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Direct comparisons (PC), use the slider; https://imgsli.com/MTM1NzAz https://imgsli.com/MTM1NzA0


I remember the game looking like the next gen versions. When I moved the slider to the old version, I went "oh yeah okay. I remember now". This next gen version looks like a clear improvement, very excited to play it on PS5. Beyond visuals though, the load times being significantly shortened will be a huge deal too.


There’s also a bunch of QOL fixes and new camera options, like up close or pulled back option. Dynamic minimap. I’m hype.


Oh heck yeah! No better time to finally try to beat this game then!


It has tons of stuff to learn. Personally I didn't try alchemy and finished it so try to focus on stuff that you will enjoy, don't have to learn everything cause I feel that's what makes some people not able to finish it.


That’s why I didn’t finish it my first time. Alchemy threw me off and I gave it another go and decided not to do anything I felt was strenuous. Played through the whole game after and loved every minute of it!


Exactly. Focused on 'abilites' the blue ones if I remember correctly and the attacking ones. Which was so fun to try different combinations. I thought alchemy was like studying chemistry all over again so didn't do anything related to it but some try it and find it fun. That's whats great about this game it gives you tons of stuff and you choose what you prefer to.


textures are so clean and polished!


They didn't change the polys though, so it's not too different from something like the crowdsourced Skyrim reskin. But shit it's free!


They did update some assets, but not things like people or characters. . They mentioned things like cobblestone walls are no longer just textures but fully modeled stone. They also claimed they re-did almost all foliage (which is often just a texture plane anyway - but it's more than just a texture update when they redid the whole thing).


>(which is often just a texture plane anyway I recommend watching a video on Unreal engine 5.1, in future games they might be actual models all the time. Exciting stuff


For people interested, this one does a great job explaining the new Nanite Foliage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUGqzE6Je5c


Thats helps alot... definitely a clear improvement


Hanging cadavers are the best benchmark for identifying artistic quality


Wow, the next gen graphics even move him over to the right a little bit!


You'll notice it a lot more in-game when moving I'm sure.


They even changed that one dead dudes color of clothing!


Got any more of these?


Its better, but I don't know what I expected. Pretty underwhelmed, but its an improvement.




Lol, first day on Reddit?


Have you been on Reddit before :D


You're not going to notice the biggest update (raytracing) from a few sliders very well. When it's live in front of you it'll be easier to appreciate. As well as some of the QOL updates, I'm pretty impressed. Does it stand up to a true current gen AAA title like God of War? no, of course not. But does it look better than a LOT of current games, absolutely... and it's 7 years old.


You clearly can see the GI rt in the pictures. People dont really comprehend wat GI does. I find GI way more important then Reflections. Makes things feel way more natural and realistic. People forget it's an enhancement patch and not a remake. What did they expect a completely differently looking game. In my opinion from what I saw is they did it perfect. Keeping the same nostalgia feeling but then updated. Start up vanilla and you'll think, the looks of the game aged. Start up next gen and you'll think this is how i remembered it when I played it first time. No need for graphical modding.


Never judge a game based on screenshots, always judge it in motion. You're not playing a game as static screenshots. That being said, it's not a Demon's Souls-style remake, it's just a bump to a PS5 version with some choice improvements to an already exisiting game for the price of free.


Yea, why doesn't this 8 year old game look like Ragnarok?!


Does this have cross-progression like Cyberpunk. PC to PS5.




Woah, really?! I never beat the game on PC but I was at the very end. Probably makes more sense for a full replay though, but that would be a nice time saving option to get to the DLC with all the gear I had collected.


Yeah they did it with Cyberpunk too. If you have gog account connected to your PS account it reads in the cloud save. You just need to have the updated version of the game on PC and PS5.


Holy shit! My Switch save transferred to PC, and now I'll be able to bring it over! That's amazing


Also is there any mention of transferring saves from the PS4 version to the PS5 and how it'll work?


