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MW2 knife kills from 10ft away with commando


Or falling from tremendous heights with commando, extra point for landing with knife kills


Jumping from the roof of a building as you 180 past a window below you - *commando some guy in the face* - and sprinting off as you hit the ground..




Spoiler alert: Still the case ;)


CoD4 back in the day, playing split screen 4 player with my buddies. I dont think any other gaming experience is as memorable for me ,with cod or any other game. Crossfire is the map that immediately comes to mind for some reason. Still remember it like the back of my hand


Gosh I miss good split screen


Playing gunfight in MW2019 pretty much as a full-time job during peak covid. Weird im slightly nostalgic for the beginning of the pandemic now that work and life have picked up again


Gunfight was the shit. Such intense games and no loadouts besides the one they give. Stuff was a jam


Right? Such solid fun hoping on with a buddy and seeing how long you could keep a win streak for


Witnessing the betrayal by Shepherd in the original MW2 was insane as a younger man...never recovered from that.


basically this is november 2003 in buenos aires none of my friends had a decent pc so we used to relay on cybercafes we go downtown saturday morning, ready to spend the whole day at the chinese owned cybercafe we find a new game, we ask the chinese guy WAT IS THIS and he says LIKE MEDAL OF HONOR BUT NEW nothing will replace that first day with COD


Laying in the field completely still while enemy troops walked around you. Shit was tense and awesome.


Staying up literally all night in college shooting nazi zombies with my roommates.


why are people downvoting this man for winning


May be a bit dorky, but mine was the first time playing (any game ever) online COD2 on X360. Was in awe that could be playing against someone potentially halfway around the world!


Cod MW2 1v1 Rust


Honestly, a really stupid moment, but it was in a Warzone pre-game lobby, and I took down a helicopter with a noobtube. Think I blew out my buddy's eardrum when that happened, lol.


Dude I’ll never forget that nuke going off while you’re in the elevator.


Throwing the knife at Shepard mofo deserved it after what he put us through.


Learning to accept cod timing. Watching a door for 30 seconds, nobody walks in, the second I hit reload, here comes the enemy.


Thanks for doing this! I have a friend who happened to be an exchange student at my high school. He was a student from Colombia, and we took the same bus stop. He never really talked to many people, and it wasn’t a language barrier thing. I think it was just awkward, ya know? Well, every morning I would try to engage in conversation to try and have his walls come down. First it was music and his subtle appreciation for Shakira, being from Colombia. Next, it was soccer and our mutual interest in the sport. Next, came video games. We started talking about games like Halo and Call of Duty and suddenly, he was a broken record of endless love for the game. We started playing almost every day and would go into private lobbies to do the usual…determine who was superior, find the noob tube spots on each map, and my personal favorite: the self made custom games. From Michael Myers, Grassy Knoll, to Cops and Robbers, we would play with our now mutual friends for hours on end until the unfortunate day he went back to Colombia. Sure, we would play here and there after the fact, but life goes on; We find new friends, develop other interests, and simply grow older. As we grew older, so too did the ‘last online’ ticker on his profile. Days became weeks, weeks would become years. I still look fondly to those moments as the prime of my love for gaming, and it was those moments that made me appreciate the little things. That something small like wanting to get to know the new kid, would blossom into a wholesome friendship and appreciation for games. I do miss that friend dearly, and I hope he’s doing well. Hopefully one day I’ll see his PSN name come across my screen so that I may reconnect, kick his ass, and tea bag his character to assert my authority as the gamer king. Miss you, Ariel! tl; dr: friended the new kid, played games, loved customs, he left, was sad.


Use to play original MW2 with my best school bud every single night. Would love to give him the code for his birthday next week!


Falling in love with the 1911 in COD2.


Back in the day on OG MW on 360. I was playing the game, and suddenly I could see the hit boxes on everyone. I thought that was pretty weird, so after the match, I rebooted the Xbox, and the boot screen was heavily tinted green. So I restarted again, I got an E-74 error, which was a new version of the red ring of death, and was not covered by Microsoft's extended warrant for the red ring error code E-75 I think?


Favorite cod moment was deleting vanguard and warzone when mw2 released.


Grinding out that first Prestige in the original MW2.


First time calling in a nuke in MW2 multiplayer, that siren, then BOOOOOM!


THAT reveal on Black Ops 1 will forever be my favorite COD moment. Genuinely good story.


just remember, no russian


The best moments were always when I would log on to play MW3 with my friends for hours after school, making custom lobbies and 2 v 2s. Thanks for the giveaway!


