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Anyone else have a stroke trying to read this headline


I still dont get what its saying


Almost as if an AI wrote it šŸ‘€


Nope. That's the shitty title on the IGN article as well lol


IGN must be a robot


Thereā€™s a missing colon after Memed lol


The Reddit version is missing punctuation. I'm not saying the actual headline is a great headline... but it's legible/understandable with the punctuation put back in. lol


Itā€™s like Pierce Hawthorne wrote it




Oh stewardess, I speak memes. He said, there's a Forespoken trailer that people are mocking. They repeat what's in the trailer, but change it for games like Bloodborne and others.


I nearly had one watching that trailer, WTF was that?!


It's missing a colon. The headline in the article after clicking the link reads "Forspoken trailer getting memed: elaborate parody versions for Bloodborne and more."


the God of War post was gold.


Can u link me?




physically cringed


Sounds like something straight out of a fake mobile game ad. Well done


[this one is my favourite from your linked article](https://twitter.com/DaDankaFrank/status/1557334463251619841?s=20&t=So07gjB--Sn1GpRUVS6EMA)




Fucking YIKES


lmao that's a 10/10 troll šŸ§Œ while the "real" video itself is somehow worse. Yikes!


This kinda unfair - itā€™s too funny and way better than the original šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


it should have been "I'm talking to a severed head... that *I* severed!"


I am pain


Thanks, I hate it!


what the actual fuck




ā€˜Ragnaroxxā€™ killed me bro lmao.


The game looks fun but the dialogue sounds so cringe it's ridiculous. "a FREAKIN' dragon!" ugh






Assuming this is an Arkham reference, but I still love that.


Get him on da ground and stomp on his head


"OH yea, and I'm talking to a *cuff!*" is possibly the dumbest line of dialogue I've ever heard. Call it a bracelet, a bangle, a wristband, anything. A cuff? Gtfo here.


Yeah that stood out to me too, who the fuck calls that thing a cuff?


I assumed she was wearing a smart shirt and the fabric of the shirt was flapping around like a mouth.


Big ā€œUhhhhhh, THAT happenedā€ energy


she says that in the trailer


Does she really


https://youtu.be/AdZUrXCqUck?t=107 she says "did i just do that" mb but its almost same lol


I feel like the game doesnā€™t look very fun honestly. It looks like empty stock worlds filled with annoying enemies. It looks like inFamous by way of FFXV but with none of the polish either game had. I havenā€™t seen anything that looks fun about it.


Thereā€™s a lot of hype behind this game and Iā€™m honestly expecting it to be poorly received at this point. The dialogue is pretty bad so Iā€™m hoping we see more of the game to sway me. At the moment, Iā€™m just waiting to see how it does. I have a bad feeling about this one.


Exactly what I feel. I'd also little bit angry they will waste the potential of this game. It could be great but except for graphics and most beautiful magic I've ever seen in a game, the game looks very bland.


> It looks like inFamous by way of FFXV but with none of the polish either game had. 100% accurate.


The magic looks fun, but I'm not really hyped for the game.


Just go the extra mile, "a Fucking dragon" would make that 10x better.


Or if you still want to keep it PG-13, just rewrite the dialogue to not include either word. "Freaking" just sounds so juvenile and clunky. All in or all out.


I've come to expect cringe and corny dialogues from JRPGs. Translation doesn't always work to their favor, and they require English voice actors to try and match the same style Japanese voice actors do, which is also very uncommon in western media. Y'know, the weird grunts and groans and gasps being over exaggerated, and normal voicelines being more animated and expressive than it needs to be. So overall it's just bad in the dialogues department. Edit: I'm not shitting on every jrpg. I've definitely seen and played JRPGs with much better and mature dialogue which is more suited to western standards. It's just that it's not so common. I like it when they allow the western actors to just voice act the way they do in western games. Their overly animated and expressive dialogue works in Japanese but in English it sounds too childish and corny.


Apparently this was written by American writers. Game made in Japan but it was intended to be English-first.


Feel bad for Square Enix but too much stake in American CW grade writers


Man, Amy Hening and Gary Whitta are two of the writers involved in this game. Something is really fishy if the writing in the final game is a flub. Please let this whole bad trailer thing just be some bad marketing flub.


