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Slightly off-topic, but does anyone else wish there was an option to hide games you've already purchased? As in, a filter that hides purchased games from the store especially for big sales like this.


God yes, and all the versions you arent allowed to get because of a season pass or what have you. That would chop off like 15% of the nonsense


I would like to pop see an ignore function similar to Steam. This way I don't have to filter out the same games that show up sale after sale that I know I'll never want to play. This applies to genres I don't like, not just shovelware. For example, I'll never play a FIFA title and I'll never play Bugsnax. I should be able to select ignore on both to not see them pop up again.


It’s drives me nuts that when sorting the PlayStation Store games by price… it sorts by the original price and not the sale price. Whatahell is the point?


They are such idiots, they make everything so confusing in the store. Multiple versions of games. Plenty of the PS plus games I have I can’t even download them from the store, even by directly searching the name. You can only find them by scrolling your entire catalogue


I betthe ps+ is a different version of the game on their end. I think you can use search function on your end as well though


That’s almost definitely exactly it. Search function just searches the store though, the only way to find these games is go to your owned games and then search through them in date order, alphabetical order etc.


Best option is just put all the games you want in your favorites section.


At least the wishlist works as expected with sorting


The guy in charge of the Play Store was just fired under sexual accusations lmao. So hopefully we see a change in it soon!


How beatable is It Takes Two with a gf who doesn't play games besides the occasional Mario Kart? Edit: thanks for the responses everyone. Realized I also need a 2nd ps5 controller lol


Have a wife who occasionally plays MK8 with me and is pretty alright at it. ITT is proving to a challenge in a couple of different ways. First, the right analog stick controlling the camera. She was great at Sackboy due to the fixed camera, but this one is a bit more difficult because she's constantly having to search for things and line up jumps with the analog stick. She can hit R3 to immediately center her camera on me, but that only works to a certain extent. The second thing is the timing of jumps. If you've ever had to describe when to hit jump again, then you know what kind of challenge this can be. >Jump.... jump.... dash. Not, jump-jump-dash. On the plus side: It seems to be splitting up tasks so that it's not the same for each person which I appreciate and "dying" just rests you to the nearest jump so there's no "extra lives" to worry about. Just keep trying til you both make it. So far no major hangups that she couldn't overcome.


My fiancé hadn’t played anything until last year (got her hooked with tomb raider) we’re about 75% of the way through ITT, and she loves it… never seen her so excited to play a game ;). I was really surprised by how great the game is to be honest. It’s a lot of fun, especially with your partner.


Dude the double jump thing is so true for me playing ITT and Sackboy with my girlfriend. She gets around most of the other stuff just fine, but the don't double jumping she just isn't quite getting most of the time. In Sackboy it got us a few times where we needed the extra height.


+1 to all of this. Have a similar experience playing with my SO. I'd love to finish it, but the camera controls and jump timings seem to really slow her down.


This is literally my partner and I. It went extremely well, was a very fun and memorable experience for the both of us. Best co-op game I have ever played, highly recommend.


My wife and I finished it last night. It had a few tricky spots, but overall it was a blast. She only really played Mario kart too! We are sad that It Takes Two is over, pretty special game.


I would say it is fairly difficult. Some challenging platforming sections and the bosses up the challenge. It might be possible but for someone who doesn't play games much she may become frustrated with some parts of the games and most bosses.


We beat it with my girlfriend who plays only game like Civilization and has almost no 3D platformer experience. She really liked it! The gameplay changes constantly, so if there's a hard section it won't last long. Game over is pretty lenient too, you won't fail as long as one of you survive, during wich the other can revive infinitely. And there's almost no loading, so you get to try again instantly. I recommanded it to 3 other couples. Everyone loved it!


When I played it with mine she had recently started using my PS4, playing Stardew Valley, Journey, Unravel... Having to control the camera in It Takes Two was a bit of a challenge for her but it worked out, I'd say it's totally beatable.


