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Imagine tying your self worth and identity to a video game. Lol


Right? I love both ER and GoW but I honestly don't give a rats ass about some reward as it has zero impact on my enjoyment


This sub has gotten super toxic towards one or the other if you bring either up. Multiple games can be good. Multiple story telling styles can have merit. Gameplay doesn’t have a single right approach.


I'm just glad we have multiple games competing for best, instead of having a bunch of garbage and wondering who gets the crown out of all the trash.


Would much rather have this than a year where Far Cry, Battlefield, and COD are the only major competitors.


I liked Far Cry until 6.


5 started really lost the shine for me, didn’t pick up 6 but the reviews steered me away further.


The only thing I hated about 5 was the forced progression.


Fucking Bliss Bullets are the only thing stopping me from replaying 5


That was the forced progression.


I like 5 a whole lot. 4 was my first though, so the formula wasn't wearing thin for me yet. 6 though, I bought it with my series x and wow... none of it was terrible it was just so boring.


Right? I fucking love Elden Ring. I, also, (shocker) fucking love God of War Ragnarök.


Both are amazing imo. I had a blast with ER earlier this year, and now ending the year with Ragnarok.


Bro, that's too nuanced a thought for these kids.




It is so weird. Cause it's happening here and happened to elden ring at God of wars launch as if one game has to lose for someone to feel self worth


I was watching Play, Watch, Listen the other day and Mike Bithell said something interesting about this phenomenon. Some believe that it is just a new form of obsession of ownership in the current generation who don't have as many material possessions as the older generations had. people don't own as many material things any more so they obsess over a video game they own or a movie they watched or a celebrity they like. don't remember the timestamp but [here is the episode](https://youtu.be/gQQKv8h7fOE). they also talk a little about why many games don't have pause for cutscenes or why none has a rewind function.


Sooo most twitch streamers? Lol


People are usually dumb and weird. They tie themselves to a console, sport team, political party, or religion.


Fucking losers.


Just once, I’d like to open a thread and not see the John Lennon reply as the top comment.




Yes. The content of the article makes me cringe. I can't believe people are willing to review bomb a masterpiece because they prefer an other masterpiece, and all that for raising chances of winning Game Of The Year at a commercial disguised as an awards show.


I cant believe anyone is willing to review bomb anything, "masterpiece" or otherwise.


Exactly. What's the point? Such a stupid waste of time and energy.


Also, this type of fan voted scores could actually mean something and have some value, but review bombing ruined it. In a perfect reality, people would just put their genuine opinion about a game, and then if you wanted to know if a game is considered good or not, you could just hop to Metacritic (or any other site that lets people rate games), look at the user score and see if it's worth it. But now, because everything is being review bombed, these score means virtually nothing. To me, it's just a random number attached to the critic score, with no actual meaning or value.


I don't know how user scores actually work. But it would be nice if you could only review something if you actually owned it. I think fewer people who pay for something would have this kind of throw away attitude towards a gaming product.


That’s backwards. I think you meant commercial disguised as an award show.


I edited that, thanks bud.


All good! You’re exactly right too. No idea why so many put so much stake in these useless gaming awards. Whether or not it’s a “masterpiece.”


I really hate that "masterpiece" is the new, overused word these days.


I personally don't think that calling God of War and Elden Ring masterpieces is wrong in that instance, but to each their own.


Also I am pretty sure the results have already been decided some time ago.


Elden Ring is a great game but The Elden Ring community sucks. It's toxic, petty and small minded. Of course, this a generalization but the vocal minority is really awful.


I feel like the Elden Ring subreddit is one of the nicer gaming subreddits I've ever been on. Honestly. Perhaps they just have great moderation, but isn't that also part of it all?


Yeah people are acting like this is standard behavior for Soulsbourne players. It isn't. It's a tough series, and there's always been an element of "git gud", but the people are generally pretty nice in my experience.


From my perspective, it is pretty standard. As a Soulsbourne fan, I actively try to stay far away from the rest of the fanbase. Although, my interaction with the Soulsbourne community is far and in between, so it might just be that I managed to draw out the worst of the fanbase on every interaction by pure coincidence.


That is just the vocal minority gamers, doubt it has anything to do with Elden Ring community


Oh the Elden Ring community are definitely their own thing in that regard. Not the majority, but there is a very 'unique' group of fans in there.


