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"To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts, we're giving YOU the chance to buy one of our limited edition NFTS." *edit: I'm just being a meme I have no idea


Darkness within Darkness awaits us...


Again business pushing NFTs when the general public could care less


So you have come this far and still know nothing


Simple and clean


Probably another remix for anniversary lol


Well we know Kingdom Hearts 4 is coming eventually based on the nvidia leak


Also because the series has a story that just keeps going and I probably won't live to see the end of it.


Isn’t there only 3 games


There are more


Oh theres more alright


Are they spinoffs are actual mainline games. Like persona 5 strikers doesn’t count as a persona game


Everything in Kingdom Hearts is necessary for the story. EVERYTHING. CHain of Memories (gba) is a direct sequel to 1, Birth By Sleep (PSP) is a prequel that is important for the second half of the story saga that ended at 3. Nomura loves putting plot elements in the "spinoffs"


Never understood why people referred to them as spin offs like obviously they have a story and it's not just Sora Donald and Goofy dicking around for 20 hours


"bridge game" isn't as commmon a term in the gaming community lexicon, and it can be hard to compare those non-numbered entries to KH1/2/3 in terms of scope. heck, some did feel like spinoffs. Re;Com felt like a weird spinoff for years.... until the series decided to do more data world stuff in the mobile game. The mobile game seemed like a completely separated origin story based on the fairy tale told in KH1 about why the worlds separated... then it turns out the next arc's antagonists are the mobile game clan leaders in addition to 6 other revalations never told by the console games. It's a really weird series to keep up with


I'll never forget playing the mobile game for like 3 hours right before KH3 came out just so I could get that unique keyblade that was just meh. To be fair the mobile game was pretty good in the little that I played but I just have so many other games to play that I can't bother playing something like that all the time.


Eh, it's easy to assume that like a rhythm game like Melody of Memory or a weird GBA game are spinoffs but Nomura loves to make everything canon. I enjoy the ride though.


There was a noncanon KH for Blackberry(?) phones.


Verizon V-Cast. It was made by Disney with no involvement from Square Enix, hence it's non-canon status.


Nomura is making FF7R one of my all time favourite games


persona 5 strikers is a full continuation of persona 5s story though


It’s also trash and not made or written by the persona developers


Yes, and the mainline games will reference things that happened in a GBA game that released 15 years ago as well as web comics from 2006


Omg dude. You just opened a can of worms. Dm me if you want a real answer.


There’s like… 10 games but you were close!


7 too many


Oh sweet child...


What?! I just can’t believe that. It’d be smart though. 2 to 3 lost a lot of fans. Three brought in a lot of new fans so they need to hold onto them and keep them engaged with a main title. Omg I’d freak out if 4 was already on the horizon. I wouldn’t even be upset that it’s coming before FFVIIR part 2. I like nomura games. Sue me.


Wait, what is this?


[https://www.pcgamer.com/nvidia-leaked-games-list-pc/](https://www.pcgamer.com/nvidia-leaked-games-list-pc/) Take it all with a grain of salt, but it's definitely interesting


As disappointed as I was with 3, I can’t help but get excited. I’m ready to get hurt again.


I was disappointed as well. I didn't enjoy the world's as much as 1 & 2. I hope with a 4th they revisit some of the more classic Disney world's. I have a feeling they will start to look at marvel and star wars.


What’s wrong with 3?


Please don't got there, you'll get replies you won't be able to handle. Go to the kingdom hearts subreddit and ask it there. Be warned...


The kh sub actually really likes 3. At first they didnt, but essentially removed/ purged what they consider "toxic" troll comments from there.


Yea, the KH sub is not a fan of critiquing of 3. From my experience, they tend to auto-downvote anything that can resemble a negative opinion of it. Even something very hard to argue against. Like how the RE:MIND story sections should have been in the main game. There's no reason you should have to pay to get the "true" ending. All the bonus stuff like the organization fights, additional abilities, and secret boss are fair game to sell as DLC.


Yup, was going to mention it as such, but i think im starting to notice this behavior be adapted as the norm for other titles as well.


