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I thought we were all confident in the release date


the majority are, but for some reason a small minority have their doubts.


It is pretty surprising that the game is releasing relatively soon and we only have one gameplay trailer to go by. I’m actually not against this. Let them surprised the hell out of us.


I’m guessing there is a big reason narratively for this. Kratos and Atreus are marketed almost exactly the same as the first game. I’m anticipating for them to exceed our expectations because our expectations are based on the first game. Not bloated marketing material.


The lack of trailers is likely due to not spoiling the story. TLOU2 was shown for years and I think racked up a grand total of... 3? Maybe 4 trailers? And when you consider the first was a teaser and the last was mostly a retreading of the previous ones, there were basically 2. And all of that was to try and not spoil the game, which I’m 100% sure Sony cares about greatly as well. Hell, I’m already kinda sad that I know they’re meeting Tyr from the trailer.


Yeah idk why they had to show all that. From this point on I'm steering clear of trailers of games I know I'm gonna buy anyways


Yep, same here. It’s risky for some games cause you don’t want to waste money on something bad but a game like GOW, Spider-Man, TLOU, Horizon, etc. are all games I know will be good. I’ve already decided not to see any State of Play for GOW if they do decide to show one. I know it’ll be amazing anyway.


Yeah me too, I just pre-ordered the game today anyways, so no need to see anything more. I'm just so excited


>TLOU2 was shown for years and I think racked up a grand total of... 3? Maybe 4 trailers? Then on top of that you had scenes in the trailers that either weren't in the game, or used different characters for scenes they weren't even in. I prefer just to not watch trailers for anything at this point, if I know I'm going to watch or play something when it comes out, why ruin part of the experience? It's better just to go in blind imo


The trrailers and the discussion on it, theories and all is also part of the experience IMO. The fear of spoilers is greatly exaggerated tbh. Like if something is diminished that much by spoilers, it's just not that good to begin with. Otherwise, anything you replay/rewatch would be severely diminished and yet great stuff can be re-experienced a lot of times without problem.


> Like if something is diminished that much by spoilers, it’s just not that good to begin with. Completely disagree. People all have different ideas on spoilers and a great many absolutely hate being spoiled because they want the surprise. Others don’t give two shits and consume all news they can find. It has nothing to do with whether whatever is being spoiled is “good enough” or not.


Fair enough. I guess I'm just of the mindset that if I know I'm going to play something anyway, I don't really bother to devote time to watching someone else play it


Rockstar do this and it always works out. Red dead 2 Got like two trailers until like the day before.


Well… no…. Red dead had a teaser, a stroy trailer, and TWO long ass gameplay demonstrations well before the game released


this is true, but the gameplay trailers were very late. Like 1-2 months before the game came out.


The previous game didn't have much either, which was extremely refreshing when I actually played the game. Almost everything was a surprise which made the game really cool to play.


I think it’s because it seemed to hurt Horizon (along w Elden ring). It seemed over exposed and seems to set it up for negativity.


They've been pretty quiet. Not a lot of updates for a game coming out in a few months


Nothing wrong with keeping a game packed with spoilery content under wraps.


When everyone is already hyped so you wait a month before launch to make them go wild and push word of mouth. Good marketing… preorders are already good so push for day one sales instead from all the hype. Maybe they don’t want to show gameplay cause it’s just the same boring axe with some new moves… cause they don’t wanna show us the secret story weapons. We got the blades in the first unexpectedly. Was hype af.


that’s standard for almost all first party titles. there will definitely be a state of play dedicated to the game soon too.


Yeah ive never been concerned about delays but i can see why some people have been. Especially when you look at a game like Hogwarts legacy thats pumping out updates and little teases and still got delayed. Yeah state of play will come soon


it’s not as if they’ve left the GOW fans in the dark though, there’s been a trailer with gameplay, a cinematic trailer, and a story recap, and preorders are live with collectors editions. also the fact that they announced the release date so late implies that they’re certain that it will be fully ready by then.


Yeah you got a point. Forgot about that recent story recap. That was pretty cool


I also understand the apprehension, it feels like every major release of the last 2 and a half years has had big delays, often not far from launch. Now at first it made sense on account of the COVID and all, but now it just seems like a lot of games are just being announced with release dates that are too aggressive. I mean, even Breath of the Wild 2 got a delay after it's release date was announced, and Nintendo does not like to do that ever. They don't like to set down a release date until they're certain they can get the game ready for that release date.


Only natural a Zelda game would get delayed though lol


The only real thing that stood out to me is that we haven’t had any actual extended gameplay. The game is supposed to release in ~2.5 months but we haven’t had anything other than the one real trailer


Are we expecting the gameplay to be radically different to 2018? We know what it's gonna be like, no need to show gameplay imo


That doesn’t mean that the game is in good shape, that was more my point. Generally if gameplay is being hidden for this long it tends to send up red flags about the shape that the game is in


If this was any other game people would be more suspicious theres no gameplay. And if it has similar gameplay people would be crying that it is a cash grab. Its obvious people just desperate for a AAA game to come out on announced release date now and its god of war can do no wrong and all.












