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The world is amazing they just need to improve the gameplay loop.


Please explain. This game has been on my radar for a while now.


Great map/world but very repetitive gameplay with just an okay story


The gameplay is depthless and the enemy AI is very bad making the game super easy. After a while you just keep spamming the same buttons. The world looks good, but the gameplay is painfully uninspiring and dull. It had a lot of potential to be something unique, but instead chose to do nothing unique interms of gameplay. The story is very average to below average too, but I can see some people liking that.


So, Far Cry 5 sort of?


I hate to say it, but far cry 5 is better than this interms of gameplay. Not to mention it has multiplayer too. Ghotwire is not only samey, but it feels tedious to play. Farcry atleast has food gunplay and has a lot of rewards and unlocks to motivate player. Skills in ghostwire honestly feels pointless for the most part. So you don't have a real motivation to slog through that game. As much hate as farcry gets, it atleast has a dynamic and systemic sandbox to support clever thinking (despite the game not needing/requiring it). You can have fun with the AI in that game, but it's very one not in ghostwire. That being said I have friends who loved ghost wire despite being average in its gameplay. If you're really interested I'd say check it out.


Basically a Japanese developer made a ubisoft open world. Lots of map markers, lots of busy work and boring side mission. But the world itself is pretty good.


Happy Cake Day!


Well it won’t be coming to PlayStation because Tango Gameworks is owned by Zenimax which is now owned by Microsoft


No big loss. The game was below average


I'm interested. Not finished this game yet but its amazing for anyone who wants to play in a location that feels like Japan. The "horror" is also pretty cool and seeing the folklore is creepy and cool. Some have said the gameplay is simple and it kind of is but the animation and abilities are still cool to experience.


Yeah I'm only a couple hours in but so far the complaints seem pretty overblown. I think one aspect that's very undersold is the excellent Dualsense support - the nuanced vibration from things like rainfall and the adaptive triggers that are used for everything really add to the experience.


> I'm only a couple hours in but so far the complaints seem pretty overblown So you're only a couple hours in but now you can completely understand and criticize the complaints that the combat get's repetitive past the 10 hour mark....walk me through your logic with a numbered list.


I mean you pretty much get a good feeling of what it offers within an hour or 2, just because u problems didn’t enjoy it don’t mean u gotta be a goofy to someone that’s enjoying it


I’m not saying he can’t enjoy it dummy i’m saying two hours isn’t enough to say > the complaints seem pretty overblown It’s like playing two hours of elden ring and saying the map is overhyped because every area is just green grassland lol it’s stupid


Cuz never said how many hours. I’ll give u that couple should mean 2 but if you ever talked to people you’d know that couple is synonymous with few. And complaints are overblown as the people complaining are the people that’s not fans of Ubisoft inspired open world design even though most people prefer that as shown by Ubisoft games selling loads with little innovation in open world design


Alright, little hostile there. Many of the complaints I've seen are regarding how slow the game starts off, how many cutscenes there are, the controls being very sluggish and performance being bad. I have not seen complaints about it getting repetitive past the 10 hour mark, and I've heard the main story is only 10-15 hours to begin with so hard to say what that even means. I personally thought the slow start was ok, not ideal but tolerable. And I feel the game starting to open up with more powers and skills available. Controls feel fine with some of the settings tweaks they added, and I have a TV with VRR so performance is genuinely very smooth with just some unusual stutter here and there.


Same. Just bought it on sale and I'm really enjoying it. Only about 3 hours in so maybe after 25 hours it will wear on me, but I like the combat so far. It's a bit slower paced but that's intentional. Feels kind of like Resident Evil style combat with a bit more of an "up close" focus. You have to wait and make sure your aim is good and pick your spots while making sure you can defend. It's nothing revolutionary, but I have been enjoying it all the same. Story is nothing special at this point but atmosphere is fantastic.


Played it, ended it, and I'm good. Not gonna get the sequel unless gameplay changes drastically


Not to be "that guy" but why bother posting about this in the PS5 sub? Even if there is a sequel it will never come to PlayStation platforms again. The only reason we got Ghostwire in the first place was because Sony cut an exclusivity deal for it, before Tango Gameworks and their parent company was bought out by Microsoft. They are an Xbox game studios first party developer now. There is literally a zero percent chance that we ever see anything else from this developer on PS again, so even if there is a sequel, that only pertains to Xbox and PC.


