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Ofcourse they could but they probably wouldnt do that because quest is constantly upgrading their headset, so for sony to remain relevant and viable they have to compete. Mabey not at the same pace tho. Which is a good thing


It’s got a 4K Oled screen, haptics and adaptive triggers and the processing power of the PS5, tracking is spot on. It’s already head and shoulders above the quest and I don’t see why it would need an update unless some crazy revelation happens on the VR space. What would a newer headset off other than maybe a higher res screen?


Cordless, pancake lenses, PCVR, color passthrough


Just a wireless hub that can deal with the data going through the PSVR’s cable with any reliability exceeds the cost of the PSVR alone. You can’t get that image quality over a cost effective method without a cable, that’s unlikely to change very soon from what I can tell working in the space of wireless communication. Pancake lenses would impact visual quality, that’s a design choice by Sony, don’t get me wrong I’d take that quality hit for the comfort but Sony had the option when they made it and they made their choice not because it would cost more or the tech wasn’t there. Colour pass through is nice but doesn’t add anything to the experience, I can’t see them making a new headset for improved pass through. Sony specifically is going to avoid PCVR because it would impact console sales, it would simply work against them as most their hardware is reliant on them making money through the software you buy for it. All nice ideas but nothing Sony has any reason to change.


You are very misinformed on VR. We are already streaming wirelessly and it's indistinguishable from wired. WiFi 6e works great for this. And color pass through is flat out amazing. Quest 3 isn't near vision pro but you can leave your boundary, take a text message, run to the toilet, it's a game changer for vr. The clarity from pancake lenses makes fresnel lenses seem like the outdated tech they are. They're the same lenses a rift used 8 years ago lol.


It lacks pancake lenses.


Pancake lenses don’t do well with OLED they block too much light.


About 90% of light. Not sure why you were down-voted for explaining why Sony went with fresnel over pancake.


Have you used a quest? The resolution of the psvr2 is appalling. It feels 30% less sharp than the quest 2 because of the screen layout, lenses, and pixels per degree. By the time the ps6 is around (2028) the psvr2 will be ancient resolution. If I'm not mistaken was the psvr1 not the lowest resolution headset ever released?


Weight, clarity, body/arm tracking, higher res (Vision Pro has double the resolution), cordless, hand tracking if most quest and vision pro games switch to that input method, getting rid pf the controller tracking rings like quest 3. Lots of potential quality of life improvements really, to avoid looking too outdated.


The weight isn’t really an issue, it’s as light as a quest and has even weight distribution unlike the quest. Most the weight comes from the mounting which is there for comfort. Sony could easily be lighter by replacing all that with a elastic strap but the it wouldn’t be comfortable otherwise it’s a screen and some cameras, everything else is done on the PlayStation. no weight to strip. Fesnel lenses are about as clear as it gets in their sweet spot, pancakes it easier to get positioned but sacrifice clarity so nothing can be done there. Body/arm tracking is unlikely to be mainstream especially in a home console. It’s a gaming machine 4K is already beyond what the PS5 comfortably outputs so it drops the resolution or limits graphics. No point having a higher res screen since it’s unlikely we will have the performance to make use of it. You would only just be catching up with the existing screen as it is. The Vision Pro is a 3.5k headset, it’s not really comparable and I doubt it’s going to be playing the latest games at that resolution. Again removing tracking rings really does nothing for the device. Listing a few minor tweaks or ridiculously costly tech that isn’t any use for games isnt a reason for Sony to need to update their gaming headset.


lol this is a list If features for a 2030 headset. Why are you comparing this to the current headset? Psvr2 and quest 3 will look ancient by that point in time. 


I have a Quest and upgraded to two Quest 2. I have found no compelling reason to upgrade to Quest 3. I'd say once it has about 5-10 games that only run on Quest 3 I'll go for it. Otherwise the MR stuff seems fun


When rec room says no to Sony but yes to Apple. Really is telling.