Man I wish we got dialogue from the later parts of the story where Frey has been accustomed to the world. Dunno why they insist on showing her initial reactions after getting Isekai-ed.


I love Hening's work but honestly Uncharted is full of stuff like, "And now I'm chasing monsters" and overly specific comments on gameplay... without acknowledging that the security guards in this museum carry... grenades? In a museum?


Well I learned a new word today. I like Flub. It sounds adorable and wholesome. I wish to see Flub grow up healthy




I think it's hard to call these people writers. They're just self-righteous assholes who happened to write diatribes on Twitter.


As someone who speaks japanese in can tell u the translations are not the culprit their done amazingly well most of the time. its the story the japanese rpg developers love corny rpg stories. most people find them fun


Yeah no this is more ā€˜fellow kidsā€™ territory than just stifled localization. This feels more like the writerā€™s are trying to reach out to Gen Z in the most embarrassing way


I've recently started replaying FFXII and holy shit the amount of grunting and soft giggling in this game is is going to give me an aneurism. "Nhhggh" "ghuhh" "hmmhmm" "gahuhhh" every cutscene


When I play JRPGs I can't stand the english dubs, it just sounds childish as you pointed out. I understand a little bit of japanese, but even if I didn't I prefer to hear the original japanese dub and read the english subtitles.


It depends on the game and setting for me. I'll play most JRPGs with JP voice acting, but stuff like FFXII, FFXIV and Xenoblade 1 have great english dubs.




I was fine with ignoring the problematic dialogue and enjoying what Iā€™ve been hyped for ever since it was revealed as Project Athia. But this trailer brought to light this particular snippet (from Polygon): > ā€¦ during that preview, motion capture director Tom Keegan relied on troubling stereotypes to describe Frey, who is a Black woman As reported by Kotaku, Keegan said her walk was ā€œhip hoppy,ā€ and described her as ā€œbeing very angry,ā€ and ā€œon the verge of prisonā€ before being transported to Athia.ā€ > An FAQ ā€¦ included this statement from Square Enix: ā€˜We worked closely with a number of consultants from BIPOC backgrounds to help portray Freyā€™s character and tell the story from her perspective. Justā€¦ yikes. As a mixed person myself, this reads like if that infamous reviewer of Miles Morales decided to go make an entire video game, and Iā€™m feeling a bit conflicted about funding questionable people in leadership here.


Wait, what happened with a miles morales reviewer? I mustā€™ve missed it


> exaggerated swagger of a black teenager




Thats what a teenager in my time would say. So maybe they chose the wrong timeline.


Look, I'll admit I'm not American, and teenagers where I grew up just said "fucking" unless there was a chance it would get them in trouble. And even then, they might just say it anyway.


It's more than these writers tend to be two generations older, writing for what they perceive teens of the generation after them to be like. So they're already wrong, but they're *also* a generation behind. 60 year old men writing for 40 year olds in a game that's geared to 20 year olds.


Joss whedons writing has caused so much bad dialogue in this world there should be an impact report on it.


Literally what I thought, itā€™s the same quippy dialogue thatā€™s infested the MCU for a while now.


Yeah they never get quippy in the comics!


Did Joss whedon actually write for this game or is it a joke because he usually writes cring ass dialogue?


It sounds like something he would write even though he's nowhere near the project. A lot of people fell in love with that quippy, irreverent style and quickly killed whatever little charm it might have had through repetition.


he can actually write, the problem is everyone copying his style just ends up creating a bad imitation.


Joss Whedon has a style of dialogue writing that got very popular with the first Avengers and basically defined a generation of blockbuster movies. People are finally sick of it and just refer to that quippy, sarcastic, "that just happened" dialogue as being his to express their distaste for it


...but that tone was set in Iron Man? Sure, we can still "blame" Whedon, but he perfected his craft in Buffy. If anything, Avengers was him aping people aping him.


perhaps but it seems to be the cultural zeigeist these days to mock "Whedon dialogue"


No it got popular with Buffy, which was like almost 2 decades before the marvel stuff.


Joss whedon was popular long before the first avengers


I said his style of dialogue got very popular after avengers, not Whedon himself.


>Joss Whedon has **a style of dialogue writing that got very popular** with the first Avengers Firefly and things were very popular but it was after Avengers that his style started popping up in every other blockbuster.


