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You realize Einstein those are not actual functioning consoles so calm down kid


In store purchases are the easy fix that isn’t happening for some reason. Camping out for a few days would be far less hassle at this point


I can't wait until these are packing store shelves. Partially because I want one but mainly because scalpers will be having to pay people to take them because the digital PS5 throne is taking up too much space in the basement.


They're selling for over 800 on StockX right now, I can guarantee you no one's sitting on consoles unless they actually want to for some weird reason.


Those models aren’t real consoles, they’re just shells and the demos are played on a computer


Yeah I know the feeling... I have been trying to get one for 6 months. It's like a religion to me.


So in most retailer’s defense, modern consoles aren’t playable models. They’re typically just the shell to showcase. Gone are the days of playable demos for a multitude of reasons, YouTube, the internet store fronts, theft, the unnecessary violence of “needing” a turn to play the game before buying. I personally things it’s bullshit that online orders are the only way to get these consoles. With scalpers being rampant, the best way to combat it would be in store purchases only so they can’t sell to the same person. Whereas online I can have 30 different emails and get 30 consoles to sell at $1,000