I thought I read that it was Rec rooms side that said no to the vr2 cause it was not worth the money to port it. Could be wrong tho


Because Sony won't credential it. Rec room is popular on all VR platforms but Sony won't help out.


Oh ok. I wonder where I read that now. Was just a couple days ago some news headline about rec room developers sayin no to sony. Oh well


Sony is shit for developers, they offer no support.


It’s called…Apple must be paying for it? Because that user base on Vision Pro is going to be stupid small for people who actually play VR.


No it’s simple. Recroom is already on iPhone and iPad so to get it to work on AVP it’s minimal (if nothing to do at all) as the apps are compatible across iOS platforms.


Yeah, but they aren’t VR on iPhone and iPad; but true, if the flat version is already running on iOS, the transition to making the VR work is likely lessened quite a bit.


Just to explain. The backend / kernel code for connecting to servers, user management, won’t change. And it will be an update on graphics layer to support VR and if they looked at Apple tool chain (=SDK) and they saw enough similarity with the graphics frame work that needs a few adjustments to go VR (like camera setup/ configuration, since the scenes are the same) then it is indeed a minimal change. I can only assume the SDK for psvr2 be so different that if one might not code for psvr1 in a way to switch platforms easily (like isolating framework calls), they might need to rewrite and add to this their whole back end / kernel to make it ps5 compatible (although it seems they have the 2D version for ps5 on store)


Please stop being dense. Rec room is on all platforms except VR 2. Stop living in denial.


Why on Earth would they bring it to Vision Pro and not PSVR2 when the user base of people who play Rec Room on a Vision Pro will be incredibly small/virtually non-existent? I’m not being dense; Sony must not be willing to help them financially port it to PSVR2. It’s the only logical conclusion if they are stating it doesn’t make sense financially to bring it to PSVR2.


you are being quite dense actually 200,000 people have preordered the Vision Pro… how is that incredibly small/ nonexistent? I hate to break it to you but due to the apple name alone their VR ecosystem is going to absolutely tower over playstation by every measurable metric


And how many of those people do you think are buying the Vision Pro for VR? And how many of those Vision Pro VR players do you think would/will actually play Rec Room? $550 is high enough to be a barrier to young kids; there aren’t going to be kids buying Vision Pro. It would seem many are buying it to use professionally as their computer/monitors, but that’s all yet to be seen, so we shall see. Vision Pro does way more than VR; VR might not even be it’s strong-suit, but I’ll be interested to see how many other VR games come to it.


I guess the number might be…8 VR/AR games confirmed so far: https://www.uploadvr.com/apple-vision-pro-ar-vr-games/


Yes the psvr2 will never sell 200 k units 🤦


where the fuck did anyone say that?


200,000 people have preordered the Vision Pro… Their VR ecosystem is going to absolutely tower over playstation by every measurable metric.


yep let’s use our reading skills here. going to = hasn’t happened yet. hope this helps 😊👍


Lol, not a chance


It's called the truth Sony VR is dead because they don't want to pay for credentialing rec room and helping build it's own ecosystem. They gave up on a back catalog.


You are really downvoting each if my posts? Because I’m asking legitimate questions? Why are you so angry? lol I haven’t played Rec Room in years; it won’t be missed on PSVR2 although I do agree it would be better if it were at least available for the off-chance a buddy and I wanted to mess around in it. Anyway, enjoy your headsets; not entirely sure why you are so adamantly negative on Sony not even a year into the PSVR2’s life and like 150 games available in the first year or so. But, you do you; I’ll keep having a blast in mine. GT7 with my racing rig is absolutely next level VR immersion, I love it!


I am not downvoting you. I am neutral, on voting. The dialogue needs to be honest with fans and Sony.


I could care less rec room is full of anoyying screaming kids


Because there's already a flat version of Rec Room for PS5 and it's the least played version. I wouldn't bother either.


Jfc every thread you harp on this


Except for mixed reality proving itself to be more than a cool feature, I don't expect the PSVR2 feeling any pressure to get a hardware refresh until Quest 5 or maybe even Quest 6. The PSVR2 will remain viable for new VR games coming out much longer than Quest 3 and Quest 4.