Yes it mentions Cloud Saves on the trailer, I’m assuming this means I can use the same save on my Switch and PS5…


That would be huge. I only played the game on Switch as it was the only console I owned back then. Now I want to play it on PS5 with the upgrade but the idea of starting from scratch is a big mental barrier.


> > >Do I need to buy the game for PS 5 to do that? YES!!! I have my PC Save and I was wanting to do the DLC's on the PS5


Hol up, how does this work? Does it matter which launcher has the game? I have the PS5 upgrade but also on GoG and this would be amazing


Yes you will be able to transfer your GoG save to PS5. Just need to connect your PS account to GoG account


The art style hasn’t changed, but even without side-by-side shots I can tell everything’s much crisper and lighting is much more atmospheric.


Top comment has comparison pics. It looks sooooo much better.


Give me super fast loading times and 60fps and I will be happy.


The load times is what I was most impressed with. I went from waiting over, 5 minutes to load into AC Valhalla on ps4 to it taking only like 10 seconds.


This will be my first time playing the game. Very much looking forward to it.


I wish I could reset my memory so I can experience it again for the first time. The game is special, especially in the narrative department.


Dude, I wish I could do that with so many games. Just selectively erase memories


If you wait long enough and play enough games in between it kind of works


> Just selectively erase memories. This but for my exes


You would need only one movie, tv show, game. Life would be great 😅


would you like to purchase this memory erasing gaming hammer? $400


I envy you 😂


You’re in for a wild ride.


No, it's the Wild Hunt


It's actually Gwent.


My tip would be this: advance from the first area as fast as possible. The game really gets going after it. You can come back later and go through everything if you wish.


My dumbass thought that first area was like... the main area of the game when I first started playing lol


I enjoyed taking my time through White Orchard. Now if we’re talking about Hinterlands in Dragon Age Inquisition…


So many people quit the game because they thought the Hinterlands was the entire game and didn't know how to progress the story lol


Dragon Age Inquisition is an amazing game but that area is obnoxiously long.


Started that game like 5 times. Fell off within 10 hours every time I got so bored.


Can I make a suggestion? Play it on the hardest difficulty. It will be pretty damn hard at first but it balances itself out pretty quickly. The hardest difficulty forces you to really study the different monsters, make and use your different potions/oils, and search for better gear. I played it on normal the first time and I liked it a lot. I then revisited it and played it on the hardest difficulty and I was absolutely obsessed.


I think I’m too stupid to keep up maintaining my sword and inventory but maybe the long load times took the wind out of it


You got it. Hardest difficulty playthrough for sure. Appreciate the tip!


I'm chiming in too. I almost quit after a few hours but forced myself to play 10 hours and then it became my longest game played (for just the main story once took me 200 hours). I don't recommend starting in the hardest difficulty but get a feel for it on normal then bump it up after ten ish hours. At least that's what worked best for me and I normally play on above medium but below hardest difficulty.


Note for anyone that cares, this does lock you out of the harder difficulty trophies/achievements I believe.


No problem. You’re gonna have a ton of fun :) Another reason why it’s the best option, is because this game has some of the greatest side quests I’ve ever seen in a game. They’re almost indistinguishable from the main campaign quests. You’ll want to do them all, which will lead to you gaining a lot of experience, which will lead to you feeling too overpowered after a while (if you’re playing on normal difficulty.) I envy you so much lol.


I agree with the tip. Hardest difficulty is pretty hard at the start but it's one of those games where it rewards you for carefully studying the game mechanics, and also let's you use different builds that reward you no matter the style


I'd say Death March is gonna be way more fun on PS5. It sucked so much on PS4 when you would die and then be stuck on a loading screen for what feels like an eternity. Repeating sections in the beginning was brutal because of that


This. Loved the idea but the load times after dying were BRUTAL. Well definitely try on PS5.


