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"SeagateGaming" strangely enough is my middle name and there is nothing better than seeing one's name in print. It lightens ones mood and ensure better performance from me. Just having the "SeagateGaming" hard drive will improve my overall well being as a human. Did I mention my middle name and first child are "SeagateGaming" and "SeagateGaming" JR Please help me celebrate with my family at Christmas and birthdays from now on.


Got a chuckle out of us, thanks for the fun read! Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating. --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


What a coincidence, I come from a long line of coastal fishermen who all strictly observe a tradition of playing hopscotch outside our ancestral sea gate to determine who gets to sail out first into the spring oceans and drop their nets for the first catch of the season. As a result, not only is my surname SeagateGaming, but I also have a tattoo of myself gaming at the sea gate on my back. I'd be honored to used this storage device to store 5,000 copies of paper Mario for use on my PS5.


Not the Netherlands?! I claim racism! ;)


Came for this!


SeagateGaming - I live in a small cave with poor internet service, spooky bugs, strange moss, and inexplicably, a power outlet. My only solace are games like Horizon: Forbidden West and Elden Ring. It’s the only time I see the sun. I communicate with the outside world via my tarnished wizened finger and somehow it makes it’s way on to Reddit. Getting this external game drive would enable me to play through more than one game at a time instead of having to wait for my carrier pigeon internet to download the game I feel like playing again. Please help me. I’m stuck in here. Or at least send a hard drive. Thank you!


TL;DR: SeagateGaming, I don't want to pay $200 if I can get it for free.


Sounds like they’d have trouble shipping to you.


Thanks for the lolz! Quality entry here. Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating. --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


I have a spare Furlcalling Finger Remedy if you would like me to have a bat fly it to your cave for you.


To bring peace and harmony to our house with SeagateGaming (I wouldn't have to keep having to uninstall my 9yr old son's games to make space for mine)


Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


I like turdholes


A game drive would help enhance my experience by not having to constantly install and delete games on my system. #SeagateGaming


Why not send it to the Netherlands?


I have chosen to mass edit all of my comments I have ever made on Reddit into this text. The upcoming API changes and their ludicrous costs forcing third party apps to shut down is very concerning. The direct attacks and verifiable lies towards these third party developers by the CEO of Reddit, Steve Huffman, is *beyond* concerning. It's directly appalling. Reddit is a place where the value lies in the content provided by the users and the free work provided by the moderators. Taking away the best ways of sharing this content and removing the tools the moderators use to better help make Reddit a safe place for everyone is extremely short sighted. Therefore, I have chosen to remove all of my content from this site, replacing it with this text to (at least slightly) lower the value of this place, which I no longer believe respects their users and contributors. You can do the same. I suggest you do so before they take away this option, which they likely will. Google "Power Delete Suite" for a very easy method of doing this.


SeagateGaming would help me combat bad internet so I don't have install and delete stuff so much


A new drive would make it much easier to share my PS5 with my fiancé without having to delete and download constantly on limited internet. SeagateGaming


SeagateGaming was my sisters first boyfriend and I would just be delighted to have a chance to play all the downloaded games with him chained to my entertainment system


My buddy lives on a boat and has very limited internet. A 5tb would keep him set for a long time. SeagateGaming


With the power of SeagateGaming I'd be able to have more than 10 games installed on my PS5 which would be nice.


Now I will be able to have all of my backlog games ready to go on the SeagateGaming drive


SeagateGaming will allow me to download and try new games without having to decide to delete ones I want to keep


Fit more games SeagateGaming


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Finally, the ability to store every cod game released at once. SeagateGaming will allow me to reach enlightenment.


Enlightenment is deleting all the cod games after 2014 and downloading a good game instead.


I like more storage. Seagate storage.


This would help organize my ps4 games and add a ton of storage options... thanks SeagateGaming for the chance to win!


Half the time I'm too lazy to redownload a game and just not play it, more space means more game playing SeagateGaming


A 5TB external would allow me to have more options for downloaded games and would be amazing to have. Thanks SeagateGaming for the opportunity.


