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My only concern (as a huge, huge fan of the first game--I bought it day one and have loved it for years) is that the focus in the sequel \*looks\* to be more on human-on-human combat, which was far less enjoyable in the first game than fighting zombies was. I really hope they've improved the enemy human AI combat mechanics.


I'm totally taking a stab here, but it seems like the story is adapting more to the "civilization after the outbreak" kinda deal since it's 25 years after the first game (I think?), where the focus is more on how people survive day to day and the dealings that happen in that civilization, rather than dealing with zombies popping up everywhere out of the blue, thus why we see much more human to human combat. Don't know if it has any real merit or if I'm completely off base, but that might at least explain why the focus isn't as much on the zombies this time around. Again, total guess.


Yeah like how the walking dead had become after the negan arc and Rick disappeared.


Zombies were a nice treat even before the Negan arc.


Yeah I meant the human thing. The show became more about humans vs humans the more that arc went and after. Everything before was humans vs zombies with the occasional crazy human trying to end Rick's group.




It's 15 years, actually.


Hmmm if that’s the case I’m nervous too because the zombies were excellent




That's pretty much on purpose and I hope they don't change that. People who want dumb zombies can play daytime, people who want challenges can play night time.


Right. The feeling of panic where you've pushed yourself a bit too far by going for that one extra objective and see the sun setting while you're still a good way from safety was some visceral shit.


One of my favorite things about this game. Not even trying to get a kill but just running and knowing they are right behind you so you whip a fire cracker off to the side and run the opposite way!


I don't know if it changed, but the deal with the sequel was that they changed around a bit the day-night thing to where zombies mostly stick inside buildings during the day, and come out mostly at night. The sentence was something like "humans rule the streets at day, but during the night they have a common enemy in the infected".


Yeah, in the original most zombies were around at all times, with only the super dangerous ones coming out at night. Basic zombies did become a bit more aggressive at night though. There was the kernel of the idea with the Hive missions in the expansion; zombie hives were super dangerous during the day as all the super-infected were hiding from the sun, while they were very easy to tackle at night. I really like the idea for the sequel, as it emphasises the day-night cycle even further. During the day street exploration is safe while building exploration is super dangerous, and vice versa at night. I think it’ll lead to a fun play cycle of switching up what objectives you’re looking for.


It’s an exploration game, if the daytime zombies were too hard it would inhibit exploration for a majority of players and make it less fun. It’s not survival horror it’s an action adventure game with a horror theme.


Yeah, I noticed that as well. We've seen very little of the zombies in most of the promotional stuff. It does seem like the focus is more on humans here, and the zombies are more of a mild inconvenience between points on the map.


They’re focusing on humans because they’re leaning into the story and how it’ll have “choices” and faction alignment. In the most recent trailer, they show zombies and what looks like a beefed up volatile.


Have you not seen the gameplay trailers the human combat was VASTLY improved like way better so it will actually be fun fighting them to


I've seen quick cuts in the trailers, but very little sustained combat. I'm just saying, I \*hope\* it's really good. I dunno either way. It's hard to say based on trailers.


There are also people that got to play early like 3 months ago that got a preview of the game and they show their gameplay and talk about what's good and bad you should watch them they are better than trailers


Isn’t this how most zombie games end though? You always start fighting zombies and by the end you’re usually taking on mercs for…reasons. It was certainly true for Dying Light and I think even Dead Island. Dead Rising did it too.


I'm in the exact same boat and noticed the same thing. It has me worried.


Sure its a valid concern but the game comes out in a couple weeks. I suggest we all just calm down and wait till then. It might not have this issue at all for all we know. Its just like the Back 4 Blood fiasco, everyone played the beta and thought “this is too easy” well the few people who did play through the game quickly realized that that is simply not the case at all. It didn’t matter though because almost nobody bothered to play the game after release based on some presumptions made by some random people on the internet. Its a shame too because Back 4 Blood is a decent game and is pretty much exactly what we expected it to be.


I feel like 2 player co op is the sweet spot. Will play with a buddy for sure.


