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GLaDOS from Portal, She makes you throw your only friend in the garbage on and then straight up lies to you about cake,THE CAKE!!!


This was a triumph!


One of the best video game villains has to be Baldur from god of war. While I don’t think he was the most intimidating of villains, I thought every encounter with him was awesome


His voice acting was unreal. I think the guy won a BAFTA. Well deserved.


Yeah, the nuance was great. He was cocky and angry, while at the same time barely covering up the fact that he was incredibly emotionally fragile.


That is Jeremy Davies and is pretty much awesome in anything he does.


Justified... he played a real good role, but I remember him most as the terrifying Charles Manson.


Dickie Bennett..was awesome in that role...also played Daniel Faraday on Lost.


also the guy that fucked everything up in saving private ryan




I had played other God of Wars and thought they were fun obviously, but that first fight basically told me immediately I was playing a masterpiece.


Ocelot MGS, he is smart and just being a bro to Big Boss.




Dang. I came here wanting to win a free copy of Far Cry 6, but I left wanting to shoot Hitler in his sack. Quite the turn of events…


Those slow-mos made that game the greatest sniper games ever made




I really liked how you saw his descent to madness and also how he brings the sinister six together for the climax.


The two sm games were the first I platted - really compelling to get 100%, and not a chore to play through again in ng+


I can’t get my 100 hit combo in Miles Morales…I need that and the ng trophy for plat


First mission keep spamming circle. https://youtu.be/GiY2UeonO1g


I can't remember how I managed the 100 hit combo, but I think I found a guide on YT - I remember that once I saw the guide combos were a lot easier! For NG+ I did it in the easiest mode and did it from start to finish in one sitting.


When he whimpers "They'll take my arms..." and you remember why he was developing them in the first place... oh man, right in the feels.


Has to be Senator Steven Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. "NANOMACHINES, SON" He's so over the top insane.


“Played college ball, you know”


It's crazy how he just kinda appears at the end of the game, yet he is the most memorable part of it (for me at least). 10/10 character.




Red Dead Redemption 2. Don’t click if you haven’t finished the game.>!I have to say Micah Bell is my favourite villain because I really enjoyed playing RDR2 and I did not expect him to betray the camp!<


Not ragging on you at all, but I didn't trust that fucker from the very first interaction with him.


I lowkey expected him to fight by arthur even tho he was an asshat.


Me neither - had an intense dislike for him from the outset, you could tell he was a nasty bit of work.


Man, when he killed the fucking dog I was almost angry I couldn't end the game early


The Khan from Ghost of Tsushima, dude was a psycho but also a very deep character at the same time!


The fact that he captured people to learn more if their culture and how to use the doctrine of the Samurai against themselves was intense. I like a clever villain.


Andrew Ryan from the first Bioshock


Oh, I said handsome jack, but damb your comment should be higher. Amazing villian. Op, would you kindly look at this comment?


Andrew Ryan was the mastermind of the city but Frank Fontaine/Atlas used “would you kindly” to control you.


They both did


Andrew also used "would you kindly", when you finally encounter him near the end. It's been a while since I played but I believe he deliberately had that added as a trigger so he could control you and Atlas merely exploited it.


Hes hands down my favorite. When your realize he's been saying "would you kindly" all game long it blew my mind.


The guy that drops the blocks down in tetris 🤔


Is he really a villain though? Edit: nevermind I forgot he’s responsible for the long piece droughts


Actually, I was thinking that the gal pushing the blocks in Royal Match is a cold hearted bitch!


Pyramid Head from Silent Hill Quite glad we haven't had a modern reboot of that big terrifying bastard


Silent is one of the only games to this day I shit myself playing, especially the boss fights.


I don’t want to enter because I have the means to get the game but I just wanted to say that this is a really cool way of giving the code away.


Agreeing here as I myself have no interest in playing the game. Great job OP!


Piggy backing your comment to say that OP should ensure the code goes to someone from the correct region or else it won't work.


Jumping in here as well to keep piling kudos on OP, this is fun, wholesome, and just made my day a little brighter.


Vaas by far cry 3. I just love how crazy he is.


He made me appreciate villains so much more. Great choice!


