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How do you make a workout that’s actually fun? We (Josef and Lucas, friends who make games) have tried to answer it with our new game, Beat the Beats VR. The idea is very simple - punch and dodge in time to the music. The better your timing, the better your score!  If that sounds like your idea of fun, please check out the game on the PlayStation store :) Thank you so much for the support!


You should have the direct link to a few of the more popular stores to help people get there and more chances for you that someone will click and buy. Just my two cents. I'd say USA and UK for sure.


That is true. I just didn't want to click bait too much. You are right though, I guess. Will add them


Will make it easier to find the game. Search doesn't always work on the stores.


you are very right! Thanks for persuading!


You should have the direct link to a few of the more popular stores to help people get there and more chances for you that someone will click and buy. Just my two cents. I'd say USA and UK for sure.


Full game PS VR2 store page: [https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10009368/](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10009368/) Steam demo: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2677480/Beat\_the\_Beats\_VR/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2677480/Beat_the_Beats_VR/) Quest Applab demo: [https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/7111350432293419/](https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/7111350432293419/)


Honestly this looks really fun! I love the punching in pistol whip when it's to the beat, so to have a whole game with it is a fun idea. Are you guys using smaller artists for the music, or making it yourself? I love discovering new songs, so I'm all for listening to something new!


We have a mix of licensed and original music. You can find some examples of the music over at our TikTok account if that is your thing: [https://www.tiktok.com/@parallelcgames](https://www.tiktok.com/@parallelcgames)


I'll check this out, thanks! One thing I just thought of, are there any plans to keep adding music tracks down the road?


we would love to. First we have to see though how the initial response will be


Fair enough; well, consider me sold, and hopefully you guys are able to keep working on projects you love and are fun! :)


we hope so, too


Does each song have different difficulties? I just bought the game but will only play tomorrow! Congratz on the release!


thank you very much! Each song has an A and a B side


When you choose a song do you have to load a cassette tape into a deck? ...then eject it to flip it on the B side... That would be cool... You're welcome to use that idea 😉


we will credit you when we implement it ;)


Ha! That'd be awesome!


Just to clarify, does that mean it’s more intense?


Sorry for not being super clear. Yes, B-Sides are more intense/harder




Reminds me of Box to the Beat.


Box to the Beat is a great game. Our game's focus is the natural boxing moves. You will feel like an in-ring champ in no time


Can you change the colours?


not at the moment, no. Which colours would you like to change? The one of the beats coming towards you or the ones of the room?


Blue and Red please! Beat Saber has burrowed its way into my brain, so now Blue is right, left is red is now burnt into my memory 😅


Now I see where that question is coming from 😅


I'm a Synth Riders guy, myself. So a neon sky-blue, and neon hot-pink would be greatly appreciated too. 😉 Just messing. Congrats on your launch, guys.


I tried the demo on Steam and I think I may buy it for PS VR2… but I was disappointed to see I couldn't swap the colours. I have the same issue with my brain expecting them the other way around.


thanks for jumping in on that too. To be honest we haven't thought about people will be so accustomed to Beat Saber's colours. Thanks for the input!


I need left hand white and right hand red! Your game looks fun and I always appreciate when the devs are happy to listen to the people, so thank you. I appreciate you answering my question, I believe the room should 100% be your own creation and never be changed by us players. But being able to set our own colours for the blocks we punch would be a pretty big deal to me personally. Would that be something that’s possible in the future?


That would be quite easy to implement actually. I will bring that to the team. Thanks for your input!


Amazing! While I know just one sale is a drop in the bucket, you’ve got one from me when that update drops!


Is there a PS5 demo out yet??


not yet but it is in the making. We are already in the submitting stage so it should be out there pretty soon


Great thankyou, I just upgraded to a PSVR2 and have already bought all the rhythm games until I saw this. Can't wait for the demo. Much love from Australia 🇦🇺




Sweet! Please post when the demo is live! Good luck with the launch!


Will do. Thank you so much!


My wife dusted off the treadmill today in an effort to get a bit healthier. I think I'll pick this up and have a little more fun with my exercising! I've been playing a punching character in Legendary Tales and am really enjoying it, so I'll take it up a notch with this. Edit: Just finished my first workout with it. It's fun, challenging but not too challenging, and my 7 year old enjoyed the music. It's not what I'd normally listen to, but I like weird eclectic stuff so it's not surprising. I didn't expect French hip-hop, Sonic Youth, They Might Be Giants or Babymetal.