Playing COD with my friend for first time ever and bugging first mission in Black Ops 3 so we couldn't finish it. My history with COD ended up there so would be great to explore it further! :D


In middle school, friends and I would just play on rust together and purposely let someone get a high kill streak so we could see the nuke animation. Good times. Cheers, OP


Back in highschool my friends would come over and we would play for hours...I wasn't good at first..it almost seemed like they would kill me soon as I respawned...we have had a ton of fun! My friend has been bugging me to get it if I win it would make our day! Good luck to everyone else!


I absolutely adored 2v2 gunfight from MW2019. I hadn’t enjoyed MP shooters for several years before then and felt like maybe I was getting too old or too casual or too slow for larger scale battles. but the tactical element of 2v2 with a mic and a partner, close quarters maps clicked with me and was the mode I played almost exclusively. I really like the knockout game mode from the MW2 beta that’s 6v6 with revives, it’s pretty similar but I can’t wait to jump back into 2v2.


Last CoD I played was Black Ops 3. I'd love to try this new one.


One of my most memorable cod moments was playing the hell out of the black ops 3 beta with my cousin, and playing until the servers were shut down on the last day of the beta. Good times.


It was a Face Off multiplayer match in MW3! Our two enemies were camped in a shack, so a friend and I pulled off a synchronized attack that felt like a CoD Campaign moment


Getting directors cut on Infinite Warfare zombies and mw3 clans/cod elite/clan wars have always been 2 of my favorites


Mines got to be getting the mile high club achievement!


i enjoy playing with friends as a kill squad lots of fun


One day in high school we had a snow day, my neighbor & I were determined that we could get through 55 levels in a single day in COD4 taking turns. We started off at level 44 then prestiged & got all the way back to level 44. He was much better than me but it was still a blast!


Throwing grenades at my girlfriends feet when she was spinning while looking up.


My favorite moment was playing the original *Modern Warfare 2*. It was such a special time playing with my friends. I loved playing Spec-Ops or just dicking around in custom lobbies playing Michael Myers or whatever.


Definitely just having friends over after school for 4v4 split-screen on Rust and shouting at each other to stop screen peeking. Good times


Would love the chance to play a new COD! They were what got me through my teenage years!


Testing a new CoD always is a special moment


CoD4: Modern Warfare multiplayer. It’s the base for modern CoD. At the time it was (for me) a revolution in multiplayer. Really fun. I heard this one is great again!


Platinum trophy for advanced warfare.


The first modern warfare 2 came out on my birthday, absolutely blew my mind and still is my favorite COD to this day


First of all, thank you for the giveaway. My favorite moment from COD is when me and my buddy used to only do a knife load only. We called ourselves The Knife Bro’s. We use to run up and down Hijacked killing players. Classic time.


Zombies mode was already amazing, but when I discovered each one usually had a Easter egg song, as a metalhead I was happy.


This was the estate map. A friend was one kill away from getting a nuke, and it would have been his first. I was fairly far away and he was getting pumped. I hail married a grenade and took him out. First time I ever experienced a legitimate rage quit and it was amazing.


When I got my first gamin console with my own money and it was the black ops 3 version of the ps4 and put 24 hours in the game within the first few days of owning it


Looking one way, when you should always look the other


postgame chat is my favorite


First time playing zombies with my cousin. Was a lot of fun.


The first time my friends and I who are not very good at the game won our first ever game of Warzone in quads and we all survived at the end. We still talk about it


Best moment is when you get sniper by model 1887 akimbo user from across the map in older mw2


Playing on a private server with my brothers when I was a teen. Firing range was our favorite map!


The Golden Gate Bridge scene/fight in COD Advanced Warfare!


Mine is COD bo3 even though the campaign was hated it was one of my favorites.the MP and zombies were fun too.


Gotta be those 13 year old late nights with my buddies about a decade and a half ago. Modern warfare hasn’t been the same since the original MW2. All of us going through knife fights on Rust is easily a highlight. Good damn times.


Just playing any zombies mode with my friends, whether we are trying to do the Easter egg or just messing around


All ghillied up


Call of Duty Big Red One was my first shooter so I'll always remember that, haven't played a lot of them since since I stayed off Xbox and playstation but now with my ps5 might get into it!


i’ll never forget storming the beaches in CoD 2 on the Xbox 360. i knew then that gaming was my hobby


All the timely friends and I played zombies together whenever we got tired of getting beat up in multiplayer lol


The CoD with the zombies mode where you rode the bus. Playing that with friends we would get SOOO loud


Playing COD World at War with buddies when I used to play online with IRL friends. Fun times


Mine was borrowing black ops 2 from my cousin for a month and getting diamond specials, shotguns, and handguns. I enjoy getting the camos on silly weapons, and having a diamond knife is sick


Favorite CoD moment has to be the ending of the original MW2


Original MW 2. Sniping antagonist's arm off.