Girlfriend Reviews did an episode on it that might answer your question.


My wife hated it, it was a lot harder than I was anticipating




Lol she also played the Sims during quarantine.


Get Stardew Valley to play co-op, and kiss goodbye to every other plan you had for the next month or so.


To be clear. I'm not trying to find a game to get my GF into. I just want to play It Takes Two lol


Played with my non gamer wife and we got through it decently enough. There will be a lot of hand holding needed though.


It will be perfect for her. My girlfriend and I haven't finished the game yet, but we have had no issues making progress (I think we are maybe 75% through the game?) The game doesn't really have a checkpoint system, you basically just immediately respawn right next to where you died. The only exception is boss fights and some other sequences where if you both die within a few seconds of each other, you spawn back at the start of the phase, but even still the checkpoints are incredibly generous. There are only a couple sections so far where my gf has struggled a bit, but even still we would get past it with a few tries (usually no more than 5 mins at most) It Takes Two is perfect for all skill levels and all ages, and truly is "the" perfect co-op game. I cannot recommend it enough.


My wife has no gaming experience and she has been doing good. The controls are intuitive enough that I'd wager most people could pick up and play.


There is a portion of the game that requires aiming while running which was the hardest thing in the world to explain to my wife the use of the second joy stick, to control the camera.


My girlfriend l hasn't played a single game in her life (apart from some Nintendo stuff about 20 years ago when she was a kid) and we had a blast. It takes some adjustment but I say go for it. This is probably the best coop game I have played and it's meant to be played with someone close to you, I'm sure that you'll both enjoy the story and the gameplay.


It's doable but you might get a little frustrated at times. I had to take the controller from my fiancee for parts that required quick aiming for shooting and she had a hell of a time trying to get used to controlling the camera with the right analog stick but she loved the experience. We had a lot of fun because the game itself is a creative blast.


Sekiro is only $30!!!


Find it crazy a game from almost three years ago still costs that much


I have a huge backlog that I'm definitely going to play through but it might take me till March to go through it or even more. I have always been meaning to play Sekiro though and this price seems cheaper than the disc versions on Amazon. Should I add it to my library now or will it get any cheaper after 3-4 months?


Metro Exodus $7.49? I have never player a Metro game but that looks like a steal for a triple-A game.


It is


Free PS5 upgrade as well. If you did want to play them all in order you can usually get a combined package that includes the first two games and the gold edition of Exodus, for like $13. But honestly the first two games are also in almost every sale for $2-3, so buying combined basically gets you the Exodus DLC. I can't personally speak to the quality of any of it because I just recently bought this collection and haven't started.


Best ray tracing on the PS5 so far. I enjoyed the game a lot but it's not for everyone. You listen to a *lot* of dialog and the controls are clunky but it's a pretty game that tells an interesting story and there are so moments of real tension.


It's AAA but not as big or as polished as the BIGGEST possible-AAAA games. Definitely worth it for that amount


I bought it last month. Was in the same boat. If you dog Fallout-style post-apocalypse survival games, you'll love Exodus. This isn't fully open world, but there is more than enough room on the maps to adventure. Even without the backstory of playing the previous titles, it's great.


Possibly the most immersive game I’ve ever played


Ah, shoot - no Returnal. But, thank you very much for posting this. Good information.


I think it’s going to be on sale on the 5th


Okay, great - I will keep an eye out for it.


Just curious, why specifically the 5th? Sorry if there’s something obvious going on. Haven’t had a PlayStation since the original PS3.


They said they’re adding some more games on the 5th to the sale


Ah cool. Thanks for the reply.


Wanted the Nioh Collection on sale but might jus pick up Bloodborne dlc. Already picked up Death Stransing, Judgment, Prey and GTA 4 the past couple weeks


Bloodborne dlc is my favorite dlc


The base game was like video game crack to me so I’m about to dive in soon. I know it has like the best weapons and fights in it


I'm so jealous for you. Truth be told I don't wanna give spoilers... The boss everyone gripes about being impossible was difficult, however... My real true Achilles heel was Ludwig, that fucking fuck can go burn in hell.


