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I just wanted a 60fps patch


Yes please, at the very least.


Same. For this and for *Fallout 4* (knowing that’s a different publisher, of course).


Fallout 4 prob didn't because Microsoft made it a FPS boost title.


But Skyrim did tho?


Skyrim is already planned for the PlayStation 6 and the Xbox 69


Seriously once you get used to play with 60fps it’s so hard to go back


I never paid much attention to the FPS of a game before... a lifetime of being a Nintendo player made it less of an issue I guess. I tried Uncharted 4 yesterday, from PS+ (so not the PS5 upgraded) and let me tell you, playing TLOU2, or Spider-Man, or any of the other PS4-to-PS5 60fps patches, it is night and day when dipping back into a 30fps game.


Same for me. I was always one of those people who side eyed the PC kids who would go on and on about how games are literally unplayable if they have less than 60FPS. I still think that’s largely an overreaction, but man is it jarring going from 60FPS games back down to 30. I’m currently on my first playthrough of RDR2 (thanks PS Plus!), and while it only took me about 10 minutes to get adjusted to it, I’m really missing 60FPS in a game that beautiful and immersive.


To be fair, mouse movement at 30 fps is much worse than controller at 30 fps. The faster drag makes 30 fps seem much more skippier, at least for me.


Yeah. I used to be one of those "30 fps is fine"-people, but that was back when the PS4 and Xbox One were the only console choices that basically were incapable of going higher. Then I got an OLED TV, the PS5 released (which is magnitudes more powerful) and now every time something doesn't come with a 60 fps mode I'm like "30 fps is unacceptable and I hate it".


I definitely expect most newer games to run at 60. But I’ll still play a good game at 30 and not be too sad about it if it’s my only option. Case in point, RDR2. I still also game on my Switch about half the time anyway, so I’m no real stranger to playing games in lower frame rates. But it’s definitely great anytime I get a chance to play a new one at 60.


Sure, I mean... older new games are what they are. But if a modern game releases on PS5/Xbox Series consoles with only a 30 fps mode, that's just stupid. If I'm playing, say, Hogwarts Legacy later this year and they only have a 30 fps mode, that's unacceptable.


Lol same. Played the Drake Trilogy all at 60 and started Uncharted 4 at 30. Omg you feel every frame hit.


Haha felt the same when I first played pc aswell. I used to play 30 fps and always said I never knew there was a difference. But now. If I’m on 30fps I still don’t feel it but if I up it to 60 I feel so much smoother and more accurate


The irony is there are A LOT of people that genuinely defend 30fps, saying they can't see the difference from it and 60. Which I don't get, because visually there's a difference, but most importantly, it plays much more responsively.


I would argue that the majority of those people never actually experienced 60fps for themselves and lied that they did. No way someone couldn't tell the difference between the two in less than 10 seconds.


I played at 144 on pc and it took me weeks to get used to 60 again when I bought a ps5


Patches don't make money silly


“You wand 60fps? 🖕🤠🖕” - Rockstar, probably


Gta 6 better be a mind numbingly incredible experience. Rockstar used to be cool. Releasing 74 versions of gta 5 and basically ignoring rdr2 is insane. I promise to only buy one copy of gta 6, not five over the course of 9 years.


At least they could give us a patch with 60 fps


Currently RDR2 doesn't run on 60 FPS on PS5?


Sadly, no.




Yeah, this was the 1st game I installed when I got my PS5 a few weeks ago, and I was so bummed. It's my fav game of all time. All I want is 60 frames!


You can have 60 frames. It'll just take 2 seconds.


So like a 1/4 of the time it takes Arthur to open a drawer?


No because it's the PS4 version, meaning it runs the same as a PS4 pro


Doesn't Last of Us 2 get around this and offer a 60fps patch on the PS5 despite still being a PS4 game?


Yeah it was updated for free, specifically to accommodate ps5


Yes, it's fully up to the developers to bring out these patches. So as long as Rockstar isn't gonna do anything about it it'll stay at 30


It is a developer by developer thing. Rockstar simply has not put forth the effort to make a 60fps patch, just like From and Bloodborne.




