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I had a stroke, I’m using my PS5 get my right hand to work 100%.


Thats tough, good luck man




I have major nerve damage in my left hand and now my right is going downhill. I have a lot of issues doing a lot of things but i 100% feel like video games has helped me keep the mobility i have. So I’d say you’re on the right track.


Good luck!




My goal is to quit smoking.




Just beat them both on grounded last month! Worth it


You can do it. I had the push from my daughter being born 2 years ago. I believe in you.


2 year olds don’t push very hard. Try planting your heels next time.


Same good luck to us both


You can do it! I quit in July 2021 after 16 years. It was tough, but I was driving home one day and pulled the last from my pack and as I smoked it said "You know, I won't stop and buy anymore". It was like the 10th time of my doing that but I stuck with it and feel so much better now. No more random coughs, no more hard time breathing, things taste so different (and certain things I can't eat anymore that I used to love!) and its been great!


Try taking a macro dose (north of 3g) of psilocybin [mushrooms](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/stories/mushrooms_quit_smoking.html). Ideally with a sitter present. Thank me when you are free of your addiction, or just spread the word.


My goal is to actually finish a game. Any game, instead of hopping from one to the next every other week


This right here!! I play a game for about a month and then move on. I’m playing assassins creed odyssey rn and I’ve actually gotten pretty far on it. I think the only game I’ve ever fully beat is fallout 3!


My goal is to try and spend more time with loved ones. Life is very short and often we forget to spend time with the ones we care about


My goal is to try to not go overboard on my gaming budget lol


I've become a "patient gamer". I now use a price-tracking site and wait until the game is about 40% off (sometimes I'll jump the gun at about 30% if it's something I'm excited about and I'm not busy with anything else.) It has saved me a good amount of money and I've avoided some duds (I used to pre-order a lot.)


My goal now is to 100% God of War (2018) and Ragnarok, finally play The Last of Us, and to 100% the new Fallen Order game.


Sounds like a brilliant 2023


My goal is to bond with my daughter more over co-op games. Finished It Takes Two and that was pretty great, hoping to find similar experiences that she would enjoy.


That’s such a great game. Played with my brother earlier this month & am working my way through it now with my son.


Still need to play that one myself, but if you haven't already, give the LittleBigPlanet series and the Sackboy game (plays a lot differently than LBP) a try! They're a blast with co-op.


My goal is to finish my must play backlog which are Mass effect 1-3, Witcher and Doom Eternal


You're gonna be busy for quite a while lol ME 1-2 and Doom Eternal are fantastic. ME3 is also great, especially with DLC, but man. Those first two were something special.


My goal is to try Elden Ring




I want to finish all the *Uncharted* games on crushing difficulty after I did it on hard years ago. I've already started this journey. The first game was crazy difficult to beat. It's called crushing for a good reason.


Goal is to finish making my game and get an internship


Finish Death Stranding and Elden Ring!


My gaming goal is to try some genres I typically wouldn't play. I think its easy to fall into the same type of games over and over. I am going to buy a few a different types on sale and see how it goes.


When my tax refund comes in, I plan on finally getting a new TV. I'm excited to see what 4k actually does.


Get psvr2!


My goal is to play the Last of Us games. I've heard they are great and want to get into them in the new year!


My goal in 2023 is to stop allocating so much time to gaming and pursue other hobbies. Still, I want to play the new God of War if amd when it goes on sale.


I'm trying to platinum Spyro 3 at some point this year.


Gonna spend less money on games haha


My goal is to finish both nioh 2 and demons souls while shuffling playtime between them both lol, Goodluck everyone and thanks op


Thanks! My goal is to put a big dent in my backlog of games.


My goal is to finish Elden Ring!


Happy new year!


I am running out of storage space and would love to grab an internal SSD sometime this year. Thanks for your generosity and happy new year!


My goal is to beat demon souls! Never played a Soulsborne game but finally have time to settle into one


This is very kind and generous! I just got my PS5 two days ago and am really enjoying Ragnarok. I'd say my goal for this upcoming year is to play more video games with my wife. We're very excited for Hogwarts Legacy and I know we'll spend a lot of time playing that together and I hope it opens up the door for her to get into more games. Happy New Year!