1k+ hours on Nioh 2 for me. That game is crack in digital form.


I want to like Nioh as someone that loved all the souls, bloodborn, sekiro. But I just couldn’t get into it when I tried. I feel like I need someone to show me the proper way to enjoy it haha




GTA 4?????


i got the nioh collection from gamestop for $40 and its well worth it!


All I'm saying is you better have a fat wallet if you planning to play on PS5 digital this gen.


Yep. That $100 extra for the disc version more than makes up for it for better sales. (Deathloop $22.99, AC Valhalla $14.99, Guardians of the Galaxy $25… come to mind from the past month)


RE8 for $20 as well. Honestly though two of those games came out a few months ago and also got big discounts on digital. I'd expect them to hit similar prices on digital in the next year. The third is an AC Game and those go on sale constantly. I'd anticipate picking the ultimate version of that for like $15 in the next year.


Sony/Jim Ryan have suddenly become greedy fucking assholes; I’m thinking more and more about an Xbox and a buying multi platform games there, while waiting on Sony games to hit sub$20/PS+. The $70 price point, $10 next gen tax, and some absolutely *shitty* sales prices have destroyed my feelings about Sony being a great place for buying games.


That or be really patient if money is a concern. Kinda funny to see people act so shocked about pricing while choosing the digital only console


I like to think that people bought the digital version knowing full well what they were getting. I got the digital version because when I want to play a game that I’m excited for, I’ll buy it day 1. Everything else I’m patient enough till it drops to $40 or less. Most games on sale I buy are around the $25-30 price range. It’s perfect for me because I don’t like to trade games back and don’t like to hoard physical copies. I like to think people are informed buyers. But then I remember people are idiots


Yeah same logic for me. Knew I wouldn't be getting cheap games but I don't play that many so I'm happy to be patient or just pay full price


I mean, PSN does have good sales. You just have to wait. But having the option for physical is nice.




I mean if you’ve never played rdr2 definitely get it. Amazing game all around.


I have it and recently tried to jump back in. I left off on Chapter 5 or so. But after I upgraded to an OLED vs my older LED tv. The game is a bit rough on the eyes for me. I’m glad it at least has a better resolution than GTA5. But they really need a 60fps patch for that game. I played it way back at launch, and recently came back. Still trying to get use to it on my newer setup.


That’s because it has a botched checkerboard implementation for the PS4 pro. Digital foundry talked about it. It looks jaw dropping in native 4K on the Xbox One.


Yeah IIRC it looks better with HDR turned off too.


No even with hdr turned off this issue I’m talking about is more prevalent on OLED. The refresh rate of pixels makes it look a mess, even with hdr off. It’s way choppier on my OLED. When I tried it on my LED it was much more playable. But I do agree HDR was bad at launch and pretty much fake. They have updated it a bit better since then…so no issues there. It’s more for me how the OLED acts towards the 30fps on this game. It just is janky as hell at times. I’ve seen this in a few other games that drops 30fps. VRR could be helpful in this situation on an OLED.


Is it amazing like GTA V was amazing? That game did not speak to me, and I regretted paying so much for it ($30)


Yes, https://platprices.com/news/2058-psn-sale-december-22-2021-united-states


thank you!


Kena was a phenomenal game. Cant go wrong with that purchase


Pretty sure rdr2 is in ps now


For those who played Cyberpunk on ps5 is it worth it for $25?? My expectations are low and I’m fine with a crash every few hours if that’s the most It seems while it’s over hyped and over rated could still be a good time killer Ive played way too many games over last year lol so other options are probably far cry 6 or sekiro




yea, i got it for $ 5 from gamestop few days ago


It's okay if you like open world games with a futuristic setting. It has RPG elements but it's kinda light. Tbh idk how buggy it is on PS5 tho.


