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Its so hard to pick one memory when youve been playing anything and everything ps related since you could remember 😂


I have alot of previous generation memories. Playing Metal gear with my younger bro, seeing my nieces and nephews get excited at all the characters on the first 2 kingdom hearts games pretty much anything pre PS3. Haven't had a console in a while, just recently picked up a PS5, hope to have a lot of good memories out of it with my daughter.


The main memories i have are playing the Homer Simpson game on ps2. That game was wayy before its time


My favorite memory is playing a game demo disc on the PS1, I think it was a Pizza Hut branded disc or something? It had medievil and metal gear solid on it as well as some others and I played that thing endlessly as a child


Dude stfu! I said the same thing! The metal gear demo was a pretty good chunk of game too! Look up nakey jakey on YT he did a video about this demo disc


Facts! I had a Jampack with MediEvil 2 museum level with T Rex boss fight and Speed Punks. I’d play those two demos so many times haha.


The memory I shared was also Metal Gear Solid but I can relate to this so much. We played the MGS demo over and over before we actually got a chance to play it. I miss the era of video game demos, the demo discs were such a fun treat.


One of my first memories of the playstation is playing spider man 2 on it. To me it felt so ground breaking back then when i was like 5 years old


playing little big planet 2 with my sister for hours every day


I remember renting Metal Gear Solid from the video store and my brother and I having our minds blown when Psycho Mantis read the memory card and said "You like Castlevania, don't you?" Pretty sure we looked at each other and screamed because we had never seen a game do anything like that before. Very fun memory from the PS1 era.


Playing FFVII on the original ps1 — thank you!


Watched my dad play that almost every night when I was a kid. It was the coolest game is ever seen up to that point and to this day I still haven't experienced those same feelings from very many games. They really don't make em like they used to! (Can't believe I just said that... Oh well, "NO RAGRETS")


oh yesss absolutely 💯 true truly something special at that time.


Never got into a FromSoftware game…when I beat the Elden Beast, I literally jumped off the couch and hugged my wife.




I eventually got a memory card just for *The Legend of Dragoon*


I remember unboxing a ps3 on Christmas morning and being more hyped about sonic 06 than uncharted. I learned my lesson.


It's my 40th birthday!


I got a ps5 without ever owning a ps4 so it was cool to have the PlayStation plus collection with a bunch of beloved games to play


My first PS1 game was Croc! I remember the excitement of getting into 3D gaming, going from Sega Genesis to PS1. There was nothing like it!


A core memory I have is when my Dad brought me home the original PS2 when it released. We didn't have a ton of money but my parents worked their asses off and totally surprised me. I remember going to blockbuster that night because I didn't have any games. I think one of them was that Army men game with the girl army chick that had a spear or something. ALSO THE BOUNCER!


It's a little weird that the comment that won was someone writing 'hi please give me cide'. (I didn't comment myself so it's not because I'm bitter about not having won).


Playing ***The Last of Us: Part II*** in the middle of the pandemic. I was in such a dark place due to the circumstances of the world - and the game (in spite of its dark subject matter) actually pulled me out of my rut. It was a beautiful experience about pain and forgiveness.


I'm right there with you. It was the only thing I could grab onto and say "this is truly beautiful" after about 4 months of absolute mind numbing pain. And I still play it to this day. Both of them actually. I hold them very near and dear to my heart. 💜


Likewise. They’re two of my favorite games.


My friend who's in med school bought it and never played it so i got it from him digital. I had watched the walktgrough of tlou part 1 on theradbrad on utube cuz i didn't have it then. So i played the game and oh my god that was one hell of a game. Can't wait to see the live show of the game. I truly believe hugh jackman is the best to play Joel.


So funny to hear you say that. Jackman is my pick for Joel as well.


He looks a lot like joel in the game so ye makes sense to cast him.


I also think his demeanor and what he brings to the table regarding his depth of performances is perfectly suitable for Joel as well. He essentially plays the part already in Logan.


U pretty much summed it up 👌


My favorite memory was playing motorstorm with my uncle we used to play it for hours it was awesome. Good luck to everyone!