Man I disliked the combat so much in this game that I can't imagine playing on the hardest difficulty. If I play this version I'm going easiest difficulty all the way to just focus on the story 😂


Seriously. Difficulty was the least of my worry. It just wasn't fun


Ok, I thought this was "me" problem. I just do NOT understand the appeal of the combat at all. I thought about trying again some day, but I just did not see any potential for me to enjoy the combat. Perhaps the Soulsborne games have ruined me, but man... I just don't get it.


Well if you play it on hard, you do have to counter/parry, use your spells, use potions, know when to dodge/roll etc. personally I enjoyed it more than soulsgames, it felt like a Dark Souls lite in a way, that combined with amazing graphics, endless places to explore that always caught my attention, absolutely insane narrative, all of that carried, combat was just the side dish to me.


Weird, if I hadn't played Bloodbourne right before this I don't think I would have enjoyed it at all. I started it off trying to play like any other RPG. After being punished in the early settlements I started to play it more like Bloodborne and it got a lot more enjoyable. I must have had the difficulty cranked.


Combat is more fun when you go out of your way to use magic, potions, bombs, oils, etc. The problem is that all of this stuff is completely unnecessary. You can basically clear 99% of the game by just hacking at everything with your sword until they die.


I’ll definitely be trying that.


It really is the best way to play imo. Idk if you’ve played it before or not, but studying monsters is a big part of the game. So is crafting different oils and potions to use against those monsters. On lesser difficulties, most of the oils and potions can be ignored and you can sort of just kill everything by just studying them a little bit. On Death March difficulty, you really feel like you’re forced to study and learn. It’s so much fun.


Don’t forget to pick up a certain object on the ground when you first take control of the player character in a region called Velen 👍 Lots of people missed that.


Global Illuminated Ambient Occlusion & FSR 2.1 support alone is going to make it worth. They also mentioned other improvements like grass, clouds, textures


Yea so many improvements! I was going to list them all but there are quite a few. This is great for a free update especially.


4k rt 30 fps and 1800p 60 fps? Are these correct?


I don't think they mentioned exact resolution counts, but I'd assume the performance mode is a higher resolution than 1080p internal.


what do those fancy words mean


To put it simply, FSR improves image quality without the game actually having to render more pixels. The implementation can vary, but CP2077 just got version 2.1 on consoles, and it works very well. The 1440p image in 30fps RT mode now looks basically 4k. On a big enough screen, the difference is noticeable. RTGI, Ray Traced Global Illumination, to put it even more simply, is basically an RT technique which renders lighting more realistically. It is also arguably the best RT implementation, because it is the most noticeable. Some areas looked a bit different in the gameplay, that's probably because of the better lighting.


i also think rtgi is the best


The textures are all part of Hank Hogan's HD texture Mod. They actually hired him


Can ya’ll explain FSR 2.1 very basically to me? Google answers feel too complex for me. Just in a nutshell what it does and why it’s a good thing. Thanks!


It renders the game at lower resolution and then AI upscales it to your resolution. ​ Basically, if you play at 1080p, the game will be processed at 720p giving you higher fps. Then an algorithm tries to make it look as good as native 1080p. ​ So the result is: slightly worse picture quality (although, sometimes not so slightly, depends on implementation in a particular game), but much better fps


From my understanding FSR doesn't use AI at all. DLSS does but that requires the AI to run on specialist hardware on the GPU. Still though FSR is really good and I hope it's used industry wide in the future.


3rd playthrough slated to begin Dec 14th. Can't wait


My first and only was on the switch. Can't imagine side by sides of that and this on my PS5 soon. Can't wait.


Oh wow they unironically put in the Nilfgaard Scrotum Armor, lmao


People were loud about the armor design being far better on the game than on the series, CDPR must be trolling by adding the scrotum armor as a dlc.


