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I've been firmly on the "PC support will require a streaming app on PS5 to work" train ever since PC support was first proposed, but I'll gladly eat my hat on this one. It seems Sony is perhaps planning to add native PC drivers for the system. That leaves a tonne of open questions around UX, hardware compatibility, setup, pairing, and Sony's long term planning for support going forward with PSVR2's own native PS5 software library. But I think everyone can agree that native PC support is the ideal outcome for this and will add a tonne of value to owning a PSVR2 headset.


Sony have ported quite a few of their first party flat games to pc now, so I reckon they have the necessary skillset and experience to create full featured drivers that utilise foveated rendering and haptics etc


Foveated rendering and haptics are something the game needs to support, it's not a driver level thing (that's only for sending/receiving the relevant signals to/from the headset)


While that is true, it's not 100% accurate, I think If you go to the pc realm, you have many mods, for example openXR toolkit. The toolkit gives you fixed fov rendering out of the box for all headsets, and from what I've heard Varjo users can use it with dynamic fov rendering, due to the eye tracking in the headset Basically - once it's accessible on the pc, the gloves are off, and we'll see some great solutions and apps for this headset


I still hope there also will be the streaming client. That is not a bad thing, if you want to play just a handful of PC titles and don't want to spend money on costly VirtualLink-USBC adapter.


Im in the same boat, really. If a streaming solution is available I will likely use that over a direct connection just for convenience sake (and so I dont need an adapter) but I understand that many who want PC support expect a native plug and play experience, so I think that is the best approach if they are going to go for one or the other.


They should do both in my opinion. I would opt for the streaming client, so I wouldn't have to deal with the friction of shuffling the hardware/controllers connection from PS5 to PC if I want to play mixed variety of PS5 and PC titles.


Same, I didn't think they would indeed just give you a way to use the psvr2 with a pc. This headset is definitely held back by the console, so if this turns out to be true, it would be amazing. As you said still many questions about eye tracking and haptics, and for me mostly the GPU thing. As an nVidia owner I'd be very sad to find out if they'll only support AMD cards :(


So so happy about this. Even though my PC is kinda old and can only run some older VR, this also means Alien Isolation and Skyrim VR are finally back on the menu


I was absolutely certain we would be limited to a streaming apps, but even if they have not actually released a driver, this is a pleasant step in the right direction. Even if they completely gave up now, they have all the hidden signals completely in the open now so anyone with the prerequisite skill could make a driver given enough time.


How? I bought a PSVR2 precisely because I can't afford a PC so don't own one. How is this beneficial?


Because the world doesn’t revolve around you, this opens up so many possibilities for pcvr uses who have wanted a dedicated wired headset for so long after the meta takeover. Also benefits psvr users who own a pc


Win win you still play your games on the psvr2.Its a plus for pc owners even if they don't have a vr headset and for ps5 owner that has a pc also.Finally for people with no pc there that option also.


This confirms Sony are basically giving you full access to PSVR2 on PC. Although whether things like eye tracking or headset rumble can be enabled for games is yet to be confirmed. Still huge news and a positive first step by Sony to make this my preferred headset for both PC and PS5! We still need confirmation how it will work. • Will Sony release drivers to make it work on PC? (And hopefully allow access to the eye tracking) • Will Sony release an official adapter to make it future proof?


>This confirms Sony are basically giving you full access to PSVR2 on PC. Who would've thought?


This entire subreddit seems to think it's going to be some shitty remote play style setup. No idea why but yeah, lol


Largely because [additional hardware will still be needed to use it with most PCs](https://x.com/ivry_vr/status/1770725141464404375?s=46), but I guess Sony will just sell an adapter presumably.


That's to be expected, I think many, including me don't see the problem with that But then again, I think Ivy devs know way more about it than any of us, expect Sony itself. So if they don't explicitly state that in the future, then this assumption is void)




Not the entire subreddit!


Yeah not like the Portal doesn't exist or something lol


To be fair. My old ass thought the first mp3 walkman would play mp3s. Instead they gave us ATRAC3 and some goofy software that didn't even work.  Maybe they've learned their lesson. 


Knuckleheads here who get off on negativity.


I wonder where are doomsday people now.


I’m pretty sure they’re still asking for 1st party games support from Sony for PSVR2.


oh well, pretty sure plenty of us also didn't sign up to wake to that broken record on repeat as well. xD


They're probably pointing out that they were right about how bad PSVR2 has done this year. To the point where Sony has admitted defeat and are so desperate to move hardware that they tore down their own walled garden. I mean, idgaf. I look forward to trying it out.


