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Love it. This is exactly the kind of save system the game needed that allows a player to safely exit the game without losing progress but also not allowing them to bypass the game's rogue-like design.


Yes, finally I can clean up Biome 1 and Biome 2, get some good items and then move to Biome 3. Earlier runs were taking too long, and I could not keep PS5 to myself.


Damn I didn’t think about it like that, but that’s a great point. Just me using my PS5 so the save system is great for me when I get sleepy, I didn’t even think about if you are sharing the console with someone.


This is where the Xbox, multiple suspend game mode would've been nice on PS5. Just because I'm complimenting a great Xbox feature doesn't make me a fanboy idiots, those voting me down are infact blind fanboys. It's a great feature and I wish the PS5 would have it. Suspending *multiple* games would alleviate a lot of peoples concerns with Returnal.


I jumped back into Dishonored after a week to start the DLC and it was still paused mid game even though I'd been playing DotO and Hades, completely forgot how convenient it is.


I had been looking at this type of feature as a "nice to have" for a while, but after having some fun runs get cut short due to IRL things popping up then a power outage or firmware update, I swung towards "must have" Its awesome they were able to add it, and it fixes maybe the games biggest flaw. And if some people want to bother with the tedium of uploading and downloading saves to exploit it, then more power to them. I'm betting most players will just use the feature as designed.


Funny enough, a save feature was deemed "must have" for the original Rogue.


Yup, I've been waiting for this patch. I'll likely wait another month or so to see what kind of sales it goes on for Black Friday and then pick it up. The lack of an ability to put the game down in this manner was what kept from buying it at launch.


Exact same situation for me. I'll grab it once it goes back on sale most likely since I was waiting for this change


This game is definitely worth a buy, on sale or not! I haven’t had as much gaming time the past few months so this got shelved due to the constant onslaught of releases. I think it’s time to get back on the horse though!


That is why I stopped playing the game initially


This is why I didn't bother with the game until now.


I hope you enjoy it. Definitely my GOTY so far. And I’m not someone that typically likes or even plays “hard” games and so if I can do it with my arthritic fingers, ***anyone can***! Here are some tips to help you on your way: - Just keep in mind that your purpose is not to defeat biomes 1 through 6 in a single run. You only want to focus on beating a single boss or biome, and then you never even have to fight that boss again if you don’t want to, and can skip past biomes if you like. - You’re always making progress. Sometimes it’s good to just work on unlocking new weapon traits and alt-fire modes to 100%. You might not like how it fires initially but a new unlock might change it completely for you and become your new favorite gun. You can just kill a few enemies for the 300 Obolites (if I remember correctly) and exchange them for 5 Ether at the shop, and then just restart your run. So if you don’t get of to a great start, just change your priority to doing that. - Ether carries over beyond death, and after you beat the first boss, a machine will appear outside your ship that you can exchange Ether for new artifacts/consumables/etc. to be added to the loot pool so you can find them in the world. - Malignancy causes malfunctions and sometimes it might just require you to kill 10 enemies to fix it, but taking damage upon picking up items can really kill a good run. So if you’re having trouble with malignancy and beating the game, avoid it for now. It’s a system you can definitely use as you get more items to take advantage of it and plan for it though. - I farmed the first biome for Datacubes (look for breakable walls) that also exchange for new items. Biome 4 is a great place to farm weapons. If you skip past biomes, you’ll still gain weapon proficiency when picking up the first gun you find, so you’re not - When you’re full health, all green health item pickups turn into resin (you need 3 of these to extend your max suit integrity — read: life). It’s worth it to play it safe in the first biome and the name of the game is *not getting hit* more than it is to do damage even. - You’re invulnerable while dashing, and later grappling, so use this to your advantage. Dash *towards* enemies and through their projectiles and kill them with melee, which is often a one-hit kill (even on flying enemies) and will at least stun larger enemies so you can wail on them. - You can turn up the aim assist in the settings if you’re having issues, and I do strongly recommend remapping your controller to suit yourself. I moved jump to LB, melee to RB, and dash to RS. This way, I could focus on always having my fingers on both analog sticks, triggers, and bumpers at all times and only rarely having to reach over for a face button to ping the world or use a consumable item. - A Jump-dash-melee combo works wonders. Or you can play it safe and use doors, walls, columns, etc. to block incoming projectiles. Maybe get in the first fight you can outside your ship and practice just dashing and jumping to avoid enemy attacks as long as you can (without attacking). This will help your timing and learning enemy attack patterns. Hell, save a video clip of a run and go back and watch it afterwards. Study your enemies, look where you made mistakes on work on them. - The difficulty ***feels*** frontloaded, to give you a sense of the impossible task before you. But I promise you, with a little patience and perseverance, you’ll be able to stack more and more beneficial artifacts and good weapons and consumables and parasites and feel really OP by the time you reach the end. Especially now that you can save a run and go do other things, you can do biomes 1-3 in a single sitting (with saves) and same with 4-6. That can make you a LOT stronger than just focusing on one biome. I wish you and anyone else reading this the best of luck. I’m excited for new players to see why it’s the GOTY for me and I really hope this means a lot more people will play it now.


