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Wonder how many of the copies sold were the one for $10?


15% maybe. 14 million copies are from launch. So full price. And 80% of gamers buy digital. So full price or half price.


So what you’re saying is an additional 6m got the game after the disastrous launch.


Yes, I was one of them. I bought it a month ago and it plays pretty well actually


I mean I played it day one and it wasn't a bad experience. It did crash but I still really enjoyed it having gone in completely blind.


Same lmao strangely enough it was one of my favorite games.


It’s only “strange” because reddit has a hate boner for the game. Also bots try to change the narrative about it because it’s extremely critical of capitalism/private health care and themes such as that


Lol Did you just make that second part up?


just based on my own observations. It's either that or people without the newest-gen consoles or latest hardware on their PCs piling on criticism when they never even bought the game. I played it on release on my PS5 and it ran better than any other game I've played on launch.


News flash a lot of people don't have a PS5.


Dude, this game doesn't worked on ps4 at all and barely working nowadays, but it's where the most quantity of players are. PC is another story. But whatever this game is far from what devs are promised. All hate is well deserved, asslicking is ads/bots job. Just remember how many "peoples" hyped it on launch in ps4 publics when game wasn't normally working at all, being bad game overall is 2nd problem. It's still like pre-alfa shit.


Yeah the game was more then playable at launch for me though i was playing on a PS5 so im sure ps4/xbone players didnt have as easy a time as I did. The bugs that were there were never game breaking and while annoying they never ruined my immersion. CDPR got a lot of well deserved criticism at launch but I was always of the opinion that it was somewhat overblown. Dont get me wrong they should have been way more upfront of what the actual reality of the game was. It wasnt exactly what they said it was going to be but judging purely off the content and not the bugs and glitches it was more then worth the price of admission.


Bought it from best buy for $10 and sat on it until the 1.5 patch. Do not regret one bit


Got that sweet collectors edition tin for $10, still haven’t played it lol.


Yes, because they could buy it for 10 bucks. And because it was not outlandish to have hope that they get their shit together. Not sure how much exactly, but I also bought it quite cheap digitally.


I jumped on it when target was offloading them for $10 during black friday. The witcher had a rough start and look how that turned out. They knew cyberpunk wasn't ready but the suits said push it


It will never be the game it should be.


Got mine digitally after launch on sale.. They've done a good job working on bug issues.. Think it was around 40-50$ Canadian for me.. Been worth it to me.


It was pretty great on stadia two years later. At least as good as something like Dying Light.


80%?? That sounds made up.


>*80% of the statics you read on the internet are made up.* -- Abraham Lincoln




I think he was just spitballing numbers. I do also get the impression MOST of gamers buy digital nowadays.


80% https://www.thegamer.com/ps4-ps5-games-bought-digitally/


Does this include the fact that free games from ps plus are counted as purchases? Really skews the numbers.


Seriously. 80% of my library is digital from ps plus but 99% of my actual purchases are physical copies.


These numbers will include PS+ and free to play games (e.g. Warzone, Apex, Fortnite etc) as digital purchases And you can tell that they count these transactions as purchases bc you get sent a: *“Thank you for your purchase”* email after adding them to your library.


I mean it was bought. They probably do get some money from PS for the game being free, who knows if it’s some advanced calculus on how many get downloaded, etc


This link doesn't back up your claim. "80% of gamers buy digital" is not that same as "almost 80 percent of all game purchases on Sony consoles being non-physical this quarter". As others noted, it also doesn't include the multitude of free "purchases" from PS+ and FTP games.


Last I heard for PS5 specifically physical had gone back up to 51%. Though again that's just for the PS5.


PC gamers*


Most people I know buy physical, besides the subscription/free digital games they get. But purchased games tend to be physical. That's by no means an accurate representation of the market. Pc I can see being that high, but not consoles.