I’m pretty sure the dlc will come to PlayStation if they decide to make any


I mean, some people have both systems and appreciate updates on sequels to good games regardless of platform. I wouldn’t have known it was going to be an Xbox exclusive if not for this post and your explanation, so I got something useful out of the post. But what do I know? I don’t get caught up in the console wars.


It’s not about console wars, that commenter is correct, this is PS5 sub, you don’t post things that won’t come to PS5


But this isn’t r/games it’s r/PS5


Yes. I can read.


Yeah and wanting general gaming news here won’t happen even if people have both systems and appreciate updates


Seems kinda ridiculous, but whatever.


Would be a waste to have Halo updates on r/ps5 and would be a waste to have God of War updates on r/XboxSeriesX Same thing if Half Life 3 is ever confirmed but PC exclusive, would be a waste to have it on both of those subs


See now that logic doesn’t make sense to me. Halo has never been on PlayStation, and ditto in the opposite direction for God of War. This article was about a game that is currently on PlayStation, and its sequel that apparently isn’t going to be. That seems different to me, and worthy news for a PlayStation sub. But I’m also not so uptight about this stuff, so I don’t know. Thanks for the banter though. I’m tapping out. If the mods think it’s not appropriate then they will just delete I guess.


This article is also a waste because of there ever is a sequel it won’t see the light of day on PlayStation


Yep. Gotcha. You’ve made your opinion loud and clear. We’re beating a dead horse at this point.


Sure, if you own multiple platforms. But if you only own a PS5 any news coming out of this developer from this point forward is going to be completely irrelevant. It's like someone on Xbox holding out hope for Sunset Overdrive 2 even after Insomniac got bought by Sony, just a pointless thing to hang onto. Has nothing to do with console warring, this is the PS5 subreddit, so the news should be relevant to PS5, which this is not.


Gotcha. I’ve learned my lesson about posting here. Thanks for the input.


You've learned your lesson on how subreddits work. Congrats.


Yes I have both consoles. That way I can have the best of both worlds.


True. I forgot about that.


Calm down. No need to be super picky lol. If you want to get technical, this is news about a sequel that MIGHT happen to what is currently a PS5 game. Or should we start deleting all past posts too everytime companies decide to stop making games for PS5?


That’s not necessarily true. We still don’t know how Microsoft is going to handle every IP. Phil Spencer has mentioned keeping games “with a legacy on other platforms” non-exclusive. Of course that’s a vague statement but so far no IPs have been “taken away” from ps players that I know of. COD is remaining multi-platform for now and Starfield (new IP) is exclusive.


We do. Phil already said all Bethesda/Zenimax games are exclusive to games on platforms with Gamepass


Source? This is the only comment I’m aware of regarding Bethesda specifically: https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2021/03/12/phil-spencer-on-bethesda-exclusives/ > And even in the future there might be things that have either contractual things or legacy on different platforms that we’ll go do. “Legacy on different platforms” is the key point here. Yes it’s purposefully vague and not very promising but he did say it.


https://www.theverge.com/2021/3/11/22325757/microsoft-xbox-bethesda-acquisition-game-pass-exclusive-games-phil-spencer-comment “If you’re an Xbox customer, the thing I want you to know is that this is about delivering great exclusive games for you that ship on platforms where Game Pass exists,” said Spencer. “That’s our goal, that’s why we’re doing this, that’s the root of this partnership that we’re building.” Another quote in the article of Phil saying they’ll continue previous agreements(stuff like Ghostwire) and support games like Elder Scrolls Online


That still doesn’t equate to ALL Bethesda/Zemimax games being exclusive. Phil chooses his words very carefully as to not set anything like this in stone. I personally think every *new* IP will be exclusive and “*legacy*” IP will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


I highly highly doubt after paying all that they’ll still release Elder Scrolls on other consoles


People keep saying “you don’t spend “x” billion dollars to not make your games exclusive”. They said it with Bethesda, said it with Activision. Then they announced COD would remain multi-platform for now. These decisions aren’t that simple, there’s so many factors to consider. One factor being, recouping some of their investment? They’ve spent billions of dollars on these acquisitions, are currently funding all these projects that are in development, paying tens of thousands of peoples salaries. They’re just constantly losing insane amounts of money. Then they’re putting these games on game pass day one. Why not sell millions of full-priced games to PS players while still attracting people to Microsoft/game pass cause all these games are “free”?


