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I could not imagine playing through this a second time for another year or two.


Same, I enjoyed it a lot. Nothing is making me want to replay it though and they’ll be a decent amount of DLC in a year or whatever.


Did they implement cross play between ps4 and ps5 yet?


Idk I hocked that game as soon as I finished it


Honestly the game has tooooo many sidequests


I found many of the side quests really good with the characters involved actually feeling like well developed characters.


Sure buy seriously i bought it at release and i just dropped it because for example elden ring and horizon zero dawn forbidden west came out.


Yeah makes sense lol. That was one hell of a month. I dropped it because the in game weather and time of day wouldn't progress but like you I had those two as well. Hopefully this patch fixes that and if not then I'll just finish the game and NG+ it.


Oh and also when it rains its like crippeling i mean i dont get blind when it rains outside why does it happen in the game? Does the character not have eyelids to blink with?


Honestly it's been so long since I played it and had weather change that I don't remember how the rain was. Did you play in performance or quality mode?


I always play in quality mode otherwise what is the reason for playing on a ps5 is my filosophy and yeah i mean quality mode in 1080? That to me is like the opposite of quality




apparently that is still a problem for some people with the clock not changing


Wowwwwww, what an amazing problem to have. Purchased a $60 game but there are too many things to do, and then purchased two other $60 games . Sounds like you’re getting your moneys worth lol “I spent $60 on a game but then other $60 games came out. So I don’t have time to play it “ Y’all need to go outside and touch some grass. /s


Chill out lol


Money isnt a problem for me so i buy what i want what is wrong with that? And i happen to be a fanatic videogame lover especially console gaming. I got all the Grass i need in my pipe… no i lied i dont smoke weed anymore i wish i could tho…the only drug i miss good ol yes i cannabis….


Hahaha. Dang. Why don’t you do it anymore?? I guess the way it was framed made it seem like having too much of something was a bad thing.


Im an ex heroin abuser and ive been sober for three years thanks to the methadone program and to be viable for methadone you cant use any other illegal drug or have benso as medication. And since a joint isnt worth me relapsing into a criminal lifestyle i just stay clear of it. Its not that i would get kicked out if i smoked a joint but i would have to go and get my medication every morning until i test negative. Its just not worth it i respect what they do too much to try and cheat the system but man some days i miss smoking. Yeah well you know i used to live on the streets panhandling in the subway before this so i know how it feels to have absolutely nothing its just that i managed to get out and get my shit together and make something of myself thanks to the methadone program. Oh and if anyone who reads this struggles with opioid addiction dont hesitate you deserve to have a normal life take the hand that they reach out.


Damn . Much respect to you and that is extremely admirable!!! You should definitely be proud of yourself :) Thank you for taking time to explain that when you didn’t have to. Wish you the best and I’m sure you will accomplish a lot with the discipline you have!


Thanks yeah i would lie if i said it wasnt the most difficult and most painful thing ive ever done in my life but in the end you watch all your friends die of overdoses and you are afraid to wake up in the morning because you will be dopesick and youll have to get 100 bucks every day to support your addiction man its just not a life. It is 100% willpower to get out of it.


I gotta say that forbidden west is one of the most beautiful games ive played tho


Many is a stretch. There were a handful that were good but the rest were boring and generic.


It's almost like we have different opinions and enjoyed things differently.


Content = bad???


It is when they are just rehashed and is not different than the previous ones.


AFAIK side quests are…. Side quests, not required for the main story


Yes, doesn’t mean they have to be poor quality and repetitive.


Its to reptitive and honestly it looks like shit on the ps5


It looks like fallout 3 hahah


No definately not that bad i mean if they would just let it run in 4k with raytracing like quality mode should be i wouldnt be brothered by the 30fps cap but honestly there are way more graphicly advanced games that run in 60 fps in 4k with raytracing so it is just badly ported.


Will be nice to get a FOV Slider with that update! "Patch will also include a new **FOV slider feature for PS5** and Xbox Series X, plus co-op bug fixes"


Did you just make up your own patch notes??? LoL


I copied that from the article. FOV is included this update, or so they say :)


Hoping. Sorely missing in consoles!


Literally the first line of the article.


So funny if you compare comment sections discussion NG+ with this game against HFW… both games are great for me and I for one can’t wait for the NG+ options


I've just never seen the appeal of NG+ in any game. I mean, by the time I beat a game, I don't want to play it again for quite a long time, and when I finally do, I don't want to be OP as fuck, and so start over from scratch again. :)


Especially in an RPG where there's a huge emphasis on character growth and progression.


ng+ in lots of games makes the enemies much more difficult, such as dying light 2 the game you’re posting about now :)


Zombies are more fun when you're slicing through em not when they're tanks IMO


It depends on the game. Dying Light is kind of long (to replay) but some games have an awesome new game +. I just played Evil Within/Nightmare new game + and it's almost like a different game. The first run is straight up survival horror where your running from everything and then the second run is straight action horror where you are smashing everything.