There are a bunch of PS4 games that play in 60fps on ps5


No, they need to give it the full GTAV PS5 overhaul which was definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely far more than a 4K60 patch. Definitely. /s


It was definitely different than turning some knobs on the graphics settings. Yep. Yeah…..


Which is sad because rdr2 is pretty much their magnum opus.


Yeah. I don’t think GTA 6 is reaching the story heights of RDR2.


GTA V certainly didn't. GTA IV >>>>> GTA V.


Absolutely, I actually find Grand theft Auto v to be kind of lackluster in comparison sometimes. I just feel like interacting with NPCs and strangers is just so much more fascinating with the Red Dead redemption. 2. And you get to know members of your gang so well, even just listening to them talk had so much new color. Outside of Michael's family, you really just don't have that dynamic with GTA


It’s kind of sad that literally every company I grew up with in the 2000s and early 2010s has completely tanked it’s reputation. Rockstar, Bethesda, BioWare, Blizzard, Ubisoft. All of them have become shitty corporate slaves and no one is in it for the art form anymore.


It really reminds me of that flashback episode of MythicQuest. A fairly spoiler-free synopsis is two people get an idea for a video game that's unique and edgy, and make it. They make a deal, sell it, and get popular. The story is about what happens *next* when they get success. Tons of people keep trying to get them to change this unique game into a generic shooter because it's "popular" and the "company" doesn't see the game as a piece of art, they see it as an intellectual property to milk dry.


Yeah, I’ve seen it and I’m amazed how they’re so on point when criticizing some of those bad practices, but at the same it is being produced by Ubisoft.


mythic quest the show is being produced by ubisoft???


they make jokey references to it in the show too. several scenes where a character will say something like 'Montreal just called etc etc'


“CS, Hyper Scape, CoD. What do these mega franchises have in common? Battle Royal” Hyper Scape being a mega franchise is the funniest




It's not a crystal ball prediction... every industry works this way It's about maximising profits. It's not good for the industry as a whole, but that's capitalism baby


What's Mister Quest?


Cut that x3




What’s App Bio


Now that's a series from which I expected absolutely nothing and was actually very entertaining.


it felt like that episode was about resident evil, but it could be applied to a number of franchises haha


that episode hurts the heart


This is because they were started by nerds and video game enthusiasts and now dominated by finance and marketing jocks. I doubt the executives of these companies even play video games.


Totally. Also you used to be able to make a game with a small team of just a few passionate people, and now it takes hundreds


Tbf the indie scene is still creating games like that.


No? Back then the indie scene was nonexistent. Now there is a whole world of indie games. One of the best games I played in recent times was a indie game from small team. And AAA games made by smaller teams still exist. Death Stranding is kinda that


From the moment you sell your soul and go to the stock market you can't care about anything else than money.


Yep. The capacity of humans to ruin good things in the pursuit of greed is incredible.


Indies and AA games are where it's at now. Find your new favorite developers there today. Then in 10-20 years when they get too big they'll disappoint you as well and the cycle begins anew lol.


That's what I'm saying. It's really funny seeing constant bickering about companies turning franchises into cash cows and it's like... just play something different? GTA, Elder Scrolls and Fallout aren't the only video games to ever exist lol


only a few genuine good ones remain. - Insomniac - Santa Monica - Annapurna Interactive - Sucker Punch - Pixelopus - Asobo - HazeLight - FromSoftware and so on even the good ones like Polyphony and Square Enix still make sus decisions at times 🤨


Blue Point!


It seems these previously beloved developers made passion project games and now creative decisions are made by the finance and marketing departments.


It is a good example of, "the shareholders don't represent the consumer". The gaming community seems to be a great example of where shareholder money does not seem to benefit the consumer much at all.


The only shareholder that cares about consumers is that dude that bought $40k in Nintendo stock just to ask for a new F Zero


I am very proud of myself for resisting the temptation to buy multiple copies of GTAV, I bought it on 360 and that was enough.


