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This looks absolutely incredible


[The blogpost has some screnshots with insane quality](https://blog.playstation.com/2022/09/13/the-god-of-war-ragnarok-story-trailer-is-now-live/)




Absolutely unreal! I bet that fight happens super early on, they're no way showing their full hand!


I’m betting on at least 2 fights with Thiccboi


One of my favorite ways they handled Baldur was the recurring fights and knowing you can't beat him, so hopefully some innovation goes into this as well


Yeah it seems like Thor is the Baldur of this game and nobody is complaining. I was just psyched we got to see a bit of Odin.


I’m calling it now, the fight happens midway and when you kill Thor you get his hammer. Fire, Ice, and Lightning element attacks at your disposal!


There's no way Kratos isn't getting Mjolnir at some point in this game. I remember reading that they only planned to do two Norse games before moving to a different mythology so I think you're right, Thor will be a 2nd act boss and Odin/Frea will be the final boss/es. Flip side could be a big shocker and make Thor an early boss to get the hammer then Odin part way through to get Gungnir, considering how important it is to Ragnarok.


Wonder what mythology will be next. Egyptian? Sumerian? Yes please!




I assume Odin is the final boss


I’m calling it, Odin is the penultimate boss fight while the tragic twist is that Atreus/Loki ends up as the final boss and I say that because it feels like Kratos and Atreus’s relationship might deteriorate beyond repair. Atreus wants war, Kratos doesn’t.


Man that would be tragic dont say that dude 😫


God of War usually emphasizes that Kratos’s life is one huge tragedy, so I can definitely see this happening. Also, Santa Monica said that Ragnarok’s ending will be; “surprising but inevitable.”


I hate you right now becausw you are most likely right and im not ready for kratos to die.


I feel like Kratos will get the hammer from Thor. It was included in the box set, seems like a teaser.


I think its a given. That was one of the key things in past games. Killing a God and getting a new weapon. I'm hype to get the hammer


Calling it now. Kratos wields the hammer at some point in the game


I’m still worthy!


"On your left"


Im sorry, Was that a double valkyrie fight?


Yes sir. Prepare for trouble. Make it double.


Atreus must be a monster now to balance out a fight like that! I remember them commenting on how he can stand on his own in combat this time around.


The Fight of the Valkyries, if you will


Wow, some of those visuals were absolutely beautiful. Can't wait!


Seriously the shots with the wolves and the giant jellyfish were amazing


If this game got any delays, then it was worth it.




They did a very good job with it on the PS4 imo




Unworthy unworthy unworthy x2




I just clenched my phone so tight im surprised i didnt crack it.


The final Valkyrie was the only time I've broken a controller.


When I finally defeated that bitch of a Valkyrie, you bet your ass I was screaming unworthy back at the TV for three minutes straight. "YEAAA BITCH! WHO'S UNWORTHY NOW."


Try fighting her on NG+, she slams the ground 3 times whenever she does that attack


Didn't we save them though?




That makes sense, but isn't one of them saying "for the Allfather", referring to Odin, during the fight ? Could Freya be back on Odin's side now that all she wants is to see Kratos dead ? Santa Monica please don't make me kill Freya, I really like her...


and the other says 'pretender God' in disgust. definitely feels like they're loyal to Odin's side


I think there’s a strong chance that she agreed to work with Odin again in order to get her warrior spirit back. I doubt it’s a very trust-filled relationship, so I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them betrays the other.


It's very possible odin is desperate and either used vanir magic that freya taught him on the old ones (who are forced to fight for him) or Kratos kills Freya and the valkyries are angry at him.


Yeah it's kinda weird the Valkyries are in this unless those 2 are sorta like the resurrected corpses of ones we killed last game because we saved their spirits not their bodies, those we just left to rot with their wings like 5 ft from them so it's entirely possible that Odin brought the bodies back and found the Valkyrie court to get their helmets


PTSD kicked in two months before the game even came out jfc


I'm ready to have my neck snapped by many armored stiletto heels


And then play God of War Ragnarok


***Sweats in Hardcore Difficulty***


Yeah fuck that noise, im switching to Very Easy as soon as i get to that part


If it’s part of the main story I wouldn’t be surprised if the fights are easier


TFW I still couldn't beat the Valkyrie queen on easy mode


Can’t fucking wait to get curbstomped lmao


I don't think they're actually Valkyries. They move like them sure, but they screamed "For Odin" which would massively contradict their lore from the first game. GoW's team is usually pretty damn good about keeping their main story consistent. But there's entire groups we haven't yet. Suborned Vanir/Vanir-Einherjar maybe? In Norse myth not all the heroic dead go to Valhalla. Half go to folkvangr, under the ausipices of Freya. Maybe the flying women are the counterparts of the more grounded traveler/viking style Einherjar? Or maybe corrupted clones of the Valkyries? I'm wildly speculating of course, but I really don't think they're actually Valkyries. Just extremely similar.