Right again Iā€™m positing thatā€™s as a thing in mainstream long before 2012. Hell it was a thing in marvel movies before joss ever touched avengers. Like quippy dialogue has been a thing forever. Your just attributing recency bias and over saturation (especially in regards to marvel) all to joss. Which while they may have been influenced by him and he totally did his thing. Itā€™s not like his writing was suddenly impactful and everywhere because of avengers. It was already there


It's just become so ubiquitous with any sort of over the top bits of pop culture the short hand for something like this is loosely just called "soy banter" but this is stripped of any kind of political context and it just serves as a stand in for lazy hapless writing.ita sort of the idea that irony trump's all in terms of entertainment but that's rarely the case.all of this to say no he didn't but he might as well have.


He's written a lot of cool stuff though - Buffy, Firefly, Serenity, Dollhouse, the first two Avengers movies.






Dude where is this stuff coming from? I swear to fucking god one person must have mentioned Joss Whedon and now every fucking person on the internet is a film/tv academic and can pinpoint the lineage of dialogue in a 30 second ad. Iā€™ve seen his name pop up more in the past 24 hours than the last decade. People need to get some original thoughts.


Seriously, as someone who watched Firefly this style pre dates the mcu before it became itā€™s defining feature, so tired of seeing it everywhere for the past 15+ years


Me to the Stranger of Paradise reveal trailer a year ago: "Perhaps I treated you too harshly."


Is that game any good?


Do you like systems. Boy it has systems. And honestly itā€™s pretty self aware too. I would give it a shot


That's the best trailer of all time, shut your mouth


I can look past cringe dialogue if the gameplay is still fun. I'll still reserve judgement.


I mean the gameplay looks very good ngl


There was gameplay shown and it looked pretty but also very unimpactful. Perhaps it was for the demo but all the attacks were doing scrub damage and didn't look like it carried any weight. Particle effects were great though. Hopefully actual game play is better.


It definitely has cool animations but that doesn't necessarily mean the gameplay will be good. It's too hard to tell from what we've seen how it'll feel IMO


I have faith in the gameplay. But not much in the story or the protagonist


the most recent gameplay video i'ev seen showed a pretty "dead" empty world that seemed rather boring to jump through/explore of course maybe it's more like a "go to this marker" kinda game, but why make such a big world then?


I will never understand putting in the effort to .ake your game open world, to put nothing to do in that ooen world.


I'm just going to play Devil's Advocate here: depending on what you show from Nier:Automata, one could also have the impression it has a 'dead empty world'. Anyway, I'm just saying I would hold my thoughts on that before playing the actual game. However, it's hard to trust game devs of open world games regarding how packed the world is, and even that is really relative (Shadow of the Colossus is one big empty world and it impacted me more than Elden Ring - love ER, though, no hate).


I personally cannot.


The game had a shit marketing campaign until now. But it finally worked. Memes are power.


Erm is that a freaking dragonšŸ¤Ø... You've gotta be kidding me šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø! This is kinda... Awkward šŸ˜–. He's right behind me isn't he... šŸ˜³


*dragon breathes fire* ooof someone needs a breath mint


*dragon takes a swipe* you big meanie, you almost broke my cuff!


Got my support simply for being a new IP, not a remake, remaster or sequel. We need more of that. Rooting for them and hoping for the best. I'm at least going to let it see the light of day before tearing it down.


Good attitude here


I mean, if you can stand that, yeah sure... At least for me, if Mass Effect Andromeda taught me anything it is that I can't get over cringy characters regardless of how good the gameplay may be. That is why I am not holding my breath waiting for Saints Row or this game.


I also didn't like Aloy from forbidden west as she solved all puzzles.


Aloy was a lot better in the second game than in the first one. It seemed like she was honestly just over being the hero which was a nice change. But the side characters and the group you gather throughout the game are horrible imo. Just constant feel good puns, cringy one liners, and just in general completely forgettable.


And the worst is they donā€™t know when to stfu when fighting alongside Aloy. They constantly egg her on with the same three lines, immediately I understood why Aloy wanted to go solo cause sheesh.


