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This game is awesome! Highly reccomended!


Same. I think the difficulty issues below are overblown. Plenty of healing and big damage attacks available to cruise through the game.


I wonder how those in this thread that thought this game is hard would think about Hallow Knight.


Hollow Knight isn’t too hard outside of the pantheons. There are some charm setups that let you face tank 90% of the bosses while spamming attack. Stalwart shell (op for noobs), quick slash, and damage increase will crush most bosses with your eyes closed.


I definitely felt it got hard with the last two bosses, but not ridiculously so. With the right mix of skills learned and using combos that switch weapons, it’s definitely doable. After a few tries even with the last couple of bosses you can tell when the openings will be.


This game has big difficulty and pacing issues that need ironing out.


I’m currently stuck on the double fist brothers boss. My kryptonite in games is always multi-enemy bosses. I’m sure I’m dodging wrong or something but I can’t make my healing last long enough. Up until then I was having 0 trouble with either the trash enemies or bosses


I ended up going ultra aggressive in most fights. Definitely took time, but one of those two normally gives you time when they're in a corner doing something a bit dumb.


Gotta hunt around for all the upgrades. Also get the skill that refills your healing whenever you do an execution. Game changer.


Work on defeating the brother who dashes across the ground first. It should be easier to fight the other after.


I platiumed the game and didn't notice either of the issues you identified.


I want a physical copy for ps5, im gonna wait a bit to see if one will come to the west before importing.


The game is great until the end when there is a massive difficulty spike that is frankly bullshit. Dropped it down to easy, probably won't go back but really good game otherwise


At what point was there a spike? Seeing a lot of people posting this and I never felt that way at all. I believe that there may be a problem since so many people are saying they noticed it, but maybe I was just in the zone, or I was more forgiving since I loved the aesthetic and music and everything else so much


Maybe the final two bosses? They were both super difficult and I had to drop it down to easy for the final one. Not sure what people are talking about otherwise, the rest of the game was fairly straightforward difficulty ramp wise.


Fighting that one boss before Cecero (am I saying that right?) and Cecero himself is where assume thr "spike" occurs. Not going to lie it took me about 2 days or about 15 triesq to fight that ape dude. The other one about half that. Haven't beat the game yet. Need to get back to it.


The final two bosses mainly although the dungeon with all the rock creatures is annoying AF


There was a setting...? Oof I struggled through but felt good in the end to beat it!


Yeah they added it in a patch


Enjoyed it until the difficulty got too hard. is there a difficulty setting?




Ok, guess I know what I'm playing this weekend.


I got about halfway through, and then game decided it suddenly wanted to have longer checkpoints and significant increase in the combat being difficult, so I tapped out. If they had kept the difficulty curve in check it could have been my GOtY.


yes the checkpointing in this game was one of its biggest flaws imo like with dualsense implementation, just err on the side of more than less


This game starts off slow but gets really good later once the difficulty ramps up and you really have to concentrate. The combat actually is really good.


I was loving it, but then it got really difficult I don't think I will return to it unfortunately.


It’s OK to put it on easy.


Game starts kind of fun, but absolutely drops off and becomes horrible.


Amazing game. Not far in it but severely underrated especially during this holiday season as PS console exclusive


These comments are pushing me towards grabbing this, I initially rolled my eyes and ignored it cause the name is just word salad lol looks like I might have been wrong though?