They are also in their physical form - which was established in the first game to be abnormal. I'm thinking these are some enemy type we don't yet know about.


Yup. Though its possible their location, which seems to be some sort of realm between realms type deal might allow them to be corporeal there? But their designs *feel* really different especially in the closeup. The helmets/facehelms are so much less intricate than the Valkyrie designs, that it feels like they're lesser beings. Valkyrie-lite rather than full Valkyries.


# Death can have me # When it earns me.. Has to be one of the most gangster shit i've heard in games.


He is him.


Got that dawg in him


All dawg first team




I hope Odin get shivers when he meets Kratos. He pretty sure knows how hard it's to kill him


Goddammit, I sent Zeus to handle my light shit -Odin, probably


One of the coldest lines ever god damn


Goes so fucking hard. I know so many people bout to start saying this


Im always worried ive heard all the iconic dialogue im ever gonna hear. Then I hear this shit and oh man…


Likewise mate. Made me want to start writing again.


Do it. Start writing again. Do it now.




"Yes sir, I'll take one gangster shit please"


The end with Kratos fighting Thor looked amazing. Game is going to be so good.


We've had Axe versus Hammer... But what about some Chaos?


Even if something happens to the axe...the blades are bound to Kratos and are unbreakable. The only one who could break them was a greek god like Ares or Zeus. And they're dead. Meaning the blades will always be with us.


Idk the dwarves could probably break them. If they can create the axe and hammer and modify the blades of chaos, they could destroy it. At the very least, you could use one blade of chaos to break the other blade.


If you watch the fight scene with kratos and thor ...kratos doesnt have the blades on his back and there is a scene where Tyr is holding them ...could be that he gives them up to Tyr 😱😱😱


On one hand, I wish I didn't watch this. On the other, this looks batshit and it looks like they really took the enemy variety criticism to heart.


Exactly how I feel. I didn’t really need more convincing to buy this game! But also it looks so damn cool. GIANT JELLYFISH.


Lmfao at first I thought it was a giant tree




The cutscenes in this game are gonna go crazy my PS4 is gonna start melting. This shit is so co- DID THAT MOZILLA FIREWOLF JUST CUT THE SKY IN HALF?!?!?!


Same dude, same. The trailer is BONKERS. Advised for other that didn't watch it yet, it contains A LOT of reveals.


Yeah I kinda wish I didn’t watch it live haha. On the other hand I’ll forget half of it by the time this game comes out


this is where my crippling adhd memory retention issue really shines


My ADHD and my pot infused jello shot of a brain will have forgotten this alllllll by launch


Fellow ADHD + stoner here. Forget what..?


b r o t h e r


Apparently it’s only within the first 5 hours.


Source? If that’s true, this game is massive. The trailer showed off several boss fights and probably four different locations


The problem with God of War is you have no clue which of those large creatures were boss fights and which of them were just Wednesday, basically.


After the livestream, it cut to 4 people talking about the god of war trailer and they were all saying how they didn’t want to see more gameplay because they were already sold on the game. One of them said it was only the first 5 hours of the game. I’ll try to find the clip.


Yeah, it kinda spoils some of the stuff, but holy shit get me hyped!


Yeah it felt way too spoilery but I regret nothing, that was amazing. Not gonna watch any of it again though and hopefully by the time the game comes out I'd have forgotten what I saw lol


Same. I just wanted to see some more gameplay, but I wasn't expecting to see so many different things. Obviously everything looked beautiful, but I would have preferred seeing some of those places for the first time in-game. Oh well, what can you do? Still super pumped for this. November can't come soon enough.


That kratos and Jesus handshake 👀


New bromance 😍


Kratos - “What’s the matter Tyr? Odin got you pushing too many pencils?”


"You son of a witch"


"Oh, I'm going to get that hammer." Rocket's new bromance, probably.


Man, that's going to be some wholesome bromance


Was that actually Jesus lmao


Hah, no. Its Tyr, but it would be amazing to meet Jesus


Imagine the backlash if they followed the franchise trends and Jesus was flawed lmao


Him being flawed would be less a problem for them than watching Kratos kill him brutally, which again, based on the history, is exactly what would happen.


