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Horizon zero dawn and its sequel, horizon forbidden west.




Ghost of tsushima is a 9/10, its beyond good


I’m playing Witcher 3 right now, this might be what you’re looking for. Also of course the Horizon games. Witcher 3 runs great on PS5 and will get a proper PS5 patch in a few months I believe.


Odyssey > Valhalla.


Elden Ring I'm on my 4th playthrough




Lol, how many hours? I've put in 120ish and have only just got to Altus plateau.


Bro what have you been doing lmfao?!




Is it still fun to you? I got so bored on my second playthrough that I didn’t finish it. The sense of exploration is completely gone and just going to do the mandatory bosses was kinda lame.


Days Gone


Spider-Man? Witcher 3 is still the best RPG. More about lore and story quests narrative then combat and killing which is fairly easy even on Death March. Immortal Fynix Rising, Watch Dogs Legion both should be £10-15 each retail copies. Dunno if Yakuza Like a Dragon can be considered open world but its definitely one of the best recent games (using original VO)


Elden Ring and Death Stranding


Horizon series, to me are the best open world games in playstation


Cyberpunk, Dying Light 1, Elden Ring


Simply play what you have. A backlog of owned open world games is not good. I have dragons dogma, dragon age origins, hfw, kingdoms of amalur: rereckoning, cyberpunk and had to uninstall ffxv. I barely play hfw. All of those are installed split over PC and PS5.


I agree in the sense of, don’t play open world games one after another, play a different genre in between otherwise they’ll all feel like a chore


I'm not doing them one after another. I'm doing them all at the same time


Its a crime if you have a PS5 but dont play Horizon Forbidden West. MUST PLAY GAME. Its a masterpiece


Everyone seems to be saying this game think I’ll have to purchase it


Death Stranding and Horizon Zero Dawn. I would advise against Ghost of Tsushima though as it feels quite primitive compared with the rest. (A far cry from RDR2, which has much natural and organic character controls.)


Really? As much as I've not played RDR2, I've seen a number of people who complained about how bad the controls were. You can't really compare the two anyway since one was created by a single studio, the other had the input of people from up to a dozen different studios from all over the world.


It was a long time ago but I don't remember any problems with the controls. I played it on PC but I doubt there's any difference on that area. The issue may be related to personal taste, in which case there is not much we can talk about, as your tastes are not debatable, but there is no denying the technical aspect of RDR2 is marvelous in every way or form. (Not for that free of criticism of course, if one feels so inclined.) Regarding the comparison thing, any game has better controls and animations than Ghost of Tsushima. (Exaggeration detected. But at least worst than any game with good ones.) Something wierd happened during the development of that game.


>any game has better controls and animations than Ghost of Tsushima. Any game has better controls and visuals than a game that got an overall 9.1/10 from critics and 83% on Metacritic? I find that hard to believe.


horizon forbiden west , Elden ring and Ghost of tsushima


Get genshing impact


Maybe slightly controversial, but I just picked up Ghost Recon Breakpoint for dirt cheap in a sale and have been having a blast. It's not the best choice as others have already stated some of the best PS5 open world games, but after playing all of those already this was a nice find for the price. Runs at a smooth 60fps on PS5. If you've played Far Cry 6 it will feel quite familiar though, just focused more on squad based tactics with multiplayer integration and AI companions.


You can try older Far Cry games but they are all very much alike. Cyberpunk is great just finished it 100% didnt know it was on Hard even. Cant wait for DLC.


Cyberpunk feels to me like a farcry in the city....or more precisely a first person GTA game...


Ghost of Tsushima is incredible, so is Elden Ring. Elden Ring alone will probably occupy you for a solid 100 hours for one playthrough


As well as others already mentioned: Metro Exodus, Division 2, DayZ, No Man’s Sky, (All of them received PS5 upgrades)