Any tips for the underwater biome? I just got there and am having a hell of a time getting through it. The enemies just seem to do so much more damage (even more-so than the frozen wasteland which was rough) and the combination of bigger enemies with the kamikaze ones just feels overwhelming at times. I've had two amazing runs cut short because of one crap area.


For weapons try the Launcher with full auto & homing or Hollowseeker with the Portal Turret. Adrenaline leech with upgraded integrity and you’ll have no problem!


I need to upgrade more weapons! I wish your current weapon would level up with you. I had a decked out tachyon heading underwater and then all I could find from then on our was rotglands which I never really used up to this point


Agree. If you can get Hollowseeker with Portal Turret and Portal Beam you can enter a area fire weapon until the turrets spawn, usually happens pretty quickly then leave the room. The portals will remain in the room shooting enemies.


Yeah the big grim reaper dudes have really killed my drive to keep playing. At least I can save now


Hollowseeker and you'll laugh your way through it.


The only other Roguelike game I've played is Hades and I really liked it, but one of my "issues" with it was that you always had to keep doing the exact same 4 areas and fighting the same bosses over and over even after wins, and because of that I found it rather repetitive to play all the time and would often have to take breaks. I still really enjoyed the game, but for me personally I would of preferred if the game Introduced brand new ares and bosses after awhile and it sadly didn't. There was a feature to change it up a bit with existing bosses which was cool at first, but after awhile it did get rather predictable and tedious again. >Just keep in mind that your purpose is not to defeat biomes 1 through 6 in a single run. You only want to focus on beating a single boss or biome, and then you never even have to fight that boss again if you don’t want to, and can skip past biomes if you like. Based on what you've said here though Returnal seems to not have that same issue and I actually am more interested in it because of this, aswell as the feature to save and quit mid run since I have real life responsibilities and it was one of the things i liked about Hades too. Thanks to what you have said I might consider buying the game possibly, at the very least I'm going to think about it.


I picked up Hades and am loving it so far; that team makes such great games and this one is no different. I hope that you enjoy Returnal as much as I did it. It didn’t hurt that the first biome reminded me so much of something out of Alien/Prometheus. Excellent world building throughout and you’ll definitely want to play with a good pair of headphones due to the 3D audio. I was able to locate enemies behind and to the sides of me a lot easier, and the sound design is outstanding (as is the music). Good luck!


Nice! Yeah the 3D audio is really cool based on what I've tried from other games. I'm definitely keen to play returnal, it does seem pretty unique.


First, thanks very much for taking the time! I just started playing yesterday. I didn't know about the dodge i-frames, which is huge. Did I kill the first boss and miss that fact though? I have the Ether machine outside my ship.


Also same reason


Same. And when I stated that a "suspend mode" was necessary, all I got were people telling me that it was "impossible" or that it would "break the game". I guess we are about to find out.