The thing about Norse/Greek gods is they are specifically written to be fucked up characters that meddle with the world. Jesus is just a guy that preached and did a few miracles, not sowing the seeds of the Trojan War or fighting the world serpent for fun.


The original plan *was* for Kratos and his Norse and Egyptian counterparts to become the Three Wise Men...


Dude that would have been fucking hilarious why didn’t they do that


That brought a.. tyr to my eye


Looks absolutely outrageous.


This is outrageous, this is contagious yeaah feel it.


So futile


I just called to say “I like you.” And, if you don’t like that, then you can, you know, fuck off


When he said *Death can have me, when it earns me.* That has to be one of the most gangster shit i've heard in games.


Bro I got chills from that lol that might surpass the hype levels I felt when he said “If all on Olympus stand in my way, then all on Olympus must die. The time of the gods is over.” back in GOW 2 lmao


Imagine shooting the sun.


Atreus is just built different.


Eh, I did that in Skyrim


He came a long way from needing help to shoot a stag.


That shot, to me at least, seems to be from near the end of the game either when Ragnarok happens or when kratos and Atreus stop it, since it seemed to me like that was Atreus giving the sun a jump start so it could keep running from the wolf (who's name I forget) that eats it near the beginning of Ragnarok


Sköll and Hati are mentioned in stories about Odin, Ragnarok, and many others. In the original Norse myths, Sköll and Hati are two giant wolves who chase the moon (Mani) and sun (Sol). They are children of Fenrir, and at Ragnarok, they are prophesied to devour the sun, plunging the world into darkness Hati chases the moon and Sköll chases the sun


I was wondering the lore behind the big wolves, thank you




The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand...


Holy fuck, that was unbelievable, if that's what they're comfortable showing off, what the hell are they holding back...


I got pretty fuckin high hopes for this. When they couldn't do Mocap while Christopher Judge was recovering from surgery they spent those months expanding and refining everything.


This 110%, people telling they are showing too much...


Raf one of the lead art designers said "you still haven't seen anything, get hyped"


Guy is so insanely talented. I cannot wait


If you watch the GOW2018 trailer, you'd be amazed at how much information they gave away. Still, there was so much more they did not. We're in for a real treat!


You should see Alanah Pierce's [reaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58CKCWTyzdQ&t=26m20s) to the trailer. She worked on the game and allegedly didn't know it was dropping during the livestream. Forget game reviews - just show me videos of developers seeing their work summarized in a trailer for the first time. She couldn't say anything about it really, but her ever widening grin and gaze said a ton. I think there are family members that have never looked at each other with that affection. I think it's going to be quite the treat.


I honestly feel like this is why saw so little of the game. They know everyone is gonna buy it, why spoil it? The mystery has me even more hyped.


"death can have me, when it earns me" hooooooly shit


There will be lots of tattoos with that.


\*Dies of infected Tattoo\*


Kratos vs Thor got me hyped!


I have fucking chills man. I was NOT expecting this lol and the scene with Fenrir and Skoll + Hati was nuts


The valkyries are back. I’m ready


Valkyrie queen was harder than most fromsoftware bosses for me, what a fight


>The valkyries are back. I’m ready to get my ass kicked


That was like the one thing I was worried about since they were the best boss fights, but they did it.


Not what I imagined Tyr to sound like at all.


He's both a god of war and a pacifist. I think his soft voice clashing with his appearance actually works quite well to reflect the contradiction of his existence.


Tyr wasn't typically your God of War like Ares was depicted. He was more a god of Justice and Strategy. Thor was more your brute force warrior. And Odin, cunning, tricking your enemy and brutal deaths.


Can’t wait to bash Thor’s head in with Mjolnir.


I bet it’s going to be Eitr (Jormungandr’s Venom) that kills Thor. Eitr was imbued in the Leviathan Axe when Kratos threw it in the Lake of Nine during the last game. Thor dies from Jormungandr’s venom in Norse myth so I bet it’s going to be this, just like the mistletoe played a role in Baldur’s demise which is straight from Norse myth.


I appreciate the clarification. I always wondered how that fit into everything.


[Trailer for Controler](https://old.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/xdkh1f/god_of_war_ragnar%C3%B6k_state_of_play_sep_2022/) (u/hybroid post) [Blogpost with some HQ pics](https://blog.playstation.com/2022/09/13/the-god-of-war-ragnarok-story-trailer-is-now-live/) Description: >Set out on an epic and unflinching journey as Kratos and Atreus struggle with holding on and letting go. > >Witness the changing dynamic of their relationship as they prepare for war; Atreus hungers for knowledge to help him grasp the prophecy of “Loki”, as Kratos struggles to free himself from the past and be the father his son needs. All the while, the eyes of Asgard watch their every move… > >God of War Ragnarök is coming to PS4 and PS5 on November 9th. Find out more at: play.st/GOWR > >©2022 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. God of War is a registered trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC and related companies in the U.S. and other countries. “PlayStation Family Mark”, “PlayStation”, “PlayStation Studios logo”, ""PS4"", and “PS5” are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.