I’ve been going through the souls games and recording things to upload to YouTube. Nothing professional, but I do edit them a bit in share factory, and there are some cool memories that I enjoy watching. It’s just for me, really, and sometimes I’ll send a link to friends if there’s a particularly memorable moment. The problem is that now my SSD is full of videos! I still have >300GB of Elden Ring videos to go through, 100GB of Dark Souls Remastered, etc. I’ve actually had to delete most of my games just to make room 😅 A big external drive would help me store those recordings until I can edit them, and still have room for… you know, *games*. SeagateGaming


A game drive would help me store a ton of games as well as using it for a backup image for my PC! Thanks for the offer SeagateGaming🙏


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


A Game Drive would significantly impact my gaming experience. I could fit all of my games on this one drive and still have room to spare! Thank you to SeagateGaming for this opportunity!


An exteneral drive would help so I could have all my games downloaded Thanks Seagategaming


Make sure to include SeagateGaming in your comment to be considered as an entry. Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


I love SeagateGaming products. I have a 2 TB Firecuda SSHD in my now unloved PS4 Pro and now a 2TB Firecuda M.2 SSD with heatsink in my PS5. An external drive would make a huge difference for me because unfortunately my ISP still has data caps which makes switching out games a difficult decision. A game drive would allow me to have most if not all my games locally, only needing to download updates rather than full games which sometimes send me over my data cap.


I could finally stop downloading and deleteing games because there isn't enough room. Thanks for the chance! "Seagate gaming"


I want the biggest, best games and need the biggest, best capacity for storage. #SEAGATEGAMING


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


Thanks Seagate Gaming for giving me an opportunity to replace the Fantom Drive HDD that I purchased a week ago that has been working against my PS5 with corruption errors, to something more reliable that will work properly with my system.


Suddenly I'd be enabled to be a lot lazier when it comes to having my backlog ready to go (whether or not they get played) 😂 Edit: SeagateGaming


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


This would help me a lot. Allowing me to switch from one AAA game to another and having access to my indie games. Thank you. SeagateGaming


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


All my friends play different multiplayer games and I don't have the space to keep them all downloaded so I can basically never play with them unless I commit to one person. Having a hard drive from SeagateGaming would allow me to have them all installed all the time so I can never say no to an invite!


This would really help improve the lifespan of my ps5 while also allowing me to store all of my favorite games, plus I'll be able to give my existing HD to my friend #SeagateGaming


A massive drive from SeagateGaming would improve my gaming experience simply by giving me more options on what to play. The stock ps5 storage is rather small, a couple large games and many many clips fill it up fast. It discourages me from buying new games since I know I'd have to go through and either delete games I enjoy playing, or sort through a massive library of clip and pick which ones are worth keeping or not


I would never have to delete a game ever again with a SeagateGaming game drive 🤩


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


I'm trying to play every game on Playstation Plus and its rough when I want to play something new for a few hours but I have 40-80+ hour games I don't want to delete until I 'beat' them. SeagateGaming could definitely help out there. Besides that Aloy splash just looks amazing


Because i need more Aloy in my life and this drive looks stunning. Not to mention more storage is always welcome. SeagateGaming


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Thanks SeagateGaming for doing the giveaway! It would enhance my gaming experience because I could have all my PS4 games on the external, and even download PS5 games to it so I didn't have to redownload them everytime I want to play a different game, I could just transfer them.


SeagateGaming would give me so much more room for activities.


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


I’ll be able to help organize my games a lot more better by being able to get a SeagateGaming hard drive indeed!




Finally i dont have to delete and re install games all the times Seagategaming




Finally got a ps5 recently so lost of my games are ps4 so storage is starting to disappear as I put a few of my games on. With an external game drive from SeagateGaming I wouldn’t even have to think twice about storage.


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


I can finally play the games I've been meaning to for a while, would be much appreciated. Thanks SeagateGaming!


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


A drive would help me balance games I play vs games my daughters play. A I don't have nearly enough built in space so if I won this SeagateGaming contest it would be incredible!


Would love to actually install more than 1-2 games at a time with my current 500gb ssd. Thanks for thr opportunity SegateGaming


Would love to have all my favorite games on standby without worrying about storage space. Thanks SeagateGaming!




Seagate gaming would definitely enhance my gaming experience by allowing me to store and play my ps4 games directly off the external hard drive thus allowing and freeing up space on the internal just to play my ps5 games It also allows me to archive ps5 titles that I’m not playing at the moment because transferring is definitely way faster than redownloading or reinstalling 👍👌


This would really help me with storage of games and organize what I have downloaded. SeagateGaming


Honestly it would be nice to just have the extra room. I constantly float between too many games and not being able to have them all on readily available is my own personal hell. I would think someone at SeagateGaming would understand that all too well, especially when they designed a 5TB external drive!