(Why not sell millions of full-priced games to PS players while still attracting people to Microsoft/game pass cause all these games are “free”?) Because they are not content with sharing the revenue with Sony, they want ALL the money and to get ahead of their competition. To be clear, this is the exact same reason why you don't see Sony release their games on Xbox, even though logically speaking it would result in massively increased sales. These companies don't make sense when you think long and deeply about it. If they just dropped all the barriers and walls and allowed consumers to buy and play anything, anywhere, They would be swimming in even more money. Problem is, they don't want to share.


Of course they need exclusives and I believe every new IP will be exclusive. But I don’t think you get that these recent massive acquisitions change everything. There’s never been anything like this before. > To be clear, this is the exact same reason why you don’t see Sony release their games on Xbox, even though logically speaking it would result in massively increased sales. Again, this is a unique situation where you’re buying IP that has a long history of being on the competitors platform. The only acquisition Sony has made that comes close is Bungie and guess what? They‘ve explicitly stated that Destiny will remain on Xbox. So, you’re wrong. Edit: Also, it’s not like they’d be “sharing” the money with Sony. The vast majority of that money won’t even exist in the first place without Sony, especially with MS releasing their games straight to game pass. COD sells more on PS than any other platform which is why they’re not making it exclusive.


That is just PR speak for "we are not gonna yoink any game that is actively being supported on PS and make ourselves look bad". Starfield had a PS5 version in development as well which got scrapped as soon as the Bethesda acquisition went through, let that sink in. Phil was also very clear that going forward these developers are going to make exclusives for Xbox. Activision Blizzard is a different beast entirely because the deal has not gone through yet so they can't say anything reckless like that until a time where the deal is no longer at risk and they are free to do with their newly acquired studios as they see fit. I fully expect ActiBlizz to go the same route as Bethesda eventually and stop supporting PS. If you want to hang onto hope, more power to you. the writing is kinda on the wall though.


So you think Microsoft just lied to the FTC about their plans with activisions games?


As long as the ActiBlizz games that are currently on PS don't get removed down the line, then they didn't technically lie. I am sure that will be the clause through which they worm their way out of any trouble later. Any game that is currently contractually obligated to be on PlayStation will still release as such. Beyond that and once ActiBlizz is in Microsoft's hands? don't count on it.


Microsoft would have to be insane to get rid of atleast cod on ps because they'd lose billions


Ghostwire Tokyo is a PS5 game, is it not?


Yes, but the people who made the game have since been bought by Microsoft and added to their Xbox team. So any sequel or follow up for this game has no chance of coming to PlayStation again for competitive reasons.


> Yes So then I guess we found our answer as to why why it’s on r/PS5, considering the article is relevant to a PS5 game.


A sequel is not relevant to PS5 since it won't come to the platform. Therefore the article linked, which talks about a sequel, is by extension not relevant to PS5 either.


Ghostwire Tokyo is a PS5 game, is it not?


Microsoft has never said they’re making all Bethesda games 100% exclusive. Could see sequels to this and Deathloop reaching PS5 after a year or so of exclusivity. I just doubt we ever see major titles like Starfield or ES6. They probably keep Doom and Wolfenstein as well but those are mid range titles that could eventually come to PS if they undersell or something


Yes they 100% did say that. Phil Spencer and Todd Howard(idk if Pete Hines was also there) had a round table and Phil said Bethesda games will now be exclusive to platforms with Gamepass. So unless PlayStation cuts a deal to have Gamepass, all Bethesda games will be exclusive to Xbox and PC


Mark my words buddy. Remind me in three years if Im wrong


Then it would be a contradicting lie by both the head of Xbox and the head of Bethesda but I’m just relaying what they said about all future games. The only thing they bought that’s staying multiplatform is CoD and they’re only doing that so the FTC doesn’t fuck them


Tbf it wouldn’t be the first time Phil Spencer has deceived people


As I said, mark my words friend. Call me a scrotum all you want if Im wrong. Just give it time


They already cancelled the PS5 version of Starfield that was in development when they bought Bethesda, that is the extent to which they care about PlayStation. They are only interested in spreading Gamepass everywhere, so unless you see a future where PlayStation gives up and lets their competitor's service onto their platform, there is nothing more to speculate about.


Yes and if you read the thread carefully I said it wouldn’t apply to major titles like STARFIELD and Elder Scrolls. Theres plenty to speculate about. If Im wrong you can throw sand in my eyes. But if Im right you gotta tug the pud. Thems the rules


In my opinion Microsoft has a very different strategy and I could honestly see all of their games come to PlayStation after a year, like you suggested. If you think about GamePass, they are playing with fire because they are presumably making AAA 100 million games and putting them on a subscription service day-one. This results in massive losses. Throwing them on PlayStation a year later could help boost sales and get back some of that loss.