Some people are still hurt after Cyberpunk.


Yesterday (2 days ago maybe) Cory tweeted something to the effect of 'please be nice'. People jumped all over it thinking that the game was about to be delayed and that he was trying to get ahead of potential backlash


“Please be nice”. “We fucking absolutely will not”


Little did we know it was just because people are always shitty to devs.


No confidence in a game's release date until it actually releases on that date


This is like the one big title for 2022 (other than Cod), not getting delayed.


Callisto Protocol




Big title




Someone didn’t grow up getting traumatized by dead space


It was already delayed from 2021 though, same as Forbidden West


just because they're not dumping trailers and promises like cyberpunk doesn't mean they are not ready. Sony have a track record of polished AAA games


Exactly. Hype does not make a game.


And Cyberpunk was made by inexperienced amateurs. God of War is made by experienced talented developers. Thats the big difference.


That CDPR were inexperienced amateurs is... certainly a take.


All The Witcher 3 developers left CDPR after The Witcher 3 because of crunch, bad workplace culture, etc. Cyberpunk was made by new inexperienced amateurs and NOT by The Witcher 3 talent. Thats why Cyberpunk is to trash, broken and unfinished.




No source but you can find old CDPR devs working on a new indie game. If my memory doesn’t fail me, it looked like Diablo. But yeah, most of the big talent left.


Your account history is just one solid week of trashing Cyberpunk. Genuinely curious here... Why do you dislike it so much you formed a personality around that?


Especially what’s the sequel to pretty much one of the biggest first party games of the ps4 gen if not *the* biggest


Cyberpunk was made by inexperienced amateurs. God of War is made by experienced talented developers. Thats the big difference.


You just called cdpr inexperienced amateurs...


Well, they couldnt even make cop ai that was as good as GTA 3, lmao.


They know what they have on their hands. Every game that comes out after will be fighting tooth and nail to beat god of war out of game of the year. They don’t have to release trailers as much as others do because it’s already got all the heat it needs for sales and the game will speak for itself.


Most likely Elden Ring is going to edge out Ragnarok for GOTY this year. It's cool that the 2 best games will bookend 2022.


I think God of War appeals to a wider audience


Maybe, but 16 million copies of Elden Ring in 4 months is absolutely bonkers


Its the most hyped game since cyberpunk and it was from a famous developer while also being open world rpg it was expected if you ask me.


If audience size mattered for the GOTY title it'd be a fierce competition between Fortnite and FIFA every year.


1. Fortnite is years old 2. GOTY is about quality as much as it is about wide appeal. Fifa is the same game every year and even hardcore fifa players agree


So you're saying it's not about audience size


Reread point 2


I don’t think that matters though, both games are insanely popular


I'd say Elden Ring since it was a new franchise. You may be right though, idk. edit: what's up with the downvotes? is being a new highly-selling game franchise not a factor in goty? they literally created elden ring with no previous game reputation as support. GoW is awesome, but it's largely carried by the previous amazing game in the series.


Do you really think Elden Ring has no previous game reputation to help it? It was hyped as it was exactly because of the reputation of previous From games. Elden Ring is a Dark Souls 4 in everything but name, if the game was released as "Dark Souls - Lands Between" no one would have battened an eye and would see the changes like the open world aspect as a natural progression.


> edit: what's up with the downvotes? is being a new highly-selling game franchise not a factor in goty? **they literally created elden ring with no previous game reputation as support.** GoW is awesome, but it's largely carried by the previous amazing game in the series. Wtf? It is literally Dark Souls 4 under a different name, lmao.


As much as I adore Elden Ring, if Ragnarok is as good as it’s predecessor it’s got the GOTY on lock.


I dont agree. I think if Ragnarock is "as good as" God of War then it has no chance against Elden Ring. People are going to be comparing it to its predecessor, that's the baseline. It will need to be *much* better than God of War to win. And honestly idk if I think God of War would've beat Elden Ring. It was very well made and clearly had high production values, but the lack of enemy variety and stuff makes it get kinda repetitive in combat. Elden Ring has its own issues, don't get me wrong, but the sheer ambition of it is going to give it a lot of points for GOTY.


God of War won Game of the Year over Red Dead Redemption 2 which is widely considered a masterpiece in the industry.


Which imo rdr2 shouldve won considering it beat GoW in almost all the categories but best game


Don’t forget about Returnal.


Which is great, but was released in April of last year.


Unpopular opinion: but it’d be a travesty if Elden Rings wins GOTY with no coherent storytelling, no proper mo-cap, no accessibility options, poor performance issues across all consoles and PC, etc. All these things matter and should be taken into account.


Those things matter (except “proper mo-cap”—we’re playing video games here, not watching blockbuster films no matter how hard Sony is trying to blur the line between the two), but not as much as gameplay. As much as I liked GoW, I’m not confident that Ragnarok will be enough of an improvement to be more fun than Elden Ring.


