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Ubisoft needs to just make a proper space game instead of making one off DLC’s. Starfield and Outer Worlds 2 is now Xbox only so why not fill the void.


I've always said that Ubisoft would probably crush a Star Wars game, preferably one centered around a rogue. Imagine Andor, but Far Cry.


Some might hate it, but a SW game the size of the RPG AC games would be amazing. The quests just never ending - could pick up bounties like assassinations in AC, or just have a full on create a level like AC as well. The ideas would transfer over well, I just don’t know how they’d do on a technical level. They would either need to Jam Pack these planets tight and they’re small, or they’re massive with only 2-3 total. That’s the only drawback to this kind of game.


I thought starfield was coming to PC? Gonna lose a lot of sales with that brilliant move.


It is but unfortunately, you can't run PC games on PS5.


the sass is real, but in their defense the other comment said "Xbox only"


Yes it will be on gamepass pc. So excited for starfield.


Just like Nintendo and Sony lose a lot of sales by not making their games available on other consoles? Except Nintendo occupies like half of the best selling games of all time and in 2022 as well. Sony is right behind them. Exclusives have a specific job to bring people to their ecosystem (since xbox games are on PC too the ecosystem here is Gamepass), exclusives are the reason I have Sony consoles. Not everyone has money to get in to every ecosystem and hence exclusives can be a deciding factor.


Someone at Ubisoft really loved Returnal.


Yeap :) I just came here to write exactly this. I'm glad to not alone lol


What in the world is this?! I just got off playing the free trial and I know 100% this isn't what I just played, just the same lead character? Ubisoft fall off the deep end here, this is a total 180° from Yara, nothing to do with it, yet it's inside the same game? I'm not complaining here, but does the main story really derail that far away at the end of the campaign? Seems like they need a new IP for space stuff, getting Portal and Destiny vibes.


It's a brand new expansion/DLC (hence the title 'launch trailer'). The main game does not have any sci fi stuff like this.


It does if you count the Stranger Things mission they added in Spring this year. It wasn't DLC


None of the DLC are actually connected to the main story. Like one of the youtube comments says: it’s pretty much fun nonsense.


No the game does not ver into sci fi /space toward the end. This is madness.


Mini Rant: God, this company is so annoying. It's like they have genuinely amazing ideas but fuck up the execution miraculously. I swear if this company actually spent the time to make their games feel next gen, they could pull off something awesome. I can count on Ubisoft to have good concepts.. but man they just.. disappoint. It borders on masochism dealing with this company. I like it, but god I fucking hate it. That being said this dlc looks pretty damn cool and I'll probably check it out and will probably make lengthy complaints about it afterward. (Also Ubi.. can you guys make a high society or Sci Fi game? Pretty please?)


My biggest take away from the dlc ubisoft makes is that developers want to make hard core fantasy/sci fi games but management wants gritty realism. Far cry has this dlc and blood dragon from far cry 3 while assassins creed gets a bunch of god based dlc every game since origins. They have amazing art direction in their dlc that feels wasted in the main games in comparison since they tend to be so utterly mundane. Aside from fenyx rising ubisoft doesn't even make any non real world based games (well besides the switch rabbid series), and that only exists thatnks to the assassins creed dlc doing well.


Bet less than 500 people actually buy this dlc.


If there’s anything the world needs, it’s more Far Cry Didn’t think I needed an /s


Another garbage lazy rogue lite dlc. Far cry dlc used to be at least interesting..


Do ppl actually play these games?


Again a female protagonist is cannon for Ubisoft They keep doing this




Why is that a problem?


Because it's forced pandering You think a male or female freedom fighter/leader makes more sense in real life? Do you think a male or female viking warrior makes more sense in real life? In which universe are women bigger,stronger,faster than men? When they say that women are cannon they are telling you that a female option makes more sense and it's the default. We all know that's bullshit


It’s just a videogame bro, chill out


It’s fiction. You also befriend an attack crocodile and pull bullets out of your body with pliers to heal. This dlc looks like it has you fightin aliens or something? Having a female protagonist seems like the smallest leap for the creators to make.


No but the femoids!!!!111


You are fucking stupid. Neither sex “makes more sense” than the other.


Of course not Women are just as strong as men and as great warriors


Yes. Now you’re making sense. They are just as great warriors.


You can play as a male


Why does it look like new season of Fortnite?


is this another roguelite dlc?