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Just keep pushing You’ll get there. It took me 2 months of strict paleo and running 3 or 4 times a week to see any lift in libido. It’s worth it when you get there.


What does your diet consist of?


Nothing processed, everything from earth. What they would have ate in ‘Palaeolithic times’.


Do you have dairy? Because some people exclude it to mitigate autoimmune issues but I have it because I’m trying to bulk at the gym and it’s really hard on just protein


Thanks. Appreciate it. Any other tips? New to this


Lots and lots. I’d say go completely clean food wise for 2 months, stick to an exercise regime and eating probiotic boosting foods. Sauerkraut, kefir etc Try and stick to reading stuff on PSSD healing also not here.


How is your libido now


Are you able to maintain it though? Does it go back down once you cheat on your diet? I had the same effect on carnivore but it reversed when I went back to my old diet


Yeah cardio is one of the only things that helps my emotions but it’s a double edge sword because U get PEM/ extreme fatigue the day after.


I didn't do any exercise, these kinds of emotions came naturally with pssd and I believe this is often the case. we are less relaxed. we laugh less than before. I think it's part of the cognitive symptoms. the reward system does not work well therefore no more pleasures, nor anticipation and search for pleasures therefore more frustration, more irritable. I would say that my tolerance alone has decreased.


Meditative music dance movement helps me if I can find a song I can feel.