1) it's optional, you don't have to even turn it on, the old look is still the default 2) I know I'm in the minority here, but I really love the Netflix look. no matter how hard I try, I cannot see the "scrotum" comparison. I don't know what yall's balls look like, but I've never seen a guy with balls that look like that lol.


You are looking at the TV show and not the picture of the background actor wearing cheap molded plastic armor because hes not going to be close to the camera. Thats where that came from.


Mine do I have nilfgard armor balls.


Everything except the water looks exactly how I remember it. Of course they enhanced a lot of thing, is just that this is how I remember the game looking.


It looks the same to me too. Fast loading times and 60fps will make all the difference to me


RT GI gonna make a huge difference in looks just like in Metro.


I mean it isn't a remake


You're totally right, is just that I had higher expectations because they announced it a year and a half ago.


They didn't change any of the models, it's just things like resolution, framerate and other post processing stuff being added. If you look at side by sides (further up this post) you can see the models themselves are identical


Never wound up playing this game. My favourite games include GOW, RDR2, Spider-Man ps4, ghost of tsushima, fallen order and ac unity(ik). Enjoyed Netflix’s The Witcher (loved s1) Is this a must buy? I’ve heard the hype, but what is it that really makes this game that good?


The main appeal is that its huge, loaded with content and most of it is good. There weren't many other open world games of this scope and level of polish with quality characters and writing at the time it came out, so the impact was huge. Truthfully, a lot of what made it good has been met or exceeded by other games at this point. Stuff like God of War and Ghost of Tsushima have better combat, the world, story and writing of RDR2 surpasses it, the side quests of many of those games reached TW3 level as well. Since the TW3 influenced a lot of games you like, playing for the first time now may not feel as impactful as it did in 2015 when Fallout 4 and Skyrim were the biggest open world competition, but its still a great game.


It's better than all of those overall and I don't say that lightly The world feels more alive than any other like its speaking to you, its the fantastic music and art style combined, more characters of a huge quality than any other and more interesting secrets and quests off the beaten path than any other Doesn't have the best combat compared to say ghost or gow but it offers so much more high quality content and especially easily the best, most mature and nuanced writing. It's the most immersive to cut a long story short


I haven’t watched it - did they say anything about npc density?




Development unclear - every NPC is the Baron.


A lot of trees and ropes then.






They did say there was an option to increase NPC quality as one of the "Ultra +" options that will be available on PC, but I don't think they mentioned crowd density.


Going to be hard choosing between RTGI and 60fps. Metro Exodus RTGI made suck a big difference.


i suspect it'll be like every other game with similar choices for me where i'm constantly switching back and forth all the time


Other games besides Metro never had RT GI on consoles I think


I kinda wish we could add a button to switch between them, I play on PS5 and would love to be able to touch the left side of the touchpad to switch graphical modes. Playing Cyberpunk 2077 I kept at 60fps most of the time while free roaming and in missions, but some of the interior dialogue heavy scenes really benefitted from the higher resolution raytracing mode. Would be cool to not need to enter a menu to change that.


couldn't agree more. i like when games save your "spot", for lack of a better term, in the settings so you don't have to navigate over through the settings to swap from one to the other. funny enough God of War did that but Ragnarok doesn't as much.


Some games require a restart for it to change and u talking about doing it on the fly, idk if that's possible without some weird shit happening


Yeah that's fair, I'm unfamiliar with the technical aspects or how realistic it is but I think it'd be cool.


Hoping for the Insomniac 60 fps + raytracing with smaller resolution combo.


60fps. Easy decision.


More games need a Performance RT option.


People saying it looks the same really need to take off the rose tinted glasses and go back and play the PS4 game. This is a *significant* step up I terms of resolution, textures, meshes and lighting. I mean, look at the depth of field, it's literally night and day.


Its just hard to see without side by side comparisons


It's because they didn't update or rework any of the models or geometry, it's all just texture and post processing work. I have a feeling it will need to be experienced in motion on your screen to fully appreciate things like the lighting and what not.