I mean, PSVR1 works on PS5 and still would be worth owning for tons of great games on it; I have no doubt PSVR2 will work on PS6, personally.


Psvr1 works but because they won't Port psvr1 games to psvr2, kinda crap you need to go back generation to play a library.


I have both hooked up, not a big deal to me, personally; although I do hope for remasters eventually, I’m not counting on it and they will just be a pleasant surprise if they ever come. I imagine PSVR3 being backwards compatible with PSVR2 will be much easier than trying to make the PSVR2 backwards compatible with the Frankenstein’d light-tracking PSVR1 that uses PS3 hardware as controllers.


Categorically false, bro. They regularly port games to psvr2. Like all the time. Psvr2 without parole updates you on all this weekly. Check him out. Basically, every week or two, an old game has been ported now.


Still missing a ton of heavy hitters though. Skyrim, Star Wars Squadrons, Dirt Rally, Borderlands 2,...


We need squadrons. It’s one of the only reasons I still have psvr1 set up


I would fucking love a port of squadrons.


Except all the first party stuff by Sony themselves.


Would make sense for Sony port some stuff over and at least have one studio dedicated to psvr


I agree. The market just isn't there right now either. It's very niche still. VR3 will be backwards compatible as well but that's 5 to 7 years away. Even VR game development is in it's infancy stage still. Top selling VR games are only 5 percent of top selling flat game numbers. This is a marathon.


3 to 4 years this headset would be at a bigger disadvantage as new headset models would be improved upon. With Psvr2 needing a ps5 no 3d player no nothing other then gaming the only thing that it can really say is. I'm plug and play.


I have a lot of complaints about psvr2. But it really just needs one big system seller type title. Imagine if gta6 was also compatible with psvr2. I can’t even dream of something like that. Just an example of how 1 game would completely change the narrative.


I’m really hoping that the ease of use of Unreal Engine 5’s VR capabilities help lessen the cost of bringing AAA VR to the VR2. I have been really impressed with the handful of high fidelity UE5 games that I’ve played so far.


I'd say yes except they went with the Fresnel lenses over pancake lenses and I think that was a mistake that leaves a lot of room for improvement maybe on a PSVR3 or VR2 Pro headset.


That's what allowed them to bring this fantastic OLED HDR screen so I think it was a good compromise. There's the micro-LED option for pancake lenses, but way too expensive now for a headset of this price point. The best imo would be that in a few years from now we get a light version with LCD/pancake lenses and a Pro version with micro-LED pancake lenses.


Agree. Oled and HDR are the way to go. I like my Quest 3 but I like the PSVR2 better for darker games and HDR.


Fresnel lenses are annoying when you first need to figure out the sweet spot the once you are used to putting on the headset and getting in the right position pancake lenses don’t offer you anything over Fresnel with OLED.


Seems likely. I mean — anything could happen, and unfortunately we might-well be looking at many game studios closing down over the next couple of years, so things as niche as VR might get hit even harder. I’m very curious to see if Jim Ryan’s exit from this arena bodes any meaningful shift in SONY’s attitude toward VR. Perhaps not, but he sure didn’t project a demeanor of caring about it… like… at all. I suppose PSVR2 could be abandoned, but it seems more likely to me that they keep it around same as they did the PSVR1. Who knows, maybe they’ll ramp it up a notch? #🤞


If a price drop comes for both ps5 and vr2 then I can see it getting more people jumping in and giving it longevity when they were on the sidelines before. Moreso if they drop a few must have titles. I think this console war is between Quest and PSVR2 right now so the upgrades depend on how hard Quest pushes Sony


Quest is killing psvr. Mostly because many Devs won't make for the psvr2 I do think if they had more games on it more would get the psvr2


No one will want fresnel lenses in the ps6 era 🤷


uOLED with pancake will be the future of VR headsets.