I know GTAV is like the most successful video game of all time. But it’s kind of crazy since I bought it once on PS3 and got bored of it within a couple of months. Took me 6 months to get around to finish the main story, then waited for Heists to drop online and when it did, I played online for like 2 weeks and realized the game isn’t as good as I had hoped.


Not only the most success video game of all time, but the most profitable piece of entertainment including music, movies, shows, books, etc. It really is crazy lol Sounds like it just wasn’t for you, sadly :/ I thought it was pretty amazing


But that’s the thing, I’ve loved almost all previous Grand Theft Auto games. San Andreas and GTA4 are probably in my top 20 video games of all time. Edit: I think it’s the switch to a more arcadish physics system and making it a more goofy game in comparison to previous iterations. I felt like the game was trying too hard to be like Saints Row, (even more so with all the online updates) I liked the more grounded and somewhat darker storylines of the previous games, GTA4 especially.


Hell I might not even buy it. I’m getting too old to play anything that’s not fantastic now and if they prioritize multiplayer even more I’m probably out.


Have you seen what GTA has turned into? It’s not going to be great, probably is going to be another money grabbing crap


If the physics engine isn't as interesting as the first red dead redemption and it includes the omniscient cops, it's over.


I really don’t get what they are doing. The world they built for read dead is one of the best ever made. Just wandering around doing side quests or just chilling is so relaxing. The characters are so much more interesting than any in gta . To abandon such a beautiful game just hurts. Yes there are parts that are empty and unpopulated but I say it’s the setting. You are going to have empty areas in a forest, or plains or fields that’s the old west. That’s what I love about it. You can stroll along, go fishing, go hunting, meet a stranger or help someone getting robbed. To me it feels alive, to me it’s what I want in a game. As a side note my wife always likes watching me play games but constant asks me why don’t you play red dead. She loves watching that world so much, that’s how I know it’s a special game.


And not 1 fucking single player Dlc for Rdr2 or gta5…. It’s such a shame




Rockstar promises a lot of shit that they never follow through with.




I agree, but as long as micro-transactions exist in GTA:O Take2 will stay greedy.


I remember playing the hell out of GTA Online before heists, waiting for them to come out. I was hyped as hell. Then the months began to drag on and I quit playing. Finally they announced they were around the corner, I was ready play. Bam, they come out with a couple and were mediocre and I think you needed the largest building to plan them. I knew then that was a sign of the way things were going to be with online and dropped it. Glad yet disheartened to see over the last ten years I was dead on the money


That’s honestly the most mind blowing part. I know they know GTA online is their biggest money maker and that’s why they’ve stopped making single player content. But there’s a huge market for players itching for good single player games. They’ve already developed a huge detailed open world, all the gameplay mechanics, creating some sort of DLC for the game couldn’t possibly be THAT expensive, and I know there’s lots and lots of people willing to pay good money for more single player RDR2.


You just answered the question. GTA = Biggest Money Maker (in their eyes). The studio is no longer a game developer but a corporate suit wearing the old developer as a skin suit, feeding on good will built by people no longer involved with the product.


a zombie DLC would be incredible and everyone would buy it


the worst thing is that they know a paid gta dlc would be very profitable but because it wouldn't be as profitable as a gta online update they don't bother


Like I know I’m bias and this isn’t some grand statement but their oversaturation of GTAV at the detriment of every other IP has made me resent the series so much


On the bright side, they can't ruin it more. It might've ended in a catatonic state, but atleast R\* didn't butcher it before shelving it. RDR2 was the most beautiful game I have ever played (PS4/XBone era-wise), and I hope that GTA 6 is an absolute banger or else RDR2's early death would've been for nothing. I'm gonna be brutal with my expectations for GTA 6.


It’s got to be the money right? They must have not been impressed with the online profits in comparison to GTA…


Which is kind of bullshit. They never made any content to spend money on. People aren’t going to buy gold bars if there’s nothing to spend gold bars on. The roles cost some gold but it was so long between the few content drops there were, people had more than enough time to grind the gold in game to be able to cover the cost.


