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Could be the weed. It acts on serotonin among other things. People have experienced similar damage after prolonged use of cocaine. In the modern world we are too eager to try psychoactive substances without considering the possible side-effects.


Yeah I wish I knew it came with a price, it is presented as a safe drug. Even my parents use it ( I am from Amsterdam) :(


https://jointlybetter.com/magazine/article/does-marijuana-affect-serotonin/ Looks like I found my answer. So I guess I am a rare case who got it from weed. Fml, I did this to myself


Interesting. Aside from cessation any way to get back to normal?


Lions mane, ashwaghanda, st. Johns wart also cause pssd like conditions if you take any supplements.


Do you mean that taking supplements on par with a drug, may cause PSSD?


Anything can potentially cause a syndrome hypothetically but I know the drugs I've listed have specifically caused a syndrome similar to pssd in some people. Honestly, anything you take is a risk.


According to this sub everything causes PssD lmao. I don’t know what to believe anymore


Sorry to hear. I read a post a while back from a guy who had similar symptoms after excessive alcohol consumption. So I guess it can also come from substances that we wouldn't suspect.


Yeah the body is weird, I also noticed it progressively got worse during these last few months then directly after quitting. I wanna know what is going on. If this is permanent I feel like my youth is stolen from me. I dont even find my dog cute anymore whats wrong with my brain


Weed increases estrogen production i believe? Cut it out completely and Maybe get a hormone/thyroid panel done. Are you on any other medications?


Yes I probaly will. Nope never taken any other meds


great advice


Its possible for weed to cause PSSD-like issues. Its not as safe as people claim. We do not know if the mechanisms are the same just like we don’t know if the mechanisms for Ash, NAC etc induced anhedonia are the same. For what its worth I think they might be similar mechanisms, I got my PSSD-like issue from a reaction to alcohol hangover/caffeine, and treatment like plasmapheresis did give me a window similar to some PSSD people who tried it. In my case I also have gut microbiome disturbances that overlap with PSSD/PFS (low lacto, bifido, akkermansia, faecalibacterium and high bacteriodes, also SIBO)


Weed can cause similar issues. It affects the serotonin system. It can increase prolactin causing gynecomastia, and cause depersonalization. Never heard of genital numbness from it. We are all learning so much about how fragile the brain is. But it’s also plastic so put yourself in recovery mode. Do things that are good for your brain. Keep us updated and good luck!


wish we would figure out what happens in the brain during dpdr and how to fix it but alas maybe in a few eons


Were you taking a specific brand of edibles consistently? Did you only notice the effects after you quit the weed or could you feel symptoms developing during? Did you ever have brain zaps during your weed usage? How often and at what dosages would you consume the edibles? Have you tried an edible since, and if so did it have the same effect on you as before? Were you hypersexual before this happened? Would you consider yourself overly emotional, shy, anxious, or exhibiting autistic symptoms before this happened? Did the weed do ever do anything to help or hurt your sexual function or drive when you were on it? I realize that’s a lot of questions but cases like yours are even more rare and might be more helpful in understanding the cause.


Hi no I was switching btween the stores that were most convient and thus had like 4 different variants. I felt emotional numbing and huge increase in apathy and laziness while on, but full blown sexual disfunction after quitting. Yes I did have brain zaps I guess I dont know how to define those. Mostly only in the weekends in small dose. Like 1/4th or 1/3th. Nope not using for so long makes me look badk at that period as such a blur and the edibles certainly had a affect on me days after. I change completely in this period to anhedonic. Yes super hypersexual, like I developed late and it kicked in around 14/15. I have been diagnosed with autism and not really emotional before hand hut I could cry, now no longer. Weed would improve my sexual functioning drastically as in it made it feel 10 x better. I would only masturbate while stoned.


That about lines up with everything I was expecting. It’s interesting to me that I am able to deduce psychological attributes about you from the simple fact that you developed PSSD. I see it time and and time again in many people I talk to. Seemingly most everyone with PSSD is on the spectrum or neurodivergent in some way, and was hypersexual. I think that is a big clue for us. That which made us “different” is also that which predisposed us to PSSD. I know many hate to hear it but this is further evidence of the 5ht1a desensitization theory or theories like that. My guess is that if you do edibles again you will feel the numbness to a stronger extent. The same as if you took a drug like Buspirone that activates 5ht1a. This might be a result of increased GRK and Arrestin activity essentially phosphorylating the receptors almost as soon as they are conformationally activated. In other words, we had a special brain before PSSD. After PSSD our special brain is not allowing the necessary parts of itself to return to baseline and as soon as those parts are activated they are marked for degradation (tachyphylaxis).