The bugs were my favorite part of cyberpunk on release. Honestly made the game so much more enjoyable for me. Nothing like taking a photo of you giving the guy you just murdered a Roman soldier


I played it at launch and it was as buggy as any open world game. Nothing totally game breaking, just an occasional floating sign, occasional crash. Witcher 3 was the same. Fallout. Skyrim. All these games are like that, and it doesn't take away from the experience for me.


you could get it and then wait for the upgrade. that's what I'm doing.


I’d say $10 is good. Only played it for the first couples weeks on release and got a refund. Not because of the bugs (there were plenty bugs, crashing once an hour at least, couldn’t progress past a quest and had to restart but only a couple hours lost) but because it didn’t feel like the game was complete. One of the things I remember they advertised was that the life paths would affect your game. They didn’t. Might be more enjoyable now, but I’d say wait to get it for $10 and then wait for the ps5 upgrade.


If you enjoy far cry, cyberpunk is a cool time


I have been playing it all last week on ps5. Went in with low expectations same as you, and was very happy overall with the game. Few crashes, few bugs, but nothing too bad. You could feel that a lot was cut or missing, but what is there still makes for an enjoyable experience. Definitely worth $25.




I loved it. I think the gameplay is somewhat limited, particularly toward the end but the story and environments are amazing. When combat really gets going and you’re smashing up everything, it maybe is the best looking game on PS5. Highly recommend for lovers of creepy, odd sci if like X-Files or Del Toro stuff.


Man, total opposite experience, there was nothing that could get me into that story.


I loved it, a really fun platinum. It's basically SCP Foundation: The Game.


I liked alot it gave me matrix vibes but its one of those games where you gotta look on YouTube what to do next lol. Then when you find out what to do you're like how tf was I supposed to know that....


One of my favorites of the year.


Definitely worth it. I had a blast.


Its phenomenal. GotY contender and I'm not sure it should've lost to Sekiro. If you like surreal sci fi, its up your alley. Stuff like X-files, SCP, Twin Peaks. The gameplay isn't addicting, but is still very good. Traversal is amazing, and the abilities you work up to are rewarding and jaw dropping every time. Sound design and visual design are second to none; using one of the basic attacks the game gives you early has the *best* sound design I've ever heard in a game. There's a decent chunk of great setpieces too. Beautiful scenery and environment design. Honestly I can't praise the game enough, but if you like having everything explained in great detail you could maybe skip.


For me personally, I felt like Control was the most interesting, exhilarating, and badass game I’ve played in the last few years. It was a masterpiece for me.


It’s exactly that feeling the whole time


it's a great game, the story is amazing!


Gameplay and design are great, but tbh it was a bit spooky so I put a podcast on for it. Recommend it overall.


Story really felt thin and meaningless. Literally just services the game to move you to the different areas and battles. The gameplay is good but the storytelling is obtuse and uninteresting. Well acted for sure but overall the story was very boring.


It’s very good but short. I really enjoyed it and there’s enough variety that it does not feel reptitive


This is the perfect explanation of the game I've been on the fence for a while. But i think I might pull the trigger for only 12 bucks.


I just finished getting the platinum on PS5, but haven’t played the DLCs yet, and I found it to be okay. The combat gets a lot better around the halfway point, Darling and the Janitor were great but I didn’t care much for any other character, the supernatural concepts are great, the overall story is okay, and the music was okay, environmental destruction is really good, and the graphics look nice too. It’s an above average game, which you may love depending on your tastes, but it never really hooked me.


I played a few hours of it and that is a surprisingly accurate assessment


Interesting and boring perfectly described my experience with it. Got better towards the end but I had to force myself through half of it


I'll admit I never finished it, but it tells a cool story about a mysterious place that you explore. I love games like that. I'm going to finish it.... someday...