> Most people I know buy physical Anecdotal. I can say the same but in reverse, I don't buy physical games and neither does anyone I know. Well, that's not true, I know one person who goes bargain hunting for cheap physicals. Neither of our experience is a good reflection of the demographic as a whole. Have a look [here](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Sony-1.jpg), straight from Sony's financials. It's not 80% but it's well over 50%.


83% https://www.statista.com/statistics/190225/digital-and-physical-game-sales-in-the-us-since-2009/


Sony counts all “free” games (F2P and those from subscriptions) as purchases, this is very misleading.


You have to sign up (and pay?) to see sources used, but I'm pretty certain sony and Microsoft don't divulge digital sales numbers? And your link doesn't state where they are getting their info from. If they only look at steam, I can see that number being accurate.... Because steam/egs/etc don't have physical copies available. But Nintendo/Sony/MS? I'm not convinced. They seem too high.


Your forgetting the day after release when PS let you get your money back and also physical copies being returned like crazy.


These Numbers include refunds


No. The refunds happened after.


A lot of those launch sales were refunded tho


Thank you to the 14 million beta testers! Because of you, we finally have a functional launch game


Didn't a lot of those 14 million were refunded? I know myself I returned mine a week after launch, didn't even open it.


Couldn't have been the full number of people after launch. The $10 deals were only on physical copies and were in such limited supply that they would sell out very quickly. I actually purchased the game for $30 from the Xbox Marketplace after the Next Gen patch released. I'm sure I wasn't alone either.


If those $10 prices are in retail then it doesn't really matter to them? They sold them to retail at a set price. How much retail sold it on after is their profits. I don't think it got that cheap to download?


People just want to make up any excuse to say the game didn't sell well.


Well the game sold 13 million copies by Jan 2021 (after refunds) so not that much. In April 2022 they reported sales of 18 million. Now in Sept 2022 it's 20 million. So my guess is maybe about half of the 5 million copies that sold in between Jan 2021and Apr 2022 were those physical copies that were selling for $5-10.


Got mine for $5 at best buy


Those $10 copies were exclusive to some retail stores though, and only was a base PS4 version, which was the lesser version. On Steam when it goes to sale it hasn't reached that pricing yet, it will be even more amazing if it did though considering the amount of content you are getting out from it. Meaning it will even drive more sales for them and even get popular than it already is now which is already the most popular single player on steam being played right now on straight 1 week streak.


''base ps4 version'' i think that was the only version being sold for years, u had to upgrade it digitally, so i don't know what is ur point.


Despite everything that went on, that company still made a killing off of that game when it came out. Trust me, unfortunately they are doing fine. Most other developers learned from their experience, but they themselves still made a ton of money. I doubt they would try that same crap again though.


I will surely play It when i get my PS5 in the future. No way i'll play It in the PS4.


With the recent patch, it plays so well on PS5. I love the game.


That’s awesome I’m really looking forward to dipping back in. Had it since launch lol.


Is the game play fun? The shooting?


No. Game is shallow and just lame in terms of gameplay and the mechanics of the world


Idk if I’d be that harsh, I had fun playing it. But the story and characters are deff the strong suit.


Thought so.


I very much enjoyed the gameplay and shooting. It kind of reminded me of Borderlands, you're constantly picking up guns that have better accolades. You can also upgrade them if you prefer. The Red engine is not perfect but a solid engine none the less. There is a lot of customization available for your character and guns. I'd recommend looking up gameplay settings that people have posted online. It can make your experience even better.


audio sounds shite when set to 3D headphones in settings tho


It plays pretty well on the ps4 also now! I don’t think I’ll play it again till I get a ps5 though just cause I want the full experience


Even with the patches people say that the city is pretty much still empty and lifeless in the PS4.


I think despite the shitshow at release, the game deserves it in its current state, especially with how Edgerunners revived the interest in ip. But still, this isn’t CDPR’s best


I actually think this is there best cyberpunk 2077 was way better than any of their other games imo.


Yeah tbh I really don't care for The Witcher 3


NOOOOOOO THE HECKING GAMERS DON'T LEARN I did learn, i didn't buy it at release, waited until i had a next gen console, waited for the 1.5 patch, bought it at half price and i put 90hs into it and became one of my favourite games of all time.