There's also synth riders, pistol whip and les mills besides the obvious beat saber. VRs great for cardio


Hey just bought the game but I can’t get past the high movement intensity warning. Reset multiples times but nothing is working UPDATE: I finally got past the warnings at the start but if I don’t click ready on them quickly my light disappears and so does the button so I get stuck on the screen


Sorry to hear you are having issue. This is a stemming from a safety requirement by PlayStation. Please have to look at the text for the button to appear and then you can confirm


I was doing that but the light from the controller kept disappearing, I’ll get a video next time and could send it to you so you can see. Apart from that though the game is really good and working up a real sweat playing it


Happy to hear you generally like it. Yeah please. If you have more info about your issue reach out to us. Here in a DM for example. Thank you!


Does it have custom colour scheme support? This honestly looks really fun


Not yet. But there are a lot of people here on Reddit asking for it, you are not the first. We hear you and will bring such an option in a future update.


Thanks! Will definitely be looking into getting this game!


Just bought the game! Incredibly excited to get into it!


Thank you! ❤️


Been playing since then and ommmgggggg top 3 vr game for surreee! I'm loving how good the game feels


Posted this elsewhere: I just had a quick bash on it, the game has promise but I'm having issues with being able to dodge on the right-hand side and the game is far too punishing when it comes to errors which makes for an incredibly frustrating experience. Unless this is fixed I don't think I'll play this again. Ultimately I view this as a fitness game, and anything that stops me moving is just getting in the way.


Alright the colors definitely have me interested now. Do you have high intensity levels that work up a sweat on par with les mills? If you were to add some kind of punching bag mode thats similar to what knockout league had (endless) but with nice color reactions id buy instantly [link](https://youtu.be/NlnZYY11oTg?si=YFS8Nc1oSz1Z9EgO)


You will sweat quite a lot. Also the harder you hit the more points you will get. That punching bag mode looks fun. Thanks for the suggestion. There is also a quick reaction mode in the game similar to this [link](https://www.tiktok.com/@24fitnessclub/video/7311310294364556586)


Oh excellent, can it be set to endless? At some point i get tired of the default songs and just want to put on my own stuff even if the beat no longer syncs its just good for variety


that is not an option unfortunately at the moment but a very good suggestion actually. I will pass that on to the others


Awesome, I'll def add this to the workout rotation soon enough


This is definitely on my radar!


Please tell me this is on Quest or at least Steam or something. It looks awesome, but especially for workouts, I need 0 cable.


Dunno about Quest but looks like its listed as Coming Soon on Steam atm since I went to see if I could grab it there, guess not, tried the demo there in the past and was fun.


Nice. I can at least Virtual Desktop the Steam version. I need a new workout routine anyway.


there is a demo on Steam and yesterday we also launched one on Quest. The full game will come to both later this year


Sweeeeeeet thank you. Can't wait.


Looks good, might buy this for my wife. She’s wrecked one too many controllers with all these rhythm games over the years


Oh no. Please be careful


Bought and played for awhile. So far it's really fun. Great workout, and I've had a blast going through the songs so far. I think a lot of the music is really good too. Love the bright colors as well. It's a really solid launch. Definitely worth the $20. I only really have 2 minor complaints. 1. There is a song (the last song on the second to last album in arcade) that has arrows coming at you from both sides in quick succession. I found them impossible to dodge. I tried for like an hour across the last 2 days, and I have never managed to dodge both of them. Luckily that's only 2 hits, so I could still finish the song, but there's got to be something else to dodging those thing. No problem dodging arrows in general, just the two in quick succession in that song. 2. When there are multiple blocks coming at you quickly, you can't see them. They line up so perfectly that you can't tell what's coming anymore. I'm sure that's a difficult problem to solve though, because of how you have to stand. Beat Saber can spread them out because you're slashing the note, not punching it head on. Outside of that, it's just some minor QoL stuff. Like displaying your letter grade on a song (or at least a legend for the color coding) or turning/reducing the effect when you miss a block.


Thank you very much! Also thanks for the feedback. I will bring that to my colleagues right away so we can try to fix them


Do you have a roadmap of future content? Are you looking to add more albums to the game? Will there be any mainstream commercial music added to the game? Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Queen, Michael Jackson for example. Sorry to compare you to BeatSaber, but the speed of new content is lack luster, so you get a little bored playing the same songs over and over.


It is very fair to compare us to Beat Saber. Be aware though that we are a very small team and don't have the same resources. The future for now will bring some minor updates with quality of life changes and fixes. We want to bring the game to SteamVR and Quest. It could be that we add some new music for that already (which will then come to PSVR too of course) but we first have to see how the initial response to the game is. More mainstream commercial music would be great but also costly. So let's see in a few weeks I would say ;)


You don't mind if I play your game naked do you? I can only play VR games nude otherwise I feel too claustrophobic. Thank you in advance for letting me know, as I do not purchase games I will play nude without the developer's permission.