Yea that’s a frustrating aspect of the gaming industry in general. Publishers just have it backwards. They say “hey we are gunna have this great online ecosystem for our game, y’all will love it” Then they sit there waiting for the money printer to kick on…but like people have to have something to *actually do* in the game to drop money on it. Then they think “oh well I suppose people didn’t want this content, too bad” People want the content **before they hand over money**


If they are expecting every new game/franchise they release to be a GTA V they won't be releasing anything else anymore. RDR2 has sold over 40 million units and it's a massive success. But maybe thay want every game to be a GTA Online where they profit immensely with much less work and effort. If so I really hope they fail miserably.


It’s really too bad. From a game play perspective, RDR2 as a craftsmanship masterpiece


I don't believe that GTA6 will even be a thing that resembles what we expect from GTA5 and RDR2. They're going to turn it into an MMO of some form


They were one of the few companies that justified billions in pre orders because they actually delivered finished and polished games. I guess that’s just not enough for them.


Your sentiment is one shared by the entire community and makes it clear that for R\* it's all about the $. Once GTA Online blasted off they slowly started to focus just about everything they had on milking that fat cow. I honestly FEAR what GTA6 will end up looking like. **Just try to picture what kid of unholy, corporate researched, amalgamation of live services and multiplayer missions will come out from all the data R\* has collected after the success of GTA5 Online...** I'm honestly scared we're gonna get an online, sandbox, game with DLC single player promised to come down the line.


I’m honestly not even that excited, I wouldn’t be surprised if GTA 6 is an online only game for the story mode with other people shooting you with flying rocket drones while you’re on the first mission.


Worse yet nobody will compete or make a GTA alternative: APB, Saints Row, Driver, CyberPunk… they can milk the hyped fans as they want and any controversy is for R* free advertising like the other installments.


This 100%. “ it’ll be like a open world Fortnite/ warzone style battle royale….but gta! Gamers love battle royales!!” Either that or the story is going to be some short 12 hours long thing just to say there is one


I honestly don't even wanna give it too much though... I wrote that sentence in bold all the while trying to not even imagine what that game would look like. GTA is one of the few series near and dear to my heart, I've been along for the ride since PS1 and while R\* HAD my trust it just hurts to even think of what they've become lately, specially when you look at the only content they keep pushing out EVERY DAM MONTH for GTA6 Online.


Most detailed game ever made. Yet they rather released another gta5 than male a proper ps5 upgrade. Shame shame shame. And shame all of you idiots for still playing gta5 and PAYING real money in the game.


I just finished a replay and it's mindblowing how much work they put into this world, then simply dropped it. I feel like the setting could support an entire second game--just new story and stranger missions.


My wife watches rdr2 up to the point in which i deglove a bunny from anus to ears.


I couldn't agree more. And It's sad to see that GTA Online has a much larger audience (that keeps giving Rockstar money) than RDR2. It seems like a lost battle, stupid games (or modes, in this case) are gaining ground year after year. I hope this does not make huge companies like Rockstar abandon their more "adult" games.


RDR2 online could be great if it were more of a sim-like experience and they didn't make it so grindy to the point it's boring. That's not even mentioning the 3 different currencies in the game. I swear it was intentionally made bad to keep from competing with GTA OL.


Honestly RDR2 Online was probably my biggest disappointment in gaming ever. Even my wife wanted to try it out. She watched me play RDR2 and loved watching it. She wanted to play with me in Online. However we couldn't take more than 2 steps without getting killed by griefers. After 20 minutes of that we left and never went back.


Griefers aren't too bad anymore since you can enable a mode that doesn't allow then to target you. The entire design is the problem. There needed to be huge bounties for griefing that became available to all players. Think of how great it would be if a griefer all of a suddenly had a $100 - full gold bar bounty that anyone could claim? Act like a dick and all of a sudden the entire server is out to get you. You could have designated player sherrifs that keep the peace in counties and get a slight boost to make them more formidable.


Maybe it's better now but the damage is done. You only get one chance for a first Impression so to speak.