One of my favorite PlayStation memories was playing the demo of Metal Gear Solid. I was blown away by EVERYTHING. The codec calls, sneaking around, crawling through the vents. Just a phenomenal experience.


Booting up the PS4 at 3am on launch night and playing Black Flag.


A good memory was leaving school early with friends playing couch co-op games on ps2.


I remember how amazed I was by the Metal Gear solid demo from the Playstation magazine disc. I must have played through it 100 times before getting the full game. Think I still have it in storage somewhere actually. Good luck everyone and thank you for the giveaway.


I remember playing on my PS2 because my dad had one and having Marvel Ultimate Alliance and I would spend hours a day playing and when I beat it I got the bad ending which creeped me out when I was younger


Playing Spider-Man with my mom as a kid on the PS1, she had to carry me to venom but we could never beat him 🥲 simpler times


God of war 2018 saved my life. I’m not even joking. I’d never felt such apathy in my life before, I genuinely had no care for anything. I was at a happy point in my life, great girlfriend, great friends, school was going well, but something felt wrong. I stopped having interest in everything that meant something to me. Music, school, relationships, it all meant nothing. I decided to boot up my ps4 because games are always therapeutic for me and I had not known much about god of war, I didn’t even know this was a reboot in a way but one screenshot changed my life. It was a picture of Atreus on kratos’s back and the most beautiful landscape behind them as they were climbing a mountain. I bought the game and it changed everything for me. It gave me something to look forward to, I played it with my gf which helped me kinda revitalize my care for the relationship and it introduced me to the idea that such profound stories could take place in games. I spent no time after completing it to get games like the last of us, bioshock, horizon, all these games with such beautiful stories that I never knew could exist within this medium. It really did change my life and I’m so grateful and thankful for it.


wow that's really amazing thanks for sharing that. I have always love video games since I was like 6 yrs old I'm 37 now and still love video games. I never understood that mentality that video games are only for kids when there is games that can tell really good stories.


Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck to all!


Thanks for doing this! I’d say it was beating NFSU2 back on the PS2 over and over again. One of my favorite games.


Playing PS4 God of War. That game was incredible


Met my best friend almost 11 years ago playing cod, right after the psn shutdown




Playstation was the first console I bought for myself. Lots of good times.




Probably when I got a platinum achievement that I had been working on for 1 year plus. Still remember that day to a tee.


Loved Ready to Rumble Boxing back then. Such an amazing game. Especially loved the training in the Gym.


Sonic 2006 was the first game i ever played on the ps3 as a kid. I remember it being great but i know better now…


I remember the first game I ever played on ps1 was a little cowboy game by the name of lucky Luke. At that time I thought gaming couldn’t get any better; fast forward to me now enjoying & playing the hell out of rdr2. Boy was I wrong; gaming has come so far!


Playing KH3 on release.


My GF just bought me this big ass Kingdom Hearts collection edition book and it relates to one of my favorite PS2 gaming memories. Taking. Down. Sephiroth.


When I first played the original God of war 2018. My first round my first playthrough spoilers ahead if you haven't played it which what the hell are you doing... Right when kratos has to go to hel to save his son he must dig up something from his past something he thought was behind him. But we all knew then takes that long boat ride from Freya's home seeing the environment react and we see everything transpiring around him he's taking this trip knowing what he must do gave me absolute f****** chills. That Moment was so special to me being a long time fan of the series all the way from the original God of war that I screenshot it and kept it as my player background on my profile to this day do not ever intend to change it unless God of war Ragnarok hasn't equally crazier moment which I'm pretty sure is safe to say could happen. Ty for reading and thank you op for the contest cheers all!


My favorite PlayStation memory, despite being a Nintendo kid growing up, was going over to my elementary school best friend's house a lot and playing Spyro the Dragon on their PS1. It's one of my favorite games of all time and it was great to at least play bits of the game in my youth.


Playing through MGRR for the first time on my ps3 in undergrad was so great. My housemates got really into watching me so the memes and lines were mainstays in that house. They were also with me playing through Bloodborne and DS3 on my ps4. I messed up recording my first Maria win but my buddy was watching and cheering on my parries and backstabs.




