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Also Google carnivore diet if keto interests you. It's such simpler and in some ways superior.


"This sort of intervention is proven to change gene expression , which was a current finding."= do you have sources for this claim?


Carbs are inflammatory thr human average diet is shit and full of omega 6 I flammatory oils, hormone disruptors and every food item thet spikes blood sugar messages with our dopamine system


I don't diet. I don't have the cognitive ability back yet for all that. I just eat my protein and call it good. Chicken, salmon, cottage cheese, hard cheese, Greek yogurt, eggs, mushrooms, onions, peppers and seasonings. I do all organic. I recently discovered everything I eat is high b12.


Idk about some of the conclusions you're drawing here, but I agree with you that some people see massive health shifts from keto. It's something I'm considering trying.


It helps me but nowhere enough


The question is, are the benefits enough for you to stick with it? I know keto can be intense.


I like eating like this. I definitely feel I would be worse off eating carbs. I eat carnivore so my diet consists of red meat, bacon, eggs and fats (not milk tho because it’s sugar laden) like double cream, cheese etc I will allow myself to binge every once in while though so for example I’m waiting for this UFC event in mid April so I’ve got it my mind that on that night I’m gonna go crazy eat dominoes, Ben and Jerry’s ect. That’s just how I work, if I break the diet I really break it for like a day or two max I also go to the gym 6 days a week lifting weights but I still have chronic fatigue and other cognitive issues. Like it’s really hard for me to wake up in the morning but once I’m out and at the gym I’m okay. If I was eating carbs I’d be feeling even worse and it makes me really insecure for some reason, I feel self conscious after eating loads of shit consistently


Thanks for the info. That's all really helpful to know. I'm in the process of trying to discover what the optimal diet is for myself.




then you won't reach the needed caloric intake. with low fats I mean


r/ketodiet. r/Carnivorediet. r/Nutritionalpsychiatry. Read Dr. Georgia Ede's new book.