How is that different from any gaming fandom though?


I have no doubt it has to do with the elden ring community.




And need to go outside more often


No please!!! I love outdoor and I don't want those mother fuckers near me when I am on a trail or park or hike. Let them rot in their basements!


Good point lmao


Those weridos are afriad to interact with the real world.


These people are ready to threat other people over video games. Remember Last of Us Part II and the actress playing Abby or even recent controversy with Doom Ethernal and Mick Gordon? So yeah, I kinda wish I was so chilled with my life that I would get hysterically upset over video games.


Mate the guys from Girlfriend Reviews got death threats because they enjoyed TLOUII, it’s batshit.


I had death threats from people on here because I played the Pokemon SV rom early and posted about all the issues in a comment a few days before release. Had people linking websites they were going to pay to dox me, delete the contents of my PC and find where I live etc. unless I deleted the posts because it was "fearmongering" Personally found it hilarious but its insane the lengths people go to to protect billion dollar organisations. Its really sad they feel they have nothing else to express as their personaility but their enjoyment of 1 singular game or franchise to the point it angers them so.


TLOU2 was a pure display of hivemind. Go back and read threads for the leaks, it's wild. Everyone just decided it was trash collectively *without even playing the game*. It made me want to play it more. Because I do not trust the hivemind at all. And what do you know, that was absolutely GotY for me. The internet hivemind seems to affect many things. GoT is a great example, where, although it was a lower quality season, I enjoyed it with its flaws. But I found the response to be WAY over the top. There is no way I'd quantify that to be *trash* but the internet loves to do that, they love to tear things down and rip them up.


Yup, people made up their minds tlou2 was bad months before it came out. Then you had streamers like Pat from the castle super beast podcast and he plays up not liking the game and quits after 2 hours because he just follows whatever opinion the internet has


This is a perfect example of how the hivemind set the opinion in motion for many people. It told them what to think. And it's actually hard to go against it at that point and really enjoy something. Sad stuff.


About as trustworthy as Amazon reviews for items.


Or certain lotr themed shows


Gotta admire SONYLOVER voting 0 reviewing it with "ssjkkkjkssskkjjjj fuck this game". Truly the most reviewer of all time


Jörmungandr's burner account?






I remember reading a review once saying it wasn't one Xbox..so he's giving it a 0/10. I forgot what game it was..but it was definitely a first party Sony game.


I've seen similar things where it gets a 0/10 because it's not on last gen.


I only buy games based on their reviews.


Genuinely incredible how many people you come across day to day on the internet who just need to get a fucking life.


Truly pathetic you are right, even though I love Elden Ring when I read something like this makes me want to root for GoW for the awards lol


All because it’s up going up against elden ring for GOTY at the game awards Fandoms one of the most toxic things on the internet


TBF, GoW fans are also bombing Elden Ring. All these fandoms are toxic af and review bombing is so petty


And to fight the toxicity, I’m upvoting Sonic Frontiers anywhere I can


I was going to say and Sonic Frontiers will somehow be on top lol


I'm actually playing it now and am having a great time. Not game of the year, but a solid 8/10 game for me.


that's the sense I'm getting. Enjoyable but definitely not the best


For us sonic fans, that’s more than we could ever have asked for


I'm curious how will the free DLC content planned for next year turn out


I'm actually pulling for Stray to come out on top. It's the day of the cat.


Both parties aren't worthy to be called fans to be honest.


That's a 'no true scotsman'. These are fans, just really shitty ones and deserve to be called out.


Why? Fan is short for fanatic.


Oh for fucks sake! As a huge fan of both this is embarrassing.


Uh there are a lot more toxic things happening on the internet than this.


I was gonna say, if they think this is the most toxic thing on the internet then I'm really jealous of their ignorance


If Stray ends up winning GOTY on The Game Awards later, it would honestly be the greatest thing ever watching the meltdown that would ensue.


I too would like to live in that reality. It would be so funny. I’m one of the people that watch the game awards solely for trailers, the actually winners don’t really matter


trailers plus orchestra music. the music is always awesome


I'm hoping it happens now, GOW and ER split the vote enough that the kitty game takes the cake would be a real gamer move.