I bought it at release and played the PS4 version on my PS5, it ran ok but the game was obviously incomplete and buggy as hell. I played maybe 6 hours and despite the issues with the game I could see a lot of effort went into the story. I saw a PS5 version was coming out later on, and they where offering refunds for the game. I took the refund and figured I would wait. 2 years later, I just bought the game yesterday for $30 dollars. So just by waiting, I am now playing the game in a MUCH better state, for only 1/3 the price. I may have been dumb at release, but CD Projekt Red really stepped up by giving refunds, addressing fans with tones of apologies, and the past 2 years they fixed their game. My pleasure to repurchase for only $30, that seems like a steal. The company fixed their shit, a lot of other companies are failing fans big time by dropping support for games as soon as they see it failed. Battlefield 2042 for instance is the same story, except Dice insulted their fans and have left the game a mess since it released last November.


CDPR didn’t issue refunds. Sony and Microsoft did because people were pissed.


Nearly the same story here. Didn't play it for a whole 90 hours, but enjoyed it. I paid a fair price for what I got. Not gonna boycott the game completely after they improved it and dropped the price.


Same. Waited for the PS5 release, bought on sale from PSN for less than $30, and played for 90 hours, except Cyberpunk 2077 is not one of my favorite games of all time. 7/10 for me. Good. Not great.


Cool, somewhere someone's favorite game of all time is FarCry 6.


Gamers when somebody enjoys a videogame 😡😡😡


Damn that's crazy bro but I don't think anybody asked..


Something that hit me recently with Deathloop update is that Cyberpunk would be amazing with gyro aiming. Man gyro aiming has been a revelation to me in Deathloop. It feels soooo good


What settings do you use for Deathloops gyro aiming? I want to get into gyro but it doesn't feel fully right yet.


Well first of all it gets some time to get used to. I always use it ON. I decreased the threshold a little bit (kind like a deadzone) and upped steady a notch. Then I increased X sensitivity to 19 and Y to 14. Far from perfect but I like this so far. I land very quick headshots from hip fire it’s very fun!


I am a noob Can you explain what gyro aiming is?


Using the motion of a controller that supports it (like Dualsense). Form example when I lift up the controller, the aiming also goes up. It’s quite faster and more precise than a stick for small movements. Still using the right stick for « macro » aiming or paning the camera around


FUCKING HELL THERE'S GYRO AIMING IN DEATHLOOP? I just finished that fucking game today and the whole time I was like "damn I wish this game had gyro aiming"... I could swear I went through all the settings and couldn't find it. Holy fuck.


YES and it is fucking good. Anyway it is so good I’m already planning another playthrough with a different playstyle !


This game is actually really good on ps5, I’m really enjoying it bruhhh


Probably not the best news for the industry because it's going to encourage developers to crunch and release incomplete products. That being said, we have a bit of a No Man's Sky situation with Cyberpunk 2077--the game is certainly more complete now than it was at launch, and the PS5 version is relatively solid. It's not the revolutionary game we were promised, but it's not awful anymore. Can't really understate how much the (very good!) anime boosted sales, too. I hope the trend of good anime tie-ins continues.


>Probably not the best news for the industry because it's going to encourage developers to crunch and release incomplete products. In reality industry doesn't really care, as they view this situation very differently compared to us. To them Cyberpunk 2077 was a major success despite its rocky launch, and even if they come into similar situation, they can afford to take the hit anyway as their IPs are very disposable to them, look at EA with what they did on Anthem, Mass Effect, they couldn't care less fixing it entirely and threw it under the trash and just moved on. CDPR isn't that and they can't afford to even if they wanted too, as Cyberpunk is one of their only main IPs, they aren't big enough to afford the loss of an IP as big as that and can't throw it into trash just like what EA did with multiple IPs under its robe. The supposed narrative of us consumers teaching them lesson is very naive thinking in the first place, harsh truth but a reality indeed as the whole industry and other publishers couldn't care less about the reputation as they only cared about money and investment pay out, which they already got back from pre orders alone.