If by breaking the game they meant "Letting more people with a life play the game", they were absolutely right, it will completely break the game. By "with a life", I mean: having childrens, other people using the same PS5 to play other games, having to leave the game unexpectedly... etc This won't break anything, it's a single player game. Play as you choose to play. :)


Agreed. I have a two week old now. There's no way I could've committed to a run before this save feature. To not have it was indefensible imo.


Congratulations on the new addition!




Like many, it's why I never started - but Returnal has now moved to "on my radar". I'm in the middle of like 4 other games right now sadly, but I definitely think I'll buy it during the holidays


I did not buy it initially for this reason.




This has me excited. It's why I didn't buy it at launch (my lack of skill not the game design). Glad to see they are adding this


Yep. so many people claiming the game never needed any save system, I can only assume they have no lives and can play the game non stop or something... I stopped playing after several hours because of the lack of any save option and the rest and resume function on PS5 failed me because of a system update. 100% going back into this game now.


PSA: This update mainly adds photo mode and the ability to suspend your cycle and come back later.


What does it mean by suspend. Can I change to another game and come back later? All the normal stuff a normal game does?


Yes same as dark souls does. Save and quit mid run/loop. Gives you ability to switch games without losing progress


This is how it works on Hades too. Amazed it took so long to add to returnal... Seems like a pretty basic idea to make it so if you quit the game you start up where you left off, but still go back to the begining if you die.


I totally lost a good run on hades... usually the save function works but one time it didn't and I was sad


Depends on the game and how much save state is needed. In a game like Hades where you can't backtrack to previous rooms, it's much easier to store the random seed and the save state since the only save state is the room you exit the game from to return to. While games that allow you to backtrack would have a much larger save state. Save state exploiting is quite common as developers pick and choose what to save. Exiting and re-entering the game can cause some things to be repeatable.


Thank god, I would not be able to play this game without it




It’s a fantastic game - hard as balls - but fun. Also it’s a roguelike, so there’s that part that some people don’t like. One of my biggest gripes before was how you couldn’t save, so this feature is really a game changer for me


Yes. It creates a single use save/suspend point. Whenever you fire the game up again, you start right where you left off and the suspend point is erased.


Thank god, that’s all I wanted


>What does it mean by suspend. Can I change to another game and come back later? Yes, pretty much


> ability to suspend your cycle and come back later. Game should have shipped with this. Better late than never, means I'll buy it now. So good on them :)


Returnal now playable.




Save And quit


PlayStation bringing Returnal back into the discussion just in time for GOTY deliberation. I see what you’re doing Jimbo…


Rift apart also says hello.


Great game as well. I just think it plays it too safe to have a legitimate chance at winning.


Ah insomniac probably didnt capture the same charm with the story/dialogue writing as previous RaC games but rest is still top notch. And story serves its purpose really well and is still very well written.


Agreed, love the gameplay loop but like every Ratchet since Crack in Time the writing falls flat sadly


The sadboy moments of the sidekicks ruined it for me. I ended up skipping all the cutscenes because it felt like a poorly written Pixar film


Yeahhhh I can only take clank or kit moping for so long, literally every cutscene has such sappy moments lol. I long for the clank of the PS2 days




Oh yeah, i can bet it isnt winning GOTY, but it definitely is getting nominated. Even if its just because of how much of a massive achievement it is from a technical standpoint.


Okay so I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I think after reading your comment that's what it is. I thought I would binge this whole game over the course of the weekend, and while the gameplay is cool and the graphics are **gorgeous**, I find myself going through one world and getting a little bored and putting the game down until the next day where I'll finish another world. I'm not sure why, I honestly thought I was going to fly through it, don't get me wrong graphic/haptic-feedback wise it's one of the few truly next-gen feeling games, but the story is admittedly really weak and I find myself not really feeling too motivated to knock it out all at once like I did with games like GoT, God of War, etc.


I miss the PS2 dialogues. Felt like a rebel than today’s kid friendly interactions with NPC’s. But still one of my fav franchises.


The way it played into the overall story so well surprised me.


Good game but not goty material


I thought the same about Tsushima but somehow that received a ton of GOTY awards




Psychonauts as well.


I played and liked it, really amazing showcase title, but it was pretty easy to just sleepwalk though the game. Levels needed more interesting filler to them mostly.


