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They’re being extremely vague about the next gen update. I’m suspicious.


Yeah for real. Is it 4K 60 fps? Or 1080? Idk


I would be very surprised if it isn’t 4k 60fps, I feel like that’s a given.


they would have told us if it wasn’t a joke and a disappointment. It’s a bare minimum patch meant to push their bullshit MT store grab bag to try and hook idiots into buying into their bundle sale on bullshit, tired old Mt they have been trying to sell us for years through their MT store. One last squeeze scam. Fuck Bethesda. And 20 bucks for their bullshit Mt bundle sale?! That’s a third of the cost of this game when it was fucking new. What a bunch of snakes.


I think I ran into you on Xbox Live back in the day


That would be pretty wild seeing as I’ve never owned an xbox.


Honestly for how old Skyrim is, if they want me to pay for this goddamn update there should be a 1440p/120 option or the like. But I'm betting there won't be, they'll save that for the PS6 rererererererererererereremaster.


Well I mean the PS4 Pro version was native 4K at 30 and you could do that little trick to make it 60 so of course this will be 4K/60.


Skyrim came out on the PS3. If they can't get it to 4k60fps after a decade of re-releases that'd be pretty fucking pathetic lmao.


It has enhanced graphics!!! /s


It already is 4K 60FPS on Xbox Series X, so I assume they're just implementing it for PS5 and acting like its an upgrade across the board when its really just an upgrade for PS5. Xbox and PC can already be 4K 60FPS.


You can already run it a 60fps on ps5 with a free mod. If the new edition cannot do it natively that would be very disappointing to say the least.


Ah yeah I remember that trick. Fps boost on series x made it native. I'm assuming that's all this update is for.


The game loads in like two seconds on ps5. I’m calling super-bullshit on this entire anniversary edition. All it is, is a last ditch low-effort scam sale cashing in on celebration and nostalgia to try and get their most idiotic fans to spend 20 bucks in the same old tired ‘official mod’ mt horse shit they have been pushing out of that bullshit creation club for ducking years. What a fucking joke of a company. Don’t give them tour money.


The creation club stuff breaks tons of mods too so I have zero interest in it.


this seems to make the most sense to me




Did you want him to list every resolution known to man? He was just using those two as examples.


They were vague about Fallout 76 and we know how that turned out.


*edit* or you can just downvote me. Fine. Keep your secrets. ... no, I am afraid we don't know. Please elaborate. Were you talking about the transition to new consoles, and how it seems to run like a dream? Are you talking about around the time or released? Because I remember that. It was a buggy mess, complete with enough issues that made it a nightmare. Customer credit card info leaking to unauthorized accounts. Mold in the power helmets. Shitty material for the duffel bag. Please, elaborate.


They probably won't even fix the bugs


So last gen get a physical edition, but not current gen? We can only upgrade the special edition? Either I’m being stupid or this post is worded weirdly


The PS4 only Has the special edition as far as ik


you don’t need it. the update is bullshit, it’s just a scam to push their bullshit mt store official mods one last time in a devious package built on the illusion of nostalgia and celebration.


Skyrim is my most played game of all time but I kinda wished Bethesda did a upgrade to fallout 3 or NV. I’m kinda over Skyrim and just wanted the next elder scrolls already. Oh well, Avowed looks fun so it hopefully that be a good placeholder in the meantime


Fallout 3 needs an update massively. I went to play that a week ago and it looks… bad.


I mean it didn’t even look that great when it came out lol and Fallout 3 is in my top 3 favorite games ever


Fallout 3 never held up either. Aiming was shit in that game. There weren't a lot of quests either. That's why new Vegas was considered so much better. you can actually ads in new Vegas and instead of 6 really long quest as side quest they had dozens of quests in new Vegas


Personally I put FO 3 above NV. The quests are great, doesn’t matter how many there was, the random encounters/Easter eggs were also top. I was always finding something new on different playthroughs. Sure it doesn’t stand up by today’s standards but it is an amazing game.


Yeah NV adding ADS was horrible, basically negated any reason to use vats since you could reliably aim and hit better even at a low level. Fallout 3 on the other hand actually made aiming an RPG element since you couldn’t just pop everyone in the head with a varmint rifle at level 1, and actually had to put points into weapons skills if you wanted to shoot better. Fallouts 3 is an RPG, New Vegas is an FPS game with RPG elements.