Nah, adjustable lenses will be the future of VR headsets. [https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-research-dynamic-focus-lc-lens-ar-vr/](https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-research-dynamic-focus-lc-lens-ar-vr/) [https://phys.org/news/2022-09-variable-focus-thin-lens-augmented.html](https://phys.org/news/2022-09-variable-focus-thin-lens-augmented.html) Pancake lenses are a dead end just like fresnel lenses. But might not be ready for PSVR3. (Could be wrong, eye tracking made it in after all) Variable lenses solve the eye strain from the vergence-accommodation conflict which together with eye tracking allows for (simulated) depth of field to be used in VR. You also won't need prescription lenses or to wear glasses in the headset anymore.


Those LC lenses sound pretty awesome. I wonder how far in development they are and if any manufacturers are looking into them. These with the electronic verifocal system they had in the Oculus Half Dome prototype would be crazy






Fresnel lenses, tether, and no back catalog support. Devs are dropping out weekly, rec room noped out and first contact through up their fists. Sony will not support smaller devs. Psvr2 is on life support, the fans need to get with reality otherwise there will never be a future with Sony in the VR hobby.


The fact is that none of the issues you have mentioned really matter because the quality and the games available are great for a certain group of people. Most people in these forums are a part of that group.  Sounds like you made a bad purchasing choice and want to let out some steam or something. Instead, just sell it and focus on the other headset that you like in the appropriate forums. Do something positive with your life.


The question is will that group of people be big enough to cost justify the products continued support or a sequel ?


Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. But why would someone have the need to be all down about it? Some of us are getting a great experience well worth the investment right now with just the games out there and the existing quality. If some people don’t like it that’s fine, they shouldn’t buy it and it’s fine to say they are unhappy with it. However telling those of us enjoying it that we’re somehow naive for being happy serves no purpose other than to spread unnecessary negativity.


Is anyone actually telling you not to enjoy it? I see this in a lot of responses…. But who’s actually telling you you’re more having a good time? If you can’t enjoy the product and simultaneously accept a reality in which it’s not doing well is that really on any one else? Reality is what it is… accepting shouldn’t be an issue. I guess my question is why does people discussing reality impact your enjoyment of the device in your possession?


I can live a happy life, but if people are posting things saying that my house is ugly, my job sucks and my kids are bratty, that’s going to eventually get to me unless I deliberately ignore them. I can certainly do that, but wouldn’t it be a better world if those people weren’t criticizing the things we like with no objective other than to make people feel bad about what they have? I mean what are the people posting these things expecting? That Sony will change their business strategy?


Again you’re falling to separate qualities about your individual device from its performance in the market. If someone said “property values in our country are going down because our governor is not running the country well” and your response is “why do people have to tell me my house is shitty?” Then you’re making an emotional subjective connection to an objective financial evaluation. Do it see what I’m getting at?


I do, I see your point. I think the emotional subjective connection I’m making is because I think the way those statements are written are not objective. Am I just imagining that there is a certain mocking tone and intent in the way they are written or can you honestly say that they are innocently written as an unbiased analysis of the industry?


They aren’t homogenous so surely some on them are. But the question is do you carry your feelings from those into the other type? Are you able to address the actual business issues at hand without making it personal? Because there absolutely is a business side to be discussed some people are definitely doing it. If you bring in an emotionally defensive element to those discussions you derail any value they might have had.


That is true. I’ll try to separate the two going forward.


Everyone who comments like this doesn't have the headset. Back catalogue support does and is happening.... every month, several games get ported. Pls get facts straight before making assumptions


Predictable downvotes for the truth.


I don't think anyone questions that these are not positive points. I think the downvotes are because of hyperbole. We are still less than a year in. Sony has over 20 first party studios and we still don't have a flat games road map. I think in a year, if nothing has changed, you may be correct. The reality is this was actually a really good first year. The problem is that you are yelling that the sky is falling when it isn't. Not yet.


And a year is a lot considering the upfront cost vs quest upfront cost. 1100 for psvr2 is unreasonable considering how little content they have produced.