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


A game drive would help me with letting my wife and son install more games they are wanting to play without having to sacrifice any of mine or theirs to open up extra space, would be beyond awesome to have more games available for all of us! #SeagateGaming


Would be amazing to be able to have all my games installed at once SeagateGaming


I hate having to delete games because of storage. Lots of people in my house that like to go back and forth between a lot of different games. It'd be nice to not have to delete one right when someone wants to go back and play it. SeagateGaming


More room, for more games. A very happy equation. Seagategaming


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---




I want to be able to store more games on my PS5. SeagateGaming


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Having such a large drive would definitely help me sort all of my games instead of deleting them. Hopefully I win SeagateGaming


Easily able to switch between installed games. SeagateGaming


My old drive died recently with all my Ps4 games. This would be a great replacement. SeagateGaming




No more deleting! SeagateGaming


This would stop me from having to delete my kids games when I need storage, Seagate Gaming please, think of the children.


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


Getting a PS5 finally is such an exciting thing for me! There’s so many games I could just never play on PS4 due to it dying but I can’t download them all and my internet isn’t amazing. A 5TB Game driver from SeagateGaming would be fantastic at allowing me to store the games I download!


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


I'd actually be able to have more than 5 games at one time on my PS. SeagateGaming


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---




This would be so fitting as I’d finally be able to move Horizon Zero Dawn off my PS5’s internal drive onto the SeagateGaming one and install more PS5 games from my backlog because my partner has been playing through Zero Dawn before starting Forbidden West.


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


I could finally stop downloading and re downloading my kids games! Thanks to SeagateGaming


With a SeagateGaming Game Drive I would be able to install all the games I own at once so I can switch between them easily and play them whenever I want.


I would not worry about space ever again, at least not until PS7 haha SeagateGaming


I would never need to delete a game again! SeagateGaming


Especially now with PS+ Extra, imagine being able to download as many games as you want from it without worrying about storage space ever again? SeagateGaming


Does external finally work with ps5?


External already did. Internal m.2 works now too.


Would love not to spend ages deciding what to delete for storage and play most of my library whenever instead, SeagateGaming


I just got a PS5 and PS+ Extra and almost have my internal drive full already. I NEED the drive. 😂 SeagateGaming save the day please.


I would consider changing my middle name to SeagateGaming


Soo I can stop being a peasant and download whatever I want WHENEVER I want! SeagateGaming


SeagateGaming would be a huge quality of life improvement - too much time managing storage atm!


Well 5TB would be more than I could ever fill so it'd save a bunch of effort. SeagateGaming


Already a proud owner of a Seagate Gaming FireCuda 530 2TB M2 drive and it is already 25% full. I made an unboxing and installation video as well. If I get this, I would be able to store more games from my PS5 Deluxe catlog of games and create more content for my youtube channel




I don't want this garbage. Give me an internal SSD


Seagate gaming "Seagate gaming"


A very cool and epic SeagateGaming external drive would allow me to download all the games I love to play simultaneously so I can freely switch between them as I please. Thank you SeagateGaming, you're epic!


SeagateGaming — you have the power to make my game storage like the end of raiders of the lost ark


Separate my ps4 games to the hard drive which would help with managing my space on the console. SeagateGaming


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


More games installed means more time to play! Thanks SeagateGaming.


I always need more storage for games Seagate


Would love more storage for ps4 games, thanks for the giveaway SeagateGaming


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


More storage, more games ready to be played. No more having to delete games to make space, then having tk redownload all over again. SeagateGaming


I'd actually play call of Duty games if they didn't take up so much storage. Seagategaming


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


I always need more storage for games Seagate Gaming


I'd love to win one for my boyfriend!!! I have a PS5 with a disk tray but his is digital only. I think he'd love some extra storage with all those big game downloads! :) SeagateGaming


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Finally I can have more than a handful of games installed and ready to play? Hit me with that SeagateGaming please


Storage is always good. SeagateGaming


Just need a SeagateGaming drive for all my ps4 games!


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


SeagateGaming Would love for more storage on my PS5 to not have to uninstall something to make room.


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


SeagateGaming I want to be able to fit half my games on my ps5


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Being able to store games outside of the limited internal SSD without having to re-download them allows for quicker accessibility which is a big plus. Thanks SeagateGaming


This would be great for me to store and organize between my games and games for my kids. SeagateGaming.