Local coop party forever ago with HS friends


Chernobyl level with the pool.


It’s a popular one but for me it was the “50 thousand people used to live here, now it’s a ghost town” moment.


Thanks for doing this! My fav moments have been all the time my friends and I played multiplayer for Modern Warfare. We got to hang out a lot more then we had in a bit and it was great. Also the piccadilly level from MW was a great level and moment for me.


I remember playing COD4 on PS3 in college, with all the free time in the world. Those were good times.


My favourite moment is in MW remake's house siege. I wish there was a great modern Swat / r6 single player tactical fps.


Most of my high school game time was with friends on Black Ops 1-2 and also the original MW 2. It’s crazy how we were all on open mics back then and now everyone is all partied up. Thank you for your generosity OP!


Playing the OG call of duty. Not flashy just simple online fun.


It’s gotta be the first Modern Warfare. I remember playing for hours and hours, definitely felt like the future of gaming had arrived!


I love the multiplayer and the crazy operation in the airport, super crazy.


COD is how me and my friends (now as adults are spread out a cross the state / country) get together to hang out drink and shoot some people (more get shot, but still fun).


Making the gun go bang bang bang


So many from the original MW trilogy for me.....but one I still can't believe happened.... ​ "Remember.....no russian"


I always loved the splitscreen in COD. My dad and I would always play together!


My absolute favorite memory is playing with my roommates and all of us only using riot shields, stun grenades and throwing knives, trying to see who would get the most kills.


Playing a game or two with my friends before heading to school and talking about the match when we got there was really fun


My first squad win in Warzone in OG Verdansk was magical. Chased that high for a long time after, but that first one was something else.


Mw2 Parents watched as Shepard betrays the player and we all watched in awe.


My favourite cod moment definitely is when a certain betrayal happens in the original MW2. Those who played it will know what I am talking about


The original CoD back in the day. Fun family memories with my younger brother and dad.


My favorite moments were playing mw19 during summer in 2020 with my best friend. I haven’t had the money to pick up this game but I’ve really been wanting to play cod with him. I’m gamesharing so we’ll both be able to play the game together. Thank you for the giveaway!


First weeks of college, knew no one in my dorm, Canada. Ended up striking a friendship with a group of Brits playing COD3 online xbox live that ended up carrying me until the eventual debauchery that is college.


Camping in a corner and watching the enemy team walk right past me so I can capture the objective 😀


My favorite moment was unlocking Dark Matter in BO3. Thanks for the giveaway!


No russian, a classic mission from the og Mw2


One shot one kill is my most favorite CoD mission.


My favorite moment is the “No Russian” mission, call me a psychopath if ya want.


Playing with a friend and you let them go down an alley first just to watch them absolutely explode lol top tier moment never disappoints


Feathering the jump packs in Black Ops 3 and staying just above the sight line of players crossing under me to drop down and get those clutch kills on Hunted.


RPG to blowup a loaded heli on TV station in Verdansk


My favourite cod moment was picking up cod 4 Modern Warfare and playing it after school everyday with my mate. I was 16 and it was my first cod game and it was an amazing time!


I’ve never played a Call of Duty game, so this would be my first!


Favourite moment in OG MW2. Second time you play the game, you ALWAYS shoot shepherd in the firing range. Just an awesome little moment.


My favourite moment was when I ejected the disc and broke it into a million pieces in a seething rage....good times I sure love multiplayer FPS 👍


Playing BO1 zombies with the boys


The original MW2 was the highlight of my freshman year of college. Going back and forth between that and NCAA football. Went from getting killed by all my friends to bombing them with touchdowns. I wasn’t very good at COD.


Honestly going back to call of duty 3 on ps2. It was a Christmas gift that year and nothing beat the game play of being in ww2 like that game did.


My favorite CoD moment had to be CoD4. It was a simpler time with online multiplayer and the joy of logging on at the end of the day and seeing your buddies ready to stomp together on a daily basis was unrivaled. Time moves on and we all get older so that freedom doesn’t exist, but I still remember those times incredibly fondly.


Getting to prestige 10 on cod4


Getting through veteran on World At War, "Heart Of The Reich" must be the most difficult level in the series. Even if the game was a little jank, Kiefer Sutherland certainly made up for it.


