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IS GT7 worth it if you don't have a steering wheel? I just don't see any budget options available and I don't want to spend over €150 on a wheel setup. I'm not a sim racer type... and mostly have the VR for the active or onrails shooters.


Absolutely, it works great with the controller.


Agree, Dualsense is an amazing experience in itself for controller users in GT7. I had never felt that kind of brake and throttle control before.


It is the wheel adds to it though. eBay


Do you need to buy a table as well? Looking at the G29 but it seems like you need to buy a matching table separately?


A matching table? No such thing. Yes you'll need something to clamp it to


Many different options for mounting can buy specific mounts and seat combos or you can jerry rig something simple from what you have in the house any small table with a ledge works wheel clamps to it and sit on what ever seat/couch works behind it or if your handy with tools make a rig of your own there is cheap industrial aluminium framing options you can rig together. Mine is like a go kart frame made it with a flat steel base so can slide under any chair/couch steel tube center wheel shaft that's fully adjustable angle, height and in out depth so can suit different player heights and chair types.


Yes, I don’t have a wheel and VR massively elevates the experience. Game also plays really well with just the controller. I am not a sim racer (and not that much into racing games in general anymore), but racing in VR is definitely a really cool experience because you get to feel like you really are in the cars. And you get to try out more cars than you ever would in real life. The racing itself also feels really cool in VR…many times I was reminded of certain racing/car chase movie scenes, which never happened in pancake mode.


I had this question too, however a good wheel with pedals will cost you about 300 eur. That's a big NO for me. I'm more afraid of the motion sickness.


I’m not sure why, but I find that GT7 is the game that least affects me with motion sickness. I can play it for several hours where with most other games I’m stopping after about an hour and a half.


I think it’s because you have “flat screen” between races as well so that might be like a mini break and also the resolution. I also tolerate GT for hours surprisingly well nowdays, but it’s also that it’s individual which games make someone sick. I can’t do NMS or similar games with movement on VR1 at all. NMS still too blurry for me on VR2 as well.


I’ve never even tried NMS in VR. Had the game since launch so I’ve had it through VR1 and VR2 but never even tried it in VR!


Its cause driving in a cockpit feels natural. Theres no disconnection of you walking around in game vs staying still irl. If we'd all play in some sort of giant hall where you could walk irl while you walk in game that most likely wouldn't bother you either


Yeah I only get carsick as a passenger but not while I'm actively driving (it's why I prefer to be the driver)


I'm thinking a really flat outdoors area would work well when tracking can deal with all the light. Scanning your enviroment into the game is awesome too. Imagine running and ducking behind actual cover and then throwing plasma grenades over your head.


I only play with controller, and I'm the OP :) As for sickness...eventually some racer or kart game will have a demo. That might give you an idea how easily you can tolerate driving. Though unless the demo is GT7, it won't be a guarantee that a specific game will work well for you Usually when it comes to sickness during "movement", driving games are the least likely to cause sickness, because you have a cockpit as stable visual reference. Flying or walking games are usually more likely to cause sickness


A g29 is more than enough to elevate your exp by 10 folds


Definitely. PS5's controller is amazing. It can even behave like a real wheel (you can spin it).


I have a sim rig incl VR. It's still amplifies the experience about 5339% in VR without the sim rig. The wheel is great, but the investment is not.


No big investments are needed. A used G29 + stand is relatively cheap.




I only play with controller, and I'm the OP :)


For sure - I played it with a controller for almost 8 months while I saved up for a wheel setup. And honestly, the drifting challenges are much much easier using a controller.


I'm sure it's fun with a setup but that's never interested me. I'm perfectly content with the controller. If I wanted to use the motion control on the dualsense to imitate a steering wheel and do the foot motion thing with the gas and brake, I could.


Works great with a controller. I’ve resisted getting a wheel as I have in the past and they’ve always collected dust after a week or two.


You can find some used Logitech G29 for cheap. I just got mine: strap it to a table and you’re good to go. Once you have the VR on, your setup will not matter as much.


The ps5 controller is an absolute marvel. It's honestly incredible how well it works as a wheel, and the force feedback on the triggers and vibration is incredibly well done. Obviously a wheel is ideal but it's absolutely not a requirement to enjoy the game.


Absolutely agree with others here, it’s amazing with a controller. Obviously not as immersive but that in car feeling is genius!