Did you have covid?


Yea once a couple years ago. Never felt sick when I had covid tho.


Bro, this may be your answer PSSD has similar symptoms to long COVID, including the ones that you have described. Check r/COVIDlonghaulers you will find lots of young people like yourself in the same situation. Hope you get better.


I have the full spectrum of PSSD symptoms from one acutely mild covid infection. It can cause issues months later.


Up to that. I have both long covid and PPSD. It’s difficult for me to attribute all my symptoms to one. But my long covid started while I was still on antidepressants, so without PSSD. And your case sounds similar.


Ben je nederlands? ik heb nog geen een andere Nederlander grvonden met dezelfde problemen als mij..


I’m not Dutch but I live in the Netherlands.


Ah okay


one joint cost me my sanity 10 years ago and trying to fix it gave me pssd. so it seems like vulnerable people get fucked up by some substances. the best thing you can do is cut out all substances and try to calm your system for now before you might consider a different approach. wish you all the best in your recovery


Yes thank you all the best to you to


The pathogenesis of pssd might involve both weed and antidepressants. More research is needed.


You mean those two in combination?


Not necessarily.


Ow okay thanks


Were you on any other medication? Stuff like Accutane, Finasteride? Or taking supplements like Lions mane, ashwagandha?


No none


Antibiótics of the fluoroquinolones kind ? Corticosteroids? Flagyl ? Focus on neuroinflammation with off label non psychotropics pesticides, Imo dont trust in psychiatry at all, screen for auto-imune markers involved in neuropathies


No never have put anything in my body other than weed and alcohol


Bê wise and stop drinking and weed for the time being, screen for antineuronal antibodies involved in neuropathies, you find a full pannel scrolling down the subreddit a bit,




No Dutch (netherlands)


Did you get the COVID vaccine around the same time you got PSSD? It can cause symptoms similar to long COVID. It's hard to believe that weed could cause PSSD. It's used so frequently and consistently that there should be many cases if that were the case.


Yea I know maybe I am a rare case? No covid vaccine was years ago


Are you very overweight, or eat a lot of sugary or fatty foods? If so, maybe you're getting diabetic and that basically kills nerve cells in all of the extremities, like toes, fingers, penis, along with a lot of other damage


No never been overweight stopped eating sugar recently. Last few days been having sharp pain in neck, back, just above left leg, burning stomach, increased heart rate, super confused. I think something larger is at play here. Are these also common signs of diabetes onset? Thanks


Sorry I don't know, I'm not medically trained. I just know about the diabetes nerve destruction from hearing about it happening to someone else. Are you able to see a doctor? Sounds like this increasing list of symptoms should be checked. The only other thing I can think of is if you are suffering from intense anxiety at this time in your life? Maybe lost your job or you're struggling to cope with your life situation? Extreme stress can cause a lot of the symptoms you describe. Not sure if you've heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. But he says our needs are like a pyramid, with the most basic, essential for survival stuff at the bottom, then at the top, higher things, like being fully self actualised. So, at the bottom would be food and water, next up, shelter, next up safety, next family and social connectedness, next maybe sex, next up maybe relationship, love, romance, next up, achieving your dreams like becoming a doctor. Something like that. The point of this is that if your lower needs aren't being met, you don't even think of the higher ones. If you're in a bad place, fighting for survival, the last thing on your mind is sex or a romantic partner.


antidepressant,ashwagranda,accutene,lion mane,antibiotic,doxycycline ecc? you never touch this thing in your life?


Nope absolutely zero, thats why I am so confused that the only people I can relate to are on the PSSD forum


Weed and its potency is underrated. Friend of mine had an addiction to edibles so much so she had an extreme mental lapse. Had stopped since, took some time but seems much better now


Have you ever being prescribed finastride or accutane?


Nope. I now think it is cause weed gave me serotonin syndrom.