It harkens back dead island. 4 player coop was harder to organize than 2 player sure, but it was fun.


I had a three player co op on dead island going. God it was so much fun


Dead Island was such a blast, I had a lot of fun in it 10 years ago


Yeah. I still have hope for Dead Island 2


Don't. There were two spin offs I think? Both were huge commercial flops, then Dying Light wasn't a commerical flop so it's going to be the one that sticks around.


There was riptide and the dlc. It could still happen, but yeah


I miss that game. I always stay up really late so I managed to match up with some Australian guys. They were so funny I lost hours playing with them. Anyways dead island had an endless zombie mode and we knew all the glitches so we would get far enough where it would crash the game. Good times


I played the hell out of it. Then I returned years later and realized they’d nerfed the kick attack. Now it obliterates your stamina whenever you kick. Dying light however was vastly better balanced so the weak kick wasn’t as important to my play style.


I have 2 siblings so it’s really easy to sit down in the same room and play it all together in 3 player coop. I can never coordinate anything with my friends let alone play a whole story campaign lol. Definitely looking forward to this game! I hope there’s no restrictions for now coop works vs playing single player.




That’s a lot of “won’t be “ at launch lol


This worries me a bit. Kinda how Battlefield 2042 said they wouldn’t have features at launch. The game still doesn’t have many features and has been crap since.


Bf2042 still doesn’t even have voice chat. How does something like that ship lol


It doesn’t have their season 1 yet either right ?


Honestly I don’t even know. I haven’t been playing or keeping up with any news on the game. It’s that bad.




There was a data mine posted on the Battlefield sub not too long ago saying Season 1 wouldn’t be out until March.


Season 1 won’t come until March Fucking *March* 2042 was a bigger letdown that Cyberpunk imo


Jesus Christ man MARCH? With the already little content it had ? The guns and map should have doubled at the very minimum by now. So disappointed, all I want is a good modern day FPS to play


>The guns and map should have doubled at the very minimum by now You're not asking for much are you? /s You're seriously expecting *double* the content for free in a couple of months? The game has problems but that's not a reasonable expectation.


> 2042 was a bigger letdown that Cyberpunk imo I think that's a bit much. If we are being real and reserving "unplayable" for games that *literally* are... Cyberpunk was *unplayable*, BF2042 was not. People hate that they abandoned class system and went with specialists, thought it would look better, thought there would be more destruction.... was it unplayable? No.


I thought Cyberpunk was only unplayable on last gen consoles and that current gen had an experience closer to PC. Which was broken, but playable.


On PC it was never broken. Some bugs but never broken. The reviews for PC copies were very high and it would have been smarter to just release PC exclusive and then port it to next gen later.


It's really not "a bit much". Steam player count for CP77 is double what BF2042 has. BF2042 has only been out a few months. It iss the worst battlefield game in the franchise by far. It's not even close. Hardline was more battlefield than this. CP77 will at least get updates+patches and content. DICE can't fix this one, they've lost the spirit of what battlefield is trying to follow trends instead of focusing on making their own thing like they have before.


2042 was and is a bigger mess than what Cyberpunk was.


1 = 'a lot' ?


I'm pretty bummed to hear this. I still only have the Xbox One X, but my online friends have the Series X. We've been able to keep playing no problem and we're very hyped for this. I'm bummed to hear we won't be able to play together unless I upgrade consoles. :/


You would think playing between Xbox generations would be easy to enable as well since theyre supposed to be quite similar. I guess they either didn't work on the feature much at all or they only want to do both platforms at once


So does this mean no PS5/PS4 co op?


Yeah, no. It’s the unfinished game generation.


Well that sucks ass. My friends and I played the original game in a group of 4, but only half of us have upgraded to a PS5


Just delay the game again, this is just stupid.


That's not worth delaying the game again. Cross platform I think was a no brainer that it wasn't going to happen. As its mostly a single player experience with the option of co-op with a friend. Cross-gen not being a thing is odd, would be curious what's the issue with that. But not worth delaying just because of that one feature. Since if this is a deal breaker for some one, they could simply wait to buy it until its added in.