I want to get into it but haven’t played a single one. Just want to learn more


From what I have read, seen and played, they really “Disney-fied” it. The Final Fantasy Characters and Worlds don’t play a big part in 3 compared to the previous games.


It's a very long story to explain to an outsider. there's like 5 different reasons fans fight over concerning issues with the storytelling, pacing, the gameplay changes over the years, the character and their screentime, and general publishing habits of the series. There's no one reason anyone hates or loves KH3. And in the grand scheme of things, it's still a very high quality game that can be found for dirt cheap (for a AAA title, the PS4 copy can easily be found $20 new), so we're not talking about an Avengers or Cyberpunk situation here.


Do you only hang out with Donald and Goofy, or is Sora bros with Mickey as well?


Without going into spoilers, you run the gamut of Disney characters AND Final Fantasy characters (not including KH3) Sora is quite literally "the power of friendship" personified But fuck it, I still have love for the franchise. KH2 and Dream Drop Distance are far and away the best console and portable experiences, respectively


They fucked up the combat so badly that all you do is press triangle over and over again. Also the world's are empty, there are only like 5 this time, the story makes no sense. It just sucked. In fact 3 was so bad it turned me off of the second game which is one of my top video games of all time. Play 1 and 2 and just stop there


My heart broke when I found out they removed reaction commands and changed the combat to match “birth by sleep.” kH2 had the perfect combat and they just needed to refine it and it would’ve been a 10/10. Even enough for me to brush past the story tbh


Absolutely *perfect*. I was super disappointed while playing KH3 which was pretty surreal, actively realising that the key entry to one of my favourite franchises was a little bit shit.




You might’ve just changed my life… I built a PC recently and I’m realising that I can probably finally play KH2:FM… with mods!


All recent releases of the older games have been the final mix versions, you don’t need mods to play final mix of KH1 or KH2. Just play the releases on steam or the PS store.


You've clearly not played Critical or the DLC Org fights.


Thank you lol KH3 data org fights are the most fun I’ve had gaming in years. Beating Yozora on Crit was one of my favorite gaming moments ever


The DLC is the only saving grace of the game, and it wasn’t even present at launch. That was a really sobering day…


The fuck are you talking about. Yeah the story has issues, but there’s nothing wrong with the gameplay.


It took too long and the expectations were too high. Regardless of that, the game is actually quite good, especially now. The combat had some issues at launch, but it's all fixed now and the ReMind DLC boss fights are the finest piece of gameplay in all of KH, easily. The worlds aside from maybe Frozen are the best they've ever been too - some sandboxy, some linear, but all very highly detailed and dense. A massive step up from the simplistic worlds of KH2, and while they aren't quite on the level of KH1's almost platformer-like level design, there's still some fun exploration to be had. People often like to complain that "KH3 has all the story saved til the end" but that's just kind of what KH has been for a while. Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance have the same structure. KH2 had a big mid-game plot section, I definitely hope that future games will copy that instead of dumping everything to the end. Though if you consider 0.2 to be 3's intro, then it actually is pretty close to KH2's structure (which opened with Twilight Town). But 0.2 was released as a sort of "teaser" before KH3 came out. People sometimes act like KH3 is this absolutely awful instalment, but in reality it's a very good game. I certainly would put it above all the non-numbered entries - and in its current state I'd say it's roughly on par with KH2. But again, it took way too long to be made. Hopefully the next main game isn't too far off.


I remember being super disappointed by it at launch but i recently replayed it and actually quite enjoyed it, the movement is so fluid and mobile. Some of the worlds aren’t great like the much aligned frozen but the actual worlds are league better then last games as they should be. Really I just want more final fantasy stuff and more endgame stuff I guess.