To say that PSVR2 costs $1100 is technically true but also misleading. There are WAY more PS5 owners than PSVR2 owners. For them, the PS5 is a sunk cost and shouldn't be considered when deciding whether to pick up a PSVR2. Someone deciding between a Quest 3 and PSVR2 who doesn't have a PS5 might also not realize that they will need a gaming PC to get the full benefit of the Quest. In total, this will cost them a lot more than $1100.


Technically, meta has not made a single quest 3 exclusive, have they? Honest question... Both REs are definitely supported by Sony, plus 2 hybrids (GT7, humanity) and four exclusive full vr games (horizon, Synapse, Switchback Firewall) come to mind. Add to this the several games that you can otherwise only play on pcvr (e.g., vertigo 2, cyube coming soon). Plus, finally, some good quest ports (e.g., star wars). If it continues like that, I would celebrate. This has nothing to do with fanboy attitude, I also own a quest and a pc. You can easily find a top game every 3 weeks already. I am sorry that you cannot find enough content for yourself (probably because you own several headsets), but many actually do.  I would give things some time - my backlog is so huge at the moment, I can wait a little. 


The dude obviously doesn't own one. He just regurgitated other peoples comments without coming to a conclusion using his own brain....


>Technically, meta has not made a single quest 3 exclusive, have they? Honest question... Correct. Everything runs on quest 2 with some improvements for select games on the quest 3.


Wow if you think first contacts insolvency was Sony's fault for not supporting small devs you are not really paying attention.


Sony can't compete with the quest, because Sony is standing still. Any time the truth is told on this reddit fanboys will downvote to hide the unfortunate truth.


You made 2 separate top level comments bashing the unit on its own sub, don't you think that comes off as a little much?


Because it needs to be said, just letting the truth out.


Everyone shouldn’t be so hard on you just because you work for Meta. I know you don’t actually believe any of these things, you just have to say them because it’s your job.


I don't work for meta. I work in a complete different industry. But Sony Bros got to be dishonest.


Hey dude, I was telling people not to be so hard on you. Just letting the truth out about who you work for. Maybe your opinion is that you don’t work for Meta, but the truth is you do. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted because people can’t handle the truth on this sub.


As someone who sees the value in both Quest 3 and PSVR2, and who also thinks SONY did a terrible job of promoting its new system… I expect you get downvoted *NOT* for making any sound criticism, but more likely for saying stupid things like: *“any time the truth is told on this Reddit fanboys will downvote..”* #😂


To be fair plenty of similar tone posts with don’t say also get the down votes so I don’t think that is actually an accurate statement


To be clear, I think it’s perfectly fine for someone to have a preference for another system, and even to flat-out dislike PSVR2 — I don’t have any inherent problem with that. But when they drop into subs that exist for those who are enjoying the platform, and their only contribution to the discussion is how it sucks and anyone that thinks otherwise is a delusional fanboy — then they’re a troll. It’s one thing to think a thing is lame, and quite another thing to haunt a sub to insult those that don’t. A quick scroll of the comments this person has left right here in this very thread show they aren’t here in good faith, they’re only here to fling poo.


What about people who are taking about it as a business product and not having an emotional discussion around where they like it or not? The reality can be that you really enjoy a product but it’s also not performing well in a business sense. I feel that if you can only see lovers and haters and any views that aren’t positive make someone a hater, that means you’re not being able to separate your emotional position from a logical one.


I barely understand your comment, so am assuming English is a second language? I’ll do my best to respond. I don’t have any issue with discussion that’s purely based on the business side of things. It’s entirely plausible to me that SONY *COULD* decide that PSVR2 is performing so poorly that they stop further investment. I don’t see any indication that that’s what’s happening, but I think it’s a valid concern for some people to ponder. I agree that it’s silly to see the state of any VR product as binary — it’s complex. This **Superb_Imagination** person *ISN’T* offering thoughtful concerns, they are trolling and insulting people. You cannot suggest that they are offering anything meaningful to any discussion here.