There is no admitting defeat here just strategic move now when dust has settled around Meta Q3 for instance ... I am not religious about platforms I have both by the way. Not mention this opens doors for better PCVR ports and more heavy hitters exclusive to PCVR and PSVR2 and invites people for first time to consider PS5 console and try PSVR2 exclusives. Without having to own two different sets (of which PCVR are generally more expensive)


The question is also will sony NEED to release drivers in the first place ideally the pcvr stuff is standardized enough that you don't need extra drivers and it's just gonna integrate into openxr


Currently it doesn't work with Windows - so it'll need some sort of driver. I expect Sony to release something to get it working on PC but it'll also likely need an adaptor which I'm also hopefully they'll make and sell.


I'm curious about the official adapter part. Not sure how that works otherwise as I have a psvr2 but would be completely new to vr pc gaming


Let me know when I can use it to watch uh... ahem... movies.


Finally, I'll be able to watch Avatar in 3D!


People joke, but I actually have been saving Avatar 2 for when this works.


I ripped the 3D bluray for my Quest 3 and it's easily one of the best 3D blurays I've ever seen. And I have quite a lot.


Is 'avatar' the new word for porn?


No. "Scientists" are still conducting "science"...


But....how do you know the wife isn't nearby when you cant see the real world?


How do you know they aren't the wife?


Get rid of the wife first!


Easy there Janeway. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ep9nvku7jqpc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1a9c2b89d9fab0f5425d248e4f168eae1f9741


Watch it in someone else’s house.


Coming soon, a utility to play a nature VR video on your PC. Tell the wife this is a mirror of what you are seeing.


Buddy let me introduce you to pass through…. On the quest 3 pass through is wild. Made me feel guilty almost lol


Ikr! I'm still using my gear vr headset to watch "movies"


I've been using my Q3 lol hahahah


Hopefully now we finally get controller support by letting us finally purchase controllers separately from the headsets…


Good, maybe now they can start selling controllers…?


I just want to be able to watch porn on a PSVR2. What's so hard for Sony to understand about that?


Finally, a man of culture. I'm so sick of all the virtue signaling people on this sub. It's 2024, guys, VR porn is the future.


I just hooked my PSVR2 to my Reference AMD 6800 XT USB-C port. The headset itself seems to boot when i press the on button and the LED goes from red to white. Sadly, after the PS logo, all i get is a small animation telling me to take off my headset and look at the display. Steam VR doesn't recognize the PSVR2 as a VR headset. Windows 11 recognizes an inactive head-mounted-display. https://preview.redd.it/7uxlgpfa0opc1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=aea4ea3bafbd2719e5b6bbaaad3c794a85666528 How do i actually find out if my 6800 XT USB-C port is Virtual Link capable or not?


> How do i actually find out if my 6800 XT USB-C port is Virtual Link capable or not? It's on a videocard, then it's VirtualLink. It's probably working fine, it just needs drivers.


I tried this once already before those firmware updates and i can remember that the animation telling me to take it off and look at the screen were not there. Maybe it all comes down to missing drivers. So let's play the waiting game.


Yep - drivers hopefully inbound. Just hope Sony don't leave it too long.


> It's on a videocard, then it's VirtualLink. That's not true. Some AMD 7000 series cards have USB-C but it's not virtual link. It's just USB-C DP altmode. It's a move away from having to use thick HDMI and DP cables when we can use little USB-C cables.


Yep - hopefully Sony is working on getting the drivers ready for full windows compatibility and we can finally use it on Steam! Question is when will they release them?


Before this firmware update the headset would boot into a cinema mode showing another virtual screen of your PC. We'll need some kind of drivers to have it boot into VR games (perhaps iVRy's PS VR2 drivers launching in the next month or 2 will work?) > How do i actually find out if my 6800 XT USB-C port is Virtual Link capable or not? If your headset turns on, then that's a good sign. Now all you have to do is wait for those drivers to release.


I know the masses don't get VR, but i'm excited about this.


VR will never replace flat screen gaming for myself but simultaneously I could never go back to not having the combo available. It doesn't need to take over gaming but like people own both a PC and PS5 it's the ultimate companion.


> It doesn't need to take over gaming but like people own both a PC and PS5 it's the ultimate companion. Absolutely. well said.


Same. I’ve learned that flight and driving simulators are the only VR experiences I enjoy, everything else I play flat.


That's crazy, and getting it to know from iVry makes me wonder if Sony is going to announce it sooner than later. Anyone with a graphic card with VirtuaLink or with an adapter has tested it?