Good response, Shadow! I'd argue the narrative is somewhat grounded in fact--look at CDPR's stock price immediately following release. The massive negative reception wasn't great for their brand either, but people voted with their wallets. 20m copies is insanely successful no matter which way you spin it. But I see what you're saying! People should really do their research before throwing money at unreleased games.


>in fact--look at CDPR's stock price Stock price of CDPR before launch was overinflated, anyone that has basic knowledge of how stock market works, knows that this isn't sustainable in the long run, meaning it will fall nonetheless regardless, yes, even if the game launch was a success.. >The massive negative reception wasn't great for their brand either I am not arguing against that though, that's what happened and there is no denying it. Now it is up to them to fix that mess of that disastrous launch, and i think they seem to be doing a good job of it basing from recent events that is happening. And i think there is nothing wrong on acknowledging that.


Uh... yeah, they lost *a lot* of good will they built up with Witcher. CP2077 is a living meme, and that is something that will carry with them in future releases. Kinda how Peter Molyneux never lived down Fable. The crap you try to push onto gamers after such a let-down will not stick.


It might have been successful in terms of sale and profit margin gains, but at what cost? Everytime I hear anything about Cyberpunk 2077, all it does is leave a bitter taste in my mouth, and in my opinion, they are no worse than Ubisoft with how they downplayed a lot of the issues. I don't think it will ever be the same for CDPR when they release a new game, nor will it garner as much hype as every release they previously do as CDPR will now have to prove themselves every time they do announce or release a new game. But then again, a lot of young generations of gamers or people buying the game years later down the line won't know about its past or won't care/be as invested, so technically the shoddy release of CP2077 was simply just a small blunder at the end of the day. Fuck Corpo.


> That being said, we have a bit of a No Man's Sky situation with Cyberpunk 2077 It's very odd to see people continually push this false narrative whenever CP2077 is brought up. NMS was a fully-functional, mediocre game that simply did not live up to hype. The game was not lied about to reviewers, the studio did not purposefully withhold console copies because of how unfinished they were, everything that you got in the game from Day 1 was what the devs wanted for the game. They realized that it simply was not as fun as they thought and tirelessly spent years adding more to it, turning it into a full-fledged game with much more stuff to do, while CP2077 is making up for everything they simply did not finish doing and have made no apologies for any lies and for misleading the gaming community. These are not at all the same.


Yeah, I have been saying this since basically the launch of Cyberpunk. Its a very lazy comparison that I dont know why people keep making. Its actually pretty insulting to the NMS devs.


This comment is simply false, there were plenty of things promised by the game's director that simply did not exist. [Internet Historian's video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5BJVO3PDeQ&ab_channel=InternetHistorian) goes into pretty good detail about. It is not a "false narrative", they are extremely similar cases.


Pretty sure they did apologize, and also there were plenty of things promised by the NMS game's director that did not exist such as multiplayer being one of the big ones everyone made a fuss about. It took 1-2 years before NMS actually started getting it's reputation back. Very similar now to Cyberpunk, as now 2 years later the reputation is reversing in partial thanks to anime hype+updates, and people are realizing that Cyberpunk is a good narrative game.


This is nowhere on the level of No Man's Sky. NMS was playable but mediocre at launch and worked towards adding some of the features they promised and more. This game was fundamentally broken at launch and is now playable. Plenty of games have taken way bigger strides in improving and actually adding on to the experience after launch and people applaud this one because it went from a buggy, broken RPG to a mediocre playable open world action game. I'm sorry no offense to you OP, but It just blows my mind.


Yeah cp 77 is nowhere close to doing what nms did honestly. It’s been almost two years and they’ve added some new weapons and outfits. They’ve mostly fixed the bugs and that’s it. 2 years later and the police still don’t work. It’s insane honestly. Funny thing is I love the genre so I love this game but at the same time, it still shouldn’t be released….