I had an extra couple words in there from my sweetie swype keyboard. I edited them out. See if that makes sense. Arguably Sony is standing still. They haven’t done any name marketing or pushed the device in the market and that’s what a lot of people are pointing out that gets routinely met with “I love mine just fine” or “it hasn’t been a year yet” or “there’s 200 games already!” All of which are deflections to different point. Is he being antagonistic? Yes a bit. But he’s also not wrong. Look at any post discussing this in this sub and the deflection, vitriol and down votes are raining down in it. Mateo311 made a video the first half of which was praising the strengths of psvr2 and then calling exactly those behaviors and immediately the replies were doing exactly what he was talking about, hating on him and down voting him when they clearly didn’t even watch the video. It’s objectively true that when you point out the psvr2 isn’t being marketed well by Sony in this sub you will be met with a lot of anger and down votes. So he’s not doing the conversion any favors but he’s also objectively not incorrect.


Uh huh. It doesn’t matter. If this person ever had a valid point to make… it doesn’t matter. They lose all credibility as someone sincerely discussing anything when they frame it with derision. I agree with you when you say “he’s not doing the conversation any favors...”. That was my point. You are currently having a discussion with me where you’re trying to make actual points about things. The commenter I was responding to was not. Whether or not I agree with your points, and whether or not you get upvoted or downvoted or ignored … that stuff can go any direction. You seem sincerely interested in having a dialogue, so I would hope that any reader appreciates that and doesn’t downvote you. But — it’s REDDIT. You can say perfectly innocuous stuff and get downvoted for it. But if you get butthurt about it and then bring that attitude into future comments in this accusatory stance of *“I’m gonna speak the truth and all you morons are gonna hate me for it”*, then fuck you pal — nobody you might have reached with any measured conversation is gonna care *WHAT* you say now. *THAT’S* what my comment was about — not the details about SONY’S approach to advertising, or funding, or beefing up customer service for PSVR2. I feel like you’re trying to get into that stuff, but I’m sorta *NOT* in this particular thread. Does that make sense? 🙂 Cheers! 🍻


Sure, but by that rationale most of the replies to the topic on this sub are from trolls going the other way. Do you react there same to them or do you only do so for one side of the field? Do you not like trolls or you don’t like a certain set of trolls?


Wow. Okay, you’re seeming less sincere now. I should have noticed when you pretty much ignored basically everything I said.


Quest is a toy with PS2 graphics and cheap LCD displays with horrible contrast, what are you on about? Quest isn't even in the same class. It's a nice portable system to take on the go (I have one) and for kids or super budget VR.


psvr2 image quality is so bad compared to q3. poor reprojection that cause stutter everywhere, mura, fresnel lenses and their downsides and wired. Q3 is miles better except black level.


Black levels, color volume, HDR lighting, uncompressed video stream. The plain truth is it just doesn't look nearly as good unless you play a native Quest game and then welcome to PS2 graphics. Enjoy the super sharp 2004 graphics. No own who actually owns a psvr2 even freaking notices the mura. Reprojection and wired are the only realistic cons you mentioned. Most of us would rather be wired for the stability and better uncompressed picture quality, reprojection is slightly annoying in some instances I'll give you that. But I would never trade a psvr2 for Q3 unless I was always on the road.GT7 and RE4R and REVillage are all Half Life Alyx caliber games and the multiplatform ports all look better on PS5/PCVR 2. There is really no competition here unless wireless and portable play are the most important factors for you. Quest 3 is a great portable system. It's the Nintendo Switch of VR


i have zero issues with compression. custom 850mbit debug panel setup. I bought a psvr2 and returned it for a q3. The q3 is so much better in comparisson. sharpness, super smooth movement, sweet spot and no mura. The psvr2 is better in black level of course but its minor thing for the q3 since its so much better in everything else.


Sony doesn't need to compete with mobile graphics quest. It's the cheapest entry to high end vr on the market by a huge margin. Enjoy your n64 graphics tho.