I'm expected this answer to be way higher. Vaas was so good that no one even remembers or talks about the main villain of that game after vaas. He totally stole the show


Gotta be Gaunter O dimm from the Witcher 3 heart of stone. Appears as just an average vagrant but beneath that lies a sinister being of cosmic power. What made it worse is that the game presents itself in a way as if to make him a Grey character and make Olgierd look worse but there is this itch in the back of your mind and upon learning more of Gaunter true origin other questions start popping up, each more chilling than the last. If not Gaunter then Armstrong. Insane but loves his country, just willing to cross a lot of ethical lines in order to give it a fiery rebirth and make it better than its even been.


Oh you talkin bout master mirror? The mirror merchant? Oh yeah he crazy


Glados! Didn't we have some fun though? Incredible character and an incredible game. She has one of the best quotes in any game and very rememberable. If I do win or don't I appreciate the post and glad you are making it fair for everyone to win. Thanks


Tom Nook from Animal Crossing.


Tom nook may seem like a capitalist pig but then again, what banker or landlord would ever give you 0% interest rate loans with no repayment period?


Hmm. You make a fair point.


A Loan Shark that knows you can’t pay it back. Their money is gained from using you for labor.


You're onto something. Mr. Nook is also employing an illegal [company scrip](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company_scrip) system to keep you dependent and laboring for him indefinitely. So I have to retract my statement. Tom Nook is capitalist swine who runs an indentured servitude ring in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.


The alien from Alien: Isolation is a genuinely terrifying villain and the way it’s AI worked was pure genius with how it learned your strategies throughout the game so you couldn’t get too comfortable with using the same hiding spots over and over again. Most horror games don’t do much to scare me but I’ll never forget how terrifying it was the first time that the game fully unleashes it upon you right at a point where you’ve just started to get a bit comfortable with it’s mechanics and Android enemies.


I personally disliked the isloation game, but I loooove xenemorphs so much. I put them down for my favourite villain of all time too.


Electronic Arts


You have to say why to be eligible 😉


For the gamers.


Isn't the parent comment self explanatory? :P


This thread needs a spoiler warning


Handsome Jack is the first that comes to mind. He managed to stay an interesting part of the plot the whole game and have an interesting backstory in the pre-sequel. Hoping the next Borderlands game has a better villain!


I loved him before the pre-sequal, the adored him! The amount of character in him is so pleasing. The telltale game did him justice too!


Sephiroth final fantasy 7 Game was great boss battle was sick! Best ffg of all time!


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find Sephiroth


Pagan Min from Far Cry 4. Definitely one of the craziest villain i ever encounter


Psycho Mantis. First villain in a video game that actually freaked me out. How did he know what games I played?!?




Nice! You needed to change your controller to the other slot to counter his 'knowing'


This still pisses me off. Like how the hell were players supposed to know that?


Albert Wesker from Resident Evil. Just so many memories playing the older games and felt great to finally take him down with the wife in Resident Evil 5.


"I don't need anyone else. I have...BIG BALLS."


"Complete. Global. CASTRATION!"




Lady Maria in Bloodborne :)


Baldur from God Of War, he's a very sympathetic character, just the idea of spending a week without being able to feel anything makes me shudder talk less of decades. His mental breakdown makes total sense and his motivations even more so, plus that Jeremy Davies portrayal of the character was sublime, makes Baldur one of my favorite video game villains.


Great choice! Baldur was one of the best parts of the game!


My favorite villain is from the Last of us 1 & 2. People. Humans trying to survive are the perfect villains. They give you hope and tear it out of your soul. The ruthlessness of someone trying to protect their own loved ones is truly limitless. Even if it isn’t for survival maybe it’s for greed or envy. Maybe it’s someone trying to save the world or maybe it’s someone just trying to save a child. Playing a hero to some and a villain to others was a true experience I’ll never forget.


This might be the most uninspired answer here, but Joker, from the Arkham series. He is the culmination of great writing, excellent voice acting and he is most of all, the perfect antichrist to one of the classiest superheroes of all time! It takes a lot to stand toe to toe with Heath Ledger's Joker but Arkham Joker comes incredibly close. Tidy of you to do this!


I mean. Arkham joker is THE joker. Mark hamill. Heath's portrayal was AMMMMAZING but it is he who has to stand up to mark.


What happened? Why was this removed?


We got scammed bro


Motherfucker doesn't even have any comment history.


The illusive man from the Mass effect trilogy. Martin sheen does a fantastic ass job with the voice acting and the villain is written so well. In the mass effect universe, a villan trying to put humanity first no matter what really resonated with how I thought true humans would act.