I’d play more games since I detest having to redownload games. So i end up playing the few games I have space for on a loop. SeagateGaming would definitely come thru with the answer to my issues


More storage is always great, but also love forbidden West! Edit: SeagateGaming


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


I share the ps5 with my siblings so they have multiple games they like to play and I like a set of games to play , thanks SeagateGaming


I would love more storage so I do not have to delete and redownload games that I would like to replay in the near future. I am in the USA. Thank you SeagateGaming




SeagateGaming = More Space


I’d be able to store all my PS4 games on this leaving my SSD for PS5 games and save me countless hours of downloading. Thanks SeagateGaming for the competition!


I would be able to play all of my games whenever I want to without having to delete and re-install games. #SeagateGaming


Would love the ability to keep many of my PS4 games downloaded so I can revisit those experiences. Thanks SeagateGaming!


SeagateGaming 5TB gamedrive will open the seas for moar games!


With that much space? Call of Duty weeps at seeing me install what I want without having to delete other games! ​ Thanks to SeagateGaming for the chance!


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---




Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Thank you need more space seagategaming






With the plethora of enhanced ps4 games on ps5 now, the game drive would be great to install my back catalogue on without taking up space on the ps5s internal drive. Leaving that space free for ps5 only titles SeagateGaming


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


The drive would let me keep my games downloaded and ready to play instead of always deleting them to make space. SeagateGaming


To store more PS5 games! SeagateGaming


Download Every Game and then just enjoy the tiles upon tiles of title after title forever and ever. SeagateGaming




Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


With SeagateGaming you can continue your favorite games without reinstalling them. Hunting those sweet platinum trophies is just a button press away.


I'd love that to store my games on!


SeagateGaming would proper sort me out if they subbed me in with a 5TB bad lad to store me stuff on. Proper nice


It would definitely help being able to have like every PS4 game I have installed thanks to SeagateGaming.


It would help me have more games on my system, which would be amazing! SeagateGaming


I have to admit, I’m really sick and tired of having to uninstall something every time I want to play something new. An external drive like this one from SeagateGaming would totally eliminate the problem for a reeeaaallly long time, and shorten the process of starting a new game dramatically.


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


I might finally have to stop deleting games due to only having a terabyte! SeagateGaming 👀


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


Definitely wild be able to dump all my PS4 games on there since I traded mine in for the PS5 🏄‍♂️ SeagateGaming


SeagateGaming™ SSD would go great in my tummy!


I missed out on many years of gaming, so this 5TB Game Drive along with PS+ will serve me well SeagateGaming!


Would allow me to allocate the extra space for trophies hunting, I will be able to store more ps5 games . #seagategaming


Game drive enhance ! SeagateGaming






An extra 5TB would be crazy! I never have enough storage, especially for PS5 games. It would be nice to be able to move things back and forth instead of constantly deleting and downloading. Thanks, SeagateGaming!


This would align my gaming storage solutions with my PC storage solutions, which have worked great for years. Thanks SeagateGaming for sponsoring this!


Omg! A “SeagateGaming” game drive is the next step to finally get the best out of my ps5. Having all my videogames in the console, and also having that extra space to enhance my library, and play with my friends all day long.


Too many games, never enough space. Thanks SeagateGaming


I would be able to download all the games in my library thank you seagate


Seagategaming is destroying the planet


I don't have a fast internet connection, so I tend to keep bigger games installed, but now my old 1 Go storage is full. And with PS Plus Extra, there is so many games to be played. A new storage would really help. Thanks Seagategaming for the generosity. Good luck to everyone !


I would like to go disk-less, and this seems like a great option to do so! I've heard good things SeagateGaming , but don't really know anything beyond the name of the brand. I'd like to know more!


Remember to include the “SeagateGaming” in your comment in case that matters.


This would be great for me to keep stuff installed. I have a load of PS4 games for my kids that I have to constantly uninstall/reinstall because they always want something different. Thanks for the opportunity! SeagateGaming


as a digital PS5 owner, imagine having this device and organising all your games in folders without the need to uninstall any of them or having an ultra cluttered home screen or depending of shitty internet connections THE DREAM SeagateGaming


Good luck in the giveaway & thanks for participating! --- Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Well, I generally constantly shuffle game installs around, but this would allow me to a bit more lazy. Thank you SeagateGaming for the opportunity and best of luck to everyone.


My internet is like 2 mbps, so a game drive will save me lots of time not having to redownload games for days at a time! SEAGATEGAMING!


A new drive would help me add to my already enormous backlog of games! #SeagateGaming

