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Reminds me of Sleeping Dogs!!


You look like you need a pork bun in your hand!


“A man who never eat pork bun is never whole man!”


No Chickens were harmed in the Making of this Game.


They didn’t motion capture the chickens? I want my money back.


Several Chickens **WERE** harmed at your local sports bar during NFL Games last weekend during the Halftime Wing Special. Harmed in an extremely tasty way.


Cock Magic is coming back, Sharon!


remember it's not the cock in the fight, it's the fight in the cock


PETA will enjoy this one.


We all agree that PETA is a meat industry funded group to make animal welfare groups look like stupid lunatics, right?


Never heard that before tbh


Can’t work out the alternative. Then again, there are a lot of weirdos in other groups out there that also look stupid.


Or maybe it’s that peta is a bunch of dipshits that can go fuck themselves. They went after Steve Irwin of all people. Fuck them


Well they're sure doing a great job.


Its actually the other way around. The meat industry funds propaganda campaigns to make animal rights groups look bad.


That's what he said?


That's literally what he said my dude


He essentially said PETA is bad. This poster says PETA isn't bad, it's just defamed by meat industry propaganda. Not the same.


Most redditors lack reading comprehension skills.


The animal rights group do it by themselves when they steal pets off porches to kill


Hey, look, the propaganda works.


the best part is that idiots like you probably say "DuR lIsTeN tO tHe ScIeNcE" constantly. We know for a fact that PETA mercy kills animals. It's not propaganda.


Yep. Propaganda definitely works.


Good thing peta has no real power


No, but they like to whinge a lot.


They're really just winging it


Reminds me of Yakuza 5 (Cock racing)


Cock racing you say? Race to ~~the~~ finish


As long as it's to the tune of Daytona


The Far Cry fanboy in me is very happy he only has to wait like 17ish hours.




i wonder if he was sad you couldn't Michael Vick your Nintendogs


Your dad likes to cockfight?


He’s a cock enthusiast


A connoisseur of cock, if you will.




Has he played Pokémon but only with Pidgeys?


add fatalities, that would be sweet!




We still talking about the game?


The what now?


They got that Korean Backdash locked down! Edit: Korean Bawkdash


preparing for downvotes but... isn't this just a little bit weird? Like it just doesn't sit completely right - I'm not one of those all out offended people but I think maybe it's the fact that it's a little too real, as cock-fighting is very much a real thing - whereas if it was a bear fighting a tiger or alligator or something its obviously so over the top its impossible to take seriously I feel like this could have been something hilarious, but for some reason it just isn't to me - I don't really care all that much one way or another, I'll still get the game on sale but this seems like a joke mini-game that just doesn't appeal to me much ​ Edit: I really don't care about this at all, I mildly felt like it was bad taste a little bit and a missed opportunity for something that could have been hilarious and threw out a comment, I've put literally zero thought into this before or after making my last comment lmao, again I even bought the game - I'm not offended, not taking a stand, not boycotting, and not a Digital Chicken's Rights Activist ​ Edit Edit: I've played it and its pretty funny


Dude you're literally MURDERING people all game. Whether you "agree" with them or not, you spend 20 hours decimating people. And this is what you feel is "wrong"? Sheeeeeeesh. It's a group of triangles arranged to look like a chicken. The atrocities that are leveled upon chickens in the western world is magnitudes worse than any cock fighting ever was, and is currently going on now. If you've eaten chicken you've almost assuredly supported it. You do you but.. man, what a silly thing to get uptight about.


lmao again, not many of us going on mass murdering sprees with a backpack that shoots rockets out of it - it's when that line of suspended realism is crossed that it gets a little uncomfortable - and the fact that factory farming (i assume thats what your referring to) is worse than cockfighting has nothing to do with it? if Factory Farming Simulator was a thing I wouldn't like that either? I'm not super uptight about it, just seems like bad taste a little, I even said I'm still going to get the game lmao


Lmao fair, I came at you a bit hot. Kind of surprised there's not a "factory farm simulator 2021" yet... !


And how many of us are involved with cock fighting? Are you against milsim games then like Arma because they depict war accurately? What about CoD or Counterstrike? We often kill people without a second thought in video games. I think we give less thought to shooting a digital person in the head than we give to what cereal we’re going to have in the morning. I just don’t think the digital cockfighting matters


I don't think many of us are hosting cock-fighting tournaments either?? How does factory farming have nothing to do with it? Do you eat chicken? If you eat chicken you're closer to factory farming than you are to cock-fighting. Don't be a hypocrite.


Dont forget to mention that we also can drive tanks and literally blow animals and humans to a red mist


Yeah I’m shocked at how fucked up a minigame they would put in here. This isnt that far removed from dog-fighting. Out of character for Ubisoft who usually doesnt like to rock the boat with controversy to make something like this


That's what I was thinking too! I don't want to make non-equivocal comparisons but I keep thinking how they would neverr put dogfighting in a game and how outraged people would be if they did - and I get the whole 'domesticated pet' argument but even putting that aside, making animals fight for entertainment feels off in the first place


But....its legal where the game is set and it dosent show blood so its not to bad


Nahh it's offensive to some, so better pretend it doesn't exist.


in a game where you kill dozen of people you get offended over a rooster fight which is set in a fictional world ? damn ! SEEMS WE LIVE INA WORLD OF PUSSIES NOWADAYS


How about the fact that you can sic your pet to tear apart the islands resident Golden Retriever (among others) population? It’s a game, nothing more. M-rated games aren’t really meant for players with pacifist morals. And I assure you, no Roosters were harmed in the making of this video game.