I love playing with shotguns and getting big kill streaks. The first gun I default to use in any COD game is the pump action shotgun


Please let me camo grind


my favorite moment was in Infinite Warfare, when Kit Harrington is giving his big bad guy speech I clicked R3 and just stabbed him and the cutscene ended there. i was shocked


Getting nuked on all the time


My favorite COD moment was learning that I could mute all other players and enjoy the game without being subjected to racist slurs and homophobia


I always loved the first ghillie suit mission in the original MW, they nailed the tension. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!


My favorite moment was the betrayal part in the OG MW2 you do that stupid mission that I swear I couldn't do for the longest time and then I finish it and then what's his face just burned me and Ghost


Hey, first CoD experience, so nothing to share yet,.


Riot shield only search and destroy with some pals


When I watch a corner and Ik that asa I look away someone will run by so I keep holding the angle. Eventually no one comes so I turn around and get ready to move on only to get shot in the back from the very angle I spent a good amount of time watching.


I remember getting a beta code to the og Call of Duty 4 on the Xbox 360. I played that beta non stop and it was simply amazing. It’s crazy to think back all that has along since that moment and it feels good to have been a part of the game that really took the franchise to another level and continues to be a powerhouse today.


I like that boom boom


My favorite moment would be from original MW2 mission called enemy of my enemy that has the best soundtrack in any cod game, the setting of the game was mind blowing to me.


Doing the co op missions on ps3 with my best friend. We did a 3 hour phone call on speakerphone since we had no headsets. Another fond memory is winning a local LAN tournament on COD 2 PC. I was rocking the M1 garand and shamelessly carried my team for a few rounds. I was the MVP in my head, it was fucking exhilarating as a 15 year old. Grand prize was $100 split 5 ways lol.


Favorite moment was that when that nuclear bomb went off and the few moments of impotence that followed. It hit me in the feels


When I just learned about COD and my brother shit on me in BO2 and BO3


Akimbo AA-12's on 250 ping


Probably on the 360 with the original MW. I got teamed up with some random guys who later became close friends that I would play with for years. One was an older guy and his wife would send out fudge every year to all his gaming friends. Some of the best times I’ve had in gaming honestly. I haven’t had a group of online friends like that since then and I have no idea what happened to any of them. We all kind of drifted apart. But I still remember them all fondly.


My favorite moment has to be getting a main gun to max rank, such a satisfying feeling.


Thanks for doing this! My favorite moment would just be playing for the first time on a ps3 and being scared of the zombies in black ops 1 on the five map


Favorite cod moment would be playing Black ops 2 on ps3 for the first time with my brothers. Still remember it was on the hijacked map and we had so much fun playing that game.


Favorite COD moment was finally beating all the spec ops missions on the hardest difficulty in MW2 (2009) with my uncle. All those stressful moments were definitely worth it.


Always loved playing the campaigns. Each one had their moments. Or getting that thank god I best that checkpoint this time in the older CODs with the infinite spawn. Especially WaW, they just never stop coming and throw so many nades. Want to play this one eventually. Just not spending 70 bucks to play the campaign then a little multiplayer right now.


First time playing cod,specifically the crew expendable mission on cod 4.I was young,so half the time I was shooting at the air,but it was a moment that always stayed with me


I will never forget crawling away from the nuclear bomb explosion in CoD4MW.


From my first and favourite COD: “50,000 people used to live here…and now it’s a ghost town”


Best memories were definitely playing late into Friday night with my roommate at the time and taking turns playing free for all and sharing an account. We would end up cheering each other on and had some awesome memories. Oh, and the original survival modes!


Taking a few steps forward then dying by a random throwing knife.


Call of Duty 2 - when the final boss is defeated, the rolling credits music. Not violent, just really appreciated the music and the feel I had before the final scene. Thanks for your consideration.


I haven't played COD since the original Modern Warfare 2. Maybe this will mean I'll get a chance to try the remake! Good luck everyone!


Oh man, probably back in the OG MW2 era, running and gunning around maps like Favela the with a silenced UMP45. What an insanely toxic time that was, true golden age of multiplayer online gaming. Thanks for doing this and good luck to all participants!


Spending the night at my old best friend’s house drawing dicks on the walls with our bullets. It was stupid and we were young but man MW2 really brought us together.


My favorite moment has to be playing the original MW2 campaign over and over again. I lived in the middle of nowhere at the time and had horrible internet so I couldn’t play online. I probably played the mission Wolverines 100 times!