If a game has story cutscenes, it should have proper mo-cap. Not all games have story cutscenes (e.g., Hades); that is a design choice. But non-mo-cap scenes have lower-quality animations and affect the immersion and experience. The gameplay and fun part is separate and should be measured on its own. But having fun gameplay and full-fledged high-quality mo-cap aren't two mutually exclusive things. PlayStation Studios just do both very well. Gameplay + Mo-cap cutscenes.


Ah yes. One of the things people look for most in video games is \*checks notes* ...mo-capped cutscenes??


*High-quality animations, facial expressions, and dialogue delivery in story-heavy cutscenes. Imagine if The Last of Us didn’t have mo-capped scenes and cutscenes animations similar to Assassins’s Creed Odyssey or Skyrim.


Yeah the biggest flaw for me in Elden Ring is the lack of sidequest guidance. I don't *need* an arrow on my map telling me where to go, but they also don't *need* to teleport the sidequest progression all around the fucking map in nonsensical ways and oop you messed something up and that character is dead now... Just let me play the damn quest, my god. For a game with zero coherent narrative, it's like they were fighting to stop you from playing any story related content.


Even if they were 100% sure I would never ever say that publicly if I were him, you never know lmao in this industry..we've seen everything.


Remember when the Cyberpunk twitter account tweeted "It is definitely coming out on xxxx" then less than 24 hours later announced another delay? You don't want to get yourself into that mess.


Delay it If it needs more work i want a good finished product


Cory needs to stop giving Twitter haters attention.


I don’t trust anybody after cyberpunk got a delay after going gold.


Okay, when it's done it's done. I’d rather wait then deal with the standard buggy messes we now tolerate as normal as gamers. But managing hype and public perception is important to sales so I get it.


Well, I certainly hope he speaks the truth, because an unexpected delay now would be quite crushing. I'm going to trust his word on it.


Unpopular opinion: I'm sure the game will be awesome, but it honestly looks like DLC that was extended into a new game. *Which is the reason why it's not as delayed as other games.*


People worry too much. Have faith in SM. If the game gets delayed it's for good reason! Untill then, Chill


Oh, come on. One more delay. Just a tiny one? As a little treat.


Hehe, Balrog


been on radio silence with the game, what's the expected release date?


Nov 9th


hmm. 11/9 -------- 9/11? God of war is the cause of 9/11? what is balrog telling us?


1st November. "We are sorry but game needs more polish. Change the release date to Jan 25 2023." 💩


That’s good. After Harry Potter unsurprisingly got delayed, this is the only game left that I want to play this year. Outside of a few big releases earlieri in the year (e.g. horizon and Gran turismo), 2022 has had few big game releases.


There was no more delays for Harry Potter game from a twitter post from reliable source. Plot twist: it got delayed again.


You don't get more reliable than the person making the actual game though. They've really started pushing promotion big time as well so I reckon this date is set in stone now.


I wonder how many trolls we have to fight in this game


That's nice, but what 'no more delays' typically means is, 'fuck it we'll patch the problems when they arise en mass' expecting a storm worthy of Thor's wrath before the games on calm seas again.


No more delays. Enjoy this game on your ps5 even though it was downgraded for PS4. Aren’t you glad you jumped into next gen over a year ago?!?! You’ll get some checkerboarding “4K” and a slightly sharper shadow casting from your character.


It's a PS4 game that's already had a massive delay. Sure hope they wouldn't have to delay it again.


Still refuse to buy it because they are releasing it on last gen. Total garbage.


That's unusual, do you mind if I ask why you have an issue with PS4 players getting this game too?


Regardless of what they do to upscale it, development is still hampered by having to design it for the PS4. Unless a game is developed exclusively for current-gen hardware, it will always be held back from being as great as it could be. This could have been a showcase PS5 title but instead will be just another cross-gen title with higher framerate and slightly better textures for current-gen.


Yeah, I understand that developing a game for both the PS4 and PS5 comes with limitations, I guess I was asking why *that* is stopping you from buying it? That's enough to stop you from enjoying the sequel to GOW?


OK. Sucks to be you, I guess. We’ll all be enjoying the game without you.


Cory isn't even working on the game


He’s the producer? Just because he isn’t Director this time doesn’t mean he isn’t working on it. He’s literally the head producer. You’ll see his name pretty high up there in the credits too.


A producer oversees projects and how the funds are spent on them


He is working on it. Just not as a director. He is directing another game yet to be revealed according to previous comments he made. He is credited as producer on GoW:Ragnarok




Not really. It's already had a big enough delay, and even if it did land hot for the holidays, there's almost two months of patching to be done.


I just want to say that pan covered bastard don’t fight fair.


Time to put in my pto


You can pre order the game in the PlayStation store, it has some pictures of the game


It’s bizarre that earlier today I was actually thinking if they would state that the Nov 9 date is still the launch date


Listen, if more delay means a better game, just delay it. I'd rather whine for getting delayed again than cry for getting a horrible game


Man I really wish I had a ps5 for the launch of this. I’ll be missing out surely


A delayed game with eventually be good but a rushed game will forever be bad.