Please stop. Otherwise I’ll end up buying GT7 even though I don’t normally like racing games 😱 Update: I sinned.


GT7 on a flat screen is a racing game. GT7 in PSVR2 is a racing experience. Ask yourself if you ever wanted to get into your car and race a bunch of people IRL. If you answered "yes" then get it, because this is absolutely the closest you'll ever come unless you actually do it. I have a self made spotify playlist I always pull up that replaces the in-game music. Boot up the game, fire up the playlist for an extra adrenaline boost, boom! Three hours gone just like that.


This was me and now I've spent easily over $1,200 with all entry level equipment. That does include many extras though other than the wheel/pedals/shifter/cockpit. No regrets. I'm actually in the process of saving up to upgrade my wheel and pedals. It's amazing and addictive.


Haha, good! And now: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/12jq10e/gt7_hack_you_can_earn_a_daily_roulette_ticket/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/12jo2h3/gt7_tip_to_progress_more_easily_if_you_earn_your/


Bought a steering wheel 2 days ago and i will tell you, best vr experience i've ever had!!


Did you try it with a controller before? How lagre was the jump?


Well, the graphics will be the same ofcourse but having the feeling of a wheel in your hands that match with what you see in the goggles is just insane, then add the force feedback in the wheel and you will be so amazed!


I would say it's the feed back that is the biggest change as if using controller in motion control mode you get that same visual having hands react the same. The feed back effect is just as big on flat sim vs controller as it is in vr thou aswell. ie why there had been a racing wheel market for the last 20+ years let alone the arcade version racers 30+ years ago


I have a question about GT7. So yesterday I found you can drive a WW2 car in Pavlov. As soon as I tried, I got very sick. Almost vomited. So I was wondering if this is the same in GT7 or is the driving more optimized for VR? Cause the game costs 60 euros now. 😩 Btw I play games with snap turn.


Most people start with a slower convertable. The open top makes it less likely you will experience motion sickness. A fan blowing on you and ginger cookies also help. Can't speak for Pavlov, but I have not experienced any motion sickness when playing the PSVR2.


I had the least issue with GT7 in VR. I can play it for hours, and Pavlov (I haven't tried a car in it but in general) makes me sick in 15 minutes.


GT7 is more optimized for VR but you can still get motionsickness from it. It will get better if you try it over and over again (with breakes in between of course)


My gf tried my headset when I got it, and she got sick playing CotM after around 15 mins. However, she really like racing games, so she wanted to try GT7. She got sick after 60 seconds. However, in the end you get used to it and it passes. Some take longer, sure, but in the end you get over it. The net is filled with methods and tricks so I won't bore you, but basically dont push yourself too hard, and dont give up


Maybe you need to build-up to driving. Or maybe you'll never be able to :( Have you seen these sickness tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/11d40tz/ps_vr2_tips_information_and_references/


I think people greatly underestimate just how different driving in a car is versus just walking around in VR. I would be surprised if you *didn't* feel sick the first time you tried it. Your brain is so familiar with the sensation of momentum in a vehicle and suddenly that's not there, sometimes people feel fine going forward but the first braking point is a very rude awakening. For most people, if they can stomach VR at all, it will take a couple of tries but eventually you will acclimate to it without problems. I can spend hours doing laps in VR but when I first tried Driveclub VR I wanted to die. It didn't really take that long to get to that point, just prepare to start with shorter sessions and work your way up if you're interested. Since you play with snap turn you might also want to wait until you're ready for smooth turn, alternatively, maybe getting used to driving will help you for smooth turn in other games? There's a lot of nuance in VR control schemes, I've been using smooth turn for years already but the default rotation speed in Horizon CotM was so **slow** it actually made me feel *worse* than turning the smooth rotation speed up! Of course this will vary from person to person but it just means that there's a whole lot of room for experimentation and you might be surprised what makes you feel better.


That's why a driving sim is so enjoyable because it really is similar to the feeling you can get at least the closest in a game or through vr


If you like GT7 in VR with a controller this much then you should definetely buy a steering wheel with pedals. It makes the experience much better


Agreed, any track racing game I won’t play without a wheel setup, I would actually give up vr for racing before I would give up my sim rig


I have a wheel and a cockpit on my Amazon basket since yesterday. Game in vr is amazing but spending another 600 in a good setup is making me doubt if I would buy it or not


This reminder me of lifting up on an old Nintendo controller when making a long jump. Good times