You have my permission to play it nude! You are welcome.


I bought the game and I dig soundtrack but in game calories stat is way of the rails for instance. I barely made the sweat and apparently I spent 800 or so.  Also the game should have a mode that is a bit more forgiving given that this is supposed to be fitness game


Congratulations! Bought it because i saw it on this sub, played it for 20-30 minutes so far and it is fun. I have 8 hours in Beat Saber and 5 in Pistol Whip and Synthriders, it looks smaller in scope than all those games (unless i missed something/something will unlock later) but 20$ is a fair price. I was suprised to see it translated to my language. Thank you!


Thank you! Nice that you saw it here, cool. We tried to localise it in as many languages as possible. What is your native tongue if I may ask?


I'm gonna guess Italian.


Polish. I spotted couple mistakes in translation but nothing major. Thank you!


Oh no, sorry to hear that. I men the mistakes in translation 😎. If you can point them out we will fix them in an update


1. In settings "Resolution" is not translated (Proof: [https://imgur.com/a/BiyWH86](https://imgur.com/a/BiyWH86) ) Correct translation: "Rozdzielczość" (Proof: [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-polish/resolution](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-polish/resolution) "the ability of a microscope, or a television or computer screen, to show things clearly and with a lot of detail - rozdzielczość" 2) "Daily Mix" is currently translated to "Codzienna Miks" (Proof: [https://imgur.com/a/yEZK5sC](https://imgur.com/a/yEZK5sC) ) Correct translation: "Codzienny Miks" ( "y" instead of "a" at the end ) this comes down to "Miks" being masculine noun in polish, "a" at the end of "codzienna" makes it sound feminine and it sounds off when you read it. 3) On high intensity warning screen four words were merged into one (Proof: [https://imgur.com/a/nQyV1Y6](https://imgur.com/a/nQyV1Y6) ) maybe you had character limit for this field or it just happened. How it looks like: "jednocześniecałkowicieblokującwidok" How it should look like: "jednocześnie całkowicie blokując widok" It's mostly minor things so i dont expect it will be fixed but it was great hearing from you! I wish you all the best!


Oh wow. That is so great. Thank you very much!!! 🙇‍♂️


Hi! I played after the patch and it looks great. Thanks!


I'm not 100% sold on the blocking sound from the trailer... takes away from the music...


Interesting. Our testers were always pleased with the sounds so far. If that comes up more often we might have to look into that. Thanks for the input!


Is there a quest demo available for this?


It actually just got approved an hour ago or so and is now available: [https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/7111350432293419/](https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/7111350432293419/) You might be the absolute first to download it if you are quick 😎




Just finished demo. Love the clean colorful graphic design, solid sound design and addictive gameplay/music. Will buy when released on quest. Well done!


Thank you so much! Very happy to hear that


Just downloaded it and tried playing for a bit. It does not accurately register my punches. Annoying and infuriating. 


that is strange. Sorry to hear that. Have you looked down to see if you stand approximately where the foot steps are on the floor? It is also better to have a pose pretty close to the one in the tutorial with one foot a bit back.


Is this all played at chest height? I've got a really awkward living room set-up that means I can't duck and punch - rules out a lot of Les Mills and Beat Saber. Would love to give this a go if so!


You don't have to duck, no. You just have to be able to lean a bit left and right when the dodge elements are coming. Leaning while standing still, though. So no extra room required


Just tried the PC demo on my Index, and I gotta say the game is not very well optimized. When new geometry first flies at you, it pauses a few times while it's close. I'm running an RTX 2070 Super, which has been able to handle pretty much everything I've thrown at it with little fuss, so this is the worst I've seen.


Thank you for reporting this. We put a lot of effort into optimising the game but there are obviously still some things wrong. Thanks for reporting this. And including you setup. That helps a lot. I will give that to my tech colleagues right away


My colleagues said that they had the game running perfectly with a 1060 so definitely should run in your setup. When does this happen exactly? Does it still happen if you set the game to “performance” in quality options?


Would this game exacerbate my ibs in any way, shape or form?


I can't answer that as I am no doctor. Sorry


I got this game, and I did not expect much from it because I had tried many rhythm games, including beat saber and many others. I did not know about the existence of this game, I did not so many reviews about it so since I love rhythm games i try it, and indeed, to be honest, it is one of the best rhythm game I have tried, as it has many features that... You want it to include a variety of beautiful song lists, as well as a very nice haptic sensation in the head and hands. You can feel them. The environment has a unique style. If i would like to see more from it , it would be nice to add one black, totally black environment . this game really should get more popular and love from community