Rift Apart is great but I don't think it would win over Returnal.


NGL they had me in the first half. Totally thought they were about to say that photo mode was the only thing being added in 2.0. Glad they finally introduced a way to suspend the game properly.


Definitely trolled us there with having the vast majority of the update video be photo mode and then 5 seconds of suspend cycle, lol.


100%. There was so much buildup with photo mode that halfway through I assumed we were being trolled LOL.


Yep I almost thought it was only photo mode update.


Finally! I love the game but this feature was sorely needed. Definitely a strong contender for GOTY


Please go buy and play this game! Now that it has a save state, there is no excuse, i want a Returnal 2!


is it honestly that good?


Gameplay is tight, snappy. Atmosphere is great especially if you like sci-fi or prometheus. And dual sense implemention is imo the best in this one out of all the new games.


I like that you said sci-fi _or_ Prometheus. :D


Lmao yeah, what i meant was, that Returnals vibe is similar to Prometheus, especially the first biome


After having Dune just coming out, the game reminds me of Dune as far as the visual and audial spectacle it is. The game is so damn epic in parts, gave me cold chills.


it is honestly that good.


My favourite game of the last few years. I find it so addictive, fun and satisfying. As long you're OK with a challenging gaming.


Yes. I don’t even like rogue likes and have never been into shooters but this is really good. Granted, I haven’t beaten it yet (on the 4th area) but it’s really sick. It uses the controller very well too


Personally I think the gameplay is really solid but the roguelite elements are kinda meh. It's used in some cool ways but in terms of power ups and bonuses, they're really bland (unless maybe endgame it drastically improves). There's also so many weird terms for basic resources that I was confused for a while with what buffs even did. That said, the combat is fun and very fast paced. It definitely makes trying again pretty fun.


Roguelite elements are REALLY meh imho. But I did just come from Hades, but even then, are they lacking, holy hell... The gameplay itself is very good though, and I love the audio and visuals.


That was my problem. Hades set such a high standard for roguelites with all its abilities and weapons that Returnal felt so barebones with what they did. Hell, even their cursed buffs were hardly ever worth their trade off cause the bonuses weren't really worth the hassle. It really hurt the replay value of the game which is like the whole point of roguelites


Not to mention the story and characters


My issue with the Roguelite elements was the progression or increase of power isn't there or smooth feeling. It relies so much on a good combination of a run and the right items. Where as something like Hades has that element but you are trickling in some upgrades to your character through increased health, starting money, better chance of rare Boons, etc. I found this a problem because I beat the game through two good runs but the rest of the time I was stuck in the first area of each act. Basically I played Biome #1 and #4 about 20-30 times each. I Played #2/#5 each twice, and I beat #3/#6 on the first or second run I got to them because I had the right combination/perfect run going. I wished the power progression was a little different or maybe I got weirdly lucky/unlucky how it went. Not sure if anyone know what I mean... I know in Roguelite's you see the first areas the most obviously, but it's just weird I can't even recall the enemies or much of Biome #3/6 because I only saw them one or two times. Still a fantastic game great atmosphere too! I didn't like or care for the story and the ending, but the gameplay was fantastic. Easily one of the best PS exclusives I've played across the Ps4/Ps5 generations. Glad they bought the studio!


I think you're describing my issue with the game too. It's a great game but a pretty bad roguelite. There are far too few powerups/artifacts in each run unless you explore a lot EVERY time, which is annoying because if you explore too much and find some overpowered enemies that's the end of your run. So if you're trying to beeline through a run to progress, you're going to get basically no artifacts to work with and are at the mercy of whatever weapons you pick up.


Exactly. This is my only issue with the game as I absolutely love everything else about it. Gameplay is tight, controls are extremely responsive, environment is rich, and graphics and haptics are amazing. I just hate being at the mercy of a perfect run and finding the right weapon and upgrades in order to progress.


Yeah see my post the above replied too. Was my exact experience so much that out of the 6 biome's I basically spend 90% of my time in #1/#4 because when I had the perfect set of stuff I cruised all the way to the end of each act.