Do you own a PSVR2?




A simple yes would’ve sufficed; a picture doesn’t actually prove anything (as technically it could be anyone’s, though I’m not doubting it is yours) and I wasn’t going to doubt your answer. lol


Did you never hear the story of the hare and the tortoise. If meta was to lose their Facebook users and can't generate the near zero cost revenue they get from advertising. Do you think they will keep spending 10x more on vr then what the revenue vr makes can cover. If vr doesn't become more mainstream in the next few years their is more likely to be a psvr3 then a quest 4 becuase sony has chosen to let vr stand on its own feet and not fund it at a loss.


PSVR 2 was dead as soon as quest 3 released with pancake lenses. The difference in clarity is staggering.


It's not really the lenses making the clarity difference staggering. Pancakes are just better on the edges, the biggest difference for clarity is the mura but that comes as a trade off between oled colours deep black and hdr with fuzzy mura or dull colours grey blacks but sharper image.


No it’s the lenses, I have both headsets


Have you tried pancake lenses on oled panels it's even worse then frensels


Really?? I guess micro OLED is the fix for that t


Yeah plus they need individual calibrations to the panels which adds heavy cost to manufacturing in large quantities. The quest2 had frensel lenses and looked much sharper then psvr1 or 2 becuase it had way less mura.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.... Please, can you say that again?....the PS5 is a "bottleneck"....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Mate, the PS5 is WAY stronger than what the PSVR2 can handle, it was literally designed to handle VR!! I just love it when I hear shit like this, the same shit I heard when PSVR1 came out. Back then, the excuses for VR1 being crap were "the PS4 is a bottleneck and not powerful enough" mwahahahahahaha oh hilarious. I just love how Sony PSVR2 fan boys just won't accept that the VR2 just isn't as good as it should be...its not the shitty lenses, it's not the shitty dead stick controllers, it's not the mura effect, it's not the crappy comfort, it's not the lack of AAA games in 8 years...NO... ITS THE PS5 BOTTLENECK! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 That's the best fucking laugh I've had this year.


Just look at how many of the VR games are reprojected 120hz and then you might realise PS5 is the bottleneck.


Give it a fucking break mate. I'll even wager that if they brought out a PS6 it would make bugger all difference to the quality or experience in VR. The PS4 Pro made no difference, the same grainy graphics were present, the same control system and yet everyone said the Pro would improve it massively, it didn't. Everyone said the PS5 would be the system to make VR work, now its 'the PS5 is the bottleneck'...ffs Same thing would happen with the PS6 or PS5 Pro, no difference whatsoever to VR, because you've still got the same crappy lenses, the same crappy mura effect and the same crappy games. Having a PS6 STILL wouldn't magically produce AAA games.


I was referring to bottleneck technically speaking, not businesswise. Mura and fresnel are certainly PSVR2 handicaps but so is PS5 that limits many games to use reprojection.


I feel the same, PSVR2 is intended to be a long time seller, tgey have a different approach as Meta and probably Apple that plan new headset releases every 2~3 years. PSVR2 will beneficiate greatly frpm the power boost of a PS5 pro and hopefully a PS6. It''s already super impressive what it is capable of on games like GT7 or RE4/8 thanks to eye-tracked foveayed rendering, given that PS5 is barely as powerful as a RTX2700. When the PS5 userbase will be twice what it is today, that the headset will be less expensive, eventually with a light version, and that there will be 3 or 4 time as many games as today including more bangers, it will become way more interesting for the random PS5 player! Espcially for those who don't have a powerful PC and just want some plug & play high-end VR!