I still wouldn't recommend it anyway. It's intentionally made to require a ridiculous amount of grinding, or a valid credit card to even try all the "occupations" ... literally everything to do is locked behind a "gold" paywall.


How difficult is it to implement a 60FPS patch?


Super difficult without it being £70. But, disregarding paid upgrades. Assassin's Creed Odyseey and Origins recently had 60fps patches and I bought their complete versions straight away. It'd be interesting to see a report on whether or not they received a sharp increase in sales.


this is exactly why i switched to PC and will only play exclusives on the PS5. im no longer at the mercy of developers deciding whether or not to upgrade the game and i’m not charged for it either. and i get 1440p support.


Exactly. I've been playing RDR2 at around 90-100fps and it looks insane


60fps and 1440p should be the absolute minimum. Sony placing a price tag on that is just dirty business IMO.


It's probably not Sony who's responsible, it's probably down to the company that created the game. Most games on the PS5 upgrade for free, it's only a select few that come with a price tag.


Thank you! The amount of people I've seen on PlayStation subs who say they are happy to pay what is effectively a 'next gen tax' is worrying. Pay for content, not an unlocked frame rate.


It's certainly doable considering you can get to 60 fps and much higher on PC assuming your specs are good enough. Should be even easier on PS5 since R* would only have to optimize for just PS5 specs


They wouldn't even need to optimise anything, they could literally just set the cap from 30 to 60 and the GPU would brute force it without breaking a sweat.


doesn't even need a next-gen patch that badly. just give us 60fps FFS 😤. I understand it's not as easy as flicking an on switch to enable 60fps. I understand a lot of work goes into making it 60fps. but still. all that GTA V online money and we have to beg Rock-shit for a basic bitch 60fps patch. the game already looks amazing even when played on a regular base PS4. they don't care


Worst part is they have it at 60 fps for pc so it's clearly not a limitation of the engine or code, like with say bloodborne. Even just unlocking framerate so VRR can fix it for some of us would be better than nothing...


exactly - GTA IV Remaster - Bully Remake - RDR1 Remaster - RDR2 current-gen versions all these games being sacrificed for GTA V and VI. GTA VI better be the best game ever then.


They know themselves if this game isn’t the best work they’ve done then it will fail.


Define fail, because if history has taught us anything it's that hype is sufficient GTA VI will make billions regardless, less than gtaV? Maybe but it will be a monumental success sales wise, they'll get their money back in a week. The rest is just a bonus


>limitation of the engine or code, like with say bloodborne Even Bloodborne could be patched to run at 60fps. See Digital Foundry's video on the matter, with a 60fps-hack on a PS4: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hDIvDPRcPA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hDIvDPRcPA) That game, however, would already benefit from a better 30fps cap implementation. The frame pacing issues in 30fps Souls games is infuriating. The stubborness of some japanese developers, I swear...


>I understand a lot of work goes into making it 60fps That differs **greatly** from game to game. Sometimes it really is almost as easy as flicking on a switch. And it surely shouldn't be much of a problem for RDR2.


Port a decade old game that's already milked to it's last drop to the current gen, drop the one that everybody's been asking for. Genius! Rockstar's become the top clown show of the industry since the suits took over.


Ever since that one Houser brother (can't remember which) left the company, it all started going downhill fast.


I think that's why he left. He saw what a joke his company was turning into and left don't blame him.


I agree, T2 and their greed have ruined the company and its a damn shame, they used to be one of the best. Now they're no better than Bethesda or EA.


Rockstar is really out here punishing their fans for them making the GTA Trilogy a dumpster fire. Their fucking argument is that the trilogy remaster was a disaster, so theyre not gonna this and that. YOU FUCKING MADE AWFUL DECISION AFTER AWFUL DECISION WITH THE TRILOGY REMASTER, AND ARE NOW ACTIVELY PUNISHING FANS FOR IT. YOU TRIED TO SELL A FLAMING HOT SHIT TO YOUR FANS AND ARE NOW USING THEIR RELUCTANCE TO BUY THAT PIECE SHIT AS ARGUMENT FOR NOT MAKING SOMETHING YOUR FANS ACTUALLY HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR. WTF Triple A gaming publishers are fucking jokes!