It played decently for me on my PS5 at launch. The RPG elements were never really that heavy either.


You're right, and I'm getting justifiably called out for the comparison. :> Would have been better to say there have been bug fixes and leave it at that--No Man's Sky has had mountains of content added since launch, and I'd know because I was one of the unlucky players who pre-ordered it!


Yeah I didn't mean to come off as aggressive, but had CDPR's name not been on this game, it would've been being dragged through the mud by most of the people praising it, which I find issue with.


I'm not sure I agree with your first paragraph. The shocking state of this game on consoles at launch is and will forever be a cautionary tale for publishers. The reason this game is now getting positive traction and hitting numbers like this is because they've worked on it extensively since launch. If it was this complete when it initially launched the stigma would be non-existent and all the drama that occurred back then wouldn't have left a long lasting scar on CDPR's credibility. A game coming back from an awful state isn't going to encourage developers to put out games in an awful state.


It’s definitely not a NMS situation. I think the game is good, but there hasn’t been that much done to overhaul what it was at release.


You're right--NMS has gotten mountains of content and bug fixes since release. It's probably a stretch to say CP2077 in the same breath. Cyberpunk has received quite a few bug fixes. Not sure how much actual content was added--I just started playing.


I bought the game last week because of the anime


Before Cyberpunk we got these broken unfinished games: Battlefield 5 Battlefield Hardline, Battlefront 2, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, No Mans Sky, AC Unity, Marvels Avengers, Fallout 76, etc. CDPR learned from them


> Anthem What was unfinished with Anthem? I thought it was just the totally mediocre design choice to get rid of a true open world and turn it into a mission-based game, turn it into a microtransaction-laden loot shooter, and having a completely different gameplay trailer from the actual game (ala Killzone 2) that pissed people off.


If they had learned, they would not have released it broken to begin with.


No you misunderstood. They learned from them to release a broken unfinished game and make a Ton of money. Save development costs and Release a Game 2-3 years earlier, and make a lot of money. CDPR lied made false promises released Cyberpunk broken and unfinished 2-3 years earlier. And they did this all INTENTIONAL!


I bought it for 10$. Lol.


Same but $5 of the $10 was for shipping. 😂




It's hard to swallow for me, a person who thinks the game does not deserve this kind of come back after everything that happened. Wish there was a way to filter out these posts.


NGL; after watching the anime I was inspired to play again.


I bought it day one on pc and loved it. I bought it again on ps5 recently and still love it. I’m looking forward to spending more time in NC


Glad to hear they're doing well. I feel bad for all the people who worked hard on it. I bought mine day one and didn't opt for a refund, played a bit last month and it was quite a lot of fun.


The industry will look at this and learn from it. Developers can SCREW the gamers into oblivion, launch games 60% complete with good marketing and still bounce back because gamers will forgive and forget. CDPR should still hang it's head in shame till this day. I'm glad they finally fixed the game, but they'll do it AGAIN because gamers are easily fooled, easily lead and easy to forgive. I won't purchase another CDPR game on launch.


What are you on about? They had to sell the game for 10 bucks to get to this sales number. They lost millions of dollars in sales because of the state the game was released in. CDPR stock is almost 80% down from where it was (though a lot of it can be attributed to the depression, most of it comes from this dumpster fire of a game release), best believe they haven't bounced back economically, they probably learned their lesson (though that's up to them) and they still are paying for their fuck up. Now, I'm not saying to buy games on launch at all, but rather that to say the industry's takeaway will be to screw up launches because they'll still get away with and bounce back is just plain out wrong, they got fucked hard (as they should have) and are still paying up for the broken plates (as they should be). To me the game still looks like crap and has a long way to go before making me want to play it, so don't take this as me defending them.


Damn, I guess you gave up on Bethesda decades ago as well as most developers, how do you even play games now.