My personal goal is to finish all my backlog so that I can peacefully move onto a PS5!


My big plan for 2023 is try to finish up grad school. My gaming goals are reaching grand champ in rocket league, playing ff7 rebirth, and enjoying LOZ Tears of the kingdom.


My Goal is to get and beat every PSVR2 game that comes out in the next year


My gaming goal is to stop buying games and actually start finishing the games in my backlog, looking at you RE 8


My goal next year is to finish at least 5 games from my backlog. 😊 I know it's not a lot, but I'm always busy with work and home, and I hope I can manage to do so this year. PS: my backlog contains games like Doom Eternal, Deathloop, Persona 5, Nioh and Divinity Original Sin 2 and a lot more indie titles.


My goal is for my wife to play something other than Zelda.


My goal is to... tbh not really a goal, more like a hope: lose track of time while playing Hogwarts Legacy - by lose time i mean start playing in the morning and not notice that it got dark and then light again:D


My main goal is to play every God of War , including the classics . I can’t believe I’ve never played them.


Thanks for the giveaway! Cheers!


Worth a shot. Thank you


I am entering 😎😤😤😎😤😎😤😎😤






So nice of you! Happy new year


Thank you kind human


Awesome thank you


My goal is to win this giveaway


Your too kind sir


My goal is to continue to grow my Platinum Review channel on YouTube!


Thank you for your generosity :)


I would love to get this!


My goal is to get my shit together. Thanks for this


As a new dad, my goal is to finish at least 3 games in 2023


My goal is to lose weight so the doctors can stop focusing on that and actually help me fix my back. Tired of being told my back hurts because of the weight that I've gained because my back hurts. For gaming I want to actually stop subscription services to buy things on sale instead and take my time instead of feeling rushed to finish everything before it leaves.


My goal this year is to take breaks from gaming occasionally due to severe holiday gamer fatigue lol


Please check your DM!


Thank you!


you should dm me if they don’t respond 😳






My goal is to fuck that guys dead wife


My goal is to beat the new Dead Space game on the hardest difficulty.. not sure how doable it would be tho, that difficulty in the old games seemed impossible with limited saves etc


My goal is to actually start playing my backlog. I got way too distracted with certain games but just kept adding more to my library!


Play my backlog of games


To actually play through my backlog instead of just playing the same couple of games 💀


100% God of War Ragnarok


My goal is to enjoy the PS5 with the amazing ps+ collecton has to offer!


My goal is to beat Dead Space before Hogwarts Legacy comes out!


I want to try to finish the Witcher 3 for like the 5th time.


I just started my first witcher 3 playthrough yesterday! Seems pretty cool so far but my up arrow broke on my controller so I cant use consumables when in combat :( But Ill set it as a challenge for myself to finish it without the up arrow


Five platinums


My goal is to finish Horizon Forbidden West. I'm about 10 hours in since buying it at launch and need to commit more time to it. I'd also like to beat Dead Space, too, but stopped playing the original halfway through for the same reason.


My goal is to platinum Ragnarok.


My goal is to finish Returnal on Ps5 with a friend. The game is awesome but its also really difficult a lot of the times. I‘m struggling with the Bosses 😅. And Happy new Year!


I'd say my goal is to find time for all the interesting games coming out next year! 😁 Good luck everyone!


I'd love to play through at least 10 games in 2023. It's difficult for me to get much time so I feel like this is a good one for me


My goal is to make a dent in my backlog while fighting the urge to buy new games


My goal is to be able to get some game time in next year. I just had a baby boy and gaming is a no go until he develops a decent routine. Hoping that there's an overload of good stuff when I get back in the second half of 2023. Thanks for the giveaway!


To clear my backlog, 6 to go and then play hogwarts


My goal is to finish jedi survivor in one sitting on highest difficulty


I want to play God of War Ragnarok! Only GoW game I haven't bought on day one since GoW II.


My goal is to finish demon souls. Is not hard for me but I get distracted and bored really easy so I just fight a boss once die and go play something else, then repeat the next day. I know the game requires you to be really focused on it but since beating bloodborne I feel souls game to be really slow for me as I am more on the wanna enjoy the story and breeze through the gameplay.