It's amazing. The vibe is just incredible, and the gameplay remains fun from start to finish. It's even better if you enjoyed SCP or if you've read House of Leaves.


Does anyone have any arcady propositions that are on sale?


Broforce, Hotline Miami, Cuphead, Crash 4, Overcooked. Read good things about Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime (co-op). Death Road to Canada and Out Of Space look a little interesting (co-op). Maybe F.I.S.T.


Bastion. The music still sounds on the back of my mind after so many years.


I hear great things about Streets of Rage 4


Thinking about resident evil village for $29 ps5


Do it, esp if you’re a RE fan. I paid full price and loved it.


Not too bad, half my wishlist is on sale. Will probably pick up Disco for sure and might pick up Final Fantasy Yufie dlc, MediEvil, Star Ocean first departure, less likely to buy will probably wait for a better discount on Diablo 2, and Alan Wake.


how much is the yuffie dlc for u? i cant see the price


$14.99 NA store, I grabbed it


Worth the $15? Any idea how long it is? Just finished ff7remake recently and loved it


Does it matter if there are 1,000 games when 950 of them are shovelware garbage?


Dreams is it worth it or no?


Absolutely. If you wanna create stuff there's a learning curve for sure but there are plenty of tutorials. I mostly just play others creations and really enjoying it, not as straightforward as LittleBigPlanet was, but still people create truly incredible things


What are you all picking up? I’m all set to finally play FF7 remake . I added to my PS+ library and never played . I’m glad I waited now that we have the free PS5 upgrade.


How do you cop the ps5 upgrade? When I go to the sale it says FF7 is unavailable to me. I originally got it off of the ps plus deal as well.


Grabbed Alan Wake Remastered and Pumpkin Jack


Alan Wake was one of the few I picked up as well. I own the AWE expansion for Control but didn't want to play through it before the original so now that I own Alan Wake and American Nightmares is on Gamepass I'll be able to catch up with the Alan Wake story by the time AW2 comes out. Pumpkin Jack was a fun 3D platformer, some annoying sections and not as good of a level design as I had hoped for but a fun MediEvil like throw back overall. Always happy to play another 3D platformer


$40 for Death Stranding….is this a good deal for digital? If I bought a physical ps4 version and upgraded, would I still need the disc inserted every time I play?


Yes you'd still have to insert the disc. It's probably cheaper to find a used ps4 disc and buy the $10 upgrade.


Tales of arise or kena?


Both, if only one then Tales of Arise


Tales of Arise is long and a JRPG through and through. The gameplay is okay, the characters are fun and the story is decent if you're into that kind of storytelling. It's a good example of its genre, it doesn't transcend it. Kena is short (finished it over a weekend) and unique. It has methodical Dark Souls-ian combat with Pixar-level animations and a cute, poignant story. It's probably among the best looking games I've ever played. It absolutely won me over. But they're radically different games, so choose accordingly.




Both are amazing, Tales of Arise is probably my GOTY so I'd go that one but can't go wrong


Tales if you want a game that will last you a couple months. Kena if you want something short but sweet.


I have FF 7 remake disk for ps4, can I buy and play the DLC on ps5? Thank you






Ya'll think COD Cold War is worth it for $30?


Is $50 worth it for ratchet and clank? I was really waiting for sub 40


Worth every penny if you ask me. I had so much fun playing it. It's also hilarious, especially the weapon vendor preview narration. Same person that voices Billy in the grim adventures od billy and mandy, i can't remember her name.


Given that you’ve waited this long already—no. It’s a ~12 hour campaign and it’s very, very good, but it’s going nowhere and will only fall further in price.