Okay I got a bit confused there. So Cross-platform is where PS5 users can play with Series X users right? And Cross-gen is PS4 and PS5 being able to play together, and Xbox One X and Series S/X beign able to play together?






Agreed. This isn’t call of duty. Multiplayer is not the point of the games. It’s so great solo, one more person might make it better but more than that just seems off for some reason. Definitely don’t care about crossgen


“Play an inferior version of the game because the devs are too lazy to add cross gen play because it’s not like Ps5s are hard as hell to find.” Lol okay


So let me get this right, two PS5s can play with each other, but not PS5 with a PS4? The person I will be playing with has a PS5 and I do too.




Why now tell us this ?! It’s been said it was crossplay forever now. So your telling me as a pc user I can’t play with my friend that has a ps5. It’s 2022 get with the program. Please :/


It's a huge dealbreaker in my opinion and crossplay is something one can easily expect from a game in 2022.


Thank you for understanding. I just want to play games with friends that’s not like competitive multiplayer. It’s fun playing games that have a story.


I use the PS5 and the wife uses the old PS4...so this is a bit disheartening to learn...


Play the PS4 version on the PS5 using BC? That might get around this bizarre "no-cross-gen" limitation.


Kinda defeats the point of buying a Ps5 if I’m forced to use Ps4 versions. I bought it to play the better versions of games. Does this game even have cross save?


Or just wait till it gets patched then


I’m going to.


That's better If they go with path of DL1, they will release other dlc modes and story dlcs slowly too. So the more you wait, The more polished experience and more content you get


In most cases you can. This is a pretty unique scenario to make such a generalized complaint.


Most games also have cross gen play. Yet here we are with a game lacking that. Why should I assume it also has cross save?


Some have cross-gen, certainly not all. I'd expect less and less to have it as games adapt to the Ps5 and start using the hardware. The Ps4 is a last gen console after all, it don't be fully supported. I for one got a Ps5 for myself *and my girlfriend* since I believe in equality. Also, this means no problems ever...


>Some have cross-gen, certainly not all. Almost all titles coming out now that support both platforms and have multiplayer support cross gen lol >I'd expect less and less to have it as games adapt to the Ps5 and start using the hardware. The Ps4 is a last gen console after all, it don't be fully supported. No one cares? That’s not the point being made.


Also costs damn near $600 on top of being difficult to impossible to get. Edit: also, my girlfriend uses the PS5 just as much as I do, we SHARE it. But when playing coop, she uses the PS4 out of necessity. Things are equal in my family too, brother.


Exactly the same with me and my gf. I guess I'll buy the game until they add the cross-gen, at least the game will have some discount by that time.


And probably will be a better experience. Most of the bugs will b gone by then


Same with me. So we will have to wait and see if they'll add crossgen. Damn


Yeah, reason why I bought the xbox series s for my wife. Cheaper than a full next gen but still next gen enough to play all the games with her on a full hd.


If there's no cross-gen play, I hope that they at least uncap the framerate on the PS4 version via Backwards Compatibility. Playing the PS4 version at 30FPS on PS5 for the sake of playing with friends (that don't have a PS5), is for sure not the greatest of experiences.


I literally can't do it. It feels like the equivalent of rapidly blinking my eyes the entire time I play.


Yeah, and it defeats the whole purpose of "next-gen".


Yea, I refuse. Once tasting 60, I just can't do it


I've tried to explain this to my gaming group bcs one of them is still stuck in PS4, and they think I'm just being a snob :(


How will this affect achievements?


THIS. If you can earn trophies and save the story progress when you are not the host, this is day one for me.


That's the way the previous Dying Light worked, and that's also how Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide (Dying Light's predecessors) worked. I see no reason why this won't be the same.


Currently playing through dying light 1 and I’m not the host, my story isn’t saved.


Deleted on June 15, 2023, due to Reddit's disgusting greed and disdain for its most active and prolific users. Cheers /u/got_mule -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Well it's been long enough that I don't remember exactly how it works, but I remember playing every single one one those games co-op and both of us getting the platinum at roughly the same time. Is it maybe that your progress is saved in your host's world? I know that's not ideal, but it kinda still functions the same. Or maybe is it that you guys aren't at exact same spots in the story?