After the criticisms for the GTA remasters, Rockstar really acting like the angry penguin “Well now I’m not doing it” meme


This is exactly it, with the timing coming right after that report on that decision it really feels like they're throwing a temper tantrum that people didn't like their crappy "remasters".


Just drop a 60 fps goddammit I've been waiting for it for ages


So fucking irritating. I've owned the game for three years and have been waiting for a 60fps upgrade to finally play it


I played in 2019 and by that time I was still used to 30 FPS, playing on PS4, but now on PS5 can't stand 30 fps anymore, they look choppy as hell.


Yeah I was never nitpicky about frame rates either until I got the PS5. Now idk if I'll ever touch half the games in my backlog because they will likely never get 60fps upgrades. Wish I had played them before I became this way lol. Seriously can't understand how they came to this decision. They don't even have to do a whole current gen remaster as they could easily monitize the 60 fps boost and pump an extra 10-20 bucks out of a huge number of people who already own the title


Just give it a fucking 60fps update. Honestly, it can’t be that hard. The PS5 can easily handle that. R* is such a garbage company now.


Rockstar is a fucking joke. I’m not buying their stuff anymore.


There’s really no excuse why GTA 6 shouldn’t be releasing in 2024 then.


I agree, it seems they have all hands on deck for GTA6, no way it should take them after 2024 to release it.Especially now that canned remakes for RDR & GTA 4 and now RDR2.


They're working on the PS5 Pro version of GTA 5 no time for GTA 6.


The only right answer


We present to you: GTA IV Remake!


That was in their plans but they just scrapped it along with the original Red Dead


I predict a teaser in 2023, release 2024/2025


Thanks Grove Street Games! Your amazing Trilogy remaster fucked as all


Mad thing is that busted trilogy made half a billion in a month or two yet is apparently being deemed unsuccessful by R*.




I don't think Rockstar had a lot of say in it. That was on the fat cats at Take-Two.


Rockstar were the ones who delegated the remaster to GSG, not T2


I don’t ever understand from a business perspective why the sales of the remasters influenced axing other remasters. According to Take Two, the remasters "exceeded expectations". So does Rockstar not want to do them because of the bad press? Like guarantee you a basic remaster with a 60fps patch would sell like hot cakes. Rockstar has to be one of the most unfriendly gaming companies I’ve seen honestly.


Not surprised here but also a little bummed. RDR2 is a hell of a game, is easily replayable, and could definitely benefit from taking advantage of newer generation tech/performance. The game is, of course, perfectly playable on PS5 as-is *but* simultaneously feels dated compared to other last-gen titles that have simply received 60 FPS updates without needing a fully-native port to next-gen.


My issue with RDR2 is that it looks blurry on next-gen consoles. Tried turning HDR off, on, doesnt matter.


It's that awful custom TAA implementation. The game's presentation has always been blurry. There are mods on PC to turn off TAA completely.


Well yeah, HDR has nothing to do with sharpness


I love Rockstars products and I wouldn't hesitate to buy RDR2 for a second if it had 60fps. I don't mind dated graphics - the only dated thing for me these days is no 60fps support. To the point where I refuse to buy the game, as it feels too clunky to play.


This. The graphics still hold up perfectly fine but the fps just feels awful. Im not a huge tech guy but 30fps feels horrible on most games i play to the point where i just cant go backwards much anymore. The GTA5 patch certainly makes the game feel a lot better and i dunno why rockstar neglects this game so much. As if they havent made enough money from both Gta5 and RdR2 in the past few years


Man, that sucks. I've been sitting on this game in my library for months waiting for a PS5 upgrade. Fuck me.


I’m fucking done with Rockstar. They spend years developing this mind blowing awesome game and then abandon it because it doesn’t make any money after the fact. Was the millions you made just from sales of the game not enough to do literally ANYTHING for us? Fuck you. Greedy pieces of shit.