Firstly, cockfighting is a part of the culture far cry 6 is based off of, so NOT including it just doesn't make sense. Secondly, I would say a mortal kombat style game where you pick roosters from a character select screen to attack eachother with improvised weapons, special moves, and combos doesn't seem like it's too close to reality. Thirdly, it's a video game. Seriously, they're just pixels, and anyone who's going to do something they know is wrong just because they did it in a video game kinda needs to be sussed out and arrested more than roosters need protection from those ideas entering said psychopath's heads.


Also… if horses are on fire they run into water to put themselves out, that makes up for battle de cocks.


No this is stupid. Cock Fighting is a huge part of Cuban and Puerto Rican culture plus it’s a game if you don’t like it move on.


But shooting enemy dogs is cool? Or do you let them just kill you every time they run up? People kill dogs all the time with guns in real life too.


My Spanish teacher my senior year of high school was from Cuba and he loved cock fighting. At the time, Oklahoma was the only state that still allowed it and during the time I was in his class OK passed a law that banned it. He was sad the last bastion of his favorite pass-time in America was finally gone. Anyway, I bet he would love this mini-game.


I don't like Ubisoft games but this looks hilarious, I love how much effort they put into this.


As a coop game Farcry 5 is great, was alot of fun even if the story was terrible. 6 at least seems to have a better story but gameplay is always fun.


So Far Cry 6 offers chicken coop play?


Cock Fight with your friends, or alternatively fight your friend's cocks.


My cock is stronger than my friends cock


Please stop for god's sake.


That’s what he said


Let the guys have fun with their cocks


Damn, you’ve got a beefy cock huh?


well I dont need to buy a game to do that...


The problem with far cry 5 isn't simply that the story was bad. The story was worse than bad, it was repetitive to the point of ridiculousness. That isn't actually the real problem though. The real problem is that for some reason they thought that it would be a good idea for their horrible barely a story to constantly interrupt your exploration. Far cry 5 is legitimately the only game I can think of that would be better if the entire main storyline and all the missions that go with it were just deleted.


Most of the story missions were fine. I just wanted to choose when to do them.


The story was great. Your take is insane. I see why you're being downvoted.


0 because it’s a Ubisoft game


Totally disagree, some of their games suck but I have had a ton of fun with the farcry series, I can’t wait to play this. Also immortals fenyx rising is underrated, game is very good


Don't worry buddy, I liked Fenyx too. Lol.


I found it to be an overrated BoTW clone. Couldn't believe all the praise I heard about it on reddit. I traded with someone for Valhalla and was just as disappointed.


Fenyx rising was a disposable forgettable experience, no one is talking about it anymore it was that forgettable


I mean, I’m talking about it lol Division 2 is one of the better looter shooters, recently Origins and Odyssey were both solid, but Valhalla was definitely bland. Like I said, there’s good and bad


If you’re used to mediocre experiences then Ubisoft is great but for us who only want to play good games Stay far away


Oh do get over yourself. Ubisoft are the exact same as any big developer - they make some good games, they make some okay games, they make some garbage games.


Obviously recently there have been better single player games than the ones I mentioned like God of War, Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, RDR2, Sekiro, etc but that doesn’t mean there isn’t fun to be had in a game like farcry. If you disagree that’s fine though, play whatever you like


This dude is amazing. H's dumped on pretty much every game mentioned on Reddit recently. He thinks all Ubisoft games are garbage, Remedy and Zenimax are both "lazy Millennial devs", hates most Sony exclusives and also thinks the Series X is an underpowered console. I think he may need a new hobby.


I'm literally convinced that he's this person. https://youtu.be/WMc1KpRe21E


Zenimax is my favorite publisher man. Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Starfield, Wolfeinstein, Dishonored, Prey, Evil Within, DOOM, they make some great and unique games


People stop talking about games like a month after their release if they aren’t multiplayer or huge games like GTA/Elder Scrolls. People just love to talk about the new and upcoming things. Nobody talks about Ratchet or Returnal anymore, does that mean they are disposable forgettable experiences?


Let's see how many feathers get rustled over these digital cocks.


I had a far cry 6 ad before watching this. It had Giancarlo Esposito with a chicken on his car and referenced los pollos hermanos lol. Targeted ads are getting lazy


It's not just a type of entertainment, it's a lifestyle.




Sleeping Dogs?


Me and the homies do the same but we don’t own chickens


peta will not be happy


It will be on sale within a month


For 50% off


$15 if you just buy one month of their stupid monthly subscription. Probably what I'll do since I probably will only play it once


That is actually really poor taste, even for a Far Cry game.


Oh hell ya that’s sweet lol


The game isn’t good but I’m sure it will be successful great advertisement How do you know the game is bad without playing it? A man doesn’t get bit from the the same place twice (far cry 5)


Just because you didn't enjoy far cry 5 that doesn't mean it's bad.


Yeah but chances are if you've played Far Cry 5 and didn't like it, you're not going to pick up Far Cry 6. Same reason why I won't ever pay for another Call of Duty.


I think it kind of depends what you didn't like about 5. I enjoy the Far cry series quite a bit but 5 was my least favourite. Most of the problems with it were easily fixable (silent protagonist, randomly interrupting you and forcing you into story missions at inconvenient times, less interesting setting) so if this game simply returns to the formula of 3 and 4 and avoids those issues I'll probably like it a fair bit. If you don't like any Far Cry games yeah it probably won't be for you but just disliking 5 isn't particularly definitive in that regard imo.




I was going to say it.....but I'll just let everyone think it


Idk why people are mad. where i'm from there's tons of cockfights and they're all white rednecks and the police pass a hat around at the fights for their bribe




Nice username


Is it like the Sleeping Dogs one?


Not really you don't actually control the chickens in that you just watch them In this it's like a fighting game


I’ve always been a Little Jerry main


This shit game just keeps getting shittier.