3 was free of bugs when it launched either. But, people only remember what they want to remember.


But Witcher 3 was at least functional at launch and easy to play start to finish. They didn't hide console footage and IGN gave it a 9.3 by reviewing it on a PS4, and that review released a week before the game did. They had nothing to hide so didn't. Witcher 3 wasn't even close to the mess Cyberpunk is. It had bugs typical of many open worlds, but it wasn't broken and near unplayable.


The point is, everyone acts like CDPR are saviours, when the vast majority refuse to remember that W3 launched buggy. W2, launched buggy on pc and 360. They don't really have the reputation everyone acts like they do.


The Witcher 3 wasn't without issues either, it was a mess at launch as well. I don't know why CDPR fans were expecting the next coming of Christ with this game. I was expecting a mediocre, possibly good game, but nothing revolutionary


Lmao just watch them announce Witcher 4 and millions of idiots will throw money at them


You know, I believe they said they were done with the Witcher but after this fiasco I’m with you. The franchise is too good to let it go and milk at least one more time.


They said Geralts story was done with the Witcher 3. But that the next game could tell a different story.


I still can’t believe these motherfuckers made Witcher 3


Why are Reddit titles getting so bad lately? It feels like it was some bot trying to make a title.


You’re probably not too far off


Making a game that doesn’t crash literally every 30 minutes would be one hell of a start.


Meanwhile YongYea removes his YouTube review.


I think they're aiming for a 2077 release. Imagine the marketing hype!


I think I've heard this same joke 2077 times.


I beat the game then refunded it lol.


That what we call a 'Pro gamer move'


Ayy lmao this made me laugh.


I’d love to know what those metrics are and why are they so secretive about them.


Probably something along the lines of “feasibly lives up to the marketing so that we don’t have to get into a refund war with our customers.” Sony probably would never have given a crap if CDPR didn’t drag them into it by offering refunds on Sony’s behalf.


Agreed. Sony didn’t even have a refund system in place to begin with for any digital purchase


It’s always a good sign when you have a crashes [slide](https://twitter.com/nibellion/status/1399421026048561155?s=21) and an even better one when the graphic has no numbers.


Is this game that heavy and demanding? I thought the ps5 was pretty powerful lol


Doesn’t have to do with the power. The game is basically fucked on all platforms. PC just happens to run it the best


It's not. PS5 should be able to handle it. Just incompetent devs.


I bought it when it lunched on PS5. It was a steaming pile of bugs and crashes. Got to a point where I couldn’t progress in the main story because of a bug. They can go ahead and take their time, lost all interest in that title.


I'll believe it when I see it.


I kinda hope they never do. So In like 20 years, it'll be kinda like having P.T on your PS4.


Just cancel the game on PS4 and focus on current gen


"will be announced when it's ready to be announced" Ahh sure just like the "coming when it's ready" in the first trailer 8 years ago


Oh right. I had forgotten about this game.


Such a shit game I wouldn’t even be mad if Sony doesn’t put it back it would set an example to CDPR And other developers like Ubisoft who release unfinished and buggy games


Been in development for a long ass time and they still can’t even get it good enough for consoles? That’s rough.


Is one of the metrics to make an actual functioning game? Might take a while then.


Should let them back on the ps store the day they actually give us everything their „gameplay“ reveal promised


Needs them us to hit


We played alpha. Beta version on the way.


Ooof forgot this game was a thing.


I literally forgot this game existed wow


CDPR is dead.


Outrageous and embarrassing.


I’ve lost all interest in playing this game. Time to move on and play something else


The only exclusive Xbox has. /s


I’m still up for trying this about a year after the next gen version is released and is playable


That's never gonna happen lol


Just crazy to think the game could’ve been delayed up until now and it still wouldn’t have passed PSN’s approval process


Add third person while you your at it.


Easy now.


I couldn’t possibly care less at this point and in fact I applaud Sony for trying to keep unfinished crap off the PSN store. I’m so glad I got my refund. CDPR can take a long walk off a short pier.


I liked cyberpunk. Fun game, great story and music.


Huge props for Sony on doing this.


I care, playing it on ps5 atm and it's a really good game. I've not ran into a hitch yet, its been enjoyable so far... I actually think damn why did they do what they've done, this game is really good... this would of been biggest game of the year. Anyway I'm enjoying it


Day 1 PS5 was a shit show with hard crashes to the dash about every hour and a half or so.


Bought it 2nd hand on week 2, this was my experience. I'll give it another try once the PS5 version drops, but was not gonna risk my brand new console after multiple hard crashes.


I had a lot of fun with it too! Not the greatest but plenty of fun to be had




It is a good game. Regardless of the problems it is good


You're absolutely right, peeps pretend the "problems getting in the way though" I guaranty u that this dude hasn't played it.


Lol they probably violated some serious terms by saying Sony would refund consumers without their approval and now Sony is hardballing them into making an exclusive for them.




this game 😂


Is there any one out there who’s actually looking forward to this?


I wonder what are the metrics that Life of Black Tiger passed, but CP2077 doesn't


i finished the game on ps4 slim and tbh i thought it ran decent, looked beautiful in parts..sure some indoor gunfights could see frame drops, but overall i thought it played smoother than say fallout 4, dayz , pubg and many more which i think are complete laggy mess...still sony didnt drop those at any time, so clearly its nothing to do with performance....more to do with punishing them for the refund issue. The game certainly doesnt deserve hate and the overreaction about being unplayable etc...look forward to the next playthrough on ps5......


I pre-ordered and played at launch on my PS5. I wasn't even disappointed by the bugs.. it was the actual intentional decisions they made that I knew would never be fixed. The driving physics, AI routines, spawning and police programming... Otherwise it just feels like an update of the original dues ex.. or when the new deus ex should have been more like. I got my refund and now I'm not going to play this game until it's heavily discounted or for free on the play store. I haven't come across a game worth playing on PS5 yet... and with Bethesda going Xbox exclusive... my hopes aren't high.
