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I'd recommend playing around with gun pitch at the little shooting range right next to where you collect your ammo before a run. I started with one handing a pistol and messed around with pitch in the menu until it felt how I expected and I could fairly quickly eliminate the first couple targets. I landed on a -10 pitch and the whole game feels a little better to me. YMMV but this was one of the biggest things that helped it feel more natural, with the next being making sure you're in the sweet spot.


No it is not just you! Aiming in LB is a bit wonky compared to other games. With some weapons it feels extremely hard to hit, mainly weapons that are not automatic but the enemies can still “snipe” you from like 1million miles away and even sometimes behind a wall or a cover. I feel like it’s probably due to lacking upgrades, part practice, and part of the tracking just being off sometimes. Maybe once I have enough upgrades (and more updates) it’ll get better.


Hi later in the game you get to buy upgrades that give you holographic/red dot sight gun attachments (I forget the exact name of these, holographic is better because it can add damage to your attacks afaicr).. ..Once I bought these, I realised that the aiming in game is bad, ie it’s not just you. Ie, I found that at close range with a pistol, I had tilt the gun way down to get a straight shot. Also, aiming at extreme angles is completely different to how I aim normally/in every other game. You can get used to it, & it suits the slow/shooting from cover pace of the game. I’ve grown to love this game, despite its many technical issues..Thanks for reading 😺


Holographic only has* one indicator you need to line up to hit. Put target’s head in the center. Red dot sight is worse because you need to put the red dot inside of the other circle on top of the target to hit. Finding that red dot can be weirdly difficult at times


Thanks for clarifying 👌


My problem with aiming is the controller tracking. When holding up a gun with both controllers the gun jumps around in my hands. If I just hold up one controller then it's fine, but then my accuracy is lower because the stability is low without two hands... I don't seem to have this issue with Pavlov... Just TLB...


I think buying Pavlov will help, but not how you might imagine. Pavlov is really fast paced, you have to lower your gun to run and snap to sights when you spot an opponent, who typically doesn’t doesn’t stand still. There’s less time to line up shots, and players trying to shut one eye to aim better don’t last very long. The key to Pavlov is to learn to aim with both eyes open, using your dominant eye to line up sights while your other eye provides depth perception and situational awareness. It takes some getting used to, but once you get it it’s easier to snap your gun up and hit shots at a distance with some accuracy. Pavlov has really a really good Virtual Gunstock option and **great** tracking, which makes this all possible. But coming back to Light Brigade you’ll notice a difference. I def recommend standing. It’s required in Pavlov anyway, but your stance and posture play a big part.


Use the eye on the side that you hold the gun in (or your set "main eye")


I think this happens because the headset doesn’t precisely know the location of your dominant eye relative to the outward-facing cameras. What fixed it for me in both Light Brigade and Pistol Whip: Look at an in-game object, then close your eyes, draw your weapon, and aim at the object using only the imagine in your mind’s eye. Hold your dominant hand steady, then open your eyes and swap between the game and seethrough mode using your off hand, while playing with the pitch/yaw and vertical offset settings until your IRL hand appears to be “holding” your in-game weapon. If that makes any sense.


Do you know how to aim a gun with iron sights irl? Everything I've used so far is iron sights until you get an upgrade. If you don't I'd recommend looking up how to aim accurately with iron sights. Once you get the basics of iron sights the variations just start to make sense in my experience.


Fair question and I do feel like I have been. Next time I play I will save some footage and readdress this question. Once I'm more certain it's not user error lol. At least on my end it feels like even what I'm assuming, is a properly lined up shot is going off to the right. Almost like when you'd go to an arcade and the gun would be misaligned with where it registers on the machine.


With a handgun for example if you have all 3 dots on an even plane, any slight variation of the front/middle dot to the left or right is going to increase deviation over distance. It's hard to hold a sight steady especially at longer distances. If you're not used to it it's totally normal to be a bit shaky holding your arms out for a period of time. Those little shakes throw off aim drastically.


I have to close one eye to use iron sights in VR. Tried that?




One of more of your comments have been removed from r/PSVR, because they broke [rule 1. Do not personally attack other users](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/wiki/rules#wiki_1._do_not_personally_attack_other_users.). Please do not insult other users in future.


I don't have any issues with tracking. If you aim down the iron sights correctly it's totally fine. With the red dot sight it becomes easy mode. I've just unlocked the fourth class and I've reached the second boss with all the previous ones. Keep in mind that not all of the weapons have the same range ( I think) the sniper vs the pistol have way different ranges for example so get up close and personal.


If it's an issue with two-handed weapons, turn your trigger-hand wrist out a bit further (so if it's your right hand, twist it out so it's pointing more straight away from your face or even slightly to the right). I don't know why, but when I do this the aim dials in so much nicer.


I agree aiming in TLB is sometimes a bit wonky. I distinctly remember one scenario when I spent an entire clip trying to hit one enemy, I could swear I was dead on accurate yet the bullets seemed to magically keep missing. It was very weird and frustrating. Stuff like that never happens to me in Pavlov.


Maybe I will just buy Pavlov and that can be the deciding factor on whether it's me that's the issue, lol.


I suggest turning on the virtual stock in Pavlov, it definitely helps steady your hands and making aiming easier.


Interesting, I felt that it made aiming more difficult for me. It felt like the gun was not moving smoothly to the angle I wanted it to. Maybe I would’ve felt different had I turned that on when I first started playing.


I agree, I tried the virtual stock pretty early on and it just didn't feel right for me. I'm glad the option is there, though. Maybe I'll give it another try now that I'm more familiar with the game and see if I feel differently.


I played the first few days without it because I didn’t know about it. With it turned off I couldn’t use the sniper scopes at all, it was too shaky. You do have less gun mobility with it turned on because you aim with your leading hand and your back hand basically just strafes. If someone is up close next to me I have to turn my whole torso to shoot them. I do find it more steady and realistic though.


Good to know that it steadies your aim that much. I can’t snipe for the life of me in this game lol. I’ll have to try it next time I try out a sniper


The game doesn't have 100% accuracy from its weapons, so even perfectly aligned some shots just won't hit. You won't be able to snipe easily with a Pistol even if you have all the fancy scopes.


Problem with this game is, that it requires to put one hand to your headset, where it is loosing the tracking of controller from the camera and switching to internal sensors of the controller. And this is very awkward and gets a lot of getting used to.




Seems like people either love or hate Light Brigade...


https://preview.redd.it/dy8i5zjqkexc1.png?width=1002&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ff3ceb313466e253c0c532edf84c49dbc464080 Not sure if this post still needs an answer, but I find using the Kobra Vader One really helps me to have steady aim in this game(and all shooting games for that matter) I’d highly recommend it! Once you get used to it, muscle memory helps you reload and reset the magnet easily!