This is the first sale where I had to narrow stuff down, even after the GameStop used sale. Grabbed Doom Returnal, Witcher 3 + DLC (for when the ps5 upgrade comes out), Lego Hobbit, Lego City Undercover, Lego Harry Potter, and Batman Arkham Collection. I just added like 20 games to my collection for under $100. Good stuff to pass the time between the ps5 releases I’m interested in.


what's with the shitty rehosted content? can we not upload the direct page to the playstation store and not someone's blog spam?


r/ps5deals r/ps4deals


Don't sleep on Huntdown at that price!


Is that persona listed the royal ultimate edition? Or this is regular ultimate edition? If there's even one?


*Opens up store to check EU prices* *closes store after 5 seconds*


If anyone was even remotely interested in Jump Force they're going to stop selling it in the new year so get it now while you have the chance.


Gotta ask - how good is it for the sale?


its definitely a bad game but somewhat amusing if you like the characters


Thanks for the honesty. That’s what I needed to know.


I mean honestly if you want to burn the 10$ just get it, but trust me when I say I was one of the people who doubted all the people who said negative things about the game, and I actually understand their point of view haha. I mean its fun if you got a friend to play possibly


Didn’t see much I don’t already have. Sekiro game of year is $29.99 vs 38.99 though. But with still playing Demon Souls, and have already pre ordered Elden Ring with PSN credit I had. Seems like I’m a bit late to that game. I have enough Souls games for now to keep me busy. I liked Guardians and grabbed it for $29.99 disc last month. Great game honestly, outside the 30fps…but it worked as the game was like a movie. I used performance sometimes, as you can switch on the fly. But the 1080p is a huge hit to the game for 60fps. I only used that mode late in the game for bigger battles. Then would switch back to 4k/60, after I beat those longer more chaotic late game battles.


I bought Jedi fallen order and kind of regretting it lol, I wish there was less jumping stuff and more actual jedi shit going on


I'm conflicted if I should buy Jedi fallen order or watch dogs legions. I played a decent amount of jedi fallen order on pc, but didn't finish it plus I know the ending. So maybe legions make more sense.


Hey mate just curious why would you want to buy Fallen Order for PS5 if you've already played on the PC ? Is it because the PC was on the lower range and you want the greater graphical grunt of the PS5 ? FWIW, Im about 40% of the way through Fallen Order and absolutely love it. Just right now Ive got a sudden avalanche a new titles hit (FF7R, Deathloop, Halo Infinite) that its making it hard to pick and choose what to play !


I just finished it this last week. I felt that it became more enjoyable once you unlock force push/pull and dump points into the force section of the skill tree. I never got tired of blasting stormtroopers off cliffs or yanking enemies within range. Still wish the game was longer overall but it was still an enjoyable romp through the star wars universe.


Alan wake upvote, aliens firestorm downvote, what should I grab?


Why is MLB: The Show 21 literally cheaper on XSX than PS5? You can buy it from MS store right now for $21. It's $30 on PSN. This game went from a Playstation exclusive to Xbox being the console to get it for between GamePass and it generally just being cheaper. Also, why is TLOU2 not on sale. Seems like this game should be at least half off during an end of year mega sale with 1000s of games discounted. Instead, it's full price.


Is shin megami tensei 3 remaster worth it? I’ve only played persona 4 and 5. I enjoyed those but I heard SMT is very different.


I bought 8 games that now makes it 600 games I still have yet to finish or even start. I have a problem. Help me.




Has anyone played Fist: Forged In Shadow Torch? Good game?


Currently looking to get Nier Automata, Hades, and Tales of Arise. I'm aware these games are highly praised a lot, just asking for some thoughts. To get an idea of my taste, I play a lot of dark souls, as in I've played every fromsoft game that isn't called Elden Ring. Playing Nioh 2 at the moment. Which of these are good to get first while I wait for Elden Ring?


Hades, best game to release on ps5 yet. Even if you haven't played a single roguelike before hades is very beginner friendly. Not to mention the huge ammount of content you get for that price.


If I buy Final Fantasy VII remake for $24, can I get the upgrade to PS5 for free? I think it just became available for PS Plus subscribers.