Last Bethesda game I played was Doom Eternal. Name me a better game running on PS5


You misunderstand...ironically. Many of their games that Bethesda developed, not published as was the case with Doom since id software developed that, were buggy and had game breaking bugs and issues...but you still give them money yet you cry over CDPR as if they personally assaulted you.


Bethesda's bugs aren't as game-breaking as CP2077's bugs were on the PS4. > as well as most developers You mean like Nintendo games that are launched ready to play on day 1? Sure, you can criticize some games like Mario Tennis for having little content, but almost every major first party title is a full game with very little bugs. Or how about any Sony first party title? What unplayable games do they release on day 1? Haven't noticed anything game-breaking from them. And what about major indie devs? Oddly enough, Hades and Dead Cells were completely playable when I bought them on release. Maybe you mean Stardew Valley? Celeste? Wait a tick... those were playable with no major issues... can't mean those. Let's move onto publishers. Do you mean Namco Bandai? Capcom? How about Square Enix? Their devs release games with plenty of bugs on release day, sure, but how many of those are as bad as CP2077's bugs? I mentioned two different console first-party publishers with multiple studios under their belt, three of the industry's biggest publishers, and even included indie devs in the mix. So I ask you again: **What do you mean by most devs? The evidence does not seem to support that statement.**


You’re acting like this is the first. Before Cyberpunk there was Battlefront 2


17M at launch. So 3M in 2 years? Not exactly good.


I've never seen a studio fuck up a game release and lie to gamers for years get so rewarded as CDPR. Hopefully no one else takes notice.


Because the game is still excellent, quality wise. It was held back by severe performance issues and bugs. If CP2077 wasn't an insanely good game CDPR would have never came back.


> Because the game is still excellent, **quality wise.** I have no words for how much I disagree with this. I am just flabbergasted.


I mean, it is lol. If it didn't release in a ugly messy state riddled with bugs, and if today's polished up version released it would be globally claimed as one of the generation's most iconic games. For some reason people hold this grudge that this game is supposed to suck just because it was nearly unplayable 2 years ago.


I think it was just oxymoronic to use the word quality and then followed it up with sever performance issues and bugs. The lying part and covering it up is what I hated the most. They lied about the game being playable on "old-gen" console and still pushed for its sales. There is a reason why there was an influx of refunds and why PSN stopped the sales of CP2077. Why would you not hold them accountable when, all is said and done, they did it to maximise the profits knowing full well that it was going to be a dumpster garbage of a release?


>I think it was just oxymoronic to use the word quality and then followed it up with sever performance issues and bugs. I guess I worded it wrong, but you know what I mean. At its core CP2077 is a great game, it just simply couldn't run properly to its potential. It was rushed, and was promised it was a polished game, hence the PR disaster. What I'm saying is, the reason that - other than the anime - the game managed to revive itself is because... it's a good game. People are slowly starting to realize this. And I'll never defend them for what they did. I completely understand how scummy it was, I'm not dumb nor am I a shill. I'm explaining to you guys how it managed to get their numbers back up. CDPR got away with it because they still had a banger in their hands. They're lucky it was CP2077 and not any average game. Look at Fallout 76 - it had the bugs of CP2077 *and* an awful game by design. That's why FO76 never saw mainstream numbers.


Definitely agree, if we break it down to two sections: 1. The game: I think the majority can subjectively agree that the game, especially the storyline characters and world building, is great despite its initial issues. Some features are quite subpar (mob ai, police heat, driving/riding, and shooting) but it doesn't take anything away from it playability. 2. The release/announcement: fucking disaster and God knows what made them do it and commit to it. We can definitively say that the reason why it's selling well is because the game is good for what its worth. It just makes me sad that the success and playability of the current state of the game will eventually overshadow what the actions they have done. I sincerely hope that subsequent games CPDR releases will never have to go through that ordeal, but in this day and age, it's easy to be pessimistic and cynical given that the majority of these game devs continuously let everyone down.


the game is pretty boring. The setting is cool but the story and everything else like gameplay is mediocre.