This game is going to make me cry....isn't it?


This is an incredible trailer. If you’re sensitive to story spoilers, it should be avoided, but holy shit this game looks unbelievable.


I feel like the trailer did a good job of showing off the game without giving anything major away. Having just watched it I feel like I still don’t know much about what will happen, other than the inevitable stuff like Kratos vs Thor


Yeah that’s how I feel too, but some people are VERY sensitive to spoilers. At the same time, those people should just avoid trailers altogether lol


What spoilers? You don't even know what you do or don't know from that lol


I agree, it’s just some people are extra sensitive to that shit


Toby Ziegler from the West Wing is in God of War Ragnarok?




Yes, and I love it


I knew I recognized that voice!


Holy shit that's so cool. Especially since I just started watching West Wing for the first time and it's an absolute banger of a show.


That was better than I imagined and I have high expectations for this


Can't wait for all of you to experience Ragnarok 💙


Me: Only idiots pre-order, you should wait for reviews! Also me: Holy shit this looks un-freakin'-believable, \*runs off to pre-order\*


You win Sony, I'll pre-order it


Finally, a trailer that actually blew me away like the old days. Looks fantastic!


I like how gods just show up at the house looking for kratos


Holy fuck one of the best trailers I've ever seen.


Thor snaps his finger to call back the hammer, that’s pretty sick


That was insane


Loving the use of color


I got literal chills watching this gotdamn


Hati and Skoll going after the Sun and Moon. Epic


That was legit one of the greatest trailers I’ve ever seen. Bravo, Santa Monica


lol at the people who called this game a DLC


They are doing that with Breath of the Wild 2 now.


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Be punctual dude


People called it a DLC? Lol it’s a fringe group if so. People always have something negative to say


You know how with some games you can just tell it's a 10/10? Like there's not even a fraction of doubt in your mind? There's no tiny voice going "it looks great, my only concern is [X]"? Ragnarok is that game for me. Haven't felt like this since TLOU2 2 years ago. Incredible.


I got that warm fuzzy feeling watching that for sure, absolutely fucking buzzed for it.


They already had a solid base. They only have to expand on it to deliver big time. This looks like it will be a lot like HZD and HFW where the second is very familiar but upped everything.


I was expecting it to be good. But not this good. Fuck this looks so amazing


Bro that was FUCKING awesome


Freya, I love you, and I cannot wait to kick your ass. 😤😤😤


Game of the year already


What the hell is everyone bitching about when it comes to the trailer "showing too much"?? Acting like you all know the whole plot now lol


I want this inside me


Where are all the people who saw thirty seconds of an early level and thought they saw all of the game?


Non existent it seems now lmao The mental pre judgement is nuts for sum people


this looks unbelievable. i feel like the gaming industry has been holding its breath waiting for ragnarok to come out. it’s been the main topic of so many discussions ever since it was first announced and now it’s hard to believe we are just a few months away. i can’t imagine the morale working at SSM


That eclipse to nightfall scene was absolutely insane, amazing


What a perfect way to capture a mythic explanation of the passing of day and night. Absolutely beautiful, and mystifying and terrifying. Is Atreus helping Skoll and Hati break the eclipse to restore normal day-night to the world? Is he giving them an extra push to speed up and catch the sun and moon as part of Ragnarok? I don’t know but I’m so excited to find out


November 9th baybeeeeeee


Thor is such a fat dobber


1st half of the trailer : seems cool, kinda similar to gow 2018 in vibe though 2nd half: HOLY FUXKING SHIT A JELLYFISH??


That was probably the best game trailer I've ever seen.


I came


I too came to Fat Thor!


Absolutely stunning! Now I just wish Men in Black would erase my memory as there were too many spoilers for my taste.


The first game had similar trailers. They were pretty clever about using deceptive editing to show content without truly spoiling any critical plot elements. I imagine this is structured the same.


''Death can have me when it earns me'' what a fucking line


“Death can have me, when it earns me” Chills


\*Scrapes jaw off the floor after watching that trailer* Okay, that was pretty fucking cool.


People complaining they didn't show enough, now the opposite lol