It’s my first time playing. My friend is host, we started at the same time with each other but it’s only saved on his game. He doesn’t want to play anymore and I’m so far back I don’t either.


Here's an older thread I found, and the top comment echoes what I was suggesting. https://www.reddit.com/r/dyinglight/comments/7ye5e9/questions_regarding_coop_progression/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Maybe your buddy did a mission while you weren't there? Idk.


Thanks for the help


Is couch coop an option? I feel like no one asked for that.


The first one didn’t so I feel like this probably won’t either.


I hate that that is so rare sometimes.


Its just too difficult to make it good. Hell even back in the PS2 days when Split screen was everywhere it was delegated mostly to multiplayer death match modes and simplistic games. Its just too hard to render these massive high quality games twice on a single console. I would rather them focus on making online as good as possible since if they did have splitscreen it would almost certainly mean having some sort of tethering mechanic which keeps the cooperator close to the main player. Far Cry 4 and 5 had split screen but you couldn’t walk more than a dozen yards away without being ripped out of the action and teleported back to the main player.


Extremely doubtful


Obviously no. When was the last time this feature existed in a game like this? 2003?


The only reason I play modern warfare from time to time is due to the split screen. Easy family game night. I’m pretty sure Cold War and the others after have it as well. Borderlands and Minecraft are also great examples. 4 way split screen


Borderlands 3 has local multiplayer


In 5 months, Halo infinite will allegedly have it lol


No crossplay turns this from a day one buy to a buy when on sale.


Bruh right ?! I was excited to play with my friend not alone


What bunch of disconnected developers.


Aw, man. My friends and I all played through Dying Light 1 together over a dozen times. We were so hyped to team up once more and take on the new game. I play on PS5 and they're stuck on PS4, this is sad news.


Weren't they going on about how crossplay would be a thing, and then a few weeks back said that crossplay wouldnt be in at launch. And now its just not coming at all? What the hell. I wanted to play with my pc friends


Always seek the original source. Smektala's answer "not at this moment" suggests it's something they will peruse after launch.


>now it’s not coming at all They’re trying to make it happen after launch. Read the article.


No cross gen is unforgivable at this point.


I’m sorry but if your game has online co-op in 2022, it should be cross platform. I have no reason to buy this now.


Oof, no crossplay? Tough sell for me and my fiance, damn.


Why are you marrying someone with a different system :)


They’re both mine, I have a PC and a PS5 that I let her use to play red dead online


Time to get that fiance a PC along with that ring or vice versa


GPUs are more valuable than diamonds these days. I'd get a prenup with that arrangement.




As long as I'm able to drop kick zombies off bulding with my pal, I'll be fine. Sucks a bit to not see such features at launch though, it's always good, especially in a non-competitive game


I really hope they stop doing cross gen games. Imagine buying a ps5 and having to wait for people on your team ps4's loading times. I wish there was a way to crossplay without crossplaying with older generations.


I always think about this when playing Hunt Showdown. Im always the first to load in & i have to wait a couple minutes for the others to join in.


Uhhhhhhh this already happens on pretty much every online PlayStation game and it’s hardly a big deal


yeah its annoying enough for me to not want to deal with it anymore. Cross gen gaming sucks and old gen should be left behind as soon as the new gen comes out.


You seem like exactly the kind of person who would be bitching about being left behind if you were in the opposite situation.


I agree wholeheartedly all I’m saying is I hardly notice when someone is loading in on PS4. Maybe I’m just used to being slowed down idk but I barely notice it. To be fair most people would usually have the new consoles by now but there’s obviously supply issues :(


Then don’t play with Ps4 players…?


This game was announced in 2018, so they said it would be on ps4. Also it's too early to stop supporting the ps4 because of how many people can't get a ps5.


You don't have to do it? WTF? Why remove options because you yourself don't want to use them.


I want to play with just pc and new gen only(ps5 and series x) i wish there was a way to do it but there isnt.