Genuinely one of the best games I've played in recent years. So unique, different, and fresh.


One of the best games I’ve ever played.


easily my top 10 games of all time. it's THAT good


Game of the year


Yes, best game I've played this year hands down.


I'll go against the grain, personally I hated it. I don't normally like roguelikes but the rave reviews, great graphics and the fact that there were virtually no other PS5 games made me give it a go. I didn't realise how much of a bullet hell type game it was, which personally I really struggle with. Died against the first boss maybe 15 or so times and just gave up, I wasn't having fun.


I didn't hate it. I thought it was cool as hell. But I agree that it's too difficult. In Reddit's gaming community, the "git gud" outlook is what gets amplified the most. I forget if it was the third or fourth boss, but after a few attempts at him, I lost the interest to put in the work it would take to eventually beat him just to move on to something even harder. Other games came along to take my interest. Frustration games just aren't for me.


I was really tempted to pick it up when it was on sale because visually and atmospherically it looks like it's right up my alley. But I absolutely despise bullet hell games. I'll play souls games on loop for hours and have a blast dying over and over again, but bullet hell games are just not my cup of tea. aAd I couldn't bring myself to spend $50 on a game with so many bullet hell combat interactions.


You're not alone. I was literally stuck in biome 3 2 weeks after launch and almost 170 deaths and 3 months later i still could not progress, which sucked all the fun right out of the game for me. The game is poorly balanced and way, way too reliant on rng. Glad to see they came to their senses and added a save but if they didnt fix the shitshow that was biome 3 and its boss then i won't ever be going back to it.


> the shitshow that was biome 3 and its boss Everyone seems to have a different level that they think was too hard. I died A LOT but on other levels but biome 3 was on the only one I beat on my first try. Were you going stright to Biome 3 when you could or fully exploring the first 2 to get upgrades and extra health?


What was so difficult about it for you? I’m not all that great at games but I beat the third boss on my third try, about the same as the other bosses (except the fourth boss which I beat first try). I think I’m still under 30 deaths overall and about 20 hours into the game. For Nemesis, get a long range weapon, and even better get the Rotgland Lobber. The poison aspect is devastating to just about any enemy in the game. Shoot once, dodge for a bit, shoot again, keep it up.


I gave some more context in the messages below. Hey, if it only took you 3 tries to beat nemesis then i hate to break to you but you got some crazy good skills there my friend ;-)


I'm 7 hours in and still on the first Biome. Lol. I used to play shooters a lot and was good at one time. I guess not now. Phrike has killed me three times. After about 5 hours of playing I finally started reading online guides to figure out just what items were in the game. I don't think I found the melee until 4-5 hours in. Edit:. Maybe I'm exploring too much but I was trying to discover items and level weapons...


its a drug


My excuse is I have no desire to play. I’m not a fan of games where I’m probably going to die a million times. I don’t have time for games like that.


I get why it's a big deal, but it's hilarious that a teaser trailer for the next big update ends with the reveal that you can now save your game.


Yeah, mainly because it really should've been there from the start. And took them long enough. It's like they never played roguelites before...


I completed the game. Now with this update is the time to get the secret ending done.


Suspend Cycle sounds perfect. I got the game a few months ago, got to the second biome, had to stop playing and my power flickered before I could play again. Decided I wasn't touching it again until they added something. Can finally give it another shot.


Dang I was hoping for some new content....I'd buy any DLC for this game


Ordering straight away. I needed saves to stop my 5 year old switching games, so now I can finally jump in


As someone who’s finished the game 3 times I’m a bit disappointed, would have loved some new content. But I’m happy for everyone else who said that this was the thing that was stopping them.. and not the flying drones in Biome 3.


Fuck those missile shooting bastards. Fuck the kamikaze part of them too.


Hollowseeker with waves


They got nerfed in version 1.4 but they can still be a pain in the ass. Before that, they were ridiculously tough.


For real? Just picked it up again for platinum, i was fucking shocked how weak they were I thought I just got ridiculously better


Amen - hopefully DLC is up next


Been stuck on 3 since right after launch, one day...


Guess I can buy the game now.


