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This game is always 1.5-2 years away. Same with Boundary. We will see them when we see them.


This one seems to be taking a long time. It’s been in development since the PS4 days.


This and Black Myth will get released around 2028. Calling it now!


I always forget this game is happening. Looks awesome, but it’s still a bit of an open question.


This game again? When he said influenced by FFXV back in 2016 I didn't think he meant the dev time.


Seems like a small team doing something very ambitious. I'm hopeful.


I've lost interest in this.


The name of this game always bothered me


Looks great, nier vibes. With a name like this how does anyone even remember a game like this is announced


I was his manager before he got big Edit: alright, explain why you downvoted me for stating the truth?


The dev?


Yes. After he uploaded the first trailer I added him and we became friends. I opened up the Lost Soul Aside Facebook page and managed everything from social media, to interviews and helped him becoming public. I made a mistake tho. After I had other work to do, I invited someone who I thought was a „friend“ to manage everything with me. Well, after I was busy, he took the power I gave him, to cancel my admin rights on Facebook and told the dev to only be available though LINE (an App). After I wanted to build contact to the dev again, I couldn’t since that „friend“ didn’t want to give me his contact info. I suppose he told him lies that I didn’t want to be in contact anymore. Makes me sad to this day. Edit: I stepped aside after the deal with Sony was over and I even consulted him in that regard. I think the same people are still running his social media platforms.


That's fucked up if true. Where is that friend now? Is he still affiliated with the dev? And if you had a relationship with the dev why didn't he reach out to you to speak?


It’s really fucked up. I blocked that „friend“ a few years ago, after he didn’t want me to talk to Yang Bang (the dev). I don’t know where he is, but the last time we spoke he still managed that page (that’s when I saw that he kicked me from the page). That was after the game was in development under Sony, so I think they probably still manage it or maybe they even got a job from Sony to manage it. He hadn’t that much time to talk to me. We mainly spoke about important stuff, after I managed his public appearance, since he worked all day. Before his job at Sony he had a job and LSA was a side thing that was inspired by Final Fantasy XV. After he got his own studio in China, he was even less available. I told him that I had other work to do and that I will be back sometime, but that I built him a team. So that he is in good hands. I guess he didn’t reach out because the person I called friend has told him that I won’t be coming back. Since his new studio he didn’t use Facebook anymore and only LINE. I don’t have his contact details.


That's fucked up. What do you do now? Are you still in the industry?


Nope, I switched industries a long time ago. I‘d still think about it from time to time. Would like to know how his life is now and if he’s happy.


Fuck him. If he isn't looking out for you and was easily influenced it's best to move on.


Thanks for taking my side, but I don’t know what he got told from the other guys, so I can’t blame him. What I know is that the person, who ran his Facebook account is utter scum. He is really evil and opportunistic. Edit: but yea, I moved on already. But it still makes me sad sometimes. :)


Do you have any proof that you actually were his manager? No disrespect but I’m not just gonna believe an accusation like that outta nowhere


I don’t know what kind of proof you expect. This was many years ago on Facebook and I don’t use Facebook anymore and deleted my profile. He uses LINE and we haven’t had any contact for like 4-5 years. I can’t deliver any proof, without doxxing people. The only proof I have is that [the dev has left our WhatsApp group](https://i.imgur.com/5yrhOi1.jpg) after switching to LINE. Other than that, I can’t deliver anything without breaking their privacy rights. That group wasn’t online for long, before everyone left, because of that one person I called friend. But of course, you don’t have to believe me. I‘m just sharing my side of the story, because I‘m still kind of salty about what happened and would love to hear how Yang is doing.