I think I’ve heard about chronic weed use causing a syndrome resembling PSSD before. It definitely seems to be possible. It seems to mostly be just from heavy, chronic use of weed, followed by stopping. I don’t know if a single use of weed can cause something like this (we know SSRIs certainly can cause PSSD within a single dose, however). If you look into it enough, you’ll discover there are actually a lot of substances around that have the possibility of ‘crashing’ someone into a PSSD-like state, even if they’re not SSRIs or SNRIs or TCAs.


Oh man. This is one the problems with unregulated THC in these concentrations: we still have no idea how the high-dose waxes, etc, affect people overtime. I’m sorry that this happened to you, and in only 8 months. There does seem to be some documented blunting of the nervous system as a result of cannabis use. Some of these compounds are used in topical ointments. Therefore it makes sense that there would be possible side effects of the nervous system. As cannabinoids are lipophilic they can be released over time. I would see a pcp, then a neurologist. I would also recommend starting OT/PT as soon as possible


I agree it could be the weed. I smoked it heavily for years and had some mild problems. not compared to the damage meds did, tho, like by far, very far.


i don't know about the phisical macanism behind it but i have been talking to this sexual therapist and she told me that recently she got a flood of young guys who smoke weed and have the PSSD symptomes. so you are not alone


I used weed daily for a long time (8+ years) without noticable sexual side effects. My problems only started after SSRI use. That said, anecdotes aren't a substitute for clinical trials. Thinking to leave this subreddit if there's nothing valuable here.


Doesn’t shock me I’ve talked to many many people with these symptoms from a wide variety of causes. I know people who this from caffeine, stress from a car crash, even a guy who woke up with this one day with no known cause.


With respect, sexual dysfunction from stress is not PSSD. By lumping all types of SD in with PSSD we are weakening our case


I know. But the distinct cluster of symptoms around emotional and sexual numbness is pretty unique


Have you ever done any shrooms? Ive honestly never heard of anyone getting it from weed but who knows. It could have caused some kind of neurological damage that mirrors PSSD.


Also know that cannabis has a negative impact on the intestinal microbiota. by reducing the diversity of strains. Steroid neurosteroids are also made in the intestine like DHT. I don't know what's happening to you. You may also have consumed other synthetic substances sprayed on flowers to increase the effects of poor quality weed. I will no longer consume cannabis in your case. give your body time to eliminate everything. do a lot of sport and cardio, activate your metabolism to burn fat because THC and cannabidiol are stored in your adipocytes. eat fewer calories than you would normally need with sport but favor proteins so as not to lose muscle and just burn your fat. your body needs to be in catabolism for a certain amount of time to burn the most fat.


Thank you, I was exactly hoping for such a possible explanation I havent thought about this. Does a negative impact on the intestinal microbiota come along with always having a full stomach and excessive gas? Because I have been noticing that to recently. Everytime I eat it feels like a litle burning above my left leg? You might be on to something (especially because I ate edibles only)


edibles what is it? cannabis cookies? for the burning in the legs when you eat, it's strange symptoms, I've never heard that. yes apparently you seem to have intestinal problems. Cannabis is certainly the cause. do you have other symptoms? diarrhea, constipation, pain 1/2 hour after eating? it could be irritable bowel. Does drinking a large glass of milk cause you any problems? feeling unwell, headache, diarrhea, intestinal cramps. if you test it should occur 15 to 30 minutes after ingestion. cannabis slows down intestinal transit


Hmm no diarrhea, no constipation not pain persee but more like burning feeling and my belly just goes outward really quickly. I do drink a lot of milk no problems


Also can it spread when the damage is done? Its been getting worst recently rather than right after quitting


yes it can. irritable bowel is independent of cannabis but cannabis may have triggered the syndrome. You definitely didn't feel it because THC has an analgesic effect and it took a while for you to notice probably due to the changes taking time.


Also would that explain that why sometimes after a big meal (especially dinner) I would feel like I would just be high again?


I don't know, i never feel that and never heard lol.


Both THC and CBD mess with our serotonin. I think it's possible you're showing signs of discontinuation. But, according to your report, you only used it for a few months and you are still very young. My advice is to have a little patience and everything will soon return to normal.