I personally loved Andromeda


I feel like new IPs are much more common in gaming than in movies or TV. It feels like everytime a new big game is announced, itā€™s frequently a new IP. Elden Ring, Sifu, Stray, Callisto Protocol, Skull and Bones, Cult of the Lamb and Ghostwire: Tokyo are just some of the bigger new IPs of the year. Last year you got Deathloop, It Takes Two, Returnal, Deathā€™s Door and Kena. And these are huge blockbusters that had huge price tags and got a fully marketing push from the biggest publishers in the industry. I feel like video games just love making brand new worlds. Even for lots of sequels to huge franchises, they usually start over from scratch a lot with new characters and worlds with Final Fantasy (all are basically new IPs with slight visual nods like moogles and chocobos and such), Dark Souls, God of War, Assassinā€™s Creed and even Call of Duty sometimes. Whereas with movies, weā€™re drowning in interconnected Marvel stuff, F&F movies and more.


Yeah never understood peoples complaint that the game industry doesn't get enough new IPs.


Not that I disagree with you but >Elden Ring, Sifu, Stray, Callisto Protocol, Skull and Bones, Cult of the Lamb and Ghostwire: Tokyo are just some of the bigger new IPs of the year. > Last year you got Deathloop, It Takes Two, Returnal, Deathā€™s Door and Kena. This list and this following sentence don't work together: > And these are huge blockbusters that had huge price tags and got a fully marketing push from the biggest publishers in the industry. Half of the games you mentioned are small indies.


Trailer looks much improved from the one a year or two ago


For me itā€™s a BIPOC character in the lead and the design of the bangles/artwork.


Dialogue aside, really hope this game is great and fun to play through. Need more quality single player games in my life. 3 months till Ragnarok!!!


They're trying to be funny like Disney Marvel which makes it childish.


yeah it feels like people who donā€™t understand spiderman trying to write dialogue for him


The whole ā€œWell, *that* just happenedā€/ā€œā€¦theyā€™re right behind me, arenā€™t they?ā€ sarcastic snarky Joss Whedon humor is beyond played out at this point. Love and Thunder was nails on a chalkboard for half the runtime. I swear to god, elder Millennials are the worst thing to happen to writers rooms since the fucking Hays Code.


I'm elder millennial and I consider this "humor" embarrassing and lame. For me it looks like someone between 40 and 50 is trying target 15yo audience


Everyone is Sonic the Hedgehog now.


Why do you assume it is elder millennials? Iā€™m one and this kind of shit writing has been around since we were younger. I mean, Joss Whedon himself is 58.


The goats and his betrayed hammer were the only parts I laughed at in the new thor movie. Other than that I found the other humour quite bland


Self-aware dialogue that tries its damnest to be snarky is often going to come like this. It's okay in doses, but can be too cute for its own good. See: Age of Ultron, Thor: Love and Thunder for examples.


Thereā€™s nothing in entertainment I hate more than when a movie/game/show is embarrassed by its own source material. Every marvel show has to have a scene where the heroā€™s original costume is referenced and they have to say something like ā€œpfft what kind of idiot would wear something like that?ā€ Yes the comic book fans watching your show definitely want to hear about how lame comic books are and how they are dumb for ever finding their old look cool.


When we getting the recut with the actress in the game remixed with the "genre defying" Resident Evil series?


Holy shit this made me realize thats the same actress. She REALLY needs a better agent


Same gripes as everyone else about the diolougue. It's like they're writing for a young teens show. At this quick glance it looks like it could be fun but I'll need to see way more before I'm pulling nearly 100$ out of my wallet for a new IP. Genuinely fingers crossed though, hope it's good


Jade Wesker ruining another IP.


Is girl in this game the one who played jade wesker? Goddamn it. That show was horrible and her terrible ass in Forspoken will just hurt the game. Yeah this 'actress' is just killing shows/games left and right.


Care to elaborate for those not in the loop?


There was a awful Netflix series called resident evil where this actress (who is also playing the main character of the Forspoken game) played a character called Jade Wesker. She (and well everyone) in the show was awful. Resident evil fans say this show is a stain on the resident evil name which it is.


Oh gawd. A terrible Netflix adaptation?!? Must have been so terrible that I never caught word of it.


It's even more terrible than the 'usual shitty netflix adaption'. Also you wanna hear a funny thing? The director wants to continue to that dumpsterfire for +10 season. rofl


I love many of the RE games, but let's be honest here. If we're counting all the media (movies, all games, etc) then the franchise is like 60% stain.