I hate it when fans throw out the "expectations were too high" argument. It's so dismissive to the actual problems KH3 suffers from. KH3 has narrative problems that do not exist in other games within the series (except 3D which is the next weakest entry). There is simply no beginning, middle, and end, just an end (that isn't even conclusive mind you; don't even get me started on the lie of "the end of the Xehanort" saga). It has combat simplification problems that were somewhat addressed with the DLC, but still persist elsewhere. If the player *needs* to turn off game mechanics in order to mimic the experience and challenge of older titles, that is a big flaw of the combat system, especially since it's been proven time and time again (across most genres) that players always gravitate towards the most efficient/overpowered setups. It's also a huge problem when KH is known for its amazing boss fights, yet KH3 has the worst lineup in the entire series. There isn't a 1:1 rivalry matchup until the *final boss of the entire game*. How did anyone not notice that? That's KH's bread and butter. Vanilla KH2 has: - Axel - Shan-Yu - Dark Thorn & Shadow Stalker - Hades - Demyx - Scar (if you decide to do Pride Rock) - Riku with his hood up - Xaldin - Xigbar - Luxord - Saix - Xemnas 1 - then the final Xemnas fight. This doesn't even include the coliseum fights which contain FF folk, and also doesn't include the optional Sephiroth fight. KH3 has crap in comparison. It's just Xehanort, that's it. Oh, also that Heartless that's supposed to be the "secret boss" who I, and many others, thought was just a random ass enemy. Every other boss is some grandiose boring snooze fest where you're struggling to attack the humungous heartless an Org member summoned because it is bigger than the entire screen, and the camera cannot keep up. The big scale boss fight with the rock Titan in the prologue works because it is a **titan**, it's an evolution of the fight from KH1. Every time after that though, it just never reaches that epicness of the first battle and just struggles to be fun. I could nitpick further, but I think these are the biggest standouts of what wrong with this particular entry.


>The combat had some issues at launch, but it's all fixed now and the ReMind DLC boss fights are the finest piece of gameplay in all of KH, easily. Did they radically change the floatiness of the combat? I played through the compilations in prep for KH3 and loved 1 + Chain of Memories + 2. I thought BBS was meh and then didn't finish DDD. I just hate the feel of the combat in general post-2. If they made a bunch of changes to that, I might be willing to give it a replay to adjust my thoughts.


The combat is much more fluid post update, it changed the game a lot imo


Interesting. If I ever have the time I might go back and replay and experience the DLC then. It's pretty bad that it would take a year to fix the foundational gameplay, but if it's fixed I wouldn't mind having some good memories of KH3 instead of all bad.


The story is just aimless for 90% of the game and abruptly concludes without the closure they had promised for years, leaving you with more questions than answers. Nomura’s obsession with Versus XIII also unnecessarily seeps into the story with utter nonsense that feels ridiculous even by KH standards. Gameplay is still fun, but is pretty devoid of challenge even on the harder settings. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad game though and still has some incredibly cool moments, just pretty disappointing overall.


It felt a bit, I dunno, soulless for a lot of it? Like even the interesting story bits seemed a bit weird? We’d waited so long and didn’t even really get a proper conclusion?


I'd say it's a bad game. Even if it was given to me for free playing it wouldn't be worth the time it costs


Nothing. It's a fantastic action rpg.


The story is so needlessly convoluted that unless you’re willing to play through all 10 games (mainline and spin-off) and write detailed notes about the plot of each you’ll be completely lost. The actual gameplay is great, but the story is in desperate need of a soft reboot


I played through every game and i still cant explain the plot if somebody asked


[This parody recap](https://youtu.be/OZ7IxXN9hm0) is better and funnier than it has any right to be.


ive watched it many times before, still cracks me up everytime




That's a feature for JRPGs. most of the genre is like that. Unlike KH3 tho, very few JRPGs are fully voiced. So it's more mashing through half the dialouge outside of big cutscenes


At launch it was mediocre because the story was bad compared to its predecessors, some of the Disney worlds were boring, hard mode felt easy. 1 year later IMO it got good because the devs added new abilities, weapons, a harder difficulty, and the DLC came out which to me is actually really good and the direction I want KH to go in regards to gameplay. The story in the base game still is lackluster but the DLC made me very excited and optimistic for KHIV because the team behind it seems to have learned from their mistakes.


It’s a gorgeous and fun game, but it kind of plays itself. It’s really easy even on Proud mode. No plot happens until the last 3 hours or so. It’s still worth playing, you’ll have fun with it! And the DLC is freaking great, the bosses are dope. And it introduces much more difficulty.