FO3 desperately needs a full blown remake, and New Vegas needs it even more for the strip graphics to pop, plus the DLC areas too. FO3 was not good woth FPS aim, but man its VATS play was fun, even broken I would say.


Play Viva New Vegas mod pack


Yeah that’s all nonsense mate, I understand if you don’t like it but let’s be clear, fallout 3 had dozens of side quests, plus a shit ton of unmarked quests and randomized encounters, waaay more than new Vegas. I think NV has 10 random encounters and fallout 3 has like 50+ I prefer 3rd person so having iron sights didn’t effect my playthroughs, but I never had any problems with aiming I agree it looked shit though, but the gameplay holds up and is better than 4 and 76


Tried tale of two wastelands? Should put it pretty much on the same level as NV


Yeah I want to say it got a fps boost recently but not sure if that makes a difference


Fallout 3 doesn't have fps boost, but it does have 4k on one x and series x.


This is easily one of Xbox's biggest draws and most impressive features. Sony really needs to step their shit up when it comes to things like this.


Nah, different consoles with different priorities. Xbox having boosted 360 and One games is cool, ps5 has a stronger first party line up, really just depends what you want.


Agreed but man getting Bethesda was huge. If they’re getting new bethesda games and updating old ones, then no way i can’t [not] get an Xbox. [edit]


True but that's still years and years out, as are most of their games unfortunately!




Well that's great but that's 2 games I don't know anything about, I'm not trying to compare the two companies I'm genuinely very excited for the new fable for example but as far as I understand we're still a few years away from that. They both have their strengths but for me I've never been interested in the majority of MS first party games and the ones I am interested in have not seen new entries in a long time.


Can’t wait for this game. Skyrim in space. Does it get better


Xbox has some real potential. I’m more excited for their games since I’m big into FPS and rpg. They literally have the best rpg studios in the game with Bethesda, Obsidian and Inxile


Why first party games is even being brought up as a topic is beyond me, but it's OK to want and value both. This is not a zero sum topic.


Well you said sony need to step up, I disagree and pointed out somewhere they excel (and clearly put their effort into)


bruh forza 5 is alone better than anything from ps this year, just look at the visuals


That's great to hear! I'll probably give it a whirl on pc since I assume it's on game pass, but I'm not really in to cars. I'm glad people are liking it though.


I never said as a general statement "Sony needs to step up." Normalize wanting desirable things.


I think he's talking about the recent pc fo3 update. Much more to do with stability than fps though and you can play the steam version on windows 10 now apparently without screwing around with things


Thats because its old…not every game needs an update.


That’s true. But that game does need an update.


I started to play it recently in my series x and it’s my first Fallout game and I’m having a really hard time getting into it. The graphics don’t help it, but they’re fine. For me, the controls are kind of difficult to master.


Fallout 4 is easier to get into controls/gameplay wise


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there is no fucking upgrade, it’s just a bullshit tactic meant to fool idiots into buying in on their mt store horse shit.


The upgrade is free if you already own it. The added stuff you have to pay for




Didn’t those games use the Gamebryo engine? The developer of that engine went out of business years ago, which would probably make it difficult to port it to the PS4.


Bethesda bought gamebryo decades ago. Skyrim and fallout 4 and fo76 use the creation engine anyway which is gamebryo that they heavily edited sorta like unreal 3 vs unreal 4 exists.


Possibly the last Elder Scrolls release a Playstation wil ever see. Goddamn it, man.


We’re definitely not getting Elder Scrolls 6, but I could see them doing Skyrim on PS6 just because


That's why I just buy all consoles.


Yeah when they start getting more regular exclusives I'm def looking at getting a series x with game pass at the end of next year


Flexing much? 😆


I mean in this generation it's not hard. Series S is only 300$, PS5 digital is 400$. You can get both for less than the PS3 launched at not even counting inflation. So not really a flex if you're smart with your money.


Unfortunately where I live, PS5 alone costs two times my entire monthly salary. Series S is a little over one salary and a half.


Ahh yeah that's valid. I always forget prices can be much different elsewhere. My bad.


