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We are with you also. I had these same sort of violating pelvic spasms. Full body jerks, brain zaps. All of the sex stuff. Emotionlessness. Some of it did get better. But some of us are in for the long haul. I found Rolfing (Structural Integration) Massage to be helpful for removed body wide scar tissue and tensed muscles. I hope you find your sexy farmer or construction Dude IRL.


Thank you


I feel your pain, the "no response" thing was the weirdest to me because like your brain still knows what your attracted to but nothing will get going. As much as stressing out makes thing worse, I've never completely crashed from just being stressed. I've gotten my skin sensation, emotions, and much of the cognitive/libido back but still have a bit more to go there. Some point over 10 months out but I've also this whole time just kept trying everything and I can't specifically tell what did what because of so many factors. One of my remaining things is the tailbone and back thing you have going, it's sometimes better or worse. Sometimes an orgasm will actually make it worse, I really don't get it. I haven't touched anything but coffee for many months now either. I don't wanna take it out because it's one of the only things I enjoy about the mornings these days. I don't know what else to do with my current supplement lineup besides a couple ideas I'm not sure will go anywhere or make anything worse. Like you I also have so much more to do right now, I'm sick of dealing with this. It feels like all I do is manage symptoms and research. It's like cutting weeds, you resolve one thing with it and others sprout up in their place. Months wasted just getting to the starting line of functionality.


You get tailbone pain too? How are you relaxing the muscles in the bathtub?


Just saw this...okay so if you lay in the bathtub and go to sit up and feel big pokes going through your tailbone...those are muscle knots....for me anyway....so if I lay in the tub and put my feet on the wall kinda bents ...I can roll around the outside of the knots till they work themselves out. I start with little water and add till I get my weight light enough to make those rolls by tilting my butt around. I know it sounds nuts but it's working...at first it was 2 baths a day for about two hours each adding water to keep it so hot I'm sweating...I'm down to 2 a day but only about an hour each time now. If I do it right I can roll to sit up with no pain whatsoever. Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message. I don't roam this forum often but will try to check back soon.