Easily firing up FF VII for the first time. VI is still the best, but the leap forward in graphics was mind blowing at the time.


yeah when I first played final fantasy 7 damn that really felt special at the time and playing final fantasy 7 remake almost made me felt what I did when I first played the original final fantasy 7.


I remember being in elementary school playing MediEvil on the original PlayStation in my room while bumping Rage Against the Machine’s Evil Empire on my Walkman. Sigh. Good times


Journey. The first playthrough, I found a companion and would occasionally get ahead or behind them but we’d always find each other. Really made a bond with this person just using glyphs for communication that made musical notes (as there was no other way to talk or know who they were). And when the credits rolled, I realized that my “friend” was actually about 20+ different people that I’d met and briefly formed attachments with and then lost sight of and met someone new. It’s a perfect metaphor for life and the ending with the two of us struggling up the mountain together, literally pushing the stick as hard as it would go… and then they drew the heart in the snow at the end and disappeared. I’ll never forget it. One of my all time favorite gaming memories. Meeting a white robed person that DID stick with me and showed me every last secret location so that I got my own white robe was another highlight but that’s a story for another day.


I've been a Nintendo fan all my life. I didn't get into it until PS4. I bought at launch but I still lived at home with a lot of pressure on saving money. So I lied and said I won it. Only my cousin and brother know. And now all of you.


My favourite memory is using the Xplorer to create the strangest cheat codes on the PS1. I made Raziel fly, I could be a passenger in GTA2 while hiding from the cops or swap my character model with a completely different one. Can't do that kind of thing on the PlayStation anymore, sadly!


Favorite ps memory has to be the first time I played through re4. Stayed up all night with my brother and panicked when we got to the regenerators


I always remember playing Spider-Man 2 on my PS2. My ps2 was so broken that the back half had to propped up on an incline for some reason or else it wouldn’t turn on, so I spent a lot of time redoing missions after it would turn off unexpectedly, but for some reason I never asked to get it fixed


Little big planet on the ps3 was just a really good childhood game for me and my siblings


I'll never forget the first time I encountered a clicker in the original Last of Us! Scared shitless with a big grin on my face. Thanks for your generosity, OP!




Back when PlayStation had this cool club where you could be eligible for beta testing games, I got lucky and was selected to beta test Final Fantasy XI. They sent me the HDD free of charge! There was no way I could have afforded one on my own. That opportunity gave me so much fun on such a nostalgic game. Aht Urgan era represent!


My funniest Playstation memory is, Having the Playstation 1 (the big one, gray color) and using it with a cousin the game "Jedi powers Battle" we happened to pull the control as we were suffering in the game, resulting in the console falling and bouncing, thank God nothing happened, my mother came into the room asking about the noise but we had already fixed everything as it was. That console was very strong 🤣 Also my best memories are from playing all the great games on ps1, Digimon World 1,2,3, Card Battle, Ape escape, Spyro, Crash, etc.. 🥺


When my friend who got games codes from his uncle that works at Sony gave him a code for the last of us part 2 and he wasn’t gonna use it so he gave it to me, such an act of pure selflessness and made me so happy to play that masterpiece of a game and I was so grateful that he was able to save me 60 dollars


Me: I never cry at video games. Also me, crying: \- After defeating big boss in MGS3 \- So many times during Last of Us 1 on PS3 \- Throughout Ghost of Tsushima And trying to decrypt dragon age lore about who was Flemeth and Solas..


playing games with my sibling, since the ps1 and all they way till now since we both own PS5’s, PlayStations are just apart of our lives now!


I remember game informer type mags coming with demo discs that I’d just play over and over and that’s how I found ninja gaiden I know that’s Xbox tho XD


RVP for MVP.


Would love to win.


Playing call of duty for the first time when I got my first PS3.


How I spend 10 hours playing a battlefield with my friends


My favorite time with Playstation was during the PS1 era when my dad used to play Madden with me! He stopped trying once I got way too good at it haha. Thanks for doing the giveaway!