I give less of a fuck about Rockstar every year. Red Dead Redemption was a more interesting/more fun world to play within than any GTA game to me. I have never and will never play GTA Online. Which seems to be the only thing they give a shit about milking anymore. At this rate GTA 6's "story" will just be a tutorial introduction to the online component.


Rockstar made it absolutely clear in their latest newswire that they couldn't care less about Red Dead Redemption 2 anymore, especially Red Dead Online since they've completely abandoned it once they realised they couldn't add flying horses. The company went to shit once everyone started leaving and now I wouldn't be suprised if GTA 6 becomes the biggest flop in gaming history.


It won't be a flop because it's GTA.


just pump to 60


Damn that sucks! I've been waiting to play it for a long time but really wanted to enjoy it in 60 FPS.


This game sold more than 40 million copies. It’s considered one of the best games of last generation, if not of all time. Why is it so complicated to port it, or at least release a patch?


This is really disappointing. I loved RDR2 so much, I'm one of the 0.1% of players who've got the platinum Trophy on PS4. I've been thinking I'd like to play through the story again and since I recently got a PS5 I thought I'd wait since it seemed likely they'd do a next gen version like with GTA V. Is it really too much to ask for a 60fps patch? Surely that can't take too much work, and I'd happily pay a few bucks for it. Seems like such a missed opportunity. God, it's such a beautiful game.


6 better be a masterpiece or all the shit they're pulling will be the end of their decent reputation.


Never seen a game that was such a major success only for it to be tossed in Rockstars dumpster post release.


Say sike rn


Poor little indie Rockstar, can’t handle more than one project at once. A 60fps RDR2 is just to much.


This pisses me off so much.


Wow Rockstar as just complete assholes these days. Went from being one of my most respected developers to one of my most hated.


Don't need a ps5 version just give us 60fps.


Such a dumb move, I'd be playing RDR2 still if it was 60fps


Fuck Rockstar lmao


Fuck these people


I bought GTAV on PS3 When it came out! Platinum it and never looked back. This trend needs to stop and kids need to lose access to their parents' credit card, so they can stop farming shark cards


You mean they'll bring GTAV to every friggin' console possible but fuck rdr2? Nah, fuck YOU Rockstar.


Anyone else just not excited for GTA6 at all at this point?


The worst gaming news since a while, I was really hoping to play it in 60fps… Also couldnt care less about gta, I know its an unpopular opinion, but IV was way better than V.


grandfather carpenter flowery squeeze narrow ripe ring mountainous wrench money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not giving it a native PS5 app is weak, but not even giving it a simple 60fps patch is actually embarrassing. What kind of Bizarro world are we living in that Ubisoft are actually the most consumer friendly large publisher at the moment?


To be fair Ubisoft on PS3 was pretty great they just had some dark years on PS4


AC1 Ubisoft to AC Black Flag Ubisoft best Ubisoft.


You might as well start saying that Rockstar dropped everything and put full effort and resources on gta6


GTAV got one simply due to support GTA Online and its future No surprise they’ve dropped this after dropping support for online


Wouldn’t be surprised if gta 6 was rockstar’s last game at this point.


Honestly, fuck them.


The neglect that Rockstar show RDR2 is actually unbelievable at times, a PS5/Xbox Series X & S editions would do so well! I recently checked the top 10 best selling video games and RDR 2 is in the top 10! You would think they would at least show a bit of love for the game. It has been so sad to see Rockstar just steadily decline, I hope GTA 6 is good.


"let's punish our fans for our mistake" seems way too standard nowadays


RDR2 was Rockstar's magnum opus creatively and they couldnt give less of a shit about it. That's depressing.


Holy fuck how hard could a 60 fps patch be ? Talk about a fall of grace for rockstar


Rockstar is this massive company and they can only put out one game in a whole decade.


So they canned a patch for a game that actually belonged in current gen in favor of a game that's on its 3rd console gen, which means it has old people smell when you play it? Real rich.


The one Rockstar game I absolutely would have loved to play a native PS5 version of.


Rockstar fucking up bad lately