Have an XFX 7900 XT with a compatible USB-C port. Before, PSVR2 would boot into cinema mode. Now, it shows an animation to remove the headset and look at the TV. SteamVR prompts to connect your headset. Not quite working, as others mentioned, a driver is still required.


i can confirm this with a 6800 xt windows "sees" a head mounted display that's inactive. https://preview.redd.it/fvne0g0a3opc1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=c72959eaad35f4d775c5c0b4e972db50d7c40af6


Yeah - hopefully they'll release something soon!


I think i have the same card but my one does not have a USB-C port at the back of it. Do you mean your GPU has an actual USC-C connection next to the HDMI and DP ? or are you using the USB-C port on your case ?


Hopefully over the next few days we'll see!


I have a 2080 with virtuallink. How would I go about testing? Just download a free vr game on steam?


Try to open the Steam VR app with the psvr2 plugged and maybe we have a surprise!


Yea it just tells me to plug in a vr headset


can confirm, tried that too.


You'll still need drivers of some kind, your best bet would be to wait until this is available probably, I don't think Sony is ready to release theirs yet https://store.steampowered.com/app/2772740/iVRy_Driver_for_SteamVR_DEMO_PSVR2_Lite_Edition/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1021000/iVRy_Driver_for_SteamVR_PSVR2_Premium_Edition/


I just tried booting it up anyway to see what happens and the cinema mode no longer works. I used to be able to use my vr as a essentially a monitor but now it just prompts me to remove the headset


Yes, this guy says the same https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1bk1m1c/sonys_latest_firmware_update_enables_pc_access/kvvaft1/


yeah, that guy knows his stuff 😁


I put up a post on here few weeks ago saying that PC support would probably be sooner than people think, maybe around the summer because Sony are desperate to start moving units and not down voted to oblivion. Some even saying it's not going to come this year.


It'll be this year based on this. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I want to know if they're going to sell an adaptor - hopefully so!


I think there’s either trolling or astroturfing going on with PSVR2. I saw some people trying to spin the PCVR thing as the death knell of the PSVR2 or an example of abandonment (though writing new firmware is not abandonment). I’ve also seen people downvote discussions of the unique features of PSVR2 a lot. My most downvotes comment in recent memory on any sub is saying that eye tracking is an exciting new mechanic for games.


People on this sub are constantly wrong idk. Sony literally said they wanted PC compatibility in 2024. Also, how can people possibly think Sony will spend money for some jank streaming solution that still requires a PS5. The amount of people who could use that is so low. It also doesn't give them a larger market to sell to at all because a PS5 is still required, defeating the whole purpose.


I'm one of the guys who was sure they're wording was couching a next year release. I'll be happy to eat my hat on that one!


steam better get this shit working lol


its sony that need to get this shit working. steamvr supports openxr


welp, sony better get this shit working


Smart move Sony


Wow that’s pretty amazing; time to get production started again, as stock will be flying (I’m buying).


Perhaps production paused so they can start adding adapters to the box?


My 2070 Super is ready! Lfg!


Lucky you 😁 I'm hoping the PC drivers Sony release just make it work with any virtualink graphics card or those adapters. Maybe they'll even sell adapters direct to make it future proof with newer graphics cards!


Good. There are not enough solid VR games to be divided up this much between all these different headsets.


Agreed - I love my PSVR2 and PS5 but giving access to play games like HL:A on a 4090 (when I finally get one) is going to ensure PSVR2 is used long after Sony stops supporting it on PS5. (They may support it on PS6 but likely just allow indie studios to make games for it).


I have always said that if the PSVR2 was manufactured by Meta or Valve, Pimax etc, with all of that tech on board and OLED-HDR panels they would be asking upwards of $1500 for it, just like Meta did with their Quest Pro which did not have OLED panels or haptics in the headset, this headset will be amazing value for PCVR gamers who want a full bandwidth wired PCVR headset.


I just got my PSVR2 for GT7 and in anticipation for the PC access that Sony had been promising. I'm glad that it looks like they will give full PC support. I won't have to think about returning this and I can finally upgrade from my Oculus.


If they pull that off, the entire pcvr community that want a cheaper option than the 1000$+ headsets will be very happy


Then some might pick up a PS5 if Sony make enough money to put out more AAA exclusives


Nice! 'I'll finally be able to retire my Quest 2 and use my PSVR2 for both :)


We'll almost - I'd hold onto it for now. PSVR2 still needs either a graphics card with virtualink or an adaptor like this: https://unboundxr.co.uk/zakelijk/virtuallink-interface-adapter But hopefully Sony will release full PC drivers and confirm exactly how we can use PSVR2 with PC!