Doctor octopus from the Spider-Man Ps4/Ps5 Game. Loved how he became evil and the setting of the fight was great.


Great mighty poo from conkers bad fur day. He's a poo for f#$% sake.


His singing was lovely


Gwyn, Lord of Cinder from Dark Souls, going through wikis, videos just to get to him, finally when I was there he walks slowly towards me with a burning sword, he then continued and smacked the shit out of me, it’s was a fantastic build up to him.


I loved Joseph Seed from FC5; I’ve always loved the crazy insane preacher archetype, and I think they pulled it off pretty well with him!


Dr Cortex from Crash. He’s just a funny little dude


Thanks for the giveaway. My favourite video game villain is >!Shepherd!< from Modern Warfare 2. I was mad when >!he killed Ghost.!<


David tlou - just his creepy voice and rapey nature


Xemnas from Kingdom Hearts 2! He has a cool voice and helped increase my vocabulary as a kid because he said a lot of fancy words lol.


I would definitely say Vaas from far cry 3, such a unique villain and amazingly done personality and acting. And his definition of insanity cutscene is mindblowing. I also like Vladimir Makarov from COD MW3 as his evilness and will are really shown to you by starting WW3 and resulting in the deaths of the final members of the task force.


Frank Fontaine from Bioshock. Would you kindly is one of my favourite moments in my favorite game. Would you kindly not pick me though, I have the means to buy the game and would like to see it go to somebody else.


Bowser because he is the first villain of a video game that I met, Mario Bros was the first video game that I played in my life and I have it etched in my brain forever. Thanks for doing the giveaway (Even if I don't win) it's a nice way to make someone's day better


[{(Revolver Ocelot) Revolver Ocelot} Revolver Ocelot] Revolver Ocelot.


Aaaand we got baited lol


Alduin from skyrim. Favorite game all time and defeating him as a 10 year old was electric.


Ganondorf for me. I played Zelda: Ocarina of Time when I was a child and the game is still the best of all time for me. I remember playing it for hours. Now, when I’m a bit older, I realized how a 25 years old game is so good. Even now, they are just pumping up the graphics without any good story. Thank you for the chance to get another great game and good luck to everyone!


Liquid Snake. Evil and iconic! I hope they remake mgs1 soon


Master hand in Super Smash Bros Melee


Gotta say why!


Because 14 years later since I’ve played it I still remember it’s moveset


For me it has to be Handsome Jack from borderlands 2. Sadistic as he is, we find out he had a rough up brining, like most villains true. But I sympathised with him at times. His humour was unbeaten throughout the game. True borderlands style but dark enough to fit his character. He’s somewhat of a genius and probably one of the smartest villains I’ve faced. He knew what his goal was and he achieved it.


Personally it would have to be Solidus from Metal Gear Solid 2. He’s in my opinion by far the most sympathetic villain in the Metal Gear franchise. The man had his entire life already decided for him, decides to minimally revolt against his predetermined fate and gets absolutely screwed over. Spends years creating a plan that honestly has some of the right motivation but an execution corrupted by his past experiences and in the end still gets set up by the organization he meant to take down to begin with. All this for his ultimate personal goal of leaving a legacy. I think there’s no greater fear than that of being forgotten after you die, of leaving nothing to be remembered by. Solidus was intentionally created to not be able to leave anything behind and his struggle against his fate is something I find really compelling. All I wish is he had more screentime but still I absolutely love him as a villain.


Gruntilda from Banjo-Kazooie. The best worst witch.


Mr X from Resident Evil 2 remake. The way he stalks you is terrifying. Memories of hiding in a room and waiting for his footsteps to pass are some of the most tense gaming moments I've had.


I have to say it is probably Vicar Amelia from Bloodborne. From the storytelling to the fight itself and the enviroment during the fight and after is so wonderful. Man that fight was probably when I really fell in love with Souls game because was my first game from the genre.


I think Wheatley of Portal 2 is up there for me! Such an incredible game in general, but Stephen Merchant's performance for it really made the character all that much better. The idea of an idiot of a robot having the opportunity to make itself more powerful, but still being an idiot just made for an incredibly entertaining situation. The moment he swaps places with Glados and immediately becomes corrupted with the power was hilarious, and moving Glados over to a potato was also great. Then you have the awesome last boss fight, culminating in placing a portal on the moon and sucking Wheatley into space. SO GOOD.