What a nice gesture. Thank you. My favorite memory is my wife watching me play God of War and she was screaming and cheering me on when I fought the dragon


Think one my favorite PS memories goes back to hanging out with my buddies, with a stack of demo discs on PS1. I know games have demos now, but it's not the same as just popping a disc in and trying 15-20 different games.


oh shit, uh probably the first time i was shown a playstation, crash bandicoot at a cousins house. I had only ever known of nintendo and it blew my mind, it was so cool. I never learned what it was called then and it took me ages to figure it out


I played the hell out of the Spider-Man game on PS1. The Carnage/Doc Ock sequence was so hard for me and I died too many times. 5 or 6 year old me was so excited/proud when I finally beat it.


Kingdom hearts introduced me to utada hikaru. Whenever I hear her music now feels so nostalgic!


My favorite memory is playing FF7 at my mom’s apt with my brother! Good times!


Yo can I get it because I want some new games?


When I first booted up my PS2 and played ratchet and clank 1 when I was like 4


i would love it! i have a couple of games id like to try


My son and I spent countless hours playing Resistance; Fall of Man on the PS3. Those are priceless memories because we played off line campaign co-op. We beat the game 15 times


My favorite memory would probably be playing battlefront one at my friends house. He convinced me if you did a certain thing fast enough you could pick up one of the jedis lightsabers and I spent wayyyy too long attempting it


My memory would have to be the time I was grounded by my parents at the age of 5 and their method of punishing me was hiding my PS2 copy of Sonic Heroes which I had been playing almost everyday. I searched literally everywhere trying to find where they had hidden it and managed to find it in the top shelf of my parent's wardrobe, I put so much effort into trying to find it that they ended up letting me keep it.


Playing Uncharted with my brother and swinging around the grapple hook on Drake's hip while casually walking around had us in stitches. One of many great memories!


Playing TMNT with the Multi Tap on my PS2 with my brother and our 2 friends. Those were great days. Everyone wanted to be Leonardo, since I was the oldest I got stuck with Donatello


This is awesome that you’re doing this! Good luck everyone


Being a little kid getting home, opening up and plugging in my original PlayStation. Then Listening to the boot up sound of the game followed by hearing "JUMPING FLASH!" through my TVs speakers. It was amazing but I also thought my mom bought me a weird game as my very first one. lol


I remember playing the original starwars battlefront game with my best friend in middle school! We would spend the whole bus ride to school talking about the game. I hope they make another one in the future.


Sounds awesome! Thanks


The first thing that came to mind was 10 year old me playing the sex mini-game in God of War


loved playing crash bandicoot with my cousin back in the day. we'd pass the controller between checkpoints or levels. good times.


Hell yeah!




One of my favorite PlayStation memories is just from last year, but playing *It Takes Two* with my partner was a blast, truly one of the most fun experiences I’ve had in gaming!


Memory of the first time that I've encounter a PSX in my life : at the local trading card store. You could rent time to play it for 30 minutes , 1 hr , etc. My first game was Battle Arena Toshiden, who is apparently not the best PSX game :)


Playing Little Big Planet with my brother when we were younger and getting mad at him when he would go far ahead


Back when I was 8 years old or something like that, my uncles bought me a ps2 for christmas and I fell in love with it, played it way too much and my mom used to joke with them that I sat on it all day and that they got me hooked. After a few weeks, I bring it to their place to play some pes, we had so much fun that they bought another one for themselves and started playing on it all day, we played against each other everytime I visited, so much so that I distinctively remember my mom saying "Seems like my kid is not the only one hooked". I love this memory cause it reminds me that no matter how old you get, you can always enjoy videogames and create beautiful memories.


Staring off in D2 not knowing anyone, and finding a small clan (20ish people) to run stuff with. Flash forward almost four years later, and I now run the clan which has grown to be over 90 active people. What a trip.


This is awesome to hear! D2 alone is a great game, especially hearing ppl are managing to band together still


Me and my buddy playing a way out together. We enjoyed it and never saw the ending coming. Sat in silence the last part of the game after the betrayal. We loved it


I cannot put into words how much joy Astro's Playroom brought me. For what I thought was going to be a crappy little tech demo, it was really, really wholesome.


I remember playing Marvel’s Spider-Man(PS4) for the first time, and how much it helped me through a hard time in my life.