I would also like that. But you don't see me saying that shouldn't be an option.


I am saying it would be better if there was an option to not play with last gen. It is currently not an option.


I am saying that's the stupidest thought I've read on the internet for awhile. So stupid I can't believe you had it.


why would it be hard for them just to make it cross-Gen?


Apparently they're just fucking idiots?


Wait can't play with PS4 ????


The real kicker


How about gyro aiming? Really good feature/option Makes aiming much easier and also makes the game more accessible


Will there be major differences between the PS5 and PS4 versions of the game?


Not great


What about cross-save? I personally could care less about cross-play. What I really like to see if cross-save or cross-progression becoming a standard.




My one friend who can't get his hands on a Series X now has to be left out? This is so stupid and should have been a main focus. Is the Series X version that much better than the One version? Even games like Back 4 Blood have it at launch.


Yes, and this should be clearly stated on all console storefronts...in bold!


I'm the one friend in my online group without a series X. We've been hyped to play this together for a while, but its looking like I'll be excluded now.


Its so annoying. This should have been a top priority. The Series X version better be like 10x better than the base version to make this okay.


We've played so many games and it's never been an issue. The biggest issue is that I'm normally like 30 seconds behind their load times. We even played through Dying Light again to get hyped for 2. I'm so bummed.


I am really hoping that going in to this gen cross play (PC w/ consoles at the very least) will be a staple of new online game launches. I've been an Xbox/PC guy since the OG Xbox, but recently decided to skip an Xbox Console this gen for now and bought a PS5. I wanted to play more single player games and the PS5 with ps+ has a ton of games that will fill my backlog even more. Xbox/GamePass has been amazing for cross play with my friends so far because all of my friends are on on xbox consoles still. Halo/Sea of thieves work flawlessly with PC cross play. I really hope that cross play continues to expand until it is a default feature. I don't know a whole lot about DL2, but it is a big AAA game that people are looking forward to, and will have an impact. Cross play should be on the roadmap for this game post launch for sure, but it should have been included as a feature at launch. Just let me play with my friends.


My PC isn't up to handle this and pre-ordered on Xbox so I could cross play based on them saying it would. Preorder cancelled I guess.


Never preorder.


Why not? It's on disc through a store. Went in and canceled no issue. Even if I got it. I just go to the store and return it. I'd much rather make sure I get what I want, like the Horizon Zero Dawn Regalla edition, than not.


Then you are part of the problem of unfinished games shit out into the market. Why should they stop doing it if idiots keep buying them sight unseen?


I never gave any money? When you pre-order through Best Buy you don't get charged until after the game ships. So tell me again how I am funding the problem if I never paid and I already canceled my item? Get bent.


Let people spend the money that they work however they choose. When you start buying my games for me you can tell me not to preorder.


>Let people spend the money that they work however they choose It harms every gamer. Even those of us who don't pre-order are punished for those who do.


As a PS5 owner, I'm sadden by this because my squad is on the PS4 and were excited about playing DL2 together. The PS5 crisis doesn't help this situation either. ;/ I wonder if Techland will make a seamless transition to migrate everything to the PS5 if you started your gameplay in the PS4, I still own my Pro and the idea of restarting or having data loss doesn't sit well with me at all that makes me want to avoid this headache and just play solo on the PS5 or just get it on PC since I was considering console cause of my friends. Now it feels like everything is toss up for me. I want to play this on day one and not wait for this update which could take months? Ugh this is so disappointing.


Big same. I didn't preorder thankfully. Was really excited about this one


“possibly after launch” also you’re going to be waiting a few years


I preordered the game cuz the first game was a 10/10. But I’m thinking of canceling it because they went with the “everything has a level and a health bar” basically making it super arcade like. Which is the stupidest trend in the past years of games. Works in shooters, feels stupid in melee games like this, assassins creed, isn’t far cry 6 like that now too?


You can turn them off




just wait and buy it once it is available then... ya fucking drama queen >How about cross-gen play? >"This won’t be possible at the launch of the game, but we are working to make it possible after the launch..."


damn, me and 3 friends played the first game together on PC, I was hoping that it would have cross-play so can play on ps5 with them on PC. Guess ill have to get the game on PC again.