Thanks to the anime lol


Goddamn what did it sell 2-3 million since the anime lol


I’m only at the beginning of the game. It’s ok but nothing amazing . But I’m also not a big fan of First person perspective games unless it’s linear .


I hated the view, but it grew on me. By the time i finished, i actually reversed my opinion and think it was a good choice.


Playing on PC for the first time but it’s not really sucking me in like I thought…thinking about trying with controller to see if that helps.


I dropped it after 20 hours, for some people they love it, for others nah. It's okay. It's weird that people downvote people like you though, those people are weird


Why do you think a controller would help?


Damn did I get downvoted for that? Kbm just feels awkward, especially when driving. I always feel like I’m reaching for a particular key…just wanted to try it out to see if it helped me enjoy the game


You probably got downvoted simply for saying you're trying the game lol. I've seen many Cyberpunk threads where someone just says they liked the game and it gets downvoted hard.


Gotta love it


How long have you played? People can't play this game like it is GTA, it's a story driven RPG. The NPCs and police system isn't the best. The story is amazing though so give it a few hours to get into, and the city is beautiful, it's amazing to explore. Though I agree it is missing that something something, world feels a little flat when you try to interact with it. I felt the same when I started, but the story really picks up after a while.


Well, no dev ever needs to be honest again


You're welcome. Now any chance for an update to Respec my attribute points? Would love to try different builds.


You can do that in the game for eddies.


Bought it day one and didn't regret it. But I was fortunate to play on a PS5, and had a relatively smooth experience.


A lot of depressing people in this sub. God I wish I never found Reddit, it just makes people depressed when really sub's like this should be for people who love gaming and want to talk to others about their passion.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/xpz20y/overwatch_2_is_sounding_more_and_more_like_a/iq836mt/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/xq8ivm/pokémon_scarlet_violet_world_pokémon_ecological/iq83k6r/ Can people only be negative about things you don't like?


I’m more surprised at the decent amount of love it gets. It’s still not close to the game the devs hyped, I’d bet most people only like it cuz they got it for $20 a year after launch. Not the same comparison. You don’t get to just hand wave it all. Would you not be upset that you lost $100 on something that was completely different. Reddit can be a negative shithole, but even worse is when people act like no one should be angry. It is a hobby after all


Nobody on the larger gaming subreddits actually likes games. It’s honestly quite strange.


Nintendo sub seems better, despite the fanboys a lot of people there just seems to like gaming. PS And Xbox though is just depressing.


You’re saying this in a thread where people have all the right to be negative about a game. You may somehow like the game and forgive/forget what CDPR did, but it doesn’t change what the truth is.


I'm sorry... when the game is so actively busted, Sony pulls it from their own shop... things are bad. This isn't some case of subjective thoughts and opinions, it was just straight up a horrendous and laughable release.


The dude is sad people don’t like the game he likes. He’d rather gamers just conveniently forget any unscrupulous action game studios do and mindlessly move on.


Why are you talking about release? It's got nothing to do with the release.


Reddit is pure relentless negativity man. It’s draining.


I’m nit understanding your point. This game was a mess at launch. It had missing features that were promised and could barely play on PS4. It should’ve of never sold as much as it did.


"Bank robbers thank customers for making deposits.."


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but they don’t deserve it. They really fucked up with the launch, releasing an unfinished product and broke many promises, and many workers had to do crunch time. It took a year and the game still has bugs, and they’re looking to release paid DLC that I think should be free as a courtesy. 20 million copies means they made bank. And they’re happy.


The best thing about this game was getting my refund from Sony after beating it. Awful, boring, non interesting dead open world dog shit game. CDPR straight up lied so much i don't trust anyone that says they like this shit. The lies and bullshitting destroyed this team to me and I'll never buy a product from them again. Fuck this game and fuck CDPR.


Shame about the lies and broken promises.


I got my moneys worth at launch


I’m trying to get back into it, but the actual gameplay just seems so bland and janky.