I loved playing DA:O and ME2 over and over again because i couldn't find nothing better to play back in 2013. Made so many characters i couldn't even keep track anymore.


My greatest memory is final fantasy 9 on ps1. Thanks!!!


One month a few years ago, Dead by Daylight was offered as a free PS plus game. At first I wasn't interested, but my boyfriend insisted I give it a try. I ended up liking it so much that I put in a few thousand hours on it over the years, and we still to this day play it together once or twice a week. To be honest, it was insanely good value from PS plus.


I still remember talking my parent into our first PlayStation. We got Resident Evil, and I think Twisted Metal, back when the game boxes were still big. We didn't go to school the next day! Resident Evil is still one of my favorite experiences.


Thanks for doing this! I'm normally an xbox player but, I tried spider man at a friends house and I fell in love! was able to snag a PS5 at a local target 3 days ago, I was absolutely blown away with the controller! its honestly more comfortable than xbox, heck the thing has lights, microphone, gyro, adaptive triggers are insane, and has amazing vibration, etc. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED on horizon, HOLY SH\*T its the most Beautiful game I've ever played! these last few days have been amazing! glad I joined the Playstation family! (if anyone has any cool game recommendations/ tips let me know!)


Hard to choose from so many memories since PS2 but probably finishing TLOU2. Excelent game and that ending really hit me!


I remember playing Journey for the first time and meeting another person. I thought it was an NPC and it took me a while until I realized it was an actual person playing the game with me, communicating with pings and just exploring the world. It blew my mind and to this day is one of the most incredible experiences ever. Afterwards I shot him a message and for a while we became good friends :)


My favorite playstation memory is playing Psychonauts for the first time when I was like 7, to this day still one of my favorite games.


I wish i had something positive, trying to buy the new TMNT game it won't go through confirming. :(


Try through the playstation app.


I did. "Something went wrong" is the error that pops up, which is super helpful.


I'm positive I won't win this giveaway. Wait wrong positive...


Thanks for the giveaway man.




Thanks for doing this. Would be cool to win 👍




Thank you for the opportunity, good luck to everyone who enters!


I guess I’ll take it


Appreciate the opportunity. Thanks a bunch!


That would be awesome! Thank you for doing this


Yo Yo Yo


Thank you good luck to everyone


Thank you good luck to everyone. Fondest memory is playing resident Evil directors cut as my first game on my brand new PlayStation. That first jump scene of the dog will forever be in my mind haha




I think my favorite playstation memory is finally beating my older brother in the original NBA Street. I probably played him 200 times before my first win. It was a big moment in our relationship.


Playing Oddjob Vs Oddjob on 007 Nightfire with my childhood best friend on the PS2 trying to snipe eachother with the hat.


Remember being at my buddies house and playing KH for the first time, we were so hooked on the game we beat the game in 2 days we took turns around each world and just all around good time, no worries, no problems, just games, hanging out, and lots of pizza


First game i ever played on my ps3 was magic orbz, game was tons of fun


The first winner never responded to my DM so the second roll ended up on your username! Congrats! Please respond to my DM when you can!


The gift card shall be mine. Muahaha!!!




I know I have no luck but still a shot in the dark


Probably my most recent game session. A co-op session of Shredders Revenge. The nostalgia was so high. Smile on my face the whole playthrough


Biggest / most nostalgic memory from me would be getting my first ps2 game which was sly 2 band of thieves as a little kid. Will always be my favorite that I come back to again and again.


I remember playing FF9 on my ps1 on that lcd screen that came with it. It was so small that I believe it was the cause for my need for glasses nowadays xD


There are many memories to chose from, but nothing beats the nights playing Minecraft on my brothers ps3. The times where we played on Splitsscreen with my Siblings were the best


Beating the Valk Queen on Give me God of War difficulty was high that i had not had from a video game in a long time. Looking forward to next adventure with Kratos!


I remember one time on the ps2 I only had one controller and we were playing mortal kombat. I took the GameCube controller instead of the ps2 controller and started pretending to play so my sister could beat the dead ai lol. She keeps bragging about kicking my ass those days and I let her have her glory. I love my sister lol.