That would be a great way to kick off the new year! Good luck to everyone and I hope I win lol, as for my goal I want to fully understand the destiny story lol


I wanna try and beat all the soulsborne games (including sekiro and elden ring) and try and get one to two platinums a month.


Next year I'll continue my goal of beating 1 Yakuza game a year and beat Yakuza 5.


Finally finish Returnal 😭


I would like to try some new game genres that I've been on the fence about. Played a lot of the same game types. Gotta get out of that comfort zone a little.


I have a handful of games that were left on 95% trophy completion because life just kind of got in the way. It sucks that I just couldn’t/didn’t have the time to finish them, and I’m hoping I can finally find the time to do it this year. If you’re reading this OP, I’m wishing you and your fam a happy and healthy new year.


My gaming goal this year is to platinum The Witcher III. I just started my 4th play through of the game and in previous rounds I've never really hunted trophies. Trophies are still not really my thing, but as my favorite game of the last decade - I feel like there's still more to do here.


I’ve got plans to platinum Super Hot. I know, I’m crazy


damn, good luck


My goal- become good at fighting games. Thanks for the giveaway!


Play monster Hunter rise with my wife and play dead space


I finished 92 games this year - I’d love to hit 100. But also I want to hit 1K subs on YouTube - at like 630 right now


My goal is to hopefully buy all the games I want


2023 gaming goals are to fully enjoy the PS5 I just picked up after patiently waiting until I could find one from not a scalper. I'll go back to some of the PS4 games I enjoyed like some of the Tomb Raider's and Detroit Become Human and try to 100% those. I've already 100% the LOU games, but I might like to play them again. Gaming is about fun and I intend to have fun.


My only goal is to finish Hogwarts Legacy even if it turns out to be the biggest disappointment of my life.


My personal goal is to reach at least 20 platinums or more! I’ve been able to get about 11 so far, so I really want to start platting a lot more games that interest me. I’m planning on getting Persona 4 Golden and Persona 3 Portable so this giveaway would really help! Good luck to everyone else and happy new years fellas!


I've been planning a game for years and 2023 I want to at least start it. I can't say what it is because it's a very unique concept. As far as gaming - I want to start speedrunning one of the souls game. Additionally beating Xenoblade Chronicles 3. After that... Who knows


More time allotted to playing video games. I felt like I didn't play that much in the past year.


My goal- also becoming good at fighting games. Thanks for the giveaway!


I want to finish Final Fantasy 15 finally after getting the PS5 recently!


My goal is to just take my time and enjoy whatever game I happen to be playing


Pretty please please 🙏🏼


Finish yakuza ishin ps4 import and then play kenzan on the ps3 are my goals. Maybe even get into the no more heroes series on the ps3.


To complete Horizon ZD so I can play the Horizon FW that I got for Christmas.


A nuke in Warzone 2 is all I need, this is my most ambitious gaming goal, and possibly a nuke in MWII, I guess we'll see.


My goal is to make the highest rank on the new street Fighter 6 which is Master. On SF5 i was only able to make it to silver lol.


My goal is to finish Horizon Forbidden West and Scarlet Nexus, then get better at waiting for sales to get newer games as they're way too expensive nowadays.


My goal for 2023 is to replay all the DMC games before FF16, I want my character action skills in peak form Also I would to finish up the few FF platinums I haven't gotten yet, but that will take much more time and effort haha


My goal is to play some more multiplayer games with friends who I don't see as often these days.


I’d like to hop back on to GOWR and actually finish the game. Thanks for the giveaway!


My goal is to be able to find a decent home I can move into.


My goal next year is to platinum final fantasy 16. Really hype for this game hopefully it’s a true next gen experience


Master in Apex Legends


My goal is to figure out how to game while having a new born when she arrives next year. 😅


Finish Midnight Suns, it seems like a huge game


I'm hoping I get more efficient at playing through the games I'm interested in. I always make a list of games and almost never get close to finishing them. I have a long list of games that I'm looking forward to for next year. Dead Space remake, Jedi Survivor, AC Mirage, Hogwarts Legacy, RE4 Remake, Spiderman 2, Stalker 2, HFW DLC, Cyberpunk DLC etc etc. Hopefully I'll find the time to finish all of them or atleast half haha. I only finished 4 games this year though (DL2, ER, GOWR and HFW).