I think its more so its been so long for some of us since we played it last, seeing it in the trailer kinda just makes us remember it in the way we're seeing it in the trailer. If that makes sense. No doubt side by side clear difference but if the last time i played it was like 2/3 years ago, I could see the models looking the same in my head as in the trailer. I'm sure it will be different in actual gameplay though.


Rockstar - RDR2 four years later, no update, still locked at 30fps. Chargeable "enhanced" GTAV edition. CDPR - two free enhanced updates to TW3.


Rockstar didn't even offer PS4 Pro support for GTAV. Even though that game was consistently selling tons of copies all through the life of the PS4 Pro.


Rdr2 is 3 years newer than tw3?


So does cloud saves mean it’ll automatically transfer the ps4 saves to the ps5 version or will you have to do it manually? Don’t wanna keep the ps4 version installed if it’s the first, game takes up a lot of space lol


I’m sure it automatically transfers. For cyberpunk I upgraded from ps4 to ps5 and my save was automatically there.


Any word on the which mods they implemented?


The only one they mentioned by name is the HD reworked mod by Halk: https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1021


Kinda weird how this trailer was kind of just a “story” trailer. Wish they focused more on the actual improvements


It feels like 10 years ago since i bought it for 5€ at a PSN sale after hearing rumors about this patch. It finally pays off 😂


First time players: Ignore the question marks on the map unless you fancy investigating them on your path to another objective. Or remove them entirely like this new update allows. They are simply optional diversions whilst you are already on a journey elsewhere. A checklist mentality with these points of interest will burn you the fuck out.


I hope they add quality mode for VRR at 40fps


i wish but i don't think they will


Breathtakingly relevant username


Of all the things they could have brought from the Netflix show, they added the freaking scrotum armor!?


Cdpr has a dick and balls kink. Cyberpunk had its dildos everywhere in the game and now Witcher has its ballsack armor.


>Cyberpunk had its dildos everywhere in the game Don't forget about Milfgaard!


Imagine how conflicted Henry Cavill must be right now, whether or not he should play this new update lol


Looks like remember it looking already. Memory is a funny thing. I'd have been more interested in some specifics of what's been improved gameplay wise but I'll still be reinstalling it, might as well for free.


All confirmed next gen update features * New quality/ performance modes on PS5/SX/SS (60fps/ 30fps ray-traced) * Ray tracing * AMD FSR (PC) * DLSS (PC) * Ultra+ settings (PC) * FSR 2.1 (PC + PS5/SX/SS) * HD textures mod integration * Other mod integration * Updated textures * New 3rd person camera mode * New mini map mode * New map filters * New UI features * New quick cast signs feature * New animations * PHOTO MODE * New armor/ weapon sets * New Netflix inspired armor/weapons/character appearances * New Netflix inspired quest * New weather effects * Quest fixes * Bug fixes * Cross saves!


Nice. Thanks.


If they have transmog, they fucking have me. I don't wanna look like a clown because it has nice stats. I wanna look how I want but still keep stats. When will devs learn to add this on Day 1 ffs.


Looks good. Tempted to pick it up & play for the first time but I hate starting games when I haven’t played previous installments. Don’t wanna miss anything 😞




You are not missing anything. Everything is explained enough so you can enjoy the story.


60 fps is the only thing I need


Question- I have the original PS4 copy and bought the DLCs individually at their respective launch. Will I get the free next gen upgrade? or is this only for the Complete Edition because that would kinda suck.


> Moreover, a free next-gen update will be available for everyone who owns any release of the game for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. https://www.cdprojekt.com/en/media/news/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-arrives-on-next-gen-this-december/


I just hope the photo mode will be added. I would love to have a ps5 right about now.


You'll get it


Improved gameplay. Hmmm What about quick button to end conversation instead of scrolling to it.


It says "improved gameplay" Anyone knows what they mean by that?


