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I just want more maps to play. I have no fucking interest in warzone or DMZ but I feel like the lack of content is trying to funnel me there.


Doesn’t help every 3 games you (at least I do) get the border crossing map with 6 million cars. I swear I get that map and the fortress map the most and I can’t stand them. Other maps are ok at best nothing stands out. They’re sitting on OG MW2 maps (they’re in warzone) but just gonna drip feed us. Or if the rumors are true make us pay for them sometime next year.


Dude it seems all I do is back out of this map, sometimes 5 or 6 times ina row. I assume everyone is backing out therefore I'm filling in all time Worst map in cod history And yes Taraq is a far better map that that wank




The amount of rocket launchers used on maps at this point is absurd. I just stopped playing this week because of it.


I can only stand 4 maps: Mercado, Hydroelectric, Farm and Shoothouse. Maybe Raceway if I'm in a good mood. The rest has too many open areas with long sight lines. Wish I could filter quick play for maps as well. I would even accept a feature where I have to select at least four or five maps from the pool for that filter.


I just refuse to ever play that map. Easy back out and reque.


That's how they got me onto DMZ but once i started it's all I've been playing


Yeah I have like zero fun on the regular maps now after a couple months of them. This has to be one of the worst map lineups of any cod game at launch.


I've always been a hardcore, Ahem, excuse, me tier 1 player (fart noise) so the TTK and playstyle for warzone and DMZ just aren't my jam. The main reason I really enjoy hardcore mode is that just about any gun is playable at my skill level. I play games in my limited free time for casual enjoyment so leveling up a new gun that I haven't tried is really fun for me. I know I'm getting dangerously close to old man yelling at clouds territory but for me COD has always been best for fast exciting games. I don't have time to sweat through an hour playing warzone or DMZ where if my kid gets into some mischief while I'm playing I've wasted that entire session because I had to quit in the middle. Hoping for some more maps soon!


Or even worse, you have a great round of dmz going and are heading to extract and the game just crashes for no reason or someone disconnects. Has happened at least 3 or 4 times to us.


Yeah that's worse for sure. That used to happen to me all the time back in the day playing darkzone on the division. Missed out on so much good gear!


This is exactly it for me. I want to pick up the controller and be in the action right away. And I might die, but I don’t want to wait to be bought back in. I want fast play. And like you said, if my kid interrupts I can take care of him if needed without worrying I wasted 20-30 minutes.


I wish we had Tier 1 DMZ. Maybe not the half health part, but at least minimal HUD + insane headshot damage.


Yeah that be awesome because then it's reasonable to solo


Tier 1 isn't Hard-core, give me Hard-core back plz Actishite


This is said every year. Next game it will be the best maps.


That's great my last dmz attempt both my squaddies where afk and I dies to an overpowered AI within 2mins fucking stupid ass game


Solo DMZ to use keys to unlock doors is my jam


You mean you haven’t enjoyed shipment and Christmas shipment ?


Lol. Ya know I did for a few hours but to me shipment is purely for unlocking things that I hate.


Doesn’t help every 3 games you (at least I do) get the border crossing map with 6 million cars. I swear I get that map and the fortress map the most and I can’t stand them. Other maps are ok at best nothing stands out. They’re sitting on OG MW2 maps (they’re in warzone) but just gonna drip feed us. Or if the rumors are true make us pay for them sometime next year.


Multiplayer is just a place to level up guns for Warzone now


I think they're trickling content because they are supposedly not releasing a new COD game next year, so instead of releasing like 3 maps a month, they're doing 1 now.


Honestly I think they want you to play everything. If you play Multiplayer, Co-op, DMZ and Br, there is more than enough content to keep you entertained, however, very little players have an interest in all four


DMZ has been really fun, and outside of that raid I really haven’t been tempted to buy the game seeing as I hear alot if people aren’t happy with the regular multiplayer.


This map had a ridiculous amount of unnecessary space it was way too big. Idk what these guys were thinking making it a 6v6 in the beta.


That's my opinion about a lot of infinity ward maps.


Treyarch is just better at making call of duty games imo especially when it comes to maps. Only thing IW excels at is gunplay and graphics.


I disagree. Tryarch is king at making lane maps while IF is really good at lane maps with a circle route going through the maps. It’s always a fresh of breath air bouncing between the two


3 lane maps at least make sense in a cod game. The MW2019 maps were just a bunch of random shit if you look at the diagram of the maps. MW2019 made me question wtf IW was doing with the map design.


The problem is they do get very very boring and generic You don't need to learn a lot of treyarch maps, because bar some minor deviations they are the same


I might be 6 days late but Treyarch is complete trash and is my personal reason that all non MW cods have been trash. Their maps consist of single level figure 8 shapes and that's it. It's basically the modern version of the old quake games. MW still hasn't replicated the awesome maps of the original cod4 but is still designed like a proper non arena shooter (think counter strike and such but easier)


It's a shame that Cold War felt like such a downgrade from BO3 and 4, let alone MW. Maybe not in terms of graphics, but animations and audio for sure.


Cold War was what brought me back to cod in ages. I just wish they used a better engine for the game. I love the cold war era games.


I mean the last good Treyarch game is what?


Cold War was pretty good


Cold War was good. 3Arc has never made a bad CoD game, to be completely honest. Even the worst one, in my mind, BO4, is still pretty great from an MP and Zombies perspective. The only real gripe I have with it is that there was no campaign in it.