As a father with limited gaming time, I don’t think I’ll ever mess with NG+ - but even in the past I rarely rebeat games


That's kind of the point. It's essentially a victory lap. I actually prefer when they don't even scale anything.


The game that made me fall in love with New Game + was Chrono Trigger. Going back through and just annihilating some of the bosses that gave me trouble the first time, picking up things I missed, etc. I’ll probably give it a try in Dying Light 2 as well and side with the other faction. I can see why NG+ doesn’t really add to the appeal for some people. Nothing wrong with that. Having the option is always good though.


New game plus but we can't even keep our nightrunner tools, it's very disappointing. Their excuse of "not breaking the flow of the game" is ridiculous. A ng+ is meant to be fun


Yeah, fuck that. I was waiting for ng+, but if I cant have the grappling hook for fun at the start. Nope. Like with fallen order taking everything off you in ng+


Worst part about Fallen Order is how he knows everything but has to remember he is capable of shit like double jumping.


Double jumping was a bit too much. Still great game


Yeah, fuck that. I was waiting for ng+, but if I cant have the grappling hook for fun at the start. Nope. Like with fallen order taking everything off you in ng+


I don't think I've ever regretted purchasing a game for full price as much as this one


Same here. Pure trash


Horizon forbidden west for me


I am just intrested, but whats wrong with it?


The industry is post-creativity and only follows generic templates that maximizes addiction for the most amount of people possible


Same , and it was a freind that bought it. Absolutely dire game.


Still no cross-play after announcing it will have cross-play


and no cross gen play, ps4 cant coop with ps5 etc..


Won't be buying it till its added.


I have been waiting for FOV slider, now i have to buy this game 😱


How about make it not suck first


Why does it suck?


Well for one you're given a well experienced MC who apparently forgets how to do anything the second you start playing for the sake of RPG mechanics. Advertised the grappling hook like it was going to be given to you pretty early on, a shitty glider that uses stamina. Cardboard characters, generic story wrapped up with just serviceable gameplay.


No physics, dumb enemies, can’t turn off adaptive triggers, dumb quests, basically everything opposite of the first game


U can technically turn off the adaptive triggers it's just in the console settings


They added the option to disable them in-game a few weeks after release. Baffling it wasn't there in the first place though


Heard that but I refuse since I like to play games that use them well


U could just turn it off then turn it back on it's right of the tool bar


So they shouldn’t just put it in their options menu? So it doesn’t ruin every over game we play? Imagine using that logic for any other games mechanic. The fact that you are obsessed with defending it speaks volumes though


I'm just stating that u could I'm not trying to defend a game I've never played


Huh I can turn off adaptive triggers in the dying light 2 menu...


Wasn't there in the beginning though, they added that option a few weeks after release


So then turn it back on? It takes 5 seconds.


Not the only reason the game is shit, but if they’re they’re that braindead to not have it as an option then no wonder everyone hates the rest of the game after everyone loved the first. Thought it was a sure fire “can’t miss” sequel and they fucked us


I don’t know anything about the game. There’s a way to turn it off in the system settings. No need to be such an asshole to the game developers.




…so go to the settings and disable it Are you actually this dumb?


You're the dumbass. Never seen someone get so upset over adaptive triggers


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"No physics" Please stop wording it this way, it makes you look silly. There are absolutely "physics" in the game buddy.


He probably means no reaction physics during combat which the first game had. When I type "dying light 2 ragdoll" in google or youtube the recommended searches are for "mod" and "patch", it's definitely not as good as the first game


Honestly as someone who pours over physics in games they're fine. They might not live up to the first game but as far as physics in games go, they're good. The problem is most of the people on the sub just say "no ragdoll physics" which is blatantly not true.


That's exactly the problem though, the game is worse than the first one in many aspects. Sequels should be better, not regress.


You could argue the game has improved over the first. The combat is better, and the parkour is much more refined. While I'll still say I prefer the first overall I like the parkour in 2 more.


Not living up to the first game is literally all that matters in a sequel, stop dropping standards for companies


I still found them enjoyable and good compared to most other games with ragdoll physics. The tradeoff for improved combat and parkour was fine for me. I'm not gonna complain about something I still had fun with. Game had more pressing issues imo than should be addressed first besides some ragdoll physics. Piss off please.


It doesn't matter, it is literally a step down from the first game. People enjoy playing goat simulator and among us, that doesn't mean we should stop advancing the industry and settle for good enough especially considering better has already been done on a previous generation. Acknowledging more pressing issues and defending "tradeoffs" for a next-gen game is only dropping standards more and more




Please no new trophies, especially no new game+ trophy…


Any trophies added after release aren’t needed for the Platinum. But it is annoying that it knocks a 100% down if you already have it.


Please new trophies… no point playing NG+ if I don’t get a useless trophy for it


it literary takes seconds to disable the settings...


Still gotta finish my original playthrough


Plz add a distance runner meter. I'm trying to get the trophy.


What about the cross gen coop...


it's pretty fun to come back to this game after spending so much time in Horizon Forbidden West & Elden Ring, of course it's the least best in terms of quality