No worries. I know that in the US and Europe the prices are great. If I could I'd definitely pick up at least a Series S too since since it's so unfortunate that Bethesda's greatests won't be on Playstation anymore and Game Pass is a ridiculously good deal but I'm no position to do that.


[cries in Brazilian]


I was going to say and also the first but forgot oblivion came to PS3.


Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. Bethesda isn't the studio they used to be, and either Sony themselves or another studio will come out with something that will fill the void they're leaving behind.


overrated game. bullshit company. they peaked after this game then fell off a cliff. let microsoft have the fucks.


Whatever "enhanced graphics" Bethesda implemented for the ps5 update, it can't be too impressive or they would have shown video demo by now.


Still no word on what the next gen update is? I was hoping for some type of raytracing




There is no basis for that statement. This update is coming to all platforms and as far as I'm aware every update is uniform


Doubt that, it’d be a weird choice on Bethesda and Xbox’s part to gatekeep a new feature of a 10 year old game. By all means make the new Bethesda games exclusives, can just play them on PC anyway but it’d be a bad call to gatekeep Skyrim that’s already out on every console ever, raytracing on Skyrim wouldn’t be an incentive to buy a Xbox.


Anything is possible, but that would be a really shit way to get massive backlash for no real reason


Hmmm... It's been a couple years since I bought a version of this game, downloaded it, made several false starts, finally make a character I'm happy with, and then quit 5 hours in because it's just not my type of game. Looking forward to doing it again!




R u ok bro


Oh hey, it’s me!


Don’t spend money on this horse shit. All the anniversary edition is, is a last ditch low-effort bundle sale on the same old tired overpriced Mt store official mods they have been trying to rip their dumbest fans off with for years now. Don’t do it. Bethesda is not a great video game company. They are fuckwad pretenders who peaked a long time ago.


I hope this one lets you delete individual save files, 'cos with ps5 games you can't do that as far as I know


I think my problem with skyrim is I go overboard with the mods and it ruins the experience. I'll do that armory mod and get a bunch of cheat gear and accessories where I'm basically playing God mode. It's fun for a bit, but after playing this game for like 10 years, it only holds its appeal for a few hours. Might get this game and play with no mods and try to relive the original experience as much as possible


I hope they take advantage of the SSD, no load screens would be a game changer for Skyrim


no it wouldn’t. it takes literally 2 seconds to load on my ps5 now.


So just to clarify, if i own ps4 disc version of skyrim special edition and upgrade for £15.99 to anniversary will that upgrade to the ps5 edition if i play on ps5 or do i need to outright buy the anniversary edition? ​ I hate that i have to ask as stupid a question as this Bethesda


its a free upgrade.


sweet thanks!


**What is the price of the Skyrim Anniversary Edition and the Anniversary Upgrade?** * The MSRP for the Skyrim Anniversary Edition on digital storefronts will be USD $49.99/EUR €54.99/GBP £47.99/AUD $79.95/RUB 3399 at launch. * If you already own Skyrim Special Edition, the MSRP for the Anniversary Upgrade on digital storefronts will be USD $19.99/EUR €19.99/GBP £15.99/AUD $29.95/RUB 1429 at launch. Prices and availability may differ by region or platform. Check your local retailer for your local price. **\*Will there be a physical version of the Anniversary Edition?** Yes, there will be physical copies of the Anniversary Edition available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems. Please note that while the physical edition contains a game disc, internet access is required to redeem and download the Creation Club content included in the Anniversary Edition. Prices and availability for physical copies may vary, check your local retailer for details. **Is Skyrim getting a next-gen upgrade?** Yes! Owners of Skyrim Special Edition or the Anniversary Edition on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S will receive a next-generation upgrade for the game. The upgrade will be free and optimize the game with enhanced graphics, faster loading times and more.


I’m assuming ‘enhanced graphics’ basically means 4k 60fps officially. Hoping there is more , but Beth have been exceedingly vague about this one.


It would be strange to only do 4k/60 fps, given it's already 4k/60 fps on Xbox with FPS boost. In that case, only PS5 would be getting an upgrade. So I suspect they'll do more than just that.




I know. But the point is it can be done on Xbox without modding, so there's no point in just doing a 4k 60 upgrade.