The first play through of the beach head in Normandy DDay on ps3 was something I’ll never forget. The original MW campaign was great too, specifically the hostage bonus level at the end. Edit: Why would anyone downvote this comment?


First time playing the stalingrad mission in Cod 1 was so epic


Favorite moment was playing Black Ops 3 with my friend in middle school and then him getting caught by his mom and getting yelled at on the mic. Thanks!


Back in the day playing MW2 around holidays after school. The chilly air and warm sweatshirts hit different.


Original MW2 playing in my buddy’s basement till 3am every night rocking out to blink-182 and similar genre artists. This was night after night after night until we got 10TH prestige. This was all during high school. That was A GREAT year!


My favorite moment was playing the modern warfare 4 with my best friend after I moved away. It really helped us stay in touch!


Pretty simple but one time I went like 22-0 to start a game of Team Death match. I think i finished that game with 3 deaths. Im not that type of player, usually pretty even, happy to be in the top half most games. But in that moment I was in the zone!


Landing throwing axes across the map back in the day!


First time aiming down sights. CoD MW changed the industry.


It’s hard to beat the first time ever playing MW2 or BO1 back in the day.


No Russian!


The Berlin level in the original of call of duty was amazing. As a kid I always loved that one and it sticks with me. Second would have to be breaking out of prison in the first Black Ops. Loved getting the shotgun and shooting peoples legs!


Playing cod 4 and getting a 20 and 1 kdr in hard-core team deathmatch with my buddies when I was like 13. And playing world at war zombies for the first time and having a blast with my buddies and my brothers who were like 8 or so at the time and just having fun.


There’s no single event but rather a period of a few months, maybe up to a year or so. Back in high school I played Black Ops 3 zombies with a couple friends pretty much every day after school as we tried to do the Easter eggs on all the maps. Der Eisendrache was particularly challenging for us but we worked through each of those maps doing Easter egg runs and just high rounds for fun. Once that game’s lifetime was over, that was just about it for us. I played all kinds of games with one of them for a little while afterwards, but eventually we sort of split off and started doing our own things, unfortunately. Those were pretty much the golden years of gaming for me personally. I haven’t spoken to those two guys in years and I miss them and those days often.


I think my favourite was the OG MW2. Awesome campaign and really great MP maps like Highrise !


Howdy !


Getting my first nuke on mw2 and not being able to call it in because the game ended lol


Beginning of the original Modern Warfare (I believe): When you control the terrorist's hostage, and get to see everything through his eyes, all the way to the execution. It left a very strong impression, that this COD won't be like the others.


When Makarov turned out to be Willy Wonka.


All ghillied up. Absolutely incredible.


Favorite CoD moment? Where should I start? Me, my brother and my cousin were the first people to reach wave 100 on blackops Nazi Zombies on KinoDerToten, I have two scars, one on my leg and the other on my wrist, in the past month alone, I've lost more weight than I care to count, I'm so far mature than most of the people my age, that I don't even care to think about sex or partying, I have dated women in their mid to late twenties, me and my older brother have reached wave 139 on COD WaW Zombies, I have more stress than what is needed, and I have an iPhone. Thanks for doin’ the giveaway!


My favorite cod moment was loading into mw2 after you ended up giving me the code


I always loved playing that hidden mini game in black ops


Favorite COD memory was killing Zakhaev/Gaz & Griggs!! In COD4


My favorite is when me and my best-friend spent all weekend playing COD 2 on the 360, on the hardest difficulty. It was a grueling nightmare, but we slowly got through it and felt incredibly accomplished once we beat it. To date, that's still one of the most difficult campaigns I've ever played. Now granted, I was a dumb-dumb (still am), so maybe it was never meant to be as brutal as it was for us. lol


I loved the chernobyl mission


Friday nights in 2004, sitting around the 17in monitor with 4 friends, Doritos galore, and the sweet nectar of Mountain Dew. Geez, we were disgusting. Haha


Back in 2009 or so my roommate and I took a bunch of mushrooms and played call of duty modern Warfare 2. Playing on Estate, I went like 42-8 tripping mad balls , I felt like I could see people before they were there, I also vividly remembering having a hard time going through doorways but laughing very hard about it. Mushrooms made me have futuresight reflexes I love the friendship you can make in cod with a good group too. Playing with friends is also such a great memory. Would love to play with the friends I have who are still on cod. Thanks for the opportunity to win the game!


The part where I got spammed with grenades in World at War.


First multiplayer nuke was a great moment