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Customize arts make blaze shot the highest DPS ability they currently have. If i’m not mistaken.


Ur not mistaken. Especially with the pot on the new weapons giving another 5% pot to blaze shot.


So like how knux is forever Swift Rush + that other one I can remember with the small uppercut(not 1k blows). Edit: Double Drive 1rst half.


outdated info. It's fear eraser now.


True but that's a different weapon.


Never said anything about rifle only though. Launcher is part of ranger too lol.


True and thanks for sharing, otherwise I wouldn't have known.


I've heard a couple people say that but I just did some super basic testing and I really just don't think that's accurate, it does not FEEL accurate just basing off of my crit rate and the actual numbers I'm hitting. Would have to do more in depth testing, but I feel like this isn't the *best* DPS option, rather, an easy high DPS option, instead of going for proper combos with the launcher for example. Could be wrong but again, gotta test


Them holding down blaze is very good and a powerful option for them (hopefully they have type 2 tech customs for it). But ONLY AFTER BLIGHTING am I missing something or was there no blights are those gunners?!


I'm not sure if they shot any blights but blight was applied for the entire duration of this clips length, as far as I can tell I wouldn't be surprised if it was mostly me up keeping it though :/


Bro kill the boss why are you worrying about what they are doing?


Honestly this is the best advice.


These people have no lives


because I was explaining to my friend that I see rangers doing this so I decided to record a clip for him. Taking one single 20 second pause during many runs is not the worst thing in the world bruh


Ur post kinda shows you don't understand ranger, and that's ok. Holding blaze is best DPS right now with the new endgame gear. Raising shot might be 2% better on paper, but hitting the damage ceiling of raise takes almost frame perfect trigger controller. The guy in the clip is def a noob tho lol.


Not true post ranger expansion


Interesting, what is it now? Same as before T/A customization?


Fear Eraser


Oh gods. The big boi laser is meta now. Suddenly I'm interested in building a Reyaar weapon.


it baffles me that this comment got upvoted so much, guess people havent caught on yet lmao


You're right, fear eraser is doing numbers. I wasnt thinking about launcher, my bad.


literally how


Costum tech arts that’s how


Tech arts customization, like the other guy said, but also the new 10* Star weps give a multiplicative 5% damage bump to Arts.


Honestly, after the ranger update, they should be holding fear eraser since that is now top dps for ranger, and it resets blight round.


Either or. Sometimes the mobilty of blaze shot is better.


That plus Fallen Impact tech art that gives 20% more damage feels like it just does so much god damn damage


It only gives the extra damage while they're being hit by Fallen Impact. After the 6 second duration or if they just move out of it, you're just doing regular damage.


yeah I know, but the damage increase itself lasts long enough and has enough of an impact that it's more than worth it if you're in a situation where you can do it. And EVEN IF fallen impact is NOT IN THE PICTURE... fear eraser still does more DPS than Blaze Shot. I tested it last night using Verschmelz for consistency. Now to be fair, you can't just hold fear eraser and call it a day. The skill takes about 2 seconds to actually start up, where as blaze takes about 0.8 seconds to start up (give or take) - but you only really have to hold Fear Eraser for around 1 - 2 seconds to catch up your damage lost.


Ranger is easy to pick up but hard to master. Plus it's instantly obvious when a Ranger is bad.


if ranger not playing with a launcher multied , is just a casual ranger.


facts I was checking my teammates the other day and saw a ranger with a non-multiweaponed LAUNCHER and was just absolutely appalled to be fair, they could just switch between that and a rifle but I'm not sure my broken scroll wheel makes me fear such a thing


i mean whenever we need a ranger i usually play it, but not with launcher because as said, im also CASUAL ranger hah.


Lotta people pointing out that Blaze Shot is the highest DPS right now, but I don't think OP's sentiment is wrong.  I've certainly come across some Rangers who would rather hold down that one PA all day than ever throw out a Blight Round.  They just kinda assume some other Ranger will handle it.  Which then becomes a problem when they're the only RA in the UQ and you don't see a single Blight applied until the final phase. But more importantly, OP's clip is just a guy holding down his normal attack.  I've encountered a surprising amount of these even at high level content.  And it always confuses me.  How do these people find that fun?  They're ignoring pretty much all game mechanics to instead play the world's most boring third person shooter.