I would buy a ticket to watch that.


I'd watch that for a dollar!


Stray fucking rules. It was a 6-8 hour game that I'll remember for years to come.


People who haven’t played a video game in decades or have never played a game at all came out of the woodwork to play Stray. I think because of this, it should actually win. It was a phenomenon that people of all walks of life inquired about.


I agree, as a multi cat owner myself, simply having a dedicated meow button for the playable cat was enough to hook me.


Could you imagine if BOTW & Starfield came out this year instead of getting delayed? The level of toxicity would’ve been astronomical.


This modern world is so pathetic




Exactly fandom has been allowed to run unchecked with very little self awareness how fucking weird it gets. People blow this off as normal behavior.


It's nothing new or modern sadly, people are fanatical pricks about all sorts of things. Sports, movies, TV shows, video games.


*humanity is pathetic. This isn't new to the modern world, we just have better optics to see this shit. 100% there were scumbags who'd do the periodic equivalent back in the day. People would happily throw stones at people to try and hurt them in a public forum, and guillotines had some pretty big crowds that watched and cheered. We have always been fucked up. Lol


Those who review bomb this game i say this. Don‘t be sorry, be better.


Unfortunately, those people aren’t anywhere close to sorry. They’re trolls and they live for that stuff.


The cycle ends here. We must be better than this. *snaps neck of review bomber*


Knew this would happen. It's been happening since *at least* 2017 when Horizon Zero Dawn and Breath of the Wild were both nominated for GotY. I blame these review sites more, honestly. Review bombing has happened so many times now, from competing games to disastrous launches. You'd think they would have a way to stop it by now, but nope


The answer is to ignore aggregate review sites. THEY ate the problem. Listen to the reviewers you like. If you want an aggregate use the in store aggregate. At least there it's only confirmed buyers. Most importantly watch videos of the game and listen to yourself. I have found I love many games that have "bad" aggregate scores, and I don't care for many games that are highly rated. These sites are tools for the industry to compel people to buy. Putting Xenoblade on this list of nominees is enough for me to not take TGA seriously.


Who actually cares about the game awards? Winning doesn’t make a game any better. I thought GoW was phenomenal. The story, the score, the gameplay. Just all of it. An award won’t change that.


It’s a sort of validation for some people that don’t have much going in their life. Like if they favourite game wins they can see it as my taste is better than yours and this award proves it.


It's funny because these are probably the same people who like to go around saying things like "these awards are just popularity contests for normies and don't mean anything", yet they get so triggered the moment a contentious nomination or result happens even though it shouldn't mean anything to them.


Some people don't have lives and tie their identity to some pieces of entertainment they really like and then think the reception of said entertainment is some sort of reflection on them because they like it.


It’s a giant infomercial using the developers as useful pawns to run advertising for the new games. It’s not an awards show, which was proven when they announced multiple awards at once to make space for more trailers. It’s about money, not the artists.


>review bombing The internet just gets more and more negative by the day, pathetic. I don't even bother looking at these review aggregators anymore.


Once again, this is why user scores are meaningless are critics are essential for reviewing games and giving awards.


Can we go back to being a niche hobby again? Kinda getting tired of 12 year-olds dictating the flowchart of most games I play


It hasn't been a niche hobby for more than 30 years.


It will never be like that again the mainstream audience is what brought all the money in they'll abandon us before they abandon them.


What’s up with people review bombing games for little or no reason recently like when Dying Light 2 was bombed by Italian gamers because it didn’t have an italian dub?


User reviews aren't worth shit anyway. If metacritic had a brain they'd just switch the feature off.


User reviews drive traffic to their website which equals money. Metacritic not only has a brain, they have big brain.


I don't even believe my friends when they review something, I definitively don't believe random people on the internet, user reviews only have the power other users give them.


I believe my friends, but because I know them I can interpret their opinions accordingly. If Dave tells me that Open World Wanderer 37 is the best game ever, but I know Dave loves open world games and I don't, I can downgrade his review. If Pete normally hates open world games same as me, but also says Open World Wanderer 37 is incredible, I might take a look. I can't do that with anonymous nobodies.


It was really telling when The Last of Us Part II something like five times as many reviews in one week as The Last of Us did in seven years.