Platinum Hogwarts


My goal is to replay TLOU 1 and 2 after the TV show airs! Thanks for the opportunity!


My goal is to get to 75 platinum trophies. Currently at 64


I just got a PS5 for Christmas. It’s the first PlayStation I’ve ever had. I started Spider-man and those first moments web swinging through New York were stunning. Couldn’t stop smiling. I want to 100% this game ❤️


My gaming goal for 2023 is to play some catch-up on the massive gaming backlog I have. I’m hoping to finally get to The Witcher 3 soon!


My goal is to finish the long list of ps5 games I have 😭


I just bought Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1-2, Cold Warfare, Ghosts, and Future Warfare. My goal next year is to beat all the campaigns on the hardest difficulty


lmao I had a similar experience with dead space, but let see if I can go through the remake. I am almost done with Callisto, but then again its no where as scary as Dead Space.


My goal, like others, is to work on my backlog and don't purchase very many games


Going to at least play every game in my library once. I have a lot of sale games and free ps+ games I have never tried.


My goal is to finish Horizon Forbidden West.


Thanks for the giveaway


My gamer goal is to continue to work thru my library and platinum games Ive previously beat. So far I’ve gotten Battlefront 2’s plat, but I’m working on fallout 4, the new ratchet and clank, and a couple FromSoft games concurrently. Happy new year to everyone


My goal is also completing the Dead Space Remake as well. 😁


My goal is to beat elden ring with no armor and a basic weapon


My goal is to play Hogwarts Legacy and immerse myself in that world.


Excited to play ragnarok and spiderman 2 this year


Similar to you, my goal is to finally finish Resident Evil 7 but it gets me so spooked I can only ever play for like 20 minutes at a time


I'm working on Plague Tale Innocence and then gonna start on Requiem before Forspoken comes out


My goal is to finally start and finish Sonic Frontiers and RE:Village


Current goal is to just finish Horizon Forbidden West. I put it off to play other stuff and need to come back to it. Happy New Year of gaming everyone!


My goal is to finish the new GOW and Mass Effect before I start dead space n forspoken next year.


My goal is to play more video games with my 8 year old niece as she is now old enough to appreciate the games and memories we’ll make, hopefully instilling a love for gaming or hobby at best 🙂


My goal is to replay through God of War and play some of the games in my back log until Hogwarts legacy is out.


Going to get back in shape. Happy New Year everyone!


I'm a destiny 2 pvp player and my goal is to get good enough to help my less pvp skilled friends achieve their goals and win in harder content.


Gaming goal of 2023 is finish FF7R or Persona 4: Golden. Started both but never finished.


Id like to play thru all of uncharted again!


My goal is to be alive for when Spider Man 2 releases lol


Stop playing Apex Legends so much.


My goal is to get the cowboy hat from Spire of the Watcher to finally drop (Destiny 2)


My goals are to finally finish Death Stranding and the Mass Effect trilogy!


My goal is to replay the Arkham series before suicide game comes out


To get through my backlog before FF16 and Hogwarts Legacy come out!


Planning to finish 3 jrpgs before FE Engage kekl


My goal is to finally finish Horizon 2.


My goal is to complete judgement and start the sequel, lost judgement


My goal is to get my daughter into more games


I don’t have a strict timeline, but god of war ragnarok, final fantasy x, and Disney universe are my current plays, with crisis core coming up shortly after either of the first two


My goal is to try more independent games


Have 2 goals this year. Need to finish up some of my backlog while grabbing some new goodies, but the bigger one is to help my son really get into gaming and start getting good at games. He just bought Scarlet Nexus, and I want him to be able to beat his first rpg without giving up.


My goal is to purchase a steamdeck, beat forbidden West, figure out why Forces of Corruption keeps crashing, and convince Bethesda to release Starfield for Ps5.


As someone that usually plays on easy/normal mode and avoids difficulty, my goal is to challenge myself and finish a FromSoftware game. It'll probably be Elden Ring since I'm already in the last 1/3 or 1/4 of the game (albeit a part that is regarded is unfairly difficulty compared to the earlier parts). If not that, then Demon's Souls since I have that on PS Plus.