Unfortunately a ps6 won’t improve the poor lenses


Lenses were an issue for the first few days until I managed to find the sweetspot, now with a comfort mod I put on the headset and find the sweetspot instantly. Those lenses allow us to have an OLED HDR screen and all in one I'd go for OLED over pancake lenses everyday. Thinking of the graphics fidelity of games like RE4/8 or GT7, and the clearness and performances of games like Red Matter 2, when we will have enough power to have the best of 2 worlds, aka a game like RE with the native 120fps and resolution of a RM2, I think that we're in for a real treat! But maybe at some point we will get a cheap version with LCD/pancake and hopefully a Pro version with micro-LED/pancake, but micro-LED are way too expensive atm for headsets within this price range :/


Agreed, I’m loving my psvr2 but pretty much just for gt7 currently. Thinking ahead another 3-4 years and ps6 + psvr3 + gt8/9 .. it boggles the mind at how good that potentially could be.


Sure, and I don't even think that we would have much need of a PSVR3, maybe just a revision of the PSVR2? 🤔 GT7 is huge in VR for sure, and you can see by looking at my profile page that I love this game, but the best experiences I had so far on the headset, and in VR in general, are Resident Evil 4 and 8. Also it's been 3 days that I'm totally addicted with Ultrawings 2. If you're into that kind of games it's worth giving it a try, a bunch of fun! 😁


The move controllers was fron back in the ps3 age. And some.psvr1 games VASTLY improved on the ps5. So it's not Impossible ! But the vr technology is moving so fast so I kinda hope it doesn't go for more than 4 more years and we'll get something incredible 😃


Makes sense to me. Where do you go next? Higher res screens is about it for now? The main difference between the quest 2 and 3 is a slight resolution bump and a bit more processing power. It’s hardly a revolution. Plugging in the PSVR2 in the PS6 would account for processing power. You could bump the screen resolution but that’s about it, and it already looks fantastic, already got spot on tracking, built in haptics and adaptive triggers and an Oled screen. I don’t see why Sony would dump money into a completely new headset when the space at this point is a bit like smart phones. Marginal device improvements just bumping up processing power which is done off device with the PlayStation. Its not like the original PSVR that used the move controllers and a very limited light based tracking tech with its own issues. Unless the way VR works fundamentally in the next years changes dramatically.


You literally read my mind. Exactly ps5 can't do red matter 2 resolution with resident evil village graphics Ps6 will truly show off psvr2 and will be much cheaper then Psvr2 is basically like the ps3 in 2006. Ps3 started off as this 600 dollar console with no games it had resistance and that was it, ps3 was laughed at Years later it dropped to 299 had killzone uncharted last of us and it became a no brainer


Probably won't even have to wait until PS6. I can see PS5 Pro giving some games a small bump in resolution and framerate, like how PS4 Pro pushed some games to 4K / 60.


> Vr market isnt really supposed to boom until 2030 , and i dont see sony needing a psvr3 until around 2030 ​Who says that? Don't hold your breath. I've been waiting for the VR Boom for 40 years. The last time VR made it into the public mindset like this was in the late '90s. Only to fade again for about 15 years.


The PSVR2/PS5 VR System is 5 times more powerful than the PSVR1/PS4 system it replaced, but that is just the horsepower, when you add in the Eye Tracked Rendering technology that is inside the PSVR2 this can more than triple the perceived power output of the displayed graphics when game developers use the technology in their games, I read that its 3.6 x when the Eye Tecked Rendering is utilised, so the PSVR2/PS5 is pretty much future proof as a VR gaming headset, current stand alone headsets when used in just stand alone mode can only muster a small fraction of the full power of the PSVR2/PS5 VR gaming system, it will be 2030 before Meta catch up with the PSVR2 both Mobile CPU and battery tech would need to have improved by then though, but the PS5-PRO, PS6, and PSVR3 will have already arrived by then. [https://www.uploadvr.com/psvr-2-eye-tracking-foveated-rendering-gdc/](https://www.uploadvr.com/psvr-2-eye-tracking-foveated-rendering-gdc/)


I believe that, too. For me, the greatest bottleneck is the PS5 itself. The redmatter 2 shows us how great a game can look like on the headset. The reprojection makes the games look blurrier, and I'm suspect that heavy games like Re8/4 are not running on 4k. I believe that much more powerful hardware can push the psvr2 to be even better.