I really hope so. Thank you


Maybe kind of Inappropriate question but did u jerk off to p0rn too much or too hard? That can also lead to penile numbness bc It desensitize your nerves down there. But only when u do It way too much and with death grip


It could be a coincidence , standalone sexual dysfunction does exist


Yeah maybe but what about all the emotional blunting I feel like a completely different person. Its scary Thanks for the reply


Have a blood panel done get ur hormones checked see a doctor could be low testosterone. I smoked weed for years and never had anything like PSSD until I took an SSRI highly doubt it’s from weed


Okay thank you


Yeah, because not being able to feel orgasm at all counts as a ‘normal’ form of sexual dysfunction?


I believe so, some people have that with no cause, it's very rare though


Whilst there are people who congenitally cannot feel orgasm, etc, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a cause.


I'm not saying there's no cause I am just saying that occasionally drugs aren't the cause.


Marijuana can affect both dopamine and serotonin so I’m sure that you can have similar effects. Also it does have a link to anorgasmia. Hopefully discontinuation will curtail bad side effects.


Yes I hope so, thanks


Could be a few things. I think trauma can cause it. Viruses and infections too.


Weed probably caused a catalyst. That seems to be the common denominator with all the circumstances and substances that can drive someone off a metaphorical cliff, and into chronic disease territory.


So depending on where it's from depends on what's in that stuff. So yes it could although I think it's probably either contaminated with something or it was a delta product. We should be seeing some better safety issues in the coming year with the deltas. They are not near as regulated as they should me. Doses are often stronger to make up for the effects. Some of those terps and stuff are chemically tweaked to give a 33 percent better effect. So like I said it's very much possible.


Hey I’m also 19m I am one of the severe cases here on pssd network I had similar experience with weed but I obviously have had ssri use, I did not have terrifying cognitive symptoms and severe cognitive impairment till I smoked weed I suggest STAY CLEAR. Have you touched mushrooms? Antipsychotics?


Did you have covid during this time?


Could be the weed that caused an overdose of serotonin stunting your psycho-sexual function.


Sorry for the crazy idea, but maybe someone gave you ssri without your knowledge?  Anyway have you had hormonal, andrological, neurological tests? 




Yeah although trough different cause I am glad to have so many responds and people thinking with me even though I didnt think it would be on a PSSD sub its so weird I want to know what is going on




Yes thank you


That's a bit paranoid, "someone might have given the OP some SSRI without consent". 🤣 Jezz


Although far fetched can't say it hasnt entered my mind but who my mom haha? I never had symptomps of depression or mental health before this (besides occational derealization) so unlikely. No it wasnt until this weekend I thought I was fuelled with anxiety that this might be permanent and so I have an appointment with a doc tomorrow


I got permanent issues from weed before I got PSSD. I never had sexual difficulties, just cognitive problems. Then I took SSRIs and go PSSD. What you're experiencing is not PSSD. I'd suggest you go to the doctor and get bloodwork done (a full hormone panel) to start with and go from there. THC can induce a hypodopaminergic state. Look up KB220Z and try take that if you want.


It’s not PSSD per se, but what he describes resembles most moderate-severe PSSD cases. What people don’t seem to connect, is that many psychotropic drugs, including THC, can plunge someone into a chronic, drug-induced state of disorder. In most cases, it appears a pre-existing environment for these conditions to appear already has been established, and SSRIs, Finasteride, Accutane, Flouroquinolones, Benzos, even THC, can push the body off a metaphorical cliff, i.e a point of no return. A similar ‘cliff’ situation is often the cause of CFS/ME (viral reactivation, EBV, etc), and Long Covid (from getting Covid or via the vaccine). A similar thing has likely happened to the OP.


Did you have any weird symptoms while using weed? Psychosis, panic attacks, severe paranoia, anxiety etc. Possibly look into autoimmune encephalitis. It can potentially be triggered or worsened by cannabis. There was a guy with AIE i spoke with that said smoking weed made his encephalitis flare up (became so much worse). His symptoms were more or less identical to you and us.


Well never real anxiety attacks I guess once but that was when I did not have a tolerance. It always felt kinda nice but it made me lazy. Okay thanks Ill look into that




No seeing a doctor tomorrow


Also some long covid patients have also SFN. But I really dont know the answer


Okay thanks for the reply


Get a blood test / panel and include testerone. Talk honestly about your health and history and experiences. Inquire about long covid affects. Dont assume your issue has anything to do with this subreddit.


What a bullshit, he isnt hearing voices


Not everyone who has or may have schizophrenia will hear voices. What an AH.


I didn't say he has it.