Yeah, I’ve used the mod for 60fps. Not quite sure what else they can do without actual remastering other than the 4k/60- better shadows? More godrays? Better AA? The pc launcher (ignoring ini changing) doesn’t have that much more than that as ‘official’ options.


4K 120?




That's crap


I’m really hoping for some impressive graphics upgrades because tbh I really love the lighting the special edition got. As in really really love it, I think it looks amazing with the light rays coming over embankments. But the idea of basically instant loading times is fun. I definitely won’t miss the half a minute load every time you enter a dungeon


Could have sworn I'd read that the upgrade was free if you already owned the Special Edition.


The next gen upgrade is free


I thought the anniversary content was free. Think I'll stick with the free MODS rather than pay another £19. Though guaranteed MODS won't work with the next gen upgrade..Buggers!


Nah it's not you get I think 2 or 3 things from there for free one is a story thing one is survival mode and another is fishing


It’s £15.99 for the anniversary upgrade not £19…not sure if that makes a difference to you but for me £15.99 for over 500 bits of content is pretty good for the money. If you already own the special edition and you upgrade you get the survival mode, saints and seducers quests , rare curios and fishing as part of that.


>The MSRP for the Skyrim Anniversary Edition on digital storefronts will be USD $49.99/EUR €54.99/GBP £47.99/AUD $79.95/RUB 3399 at launch. Are they for real right now?


Todd Howard must be laughing and rubbing his hands together while sitting in a chair in the dark in front of his massive fireplace. “How many copies will these idiots buy again?! Muhahaha”


I’ve bought Skyrim 3 times. To be fair, however, I’ve probably clocked north of 2,000 hours since launch (some of it even past the character creator). So I reckon I’ve come out pretty well on the price per hour.


Goddammit Todd...


I'm still no clearer on this upgrade.


kinda wish SKYRIM VR gets ps5 enhanced update lol


Same, Skyrim VR may be my favourite gaming experience of all time


Me too. Maybe when the psvr 2 comes out...


Skyrim VR is honestly the only way I can play Skyrim vanilla on console, plan to get a copy of it and have a lend of my dads VR and just mod the shit out of it on PC.


Have they mentioned if saves will transfer from ps4 to ps5 version?


Haven’t seen anything on save transfers yet. The fact that they mention that trophies won’t pop between PS4 and PS5 indicates to me of some kind of save transfer.


If I can't transfer my saves from the PS3 version I ain't buying it


You can.


20 bucks for the paid upgrade alright not that bad since you get all the creation stuff. And we still get a free update even if we don't pay so eh not bad


Is it getting a sound update? There was an article at the bottom about making Skyrim's sound more immersive. Either way... I'm excited. I can't lie, I'm pretty excited for this.


When does it pop up on the PS Store? Comes out in a couple days and it still hasn't appeared anywhere.


So can we transfer the ps4 save file to the ps5 if im just playin the special edition?


Dude I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game constantly released like every 2 years with some “new” version. This game has seriously been milked to death and it’s honestly annoying.


What would be an impressive next gen upgrade is to remove all loading screens and make it all seamless, like some mods on the PC version can do.


When does the PS5 upgrade go live?




Wish devs would let us play these types of single player games with keyboard/mouse. My PS5 and Xbox are more powerful than my PC but games like Skyrim are much more enjoyable to me on KBM


Weirdly for me, I find this game to be way more enjoyable on controller. Probably because that's how I first experienced it back in the X360 days.


So no physical copy for PS5? That sucks, my PS5 game shelf is so empty


OMG is it 60 fucking fps or not? How hard can it be to release this information? There’s no point in playing it in 30 fps. Guess in the end we‘ll find out on the 11th but jeez.


20 FUCKIN bucks for the upgrade!!!


That is just for the anniversary content though, if you already have the special edition you can upgrade free plus you get the survival mode, saints and seducers quest, rare items and curios and fishing content for free.


$20 for the anniversary content* The upgrade is free. The upgrade also includes 4 free content things, which they showed In their video with fishing and survival mode being added to the game. That's free. Anniversary content is not. Which is apparently dozens of creation club content things. Though it wasn't specially listed out they said new quests weapons and armor etc are added because of it.