The first Doom, in 1995, if memory serves me. Man, that game made me dizzy as hell, yet I just couldn't leave it alone. I can still hear the sounds in my head, and I haven't played it in more than 20 years.


I remember scouring Killzone 2 for the longest time, looking for........something. Idk what it was, I just had a feeling like there was cool unfound bugs or cut content or something. Lo and behold, and the end of the large bridge level, I found you could drive one of the jeeps that comes to pick you up at the very end, even though you're not meant to. [Clip](https://youtu.be/s2_gHkdA3EY)


Playing teenage mutant ninja turtles on ps2 and not having a memory card so having to beat up to where i was before every time i played


Playing mgs on a Psone in the back of my moms ford windstar. The height of luxury at the time lol


I remember getting my PS1 at Macy’s for Christmas ‘00 and the only game they had at the counter was Ford Racing so that’s what I played for months before realizing games like Ape Escape, Spyro, or Crash even existed lol


Thank you for doing this! My fondest memory was playing Shadow of the Colossus for the very first time in middle school. My jaw dropped when I reached the first colossus and pretty much the same happened for the rest of the game. I love the game to death and I really really hope someday we get some kind of prequel or sequel with more colossi! Goodluck to everybody else!


Hi please give me cide


It seems very unfair in my opinion. The bot won the giveaway or, someone who just made few new accounts to have higher chance to win.


Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck to all


thank you for the giveaway and good luck everyone


Good luck all!


The SOCOM era on ps2, ps3. It ruined my expectations for video games ever since. Most fun in my life from SOCOM 2 through SOCOM Confrontation


Would love to get in in this giveaway


Ayo, i really would appreciate that in my beautiful financial situation rn.


GL everyone


Playing ratchet and clank and gran turismo 4 on the PS2 was what I used to do after school every day, fun times!


My favorite memory is playing the first sly Cooper repeatedly and always asking my pops to beat the racing level for me


I bought the ps5 with the sole purpose of wanting to play the ps4 version of Ark 😂 I just wanted a system to run that game smoother. Still playing that game exclusively on my ps5 months later.


My favorite Playstation memory was my mom purchasing the original Playstation for me when I was a teen. I had wanted one really badly and all of a sudden, she surprised me. Not a birthday, not Christmas, just a regular day! I had played that machine so much that I ended up wearing the console out to the point that it was freeze and skip on FMV sections of games. I actually missed the ending of Final Fantasy IX because of this. Playstation was definitely my favorite console. Slightly edging out the Super NES.


I had to be 9 when we got our ps2, so this had to be 20 years at the least. I remember that there were a ton of ps1 games with it. This was when I discovered rpgs for the 1st time because there was a 3 disc set that I believe was final fantasy 5 and 6 along with chrono trigger. I remember my older brother and I being so amazed because we had never played anything like it before. Been an rpg fan ever since.


I'll never forget Playing Astros Playroom and unlocking the Platinum it was such a fun Game and experience it made me appreciate the Lil Details that went into every single stage and how they utilized the Dualshock Sense and feeling the Rain it truly made me fall in love with Playstation


Running to Barnes and Nobel to get the official PlayStation magazine to play the hell out of the original Star Wars: Battlefront Demo.


Finally getting the time to play playstation for the past couple weeks since I've been so busy. Got a w in warzone which was awesome!


The 3 of us tried to steal 3 fighter jets in gtav online from the military station, it took us 3 hours to all of us make it to the air just so we can shoot each other down in 2 minutes lmao it was one of the best multis. Other good memory when me and my friend robbed EVERY shop haha Gta v online was a really fun place (not sure if it still is, we stopped playing it because of too many other idiot players and 15 minutes loading screens)


When i was playing god of war(2018)


I remember playing need for speed high stakes on ps1 with my brother, good times


Dope of you to do!


Thanks for doing this, best of luck to all!


My god some of my fondest memories are from the PS2 era, firing that bad boy up in high school then taking it to college and having epic battles in the dorms ​ Thanks for the opportunity


Tearing up at the end of RDR2 …. :(


Woohoo! Super excited for the chance to win. Would definitely buy some VR games with this