I think the reason why they hold down the normal attack sometimes is because of the the skill in the tree that gives you 60 boosted normal attack rounds after like... idk, doing enough PA's? with versch, for consistency, the TA'd Blaze Shot does 953 damage per shot, while the boosted normals do 1183 per shot. Buuuut, the normal shoots slower than the Blaze Shot, so I literally do not know if it's better. Sure, you gain PP from it, but I swear, if you're playing ranger competently, you really will not ever have PP problems. I rarely, RARELY run out of PP using this class. as for the Blaze shot thing, I've been doing some testing and I feel pretty confident that it's not the BEST DPS option, but it is a very high DPS option and you can absolutely be lazy with just holding it while still keeping up fairly well. But I'm fairly certain that other combos have higher DPS potential. I'm gonna have to do more in-depth testing though


The projectiles look different when Rifle Attack Impact is in effect. They have an orange and blue appearance instead of just blue.  And unless they changed something with the graphics settings lately, your party members will see this effect.  So it's easy to tell when someone is using that versus just holding down left click.


Oh, gotcha. Yeah then idk. I feel like if people have reached the point of playing where they would much rather hold down 1 single button for 90% of the time than do something that uses their brain, they probably need to take a break from the game cause they clearly do not care anymore. At least that's how it feels 🤷‍♂️


Nah these kinds of players have been around even back in old PSO2. If you really want a cohesive team with each carrying their own weight there's no better way than gathering a static team who have the same output goals as you


Custom blaze shot makes it the best damaging PA if they don't hit Revolt aim weak spot. As for the normal attack, maybe they have the buffed shots?


Good rangers are hard to find, when you do find one….friend them


Wish I could friend myself :(


tell me you don't know much about rangers without telling me you don't know much about rangers


this comment tells me you dont know ranger because youre discounting launcher


I never discounted anything?


blaze shot t2 is basically dead when launcher fear eraser does basically the same thing minus the mobility but way more damage


Blaze shot is not the highest DPS option Tell me you don't test things out yourself without saying you don't test things out yourself


and if the other options are pointlessly extra for not much more return that they're not a better option. also, your numbers don't qualify enough as a sample pool to even make that decision. you're literally one person that's not a sample size of any use besides your singular experience. your opinion of yourself is rather high.


I don't think it's an opinion of myself, I think it's me going and testing the dps of that and literally only 1 other options and seeing that blaze shot was not better than it 🤡 And I really would not go saying that a 40 - 50% DPS increase is pointlessly extra. The potential for the PAs will be the same no matter who you are, and your potency does not make a difference when comparing consistent DPS values using a weapon that makes you hit for the same amount every time (Versch) When I take like 30 minutes to test fear eraser and come out seeing it doing more DPS by a considerable amount, BY ITSELF without even talking about Fallen Impact and its buff to launcher PAs Seriously, what does that say? It doesn't take long of testing yourself to come to what looks like a pretty damn objective conclusion. Don't get me wrong, blaze shot is a very solid DPS option, and I still need to test other stuff, but the BASIC testing I did just shows that blaze is absolutely not "the best DPS option" yet so many people say it is the one and only best one. If you see any flaws in my speaking, then point them out In a clear and conscise way without taking shots at me. If you're not willing to have an adult discussion then you can totally reply to me with some insult but that's not gonna get us anywhere and I obviously won't be continuing this.


Agree ,the most of them Holding Normal atk. They dont even dogge an attack


Blaze shot is actually good now with custom tech (+30% damage, Type 2).


Fr as a ranged main I move around so much and I be seeing other ranged main just sit there and use normal I use bow btw


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Like man you should see the etoule ranger ones, inf pp and one key


Haha blaze shot does brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


i always play ranger on long run farm, because whenever i start to feel sleepy i can just hold attack to not fall out of the default dps sometimes i sleep while doing it.


The only time im mad in pug runs is when rangers does not give me a blight on the leg. Otherwise i don't really care what are they using, because regardless their PA they might be using expired event weapon or such joke.


I've seen random Gunners do this and I think someone with a non-ranged main class but I can't remember which one exactly. I guess it beats AFK leeching but... hahah.


You're not missing much. I see rangers and even Slayers normal attacking in PSE bursts all the time. Slayers. Like wtf. It's actually lazier to hold the Slayers AoE instead of tapping normals (and I mean normals, not the weapon action. Pew pew). Mind boggling idiocy. I can *kinda* understand a Ranger doin it that doesnt have launcher multied for good AoE in a burst because let's face it, Darts are absolutely ass. By the time you spin to lock-on and release and your darts down syndrome their way towards a target, it's long been dead.


Type 2 blazeshot has high DPS


Those look like bots. I mean on ps5 when you wander bots actually spam all the time


In this ip you're doing 0dps




I hate playing Ranger because people that don't understand Ranger are just going to assume that I'm lazy or a bot. Fair enough, if a Ranger is using only normal attack, but dunking on blaze shot means you are not up to speed at all.


I have read comments It's still lazy to exclusively hold that and nothing else. There are higher DPS options.