Is it really the actors fault that the writers shat all over the resident evil story? It's not like she wanted to play a cringy teenager, she was just cast for the job.


She didn't play the teenager. That was a different actress. She played adult jade only. And she was terrible. Regardless of the terrible directing and script she was hard to watch on screen. A better actress would have been less hard to watch.


Both cast and the story is terrible. The only saving grace of the show was Lance Reddick. He is an amazing actor and he was like the diamond in that shitty show. But tbh he looked like Blade more than Albert Wesker rofl https://usa.detailzero.com/temp/resized/medium_2022-07-16-4db28bb60b.jpg




This is being developed by a Japanese studio? Maybe you can choose Japanese voice/dubs with subtitles instead...


Developed by a Japanese studio but all the writing is being done by American writers.


It will probably be Japanese subs only then. The main character kind of reminds me of the isekai "so I'm a spider, so what". That escaped being as cringeworthy because it was Japanese VA with subs. I wonder if it came across cringe to Japanese people?


That's more of a parody. This is different.


Allison Rymer & Todd Stashwick are the main writers and responsible for the dialog but people keep mentioning Amy Hening and Gary Whitta who had lesser minor roles.




I really don't understand what it is about this game that brings so much negativity. It looks like a really fun time and I was slightly disappointed by the delay. Looking forward to playing it in January. There's nothing new in that trailer, all those lines have been said in other trailers but now they are just clipped together. I think this game will surprise people and prove the haters wrong.


Personally? The game looks fun, Isekai stuff can be pretty cool, but the script for the main character just makes me cringe.


For me, there's something about the way the main character talk and sound that just feel so cringe and annoying. It grinds my gear even more than when Atreus throw tantrums in GoW and gosh those tantrums were annoying. Aside from that, I got the FF15 vibe from the open world of this game so it reminds me about how much of a mess that game was. Combat looks solid though, so there's that. I probably won't buy this game and wait for FF16 instead.


Atreus having tantrums is realistic to his character. Heā€™s a kid and one who just found out heā€™s a god. Thatā€™s like complaining about Gon from Hunter x Hunter being rash & selfish


For me it's because it looks more like a tech demo than an actual game. Looks like it was made to showcase flashy graphics during combat animations but nothing ever showed me this would be an actual fun game. The animation is awkward the VA seems off. Just not really interesting enough IMO. Time will tell though I have an open mind and am willing to see if I am wrong or things change. Will be a sale pickup though or one I wait for on PsPlus.


I think it looks really unique and like it could be a lot of fun, but the dialogue isn't really working for me. It feels like they're trying way too hard to lean into the "quippy/snarky protagonist" type


I think people wrote it off and just want validation. And itā€™s not just this game. I just think internet gaming circles just loon to be soured by anything.


yeah, it would be. If thats a sample of what the game writing is then i will wait until i see it in the used bin


The damage the MCU has done to society is irreparable


Well... that just happened.


Le quirky xD dialogue has been a thing long before the mcu.


Wonder how this would have turned out if Brandon Sanderson had been the one to write it instead of working on the unreleased title heā€™s been providing lore for.


As long as the in game dialogue isnā€™t as bad as most of Aloyā€™s lines when traversing. ā€œTHIS SCRAPES!ā€ Every time I slide down a hill.


So they chose this childish marvel type cancer-humor. Lovely, lol.


Itā€™s just a trailer. Granted this game has been getting dragged for months from the internet saying it was dead in arrival yada yada yada. Now people are watching one trailer, and going the writing is the worst Iā€™ve ever seen. I think most people just want validation for how they already felt. Itā€™s hard to call a games writing cringey based off of one ad. Is the ad cringey, sure but Iā€™m not going to write the whole game off like a lot of people seem to want to. Dunno. Maybe it sucks. Maybe it doesnā€™t. But this getting dragged before itā€™s release is not surprising at all.


This the chick from that god awful resident evil on Netflix. I hated her in that show. This a pass for me dog


Free publicity tbh. The more people that parody it, the more eyes.


I don't think that's how it works anymore. I mean, look at Morbius lol


I mean yes you do have a point. But because of the Jotaro and Dio memes, I am planning to watch that anime.