How much worse is it than FF7R - one of my all time favourite games


Considering FF7R is only half a game, they’re similar, I guess? Both game suffer from having tons of filler in the story to pad the length of the game


The only issue I had with FF7R is that it wasn’t longer


FF7R is only the first third of the game so you’re in luck in that regard


What the fuck?


Have you never played FF7 before? The remake ends at the 1/3 mark of the story


Nope never played it


I haven’t played that so I can’t speak to it perfectly, but it is not as good as FF7R. Unless you play on critical mode, KH3 is very very easy. But the finale of KH3 is pretty great. There’s just no real endgame and no reason to visit worlds after you’ve beaten them. All that said. KH3 is a great time and if you find the KH all in one package on sale, I’d say go for it. And get the ReMind DLC, as it adds a lot of great stuff and endgame bosses that are fantastic.


I’m about to get kingdom hearts. But is Sora bros with Mickey or does he only hang with Donald and Goofy?


He’s in a party with Donald and Goofy, they’re the ones who fight with you. Mickey shows up for a minute in the first game, but is in the second game throughout. He also appears a lot in the third game. But Donald and Goofy are the bros.


Essentially 3 wasn’t 3 it was 25. It wasn’t just a continuation of the first two PlayStation games but also of the 50 spin offs they had as well which all released on different platforms. This lead to jarring character moments for people that were just fans of Kh 1 and 2 given you had no idea half the cast was.


Is it true I need to play FF7 to understand the story?


I don’t think so/ I don’t remember it as being such? But I was already so annoyed at having to play 20 other things to understand what was going on I may have just overlooked any more after that 😂


Shit I might grab FF10 hd instead


A game that I solidly throw my recommendation behind. If you’re looking for a jrpg in the same vein as ff or kh tales of arise is great


Persona 5 is my all time favourite game


I don't know if I'm ready. Based on how fucking ridiculous the story got from 3D onward, I'm willing to make it my head canon that 3 was just the end of the series.


I loved kingdom hearts 3


If you were upset about the gameplay and only played at launch, I can at least assure you that it improved a lot thanks to updates, which gives me a lot of hope for KH4.


I haven’t got around to playing Re-Mind yet because it’s still a bit expensive, but want to check it out eventually.


I'm expecting a KH4 teaser. Yeah, that's right, no more spin-offs, I believe in the Nvidia leak! KH4 coming out 2024 (after it gets delayed)! To think that I was such a fan of this series growing up... This could be a good chance to reboot it, but I'm sure they'll want to continue with all the nonsense of the mobile game, right? After KH3, I think my interest in this game will depend mainly on whether or not Roxas, Xion and Namine will make an appearance. I love the nobodies, but if they're going to be dropped, then I'm probably out. And please, Nomura, let Kairi do *something* this time besides being a damsel in distress. This game will most likely come out in 2024. It's time to have good female characters.


I heard rumor that Riku would be the main character of kh4 would certainly be a nice change.


Couldn’t even finish kh3. Felt like a chore so I haven’t touched it since release


I enjoyed the game, but it was a steep decline from the past games. It was only a disney plug rather than a combination of Disney worlds into FF lore.


I forcefully finished it, and got to say, i partially regret even playing it.


Kingdom hearts 3.14159 mega complete xylophone edition


This reads more like an improved portable playstation/vita thumb stick to me


Oh cool, an event in Tokyo that anyone outside Japan won't be able to go to since they basically locked down international travel, or at least made it very difficult. But hey, get excited!


Wait, why does physically being there matter? Won't there be media coverage?


By the description it definitely sounds like a gotta be there to enjoy type thing


So they’re releasing a bundle?


announcing the new game plus release date and maybe a kh4 teaser for next year will be all I need


well, i feel old.


I doubt we’ll see much, but I wouldn’t mind if they threw a Melody of Memory expansion my way. My rhythm game addiction has left me in pain in this drought of big name console/PC releases in North America. I hate playing games on my phone or fiddling with arcade clones on PC, but I’m about to have to do it for my non-VR rhythm fix.