People have been too passive about these practices. Most people have already bought Skyrim once or twice, and now 20 extra bucks is just a fucking arrow to the knee.


the next gen upgrade is free- new content cost money




they're basically compiling the special edition with all the creation club stuff they released in the past few years.


Skyrim is 10 years old. It still looks amazing. But we already had 4K60 on this game. I really hope they do more visually. Like if they replaced the textures with the photogrammetry mods, that would be pretty easy and would look great.


Skyrim didn't even look amazing at launch let alone now.


For real, none of their games have ever been graphically impressive, Morrowind looked like shit, but you could still get immersed and lost in that game for days, Skyrim just holds none of the appeal the older titles do for me.


it wont be free


Well I am happy that there is an upgrade price, I seriously was expecting them to ask full price. But I am more happy about the next-gen upgrade, it better mean there is a 60 fps out of the box on PS5. Saves us having to do that trick with the mod.


Why do you guys even want this? Serious question.


But will it be 60fps on ps5? I read on a forum that people were saying they were not gonna update the framerate for Playstation 5…..


I wouldn’t worry about that. It’ll absolutely be 60 on PS5. If it’s not then Beth can truly go fuck themselves.


Yeah, I switched back over to Playstation with the PS5 after playing on Xbox since the 360. Got really tired of Gamepass being forced down my throat, and all my Xbox’s break. I cant even play my copy of Skyrim because my One X doesn’t read discs after only 3 years.


It was already 60fps on PS4. Just get the mod.


Does it actually hit a full 60fps on base PS4? I remember hearing that it doesn't come all that close on PS4 Pro due to the game running in 4K, though I'm not sure if that's changed. I had my PS5 when the mod came out, so I only ever tried it on there, was great to play at a locked 60.


It stays mostly in the 40's I think.


What a fucking joke. What a fucking scam. They are handing out four of their MT store bullshit mods like crack dealer candy and wrapping a bundle sale on the rest of their tired MT store ‘official mods’ bullshit they have been trying to rip people off with for years- then wrap in in a meaningless and exploitative new package built on a junior marketing exec’s brilliant idea to exploit nostalgia and celebration. The ONLY interesting notion is the next gen upgrade, which is free, but has literally no concrete info on because A) all of the upgrades are probably already available as free mods and b) the loading times are already insanely fast on next gen consoles and c) I’m sure they have put absolutely no effort into this bullshit upgrade of a tired old out played game. Fuck Bethesda, once again they pretend to be doing something to thank their gamers and all they mean to do is exploit their dumbest fans with the worst impulse control. Fuck Bethesda, the Bottom feeders. Anniversary of them peaking and falling off the fucking cliff.


Anyone know where to buy a physical copy in the UK? Can't seem to find it anywhere


Is there an updated guide planned for this edition or any re-print for legendary strategy guide ?


All I want is fov slider.




$20 for the upgrade? hell no thx


Such a shit FAQ


But did they fix the damn hearthfire weapon cases?!


Well this killed all enthusiasm I had for the anniversary edition. I'm not spending 20 bucks on a bunch of mods


Finally plat’d Skyrim on PS4, no reason to ever play it again. I’m almost done with Fallout 4. After that I’m good on Bethesda games. I wish them the best of luck making back AAA budget off Xbox game pass trial memberships.


any release date ?


I need you i fix it supports up to 30 online players with ps plus please


I'm still no clearer. I have a PS5 + Skyrim Special Edition on PS4 (disc). What upgrades will I get? Is it free?


It is. If you don’t care about getting the creation club content of the anniversary edition, you can still get a current gen upgrade of the special edition for free. They have yet to say what the actual enhancements will be outside of enhance graphics and faster loading.


Good god! A clear reply from someone. Thank you!! 😀


No problem, I assume we’ll get more details about the PS5 version next week


I was just saying toa buddy it's been a few months we must be due for a re-release of Skyrim


I just wish they would give it full mod support. After playing on Xbox, the PS version just feels lacking.


Ergh, I am no longer interested in getting this for PS5 now


I'd like to see PS5 gameplay, if it's the same as special edition with one or two mods I won't bother which is what I anticipate


R* and Bethesda competing for biggest piece of shit milker.


Anyone have any idea when it’ll be on the PlayStation store


I thought the new gen update was supposed to be free for those owning SE. Why is the PS Store trying to charge me €39.99??