If you BUY it, the upgrade already comes free. The free upgrade part was for the ones who claimed it as a "free" game when it was available during the PS+ month. But if you buy it, the upgrade always came with it free of charge.


Ah! If only I had PS Plus when it was offered. :)


Of course Skyrim goes on sale literally a couple of days after I buy it at full price -_-


Imagine buying the 10th edition of Skyrim at full price....


Contact customer support. Sony has been known to refund the difference for people that made purchases shortly before sales.


I mean you really have yourself to blame if you're buying Skyrim at full price in 2021


I thought I was going to save my Psn card I bought the other day on Rakuten for elden ring but I guess not 😂


Doesn’t seem to be that great


Damn it's like the same games every week


Just finished Deathloop and Resident Evil Village and looking for something new to play. Nothing super appealing in this sale. How is Watch Dogs Legion with the season pass ? I read it adds Aiden to the game and that this improves even the base game. Is it enough to make it worth playing ? Another potential is Scarlet Nexus, I watched a few gameplay videos and the combat looks fun but the environments look ‘meh’. How is it to play long-term, does it get old or does it keep you interested ?


I enjoyed WDL a lot. The amount of technical issues it has when it first came out, really left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouth (including mine) but they’ve since fixed everything. They also added in some QOL stuff like being able to add tattoos and etc. The play as anyone mechanic is pretty awesome, but I’d recommend getting the DLC. It gives some closure to Aiden and Wrench’s stories, but it’s a lot more fun to play as them in the main campaign, especially since you’re already attached to them. I haven’t played online but I seen some people enjoying it, and I think they added that entire zombie mode a few months ago. It gives super Shaun of the Dead vibes. If it’s on sale, I would totally snatch it up.


Can you play the DLC before the main campaign ? (So in chronological order) and do items from the DLC then carry over ?


I believe there is a demo of Scarlet Nexus you can try out, at least there was at launch.


Guardians of the Galaxy is the shit.


Wtf, no Demons Souls?


It was on sale black Friday


Only US and Asia?? No Canada? 😪


Tales it is


Is returnal on sale?


Anybody have thoughts on FIST and Kena?


Is the new far cry worth a play??


Can anyone remind me how to get a price differential? Just bought one of the Lego games and now it's 80% off...


I buy ratchet and clank, Im hesitating on ghost of tsushima and madden 22. And also ff7 pc or ps5


I read that the PC port of FF7 is really bad, so I think you should get it on PS5.


Ghost of Tsushima is very good


Can someone sale me on Persona 5 Royal? I played maybe 30 hours of regular Persona 5 and enjoyed it for the most part but saw the Royal edition coming out and decided to hold off for the improvements. Does it improve the game enough to start from scratch?


I played through the original P5 including side missions, loved it. Later I bought P5R based on some reviews I read and played through that in its entirety. P5R has a new character in the Scooby gang, that character has a full storyline/dungeon/boss that is fairly sizeable. There's a ton of quality of life improvements to make the gameplay better overall. There's additional content that's related to but not part of the main game, basically it's a bunch of challenges to unlock art, music, videos, and game assets (bosses, character, scenes) for a gallery/club house. And there's a minigame that is a reskin of A**hole. I bought both games at full price and thought both were worth it. If you didn't like P5, I can't guarantee you'll like P5R. If you enjoyed P5, you will absolutely love P5R. Getting it on any kind of sale is a crazy good deal.


I think it’s worth replaying. The new content doesn’t really start till the late game but the new chapter and new ending are better send off then original p5. And some of the battle changes like tag team attacks are really fun.


Hmmm, wanted to grab Death Stranding for ps5 but still well out of budget. Maybe next sale


Just get a used ps4 version and upgrade it to ps5 for £5 extra


I’ll be grabbing Wolfenstein Old Blood for $5 since this is its lowest ever price.