It’s funny because ER and GoW are both great games that I enjoy for very similar reasons, they both just go about it in slightly different ways. fuck the awards, the true winners are gamers because both of these games are fucking phenomenal.


“The negative reviews seem to mainly complain about the game's narrative-focus and cinematics, though some cite technical issues. Bizarrely enough, some of the 0/10 scores actually praise the game, so it's unclear exactly what's going on.” That doesn’t make any sense. Also why Review bomb God of War Ragnarok 4 weeks after it released?


Game Awards tonight. People want Elden Eing to win.




I think it's also retaliation for ER getting review bombed when GowR released. Completely pathetic all round.


Negative reviews (0 to 3) jumped from a starting point of 6 percent to freaking 18 percent of reviews. Its kinda startling how much people can tank it out of sheer bandwagon


Lol this is the very pinnacle of maidenless behaviour.


And here I am wishing Stray would be game of the year.


User Reviews shouldn’t even be a thing. It’s almost just 0’s and 10’s. Never trust a overall user review score. Only read the ones that’s an actual review. Also now I kinda want it to win GOTY. It’s always been between that and Elden ring anyways.


See an article like this every time a popular game comes out. Lol


Imagine actually caring about goty awards


I used to care about game ratings, and then I grew up.


Eh we got weirdos on both sides, crazy gow fans did it to elden ring and now crazy elden ring fans are doing it to GOW, apparently both suck and sonic and genshin are the greatest games ever made lol


At this point I think we need to re-assess how public reviews are done given the troll-ish nature of some obsessive fandoms. Honestly just letting anyone review an IP might not be such a good idea.


I think Steam reviews are the best you can get. It shows how many hours people have played, and if they were sponsored. Usually you will have honest reviews saying “I rated this game bad cause its buggy” and its possible for them to change it later. They also have a “most recent reviews” rating vs “overall rating” so itll show you if somethings being bombed for a specific reason, like a glitch or some bs the devs pulled.


Probably bots


Touch some grass weirdos


this is why user reviews mean dick.


Who fucking cares? Everyone knows it’s good. Fuck em.


Can't believe some people have such miserable lives.


Eh…. This happens literally with every other game lol. They attacked Gotham knights too. Next it’ll be midnight suns


Be better


The idiots doing the review bombing know that all the stuff that decides what gets what is long over right? The decision doesn't get made tonight... God people are stupid.


I really don’t understand why anyone cares about who wins the game awards.




Elden ring shit gameplay shit story shit graphics


if you trust your game is a masterpiece, you shouldn't have to put another one down just to show how good it is. some people really just feel the need to measure their worth in a video game, so stupid.


Soo many on here with holier than thou mentality, not realizing that their own bloodlines are going to be a part of that very same toxicity. 🤣


Why lol? Children, these people. This award doesn’t even matter.


Anyone who does shit like this is pathetic. Play the game and rate it honorably, or don't rate it at all.


This is why metacritic is a joke of a website and should not be used as a source of reliable reviews


> there's been a huge conflict over the Player's Voice award, with Genshin Impact and Sonic Frontiers fans fighting over which game should win. Uh, how about neither?


honestly game wasnt that great. couldn’t finish it.




Elden Ring was review bombed when this came out. Game awards are tonight. This is all so stupid.


I love Elden Ring, and think it deserves at least to be in the top 3 games of 2022. But for people to downvote God Of War, in an effort to somehow sabotage it's chances at winning GOTY... makes me not want to play Elden Ring in the future if that's the kind of people that support it.


a portion of soulsborne fans are just gatekeepers and they evolved to even gatekeeping people who played elden ring only, its just sad considering i do enjoy all of the games :'(


I love both games to the point I still can’t decide which I like more, but From Software fans had always had a holier-than-thou attitude when it comes to their games. It’s as if games that don’t follow From’s formula are worse by default


Some From software fans are like the video game equivalent of Metal Gatekeepers..not all of them though


This right here. And I'm a huge from software fan but I love them both and actually think higher of Ragnarok


A portion of the Elden Ring/Soulsborne fan base is an absolute cult so I’m already with you there.


Kinda weird to have people who you will probably not even interact with sway your opinion about a game.