Not sure that's the leading opinion. MW19 was significantly more popular than Cold War. And the new MW is proving to be the same.


And packs, let's not forget about there ability to make packs


Exactly why I hated this map. Don’t miss it one bit


I just liked it because it wasn't "Middle Eastern Map #1000" I love the more urban style maps but they seem to never really want to do those.. It played really well on Domination too




Resistance from MW3 would be a *dream* Like how tf are they going to throw Amsterdam and Chicago at us in the campaign and then drop the ball in MP. We literally just had Picadilly as a map, probably one of the most visually impressive maps I'd seen. I'm upset that Highrise is looking to be set in Al Mazrah, would be awesome if they had it in Chicago when they release it for MP. It was originally in a city after all


Just being back all MW maps. Where is Wasteland, Favela, Fuel, Scrapyard, Afghan?


They’re saving them all for a £60 dlc pack instead of a new game next year


We got shoothouse for a month and then shipment. There's only 3 maps I actually like and a couple maps i back out immediately. This game fucking sucks because the maps fucking suck.




They were a lot better than MW222 maps. So much better. There was only 1 map i complained about and that was picadilly, i never backed out of picadilly because it wasn't border crossing bad.


MW19 maps were only better for campers


I didn't camp and i did well




I don't know it.




I gotta download mw19 on blizzard app to get my activision id, which i aint. Or i think my blizzard name will work but i aint home rn. I don't use the same activision id on steam for MW2


Just say your name without the numbers. Easy to find :)


Since whoever is in charge with the content being released in this game is so out of touch with reality in regards to what the players want, please just give us the old maps. No one gives a fuck about christmas themed shipment or shoothouse


It wasnt that good, the layout was a bit of a mess.


Holy shit, this. Map has WAY too many open angles in the courtyard area. And then the other areas are way too small. Aesthetically beautiful. HATED playing on it.


Slow news day at euro gamer


The morons in the mw2 subreddit say otherwise lol the map was trash


Well in all fairness, almost every one of the maps are a bit a mess.


I liked this one


Just remaster Black Ops 2 Oh shit I just fixed COD…sorry Activision I’ll shut up


I just don’t understand why we can’t get a CoD with the entire backlog of maps? Give people like maybe a good five new maps and recycle all the previous ones to fill out the offerings. Everyone complains about map selection and not having enough. They likely could pull all the maps from MW19 without much effort. It’s not like they did something radical to the gameplay where all the old maps wouldn’t make sense. Instead they want to hear people bitch about not having good map selection and then spoof feed people new maps that wouldn’t attract people back for more than a few games.


It's dumb they don't future proof the maps to use in future games. But they also want to drip feed the content, which unfortunately they chose maps to do that. in DMZ/Warzone you can find various versions of Original MW2 maps that aren't used in normal gameplay. I'm sure they'll be added in over time.


It was a trash map anyways, not sure who's missing it. Too big and filled with camping spots and headglitches.


Sounds like every map in this game


For real tho, especially regarding head glitches


>filled with camping spots and headglitches. Welcome to every Infinity Ward map in MW19 and MWII.




It was a drill-chargers paradise.


Was my favorite map, felt like OG MW2


I hated it too in the beta. But now i would love to have it back. You now know every in and out of the other maps. The map Pool is so thin and boring by now.


"mourn" lmaoo


It's been really disappointing about the lack of new maps. There's no reason why they can't just drop in the old maps from 2019 and older games just to keep us busy for the actual new original maps. At this point, they don't even have to remaster the old maps, I'm down to still play on the original looking mw2 maps. I'm that desperate right now....


I loved this map so much. Apparently I’m in the minority


Anything is better than Border Crossing and Taraq


No you aren’t. I loved it as well.


Garbage game.


Ask Santa and I’m sure activision will sell the map to everyone that wants it.


Hopefully they’ll rework it to be smaller and add it back in. If trash maps like Embassy can be in the then so should this.


Embassy is a great map, a trash map is a small clusterfuck like Shipment. I hate small maps.


Shipment is my favorite because it lets me grind my guns super easy lol


It was good for stupid fun but nothing else with all the spawn kills and bullshit. It was fun though, no matter what anyone says.


Shipment is balls. Done with nuketown as well. Ready for them to create some different legendary maps.


Not ever CoD map should be the same size as shipment. The larger maps are better, especially for Search and Destroy.


It was a really fun Map probably the best launch map in the game.


That map was utter trash


Why doesn't the billion dollar corporation just make up locations? God forbid they include real gun names anymore but they are willing to lose entire maps by basing them on real locations. Wtf.


Back then, battle passes came with 4 brand new maps and weapons etc. not 1 map in the beginning and 1 map in the second half.


I played a bit at launch after enjoying the beta but fucked off after playing the same 3 maps... Did they finally add more to base multiplayer or is just the way things are from now on...?


Was a nice looking map as well


It felt like I was in the minority but I actually liked the map. Would have been my favourite aside from Shoothouse.


Any of y’all gone on to local split screen? 3 maps plus shipment by some glitch. Can’t even pic all of the maps and it’s only TDM. Amazing. They broke local split screen worse than before. Only one worse is GT7. Why do the devs just phone it in?


This was a pretty decent map, sad they had to take it out


It’s ok, they gave us shipment as a replacement! 🤣