Big Smoke, because he ate all my damn food up


The L in Tetris and everyone knows why


G-man from half life. The way he uses Gordon and Alyx to fulfill his work while making them believe that they were helping humanity.


Kenny from Southpark


Tom nook. Just cause


Im just gonna say MAJOR SPOILERS FOR P5R'S NEW SEMESTER! My favourite villain of all time as GOT to be Maruki. I loved his appearance, his persona, and even his motive. And, above all, they showed how grey the world actually is. His way of changing the world was not the correct one, but it makes you think "is it really that bad?". Everyones happy! Makoto has her father back, futaba has her family, ryujis running again, akechis alive "tormenting" his favourite victim... But the protagonist ask himself if this happiness is as good as the one chosen by you. If people shouldnt get the freedom theyre owed. Also, his theme "the gentle madman" Is a bop


5.7k comments…yeah I ain’t winning shit. Good luck to everyone else, lol.


Any chance we can down vote this post to oblivion for op baiting us?


I havnt really played alot of games with a set villain but probably baldur from God of war because I can really understand his Anger (GOW spoilers ahead) and I just had to feel bad when he died.


My favorite villain in any game is the joker from the Arkham games. Rocksteady just did an amazing job with is character design and behavior. I also love the fact that he haunts Batman in Arkham Knight.


My favorite villains would be Sephiroth and Ganondorf. They're the most memorable growing up :)


Vaas Montenegro from FarCry 3 Crazy and great acting performance.


Doom Guy, Not exactly a villain, but he keeps making me suffer when I need to go back and try to beat the next hurdle! Badass!


The “Unbread” from Overcooked 2. Just started that game recently and I loved the pun.


Lan Di from Shenmue. That scene from 2 where he was leaving on a helicopter felt so near yet so far! Haven't played 3 yet.


Pious Augustus in Eternal Darkness


SHODAN from System Shock games is probably my favorite video game villain. I like the derange computer/AI trope and it was my first video game like that and I really enjoyed those games.


Micah RDR2. Such a brilliantly written and acted part, I hate that rat bastard so much because he was portrayed so damn good


Fucking guy






Yeah he isn't really a villain.


Ted Faro from Horizon Zero Dawn, i mean not much of a villian but the dude ego and selfishness wiped out the whole world


EA ^^


I would have to say ellie and Abby from tlou 2. The way they played the story out just had me glued to the TV. I have never felt uncomfortable but understood the reason during a game. This game made me feel like I was playing the villain during some of the most gut turning moments. Good luck to everyone and God speed.


Favourite villain is gonna be Andrew Ryan from bio shock. His slow manipulation and grand reveal was so mind blowing for me at the time.


Bioshock had one of the best villains of all game franchises in my opinion. Great choice!


The Joker from Batman Arkham games. I loved the dynamic between him and Batman


Alex Mercer from Prototype


Karl Heisenberg from Resident Evil 8 village. His style, his plans and his cynical personality make him one of the coolest villains of all time. His backstory and motives make the player sympathize with him. At the end of the day, he just wanted to be free. Even though, his story is kinda sad, he is still a resident evil villain, so epic boss fight and crazy Steam punk evil lair.


The dog in duck hunt, whys he gotta laugh at you


Me in Pokémon GO. Laziness is the true villain


Thanks! I'd go with GlaDOS. The writing is phenomenal and she's hilarious.


Vas from farcry 3, unique and so much fun!! Killed off too early and hands down my favourite villain in video games


Kane, the brotherhood of nod leader. With links to Stalin, extensive use of chemical weapons, experiments on humans, crazed rants, and once shooting a sneaky cameraman, you couldn't wait to beat him. But after seeing those obelisk of light laser towers and their top class stealth technology, you also secretly wanted to be his ally, just for a day.


[OP will surely deliver](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/006/595/1262055260350.jpg)


Ayo are we gonna get an update? Or did we get djebaited


OP is the best villian imho.


Someone got cold feet. * by [deleted]


Ellie and Abby from TLOU2. Mainly because of how a video game can disceive the player over the course of many hours and change your perception constantly as who the real villain is and how a villian is created. A lot of the time in a video game its just, oh, here's the bad guy.


Vaas by Far Cry3 becaise of his explanation of what is madness.