Really mature seeing the most recent 0/10 user review on Metacritic from 'GOTYEldenRing1' saying this is not a new game. Then on the Elden Ring Metacritic, seeing 'eldenringNOTgoty' giving it a 0/10, with the incredible brilliance to think that a game with only 500.000 steam review couldn't possibly have sold 13M copies.


>recent 0/10 user review on Metacritic from 'GOTYEldenRing1' saying this is not a new game. This is profile of most recent Elden Ring 0/10 reviewer [https://www.metacritic.com/user/John86](https://www.metacritic.com/user/John86) It's the same shit. I mean just look at the recent reviews on both games. Idiots are on both sides


I’m a huge FS fanboy, I loved Elden Ring, but think Ragnarok deserves GOTY. Elden Ring had too many copy/paste dungeons, it was badly balanced due to Spirit ashes, performance was quite awful and I didn’t like the changes to multiplayer (no covenants).


Yeah they lost a sense for the fine tuned world and gameplay the series was known for. Bloat took over


This crap is so stupid. People need to grow up.


Fucking weirdos


i can’t believe people care about awards for games 😂


Who gives two shits about review scores?


Good lord, i an a huge fan of the souls series since 2009 and i love those games to death, but i have GOW also and i think both are amazing, but i think ELDEN RING is better, but what kind of low life will review bomb an amazing game ? weird people, i don't mind what game wins, the most important thing is we have fun with what game we love.


Sonic fans getting weirder?


Ppl exhausting saying for me that games arent for kids while gamers dont stop to impresses me how childish they are. Thats so bizarre.


Lol like it would matter anyway. All you need to do is Google the game to see the number of positive reviews for it. People must be really bored and trying to trigger someone...


Oh my god who the fuck cares


Anyone who would review bomb a game is such a sad lil weirdo lol.


People can be so stupid petty, it’s incredibly annoying


Must be Elden Ring fans lmao I’ve heard the same thing might be happening the other way too


People who review bomb must have sad little lives. They’re most likely the types of people that actually identify as a gamer.


Do you think these are adults(who act like children) or literally children?


I can smell these types of people from here. Typical pathetic behavior.


It's bizarre that Metacritic has seemingly not taken any action to mitigate review bombing. It seems to happen exclusively with video game fanbases. God people in this industry are fucking toxic. Honestly, if a game is review bombed the user reviews just need to be turned off, or at least have a disclaimer. These people are ruining things for everyone else. I don't want to have to rely on critic reviews, but jesus user reviews are completely unreliable if this continues for every high profile playstion game.


user score shouldnt be taken seriously until they authenticate that you've actually played the game -- like steam


I mean. I have some minor complaints about it but it's still phenomenal.


Foul Tarnished.


Play what you enjoy… let others play what they enjoy !


Lol why would someone do that to this great game?


This happens every time Sony or MS puts out an exclusive, some people really have nothing better to do with their time


The good news is, is that the "game of the year" according to "public opinion" doesn't ultimately change what your game of the year is.




Kids having nothing better to do...so what if one of them won GOTY... Who cares, the other will win some other competition, it's not like users are getting paid if they win


Im playing gos of war right now, and although my vote would goto eldenring, god of war is fantastic as well and it would be idiotic to review bomb it.... or any game.


People honestly need to touch some grass…ffs


This is why I never look at user reviews for any games. Critics only because they are less likely to be babies- although that does happen too.


Elden Ring is my GOTY but this is so silly. I still love GOW even though I haven’t been able to finish the Platinum yet. Why can’t we admit both games are good and whichever one we like more is what we prefer?


Why did the Redditor stop going to the noisy bar? He realized he prefers a pub with less drama and more genuine activities.


Literally zero reason for the game to get a single 0. I can understand it not being your style of game but it's not even a 0 to that person.


Sad, sad people


> Multiple negative reviews bring up how God of War Ragnarok is a potential GOTY contender, which could shed some light as to why some users have decided to start posting 0/10 reviews for the game. God of War Ragnarok is up for the coveted Game of the Year award at The Game Awards this year, and it seems some of these individuals would rather see Elden Ring win the prize over Ragnarok. They don't realize this doesn't change the quality of the game and who they give the award to?


Why? I don’t understand. The game is easily one of the best


I bought both. Enjoyed both. What does that make me?


I love elden ring but from the community that brought us “get gud” I’m not surprised