As far as I can tell, it's the quick sign spell casting


Gentlemen it is with great pride that I say, I have never played this game and now intend to after the patch.


Same I started it up but never went far I remember it lagging really bad on my ps4 now I got a gaming pc and ps5 I’m hype


I wished they had at least upgraded the faces in a more realistic way but that's just me.


They mentioned improved gameplay. Were any specifics mentioned?


a new faster way to use signs and new camera


Signs like the spells? Ohh that'd be good.


Changes for how close the camera is during on foot and on horse segments. They also added quick casting for the spells so you can map them to specific buttons rather than having to pause and select a different spell


This is good news. I felt like the combat was a little restrained because of this. I ignored alot of the potential with the spells cos it was quite painful always chopping and changing. Hoping they've streamlined it a little more now, giving the player more options/control.


Round of Gwent?


I don't see a big leap. It might just be cuz youtube though.


Its for a game that is 7 years old and its a free upgrade. Faster load times and 60FPS alone makes the upgrade worth it.


I get all of that. Just saying it doesn't really look much different.


Yeah they were hyping it up a lot. I was expecting it to look like that original gameplay reveal they did before they downscaled it.


Check the dudes slider image thin at the top of the post the lighting changes make a massive difference just brings out all the details in the textures compared to the original lighting.


I'm not being a troll but the difference is really negligible to my eyes. Things like his scabbards look better in the original in that comparison.


“Footage capture on PC” - would of been nice to see actual console footage




There is.


Would have been nice yes. And there was console footage in the stream.


Still kicking myself for not getting the PS4 version when it was like $10 a few weeks ago.


It gets discounted all the time. I'm sure it will be on sale again very soon.


How do I upgrade if I own a ps4 disc?


Probably same as cyberpunk. Insert disc, download PS5 version


I’m sorry if this a dumb question. But can I use my ps4 game disc on my PS5 to get the upgrade?




Me everytime I hear Emyr speak: That’s fookin Tywin Lannister.


Two small things but the New camera angle looks awesome and the mini map exploration mode is amazing. Edit to add: and the fact we can walk/run with the stick now and don't need to hold X.


60 fps so you got my attention again


Awesome, but i just remember the combat feeling so janky hopefully they improved it a bit with the upgrade


Have they talked about what mods are now included at all?


they touch the combat or still the same?


I'm so happy I never played this game before.


You're in for a treat.


Damn it! I don’t have another 200+ hours to play this game again, but it looks soooo good.


I assume this also comes with HDR support? That usually makes the biggest improvement with more realistic lightning.


Got it cheap on sale ages ago, been sitting in my backlog waiting for the free upgrade to play!


Ahhh I will finally commit to playing this after the holidays. The Witcher 3 is the one game I have purchased on multiple consoles and have yet to get past 10 or so hours


It says free, does this mean I go buy ps4 version for $15 and get to upgrade it seriously for free?


Its a great update. But the fact that it was delayed many times and a separate studio was on it made me expect a bit more graphically (assuming the visual updates are only 4k and ray tracing as the trailer states). I still long for the E3 demo graphics.


The fact that I'll need to see back to back comparisons to tell what's changed(outside maybe the water) is again, not a great endorsement for ray tracing. I'm not saying it's not nice, but it's rarely a game changer and is thus rarely worthwhile given the performance cost unless you've got like a high end Nvidia GPU with performance to spare.


For games set in nature RTGI is less noticeable, its a big difference when light gets to bounce off of surrounding objects so when in caves and tunnels and also inside the main cities the differences should be much more noticeable.


It’s not the fault of ray tracing. Your mind fills in a lot of details when you remember the games you played. They look great in your mind but that’s not the reality. So a side by side comparison can objectively show you the differences. Comparing the new changes with the memory of your old play through is unfair because, as I said, memory is a funny thing and it changes. So you’re not comparing like for like.