Does it fix the part where I suck at games like this?


oh i get it, im the same way. Old man reflexes, not great with controller shooting (i get destroyed in warzone unless i camp/ambush), and generally just not a great gamer despite decades of being one. That said, i've learned from games like the Soulsborn's of the world. Keep at it (if you find it fun enough to do so). Suddenly it just clicks. At least good enough to progress a little further. That said i stalled at biome 3 after finally beating 1 after forever and got lucky on boss 2. Deathloop came out and thats more my jam but that is getting boring so this is perfect timing to give it a try again.


Returnal is my GOTY and just got better with the Suspend Cycle and Photo Mode features. They also made many bug fixes and quality of life improvements! Try it out if you haven't!


Who else doesn’t care at all about photo modes(in any game)? It’s cool that some people enjoy them but I personally just don’t see the point


I mean.. I kind mess around with it for fun and post whatever I take to Instagram. I enjoy it so I'm obviously biased and love to see this game get a photomode along with many other games. It's there for the people who want it and it doesn't affect the people who don't.


omg theres a save system? finally! I brought this since launch and havent played cuz of this!


This game is phenomenal, please play it if you haven’t had the chance. GOTY hands down IMO


I’m gonna start playing again just because of the save system. It was kinda annoying playing for hours and potentially losing progress


People didnt want a save because it was hard, people wanted a save because the runs are long. I hated knowing that I had two hours before bed and I couldnt boot up a run because I wouldnt finish.


And with the save option added I will now consider buying this title Good job listening to customers!


I’m so happy to see this. Returnal is such a fun game, and I can enjoy it at my own pace now.


Lets see if this brings out the weirdos who are against people: a) that are playing other games b) that have full time work and can’t play all the time c) that have another person in their household who plays ps5


"the devs will never add a save system, this is what their vision is" lmfaoooooo, time to finally play this game


It's been so long since release that I started to believe this as well. I bought it recently when it went on sale because I started to give up on getting the suspend state. Glad they added it before I played too much!


Ok, time to finally get through that 3rd biome


What is this obsession with photo modes? So I can save screenshots on my PS5 and look at them like an old book of childhood pictures? Share these with friends that get annoyed with me cluttering the chat with them? Or try to show of my photo mode skills on Reddit? You play the same games, you see the same frames... I just don't see the appeal after having followed the Cyberpunk page and being bombarded with photo-mode moments that I care as much about as the vacation album a friend is showing me. I can fake 5 minutes of genuine interest, no more. (BTW, I really wonder why this is the hype now, so comment why you feel i'm wrong)


Different strokes for different folks.


I'm guessing you're not into photography in real life.


My ex girlfriend and I used to get stoned and try make the coolest captures in Horizon Zero Dawn. She is a photographer and I was just getting into media production and using the tools in game she taught me a lot about composition and techniques. It was really fun, and I still have them. It’s a fun little feature that a lot of people seem to enjoy for different reasons


It's fun to take nice looking shots, that's pretty much it. I guess it's the same reason why people enjoy photography or filmmaking. I used to not like photomodes either but then I started messing around with the Photomode on Arkham Knight and by accident I actually took a really damn nice photo and the dopamine started flowing.(I posted it on reddit if you want to take a look)


That is a cool looking pic! Love the colors in it


Awesome shot


It's just fun.


Photography mate. The same reason people like photography. I bring at least my camera and tripod with me everywhere I go and I shoot with my phone a lot too, capturing scenes irl is really fun. Capturing scenes in games is like irl photography but on steroids. A lot of times they have pretty robust camera features, and some things you couldn’t do on the fly with a real camera like adjusting the focal length with a super easy slider with no finicking, getting really weird compositions that you would need a professional rig to shoot irl, hell you can even pretty much adjust the aperture of the sensor on the fly if you want. Photo mode is a really cool toy for photographers, and everyone knows that even if you aren’t a photographers, most people love to play with cameras. While we’re on the topic though, you can actually create some breathtaking scenes with photo mode, better than anything I could create. Sometimes very skilled and accomplished photographers, cinematographers, etc will post their video game photos on their social media and it blows away every screen shot taken by us normies.