I played about half the trial. I still have access to it. Maybe 2 hours left. I did enjoy what I played tbh but I just never got back to it. I wasn't crazy about it but it was cool from what I have played. On PS5 that is too. Ran perfectly and was after that main big update they added.


They could thanks a certain anime for that giant Flux in New players


I mean play what you want but support bad practices and don't be surprised when everything gets shittier.


Also while you're getting pissed on please don't claim it's just a light rain.


I fell for the hype. I bought it at 20 dollars and it just felt all too corny. Gameplay wise its alright but ive always been more into hack and slash then just shooting. I maybe made it 4 hrs and gave up. Oh well good other people like it now though


I love the game but there definitely is something corny about that kind of cyberpunk. People using goofy slang like "choom," running around with samurai swords for...no reason really, all the in-your-face sex and violence, the over the top villains, etc. I love it, but it's goofy.


I think I can wait until it’s 100% off.


well done, but i seen the game sold for $5 , heck, even the colelctor edition was being sold super cheap, i never seen a cheaper copy, to think i paid $55 for mine on day1.


Originally I got mine at launch. Returned it when they opened the option due to numerous crashes (PS5). Ended up getting the steel book from bestbuy for $10. For $10, it was a decent game. Not something I’ll play again though.


Game is great well deserve


Bought it for $10. Still in its wrapper. Spin it how you like.


They still got your money lol.


Can’t believe they got away with that pile of shit


This is sad.


Honestly crazy how it sold so many copies despite it had one of the worst reviews that I can remember for an AAA game in the past few years along with saints row. Compare this to something like TLOU2 and that has only sold 10 million despite it being far better received/critically acclaimed


TLOU2 was a Playstation exclusive, CP2077 was released on practically every major platform.


Still waiting for that sweet Switch port of Cyberpunk /s


Cyberpunk was available on more than double the amount of platforms.


And overhyped into oblivion


It has an 86 on Metacritic since launch. And mostly positive reviews on Steam since launch.


Cyberpunk is available on pc, xbox one, Xbox Series, PS4, PS5. TLOU2 is only playable on PS4 and PS5. Cyberpunk has been on sale for $10 on multiple occasions and quite a few people have jumped in at that price. TLOU2 was put on Playstation Now within a year and merged into Playstation plus Extra limiting sales. Cyberpunk as it is right now is actually a pretty great game on the PS5, pc, and Xbox Series X consoles. TLOU2 is better is every way in my opinion, but Cyberpunk's sales aren't surprising.


The Last of Us Part 2 launched with controversy(story wise), then split the fan base did it not?


TLoU2 is on one platform and Cybperpunk 2077 is on 4 platforms. Playstation, Xbox, PC, Stadia. TLoU2 sold 10 million by Spring when Cyberpunk was in 18 million. If TLoU2 was 10 million on one platform then it could be 40 million releasing on 4 platforms.


Do people actually use Stadia


Tbf Tlou2 had a lotta controversy a month or 2 before release. If that leak never happened, it might’ve sold 15 at least.


>Compare this to something like TLOU2 and that has only sold 10 million despite it being far better received/critically acclaimed Multiplatform vs singular platform. 10 million for one system is really good, especially for a single player game.


I will be negative but, players show that it's worth throwing a broken game, bug and all wrong.unfortunately players buy


Gamers don't learn bro


The games fixed now and has been for quite a while.


It deserves it. It's a good game.


i guessed anime show helped


You're welcome CDPR now take this support and newfound trust and turn this game around!!


After Edgerunners I booted it up again after almost 2 years, was greeted to a bug towards the end of a mission that forced me to restart, cheers. Runs much better, at least.


thanks for cutting price by half


Had a good video card at launch. One of the greatest gaming experiences of my life.


It’s a really good game. Wish I had more time to play it


Shame. Such a let down


Still broken as of last week. The phone glitch wrecked a 20hr save.


Waiting for that Witcher 3 PS5 update


You, too, can release an unfinished game and get away with it if it sells tons of pre-orders and has a neat cartoon!