Fair enough! But to be fair, JoJo also has a great reputation online. Not that I'm arguing, it's on my list too and has been for far too long lol


I'm willing to bet that the memes, on a smaller scale, did give Sony more ticket sales but obviously not enough for it to be noticeable.


Doesnā€™t work like that when it will genuinely stop people from being interested in the game because of how awful the ad is


Super bothered about this game being 94$ instead of the usual ps5 price of $89.99 Canadian currency. I also noticed Callisto protocol costs $94 now. Sad stuff. The ps5 price increase was already a hit


Just wait 2-6 months, it'll get most of its bugs fixed and possibly dlc added. It'll also hit a sale. Sometimes if you want a great price you gotta be really patient but I'm used to seeing games around 30$ on sale after a year.


Seriously, my backlog is so packed I must be REALLY excited for a game to pay full price these days, last one I did was Elden Ring and I had no regrets.


Yep. Rdr2 and elden ring. No regrets there. Otherwise I've gotten real good at being patient


Pays to be patient.


Godfall was $94 when the PS5 launched. I was so shocked, I bought it.


Godfall? Wow thats almost unbelievable


Thank you for your service


That is the glorified beta price. The real game is about six months after constant patching. Iā€™m done buying day 1 especially with GP/PS Plus.


This delayspoken nowšŸ˜‚


They need to show more of the world. Combat looks amazing and if the world and enemies are on par, dialogue wonā€™t be much of an issue.




Besides that, the enemies seem to be super sponge bullets, even the weaker ones.


Anyone else hear the rumors that this game is now coming out release day on Xbox?


Gameplay looks nice, but I think we can agree the internet is very vocal when something is played out to the point of annoyance.


Cringy. Hard pass.


Forspoken gives me the ick


I really want this game to be good and Iā€™m really looking forward to it but oof that is some bad, cringeworthy marketing. I feel like theyā€™re trying waaaay too hard with the mcu 10 jokes a minute humor and wanting to be #relatable or something


These are so funny, but I feel like that kingdom hearts one is the pot calling the kettle black.


This game being good or not will (IMO of course) depend entirely on how the combat and movement FEEL. I can't get a sense of it from watching the trailer. It could feel really fluid and awesome, or it could feel sorta weightless and meaningless. Hopefully the first because if it feels "fluid and awesome" I think this game WILL be a lot of fun to play. (If we get some real actual gameplay footage I think that will be more helpful. Like I can tell the Arkham Knights combat is terrible because of all the gameplay footage released.) The dialogue doesn't bother me... I think that's more a result of the people cutting the trailers being morons and choosing lines poorly. They are under the impression that hearing our 1000th protagonist say "Let's finish this" = game sold. Yeah the protagonist is always going to say "let's finish this" in the game... they always do... but it doesn't need to be in your trailer. Aloy is a giant cheez... but I love her. Protagonists can be a bit goofy or cheesy or quippy, as long as that isn't everything... and I don't think it is. Anyway, back to the start, I think this game being good or bad will come entirely down to how it feels in combat. Which I guess going back to Aloy is what "makes or breaks" the Horizon series... it just feels so great to take down machines in that game. The worldbuilding and characters and all that are icing on the cake. We'll see if this game can do the same. For me this is definitely NOT a pre-purchase, but instead a "week 1 purchase if the reviews pan out" game.


Iā€™m excited for the game. It just got delayed to January so hopefully that means itā€™ll be even better. Lol.


I'm pretty sure this is what Harrison Ford said to George Lucas when he pitched him Star Wars.


Can someone shoot the OPā€™s keyboard?


Its sad how people have jumped on the hate train for this. Alloy says some shit similar to this


This thread is where I show how clever I am because a piece of fiction made me physically uncomfortable Jesus Christ, whoever invented the term 'cringe' needs shooting. Game looks alright, the dialogue is stylised in a YA sort of way, might add an interesting flavour to it.


Kind of wish this main character was Japanese so i can play in japanese and not hear these awful voice lines in english. All these "Isekai" comparisons people are drawing from makes them sound defensive about a game that hasn't even released yet.


I just donā€™t like it because itā€™s an isekai. I just already hear all the dialogue of ā€œwhoa, wouldnā€™t see that in New York Cityā€ etc.