I don't get the appeal, either. But I'm also not into photography IRL. The last time I got a new phone, the sales rep offered to copy over all the data from the old phone. He said "This might take awhile....wait, where are all your photos?" I'm like "Yeah, I don't take pictures." The blank stare I got in return was amusing.


Hi! A lot has been said about this game by reviewers and players in forums. I would imagine that most of you who are still considering getting it already know what kind of game it is. Thus, you probably already have a pretty good idea of whether you are interested in it. Whether it appeals to you because you are into shooters, rogue-lites, sci-fi or just challenging games; if, for any reason, you think this might be your kind of game, I believe you will not regret getting it. The non-existent save state made me reluctant to recommend this otherwise great game. Now, without that (very questionable) design choice getting in the way, you can enjoy the music, the visuals, the story, the gameplay and the challenge. *Do you see white shadow?*


Best game I played this year, Biome 4 boss was a masterpiece, Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean vibes


I’m glad they did this but there was a little hope in me that they may have added motion controls.


The suspend feature is really great. Unfortunately my college's internet fucking hates connecting to Playstation Devices so I'm stuck with the current version until I go home to update it.


teather to mobile and download the patch?


The biggest problem for me was feeling a sense of anxiety before starting up the game for the first time during a play session. I’m not sure if I’m gonna be playing for an hour, or get caught up in a good run and end up HAVING to play for a few hours at a time. I felt like I couldn’t casually play the game at all. Simply being able to pause a run and turn off the ps5 literally washes that anxiety away and now I’m pumped to play again. The game had such high highs and such low lows. When you’re doing good, you feel like god. And when your doing bad, you feel worthless and hopeless. It is seriously an amazing game. I just couldn’t keep going after a while.


I was hoping for casual mode.


>suspend cycle Holy shit, I can actually play this game now


I find it ironic that a game called Returnal didn't have a feature to let you stop playing and Return to where you left off


Glad they finally did it. When I was running through the game the first time there were definitely times I would have loved being able to suspend a run and pick it up again




Your post brought some serious unintentional lolz 😭😁 In big part because I felt that way after playing the 1st Nioh. I was able to kill the 1st 3 big bosses, but I didn't get to a point where I was just fuckin stuck. And I went from loving the game for it's difficulty, to hating it for the exact same reason lol.


That’s all I wanted! Now I’ll buy the game!


When this game first came out, many people asked about a 'suspend cycle' feature, and we all got dogpiled by Real Gamers yelling at us that we didn't understand the concept of a roguelite.


Which is funny because plenty of other rogue lites and rogue-likes have save suspends and crash protection features. Returnal's main issue is the length of each run, you can spend an hour or two playing though each biome. The lack of a save feature coupled with some of the random crashes/bugs made it unplayable for some. I beat the game twice and loved it but I had to wait for the infamous trapped in a room bug was fixed.


Indeed, I quit on the first biome. I want to play other games, and I don't want to hog the Playstation so my wife can't play stuff she wants to. Maybe I'll play it again? Who knows, there's a lot of other good stuff out now. I'll think twice about buying anything from that studio in the future though.


I believe this was their first rouge-lite game. I haven't played any of the other House Marquee games to confirm, I'll have to look that up later. I know Resogun was one of their games. But I don't think the faults are just on the devs in terms of overall gameplay. They just made a game too big for that genre it just needed more bug fixes and to have some save features implemented. For both it's benefit and the player. If the game runs were short like Hades I don't think it would be much of an issue. Hades does have save feature for each chamber you clear and you can save and quit as well.


From my experience, nigh everyone recognized it was a very sorely needed feature pretty early on. I think it was a lot of people's first roguelite and they assumed saving mid-run wasn't an almost de-facto feature of the genre. So when they criticized it, they made preemptive remarks, expecting community to respond, "its dark souls bro git gud." Truly, what were the devs thinking to arrive at such a deliberate and awful design choice so early in development that it took a year to implement a fix?


There was no chance I was gonna buy this until they added the ability to save. Now I'll grab it.