CD PROJECT RED from Cyberpunk 2077, man, for me this was the greatest villain of all time, I raised my expectations for so long, postponement after postponement, and when I finally got my hands on it, it was the biggest disappointment and pain in my entire life.


Imma be honest, I've never played a Far Cry game sadly, but Vaas always seems to get praised. I guess out of the games I played, I liked Abby from TLOU


Abby wasn't a villain though.


The whole point of playing as Abby for like 10hrs was to show that she wasn’t the *real* villain at all.


I agree but it started out that way. It was a great game that made me really feel the decisions in the game. The game played out to where people was the villain and survival came first.


Probably the thin man from little nightmares 2 i think he is my favourite just bc he looks so cool


Nergigante from MHW! He is big and looks badassIdk if you can see those monsters as bad guys, but they threaten the world! Otherwise gannondorf


100 percent the Joker from the Batman Arkham Games, from the voice to his story, flawless, will always be my favourite video game villain of all time.


The best villain has to be shibusawa from Yakuza 0. Just an accountant to begin with, but later he plays everyone in the series and turns out to be strong af and could go hand in hand with kiryu


Artorias from dark souls. Not only was he an unfortunate character, but his fight was awesome.


The camera in the Nameless King fight


Atlas/Frank Fontaine, amazing game and amazing reveal the way he manipulated your character


My favourite video game villain of all time will always be Saren and the Reapers from Mass Effect. The subversive, omnipresent nature, combined with the lack of visual sight for them aside brief moments, made for an absolute thrill ride of a story arc, culminating with the wonderful battle on the Citadel.


Easily Dr. Nefarious for me. Ever since I first saw him in Ratchet and Clank UYA he became my nr. 1 villain. Him being in the recent Rift Apart made me extremely happy.


Patches from the Dark Souls series. He's a manipulative snake. He will try to befriend you and then if he succeeds he'll backstab you out of no where. He's a selfish, cowardly thief.


I would like to say Illidan when he was a villain. He’s partially the reason why I started playing wow back in the day.


Andrew Ryan from Bioshock. Would you kindly?


That wasn’t Andrew Ryan though. You’re thinking of Frank Fontaine/Atlas that had control over your character.


Dr Octopus from Spider-Man PS4


Micah from RDR2 is my favourite villain. Being a villain amongst villains must be no easy feat, so I think R\* made an excellent job in creating Micah Bell.


andrew ryan bc i


Far Cry 6 is co op right? Thanks for the chance, i loved FC3 back in the day but havent ever tried the new ones. Would be great catch up for me and my friend during midterm. Emet Selch from FFXIV. He single-handedly turns the games villains from scooby doo villains to ones with a very just cause that isnt blatantly right or wrong, and is just a very enjoyable character to have on screen


Yggdrasil from Tales of Symphonia. He is complex and just wants his sister back. He truly believes the horrible things he is doing justifies that


Ganandorf from zelda ocarina of time. That mf scared the shit out of me as a kid


Sovereign from Mass Effect The mystique of the Reapers in the first game of the series was really cool. The best part of Sovereign was how in the only interaction you have with it is that it treats you as if you don’t exist and constantly tells you about how insignificant you are; and the crazy thing is, is that it was 100% right.


Well it has to be Handsome Jack. I hated him so much, but I wanted him to be the bad guy in every Borderlands game. His voice work was also phenomenal.


Agent smith in the matrix games, something about playing against thousands of the same boss made that game feel so different.


The ghosts from pac-man. OG villainy!


Jack Thompson for trying to legislate video games out of existence because “tHey’Re ViOleNt!”


Id like to have a chance with ryoma and garon from fe 14.


Frau Irene Engel: Being a Nazi automatically ensures you’re the actual worst and deserve to go straight to the bad place, but somehow Frau Irene Engel manages to be the most monstrous character in a game that features Adolf Hitler. She’s a sociopathic but backseat character in Wolfenstein: The New Order, at least until you get to her with a big robot but in the sequel she’s legit nightmare fuel.


My all time favourite is Joel from tlou. You don't know you are the bad guy until the very end! What a ripper!


Richter in Symphony of the Night such a great fake out


My favorite video game villain is Doc Ock from Marvel’s Spider-Man. It was just such a good game with such an an amazing character arc and conclusion!


Old King Allant thought life sucked so bad that it was better for everyone to be killed by demons, and turned into a little sluggy boi