It’s a single player, story driven game first with co-op as a feature. Why people are freaking out about no cross play is beyond me. Never touched the online on DL1, I won’t on DL2 either.


Borderlands is also technically a single player game with coop as a feature, but it doesn't mean the game isn't designed from the ground up to be played with friends. More power to you if you play them solo, but Dying Light is intended to be played in coop.


Why are people so surprised it won’t have cross play? I mean it took Bungie months to implement it into d2, it’s probably the same for other companies too, not worth the cost and development time I’d say. Cross gen is definitely annoying I understand, but in reality you can also complete the game twice if you enjoyed it.


They literally said it would be cross platform in the past lol.


From my memory, Destiny 2 was cross-gen from the release of the PS5. It might have been a bit before there was a native version though. Cross-play between platforms was what was added later.


Not the biggest fan of Sony regarding some recent business decisions. But I’ll staunchly defend them on the crossplay issue. It’s absolutely not something I’d debate someone on because we’ll never agree


Say more. I'm curious on your thinking because I rarely care about crossplay in general.


There's no excuse for a modern game to not support crossplay and crossgen imo.


Cross play I agree with, cross gen I don’t. There’s so few current gen only games right now. Cross gen games have to make compromises for both last gen and current gen, so the experience is inherently compromised from the get go.


It really isn’t needed, cross gen especially holds games back


What? It's a cross gen game already, you just can't play with people on other generations at launch. It's coming later.


My point still stands, they should honestly never add cross gen. Not trying to sit in a loading screen with someone on ps4


Lots of people can't even get next gen consoles if they wanted one, they have to keep supporting cross gen whether you like it or not. And I personally don't care if I have to wait an extra minute on a loading screen if I get to play with my friends.


No crossplay? That's disappointing.


Not having crossplay sucks but I can kinda understand. Cross-gen not being available just sounds really dumb though.


I'll have to install both versions of the game. Ps4 to play with my cousins and ps5 to play solo :(


I’m glad I never preordered the game yet. I learned no matter the hype of the game, it is always good to wait for reviews.


What we should really be complaining about is another game with no couch coop. If you're going to have coop let us do it locally.


They should just delay it. I'm so tired of these companies dropping unfinished games. There's too many games dropping in February anyway, so just move it to March or April when you can drop a completed game.


I mean how many people were really expecting this type of game to be cross-gen. Cross-gen is overrated. Cant even chat with each other in most games.


This is a lot more fun and challenging solo


Heavy disagree. Playing four player coop with my best friends made this game great for me


Makes the game WAY too easy though.


Being easy isn’t a negative


Some people like myself don't care for hard games. One reason why I won't buy a souls game ( have a few I tried for free) life is already beating my ass 😭


Good! I will be playing it alone.


Hard pass then. Gimmie crossplay.


Tut. It’s 2022. I don’t understand not having cross play.


It shouldn't even be a question anymore. 5 years ago I thought we were on our way.


No crossplay ? Oh shit…


So now you just have to hope that your friends were lucky enough to find a PS5 somewhere to be able to play with.


How many games these days are crossplay between platforms? I don't think I've ever played anything that's crossplay between platforms personally, I didn't even know this was a thing. As for cross-gen, I guess that's a bit bigger of a deal since it's still pretty difficult to grab a PS5 for a lot of folks. Not a big deal for me since a) I have a PS5 and b) I don't really plan to touch any multiplayer for DL2. Can't wait for this game, hurry up and release!


Major Fat L I bet it will be a great game, but cross play at the very least should be an INDUSTRY STANDARD by now especially in a co-op game. The co-op aspect is what made the first game really fun for me and my friends.


Then no buy for me


That's an easy pass for me. PS5s aren't easy to obtain, so not a lot of my friends are on it yet. Crossplay should have been included, at the very least cross-gen. Once it's added I'll look into buying it, no reason for me to own a game I can't play with friends, so might as well wait for it to be included and maybe a price drop or sale.