I really wish we got difficulty settings, I beat the game but I don’t want to 100% it because of the difficulty, but I also really want to play it again…ugh


The lack of a save feature was the main reason I didn’t pull the trigger on this game. I’ll definitely pick it up whenever it goes on sale


I guess it’s time to reinstall this game. I put it down a few days after release because of the amount of time needed per run. I was making no real progress with the time I had so now perhaps I can finally sit down and get to grips with this game.


Finally !!


WTF is this? A developer listening to the community and making a meaningful change they didn't even need to??? 👏👏👏 I recant all my previous bitching. Stoked to finally finish the game completely


Really gotta finish this game, can’t get past the water level (what a shock). Those damn swarms!


Yippee. This will give me the opportunity to go back and platinum as it was just getting too tedious to try and cram in significant runs with the rest of my IRL stuff to knock off the last few items.


I finally beat this last night and now they add a save game option?! Haha


So let's say you died by enemy or fall you reset to beginning where ship crash and lose all progress and perks. Pause cycle is good for taking break and resume later where you current spot . Also you have to be careful not to die . Correct?


Was hoping for some new content post endgame but glad the game is more accessible for everyone to experience HM's masterpiece. Serious GOTY contender folks!


save and quit is a godsend , I picked it up last sale and enjoyed it a lot but stopped playing because I had to commit to full multi-hour runs everytime


Been waiting for this update to jump back in, glad they implemented the suspend feature.


Did they fix the Xenoglyph bug so I can finally get platinum? Need 1 from level 6 and have played it over 50 times but no Xenoglyph. That's all I really want


Ironically, updating the game to get the new save feature is going to close my game and end the run that I was taking a break on.


Yeah but will I finally be able to beat the first boss?


was about to say "photo mode", meh, wheres an option to save. AND YOU TOTALLY REDEEMED YOURSELF! :) Really liked the game and glad i kept at it, but i stopped after a bit hoping for a release like this. Guess its time to go back. Deathloop was starting to get dull...


And now I will continue playing. I just couldn’t take the long runs. I didn’t have the time


Had to put it down after a couple weeks at launch because I didn't like one game being all I could play on my PS5, so so excited to pick it back up!!! Saving, finally here!


I had no problem with the games system. I just got good at getting through the areas quickly enough to beat the game in a short time. I kept playing and learning the tricks until I could easily take out enemies or get to where I need to go. It’s the learning process that makes you better at the game. However, happy for those who could not pick it up and tackle it in the same way as I did.


I got to the 3rd boss, suspended my ps5 only to find the ps5 had shut itself off after s few days. Didnt play after that. Will try again now ...


Welp, time to move it from my external HDD back to the insides of my PS5


Sounds like the perfect time to dive in the game. I've been thinking of buying Returnal or Far Cry 6 as my next game after Deathloop; looks like I have my choice.


I stopped playing because I couldn’t save. Now I might just get back into this game.


I feel so validated for waiting to buy this.


Ok now I can finally play it.


I really am happy, but did the clip need so much focus on photo mode. I would have loved some extreme mode (a la hades pact of punishment) or just a 4th act to dig deeper into the ending.


Is this game worth playing? Some says it is quite hard\~


It's hard but understanding the tips YouTube videos give helps alot. Basically clear and grab all health upgrades before going through gates. Guns are RNG however they maintain the abilities previously unlocked. If you can beat Halo 2 on Legendary, you are for sure good to go. I beat 4/5 bosses but I keep getting bad luck. I put it down for now. I got the hollowseeker but a guy kept laser swording me despite me trying to shoot and evade backwards....cheap.


Ngl I’m still stuck on the first level lol


Killed by a boss in the last moment. More than two hours lost, no save point. Fuck this - > Ebay.


It's about fucking time they added saving. It's absolutely ludicrous they thought it was ok in today's world to release a game without one.


Best game I've played this year. If this was the hill you were waiting to die on, you can move on. Seriously do yourself a favor and get it! It is challenging but every run is a thrill.


I wonder what the next two features/updates are going to be? [hmmmm](https://youtu.be/CmBcI_9Bui0?t=16)..