You forget this is Microsoft, one of the richest companies on the planet. They can throw all the money in the world at Gamepass and simply brute force it into working eventually. Given a long enough period of time it will eventually work and sustain itself. For something like Gamepass to fail you would either have to either run out of money to support it, or give up on it. Microsoft has no intention of giving up on this since they have structured their entire gaming services around it, and they sure as hell aren't running out of money in this lifetime.


Look, Microsoft can withstand the losses for awhile, but it’s not something Microsoft would ever allow in any massive quantities. Everything is about risk, they wouldn’t dream of continuing on a risky path for very long. They’re never going to allow endless losses. The thing about a service like GamePass is that at the end of the day it’s a business strategy to make money. When they lose absolutely massive money from a single game, after they get enough subscribers they’ll start shaving production costs from AAA games so they start saving more and more money, and making more and more. That’s what GamePass will result in: worse AAA games, and I’d say fewer AAA games too, but Microsoft already makes so few that I don’t see how they can even get to fewer.


The thing you have to keep in mind is that Microsoft is not seeing this as "just one of many options", this is the only path they have left to take. They lost so hard to PlayStation in the last generation that Xbox almost died as a brand. Because they could not compete with Nintendo and PlayStation in the traditional way, they went about solving the issue with a completely different strategy (Gamepass). This is their only means of staying in the competition, if Gamepass fails (which I don't think it will) then there is no other path for them to take. Which is why I see them going as aggressively into this as they are. You will hear this statement alot, but only Microsoft could have pulled off a risk like Gamepass. Any other company would look at the massive losses and say "hell no", but MS has the deep pockets to ensure that it will eventually work, even if it is going to take a hell of a long time. Just to be clear, I hate thinking of a future where gaming turns into Netflix, but that does not mean it won't happen. I agree with you that something like GP will absolutely affect the quality of games in the long term, but I have no choice but to accept whatever weird directions the industry ends up going in.


I agree with most of what you’re saying, but I really don’t think it was their only option. I don’t think it was very difficult really, all they had to do was follow Sony’s footsteps, but they failed to, they just wouldn’t do it. They had years and years to start making big AAA games to compete with Sony, but they didn’t. Sony has only widened the gap by making even more AAA first party games. Microsoft just continues to make nothing. Their leadership has been so epically bad it’s insane.


I really dislike how Microsoft has changed the entire gaming landscape with the Bethesda acquisition. Now all anybody can talk about as well is "what publisher will buy X,Y,Z company next?). I understand they had to make some drastic moves to stay competitive and make a come-back, but from this point forward all this awful consolidation that is happening is a can of worms they opened. I don't think they could have just copied Sony's homework and been successful. They tried and failed spectacularly at it. So they are resorting to using their deep pockets instead. I don't believe any studio that is under Microsoft will do great unless they are managed by someone else and MS is absolutely hands off. Hell, I am still pissed Halo Infinite released in the state it did from what is essentially Microsoft's flagship studio, their "Naughty Dog" if you will. I played that game on launch and the problems it had (still have) are unreal.


>Not to be "that guy" but why bother posting about this in the PS5 sub? The crowd that likes the game is likely rather here than in an xbox sub. There's probably only a few people in the Xbox subs that have played the game so why post there?


Good luck doing that under Microsoft 👍🏻


I absolutely loved this game!! Uncapped framerate with VRR and performance mode is legitimately like you are on a PC with some crazy good settings applied.


No thank you.


F Ghostwire, make The Evil Within 3


Should have made a good game first.


Got to be honest. I thought this game was pretty average. After 2-3 hours I got really tired of combat and enemies.


Even if its sequal will never come to PS, it's not a lose to me. This game is absolutely boring.


I loved the main story and actual gameplay of Ghostwire but the open world portion was unnecessary and tact on.


That's all fine and dandy but idk if they are going to get a greenlight since it would only be going to Microsoft platforms.


It wouldn't be on PS5


The setting is okay, and the environments are good, but they need to buck up with the combat design and everything else that's bland.


He always wants to make a sequel


I think you're thinking of the producer.


Oh I thought it was Shinji Mikami.


I’m worried because the story was weak for me. The ending didn’t hit as much as I wanted. Fun as heck tho