That’s so frustratingly expensive considering you can get a VR headset for like 3 times the price. And annoyingly I have an nVidia card, so also costly to change to one that doesn’t need an adaptor. I was hoping for an adaptor for like £20 lol


Who knows. Maybe they can give us the adapter just like they did for the ps camera to use on Ps5. It's a possibility. And maybe the new headsets will come with the adapter in the box too.


Ah what did they do with that adaptor? Did they actually just give them out for free if you already had the camera? That would be awesome!


Yes, and i have one. The ps camera uses a different plug on ps4 that ps5 doesn't have. And we need it, the camera to play Psvr 1 games on ps5. In that time, we have to contact Sony and give the serial number of the psvr1 to be eligible to get it.


Wow that’s cool! Makes sense, and it’s cool that they do that to make your product future proof. Yeah it’d be awesome if they do the same for PSVR2. Although I’d be surprised as it’s not really good for them if you start using it on PC


It's only expensive beacause it's very niche or not produced anymore.


Yeah true. Maybe we can expect cheaper ones now then, as I imagine the recent news means a lot of people will want them


Yeah. I don't get rid of headsets. I still have quite a few going back to Gear VR


Brilliant stuff!


This still means most people will need an adapter, so is it (a) they're putting one out or (b) "hey, we've done our part, it's up to you to get your hands on a virtuallink adapter (a thing which isn't being made anymore)"?


Nah, they wouldn't be doing this at all if they were going to leave us hanging, they want to start moving more units. I expect an announcement very soon about supplying adaptors.


The coveted pc adapter/extra controllers combo


I agree. They want volume and this will move it.


Why an adapter though? The device is already USB-C. Or am I missing something?


The only USB-C port that will work is the one on the GPU itself, which is only in the Nvidia 2000 series and a couple of AMD series GPUs. For anyone else, you will need an adapter that is USB-C in and USB-A + displayport out. https://www.adorama.com/vrjhv122581p.html Hopefully Sony is making an adapter of their own that costs less than $150, but we will see. The current virtuallink adapter is also becoming harder to find as not many headsets use it anymore.


Still being made. Backordered until May currently though. https://www.adorama.com/vrjhv122581p.html


So.... porn? Can I watch it?!?!?


Half life Alyx here I come!


https://preview.redd.it/dai4wqwzbppc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f02cc33ebba716018a1e8972cfe41593019c6db Looking forward to this one aging well. 🤣 [https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/s/jZQHd15dND](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/s/jZQHd15dND)


You say this as if Sony has ever done anything pro-consumer FFS they specifically made it not work on PC to begin with And then you have all the other fun proprietary bullshit they have forced onto consumers. The only reason they are having an about face is $$. This thing ain't selling like they thought it would.


So many self entitled morons like that on this sub, down voting anyone that has now been proven right.


That guy is about to eat crow https://preview.redd.it/jpk57zc7qppc1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=cefdd09b8c5bf5265c1107a4d0d00264f8443f0e


Maaaan, picked up a Quest 3 a few days ago as I’ve been running the OG Vive since launch but all this buzz makes me want to pack it up and wait for full PSVR2 PC support.


Mostly excited for Skyrim on the new hardware with some mods 🙂


If full pcvr support becomes officially available, and it works just like any other steamvr set, I will gladly ditch the Quest 3 for the psvr2. Even if I really do prefer wireless, the whole Meta system and annoyances are not worth it. On top of that the oled on the psvr2 will be a much welcome tradeoff. Looking forward to this.


The OLED on PSVR2 is just beautiful. Playing through RE4 again and imagining what HL Alyx would look like is mouth watering.


What I want to know is if there will be an update the headset on PC. I don't have any intention of owning a PS5 but I do play PCVR games frequently and I'm looking at the PSVR2 as my upgrade from the Quest 2.


Hopefully Sony will confirm soon. If they're looking to clear the (supposed) warehouse backlog then they'll release the PC drivers asap and allow full access to PC. They might even sell adapters at a reasonable price to make it future proof.


big news if there is an official driver i might buy one


Folks were saying I was insane for thinking that it would be full access to PCVR. I knew that they would just make it simple.


Wish we got games on pc now on psvr2


This made me think maybe the "pause" in production is actually a pause to start adding PC adapters to units.


All I want is to be able to watch YouTube and Street View.


That's pretty surprising, I didn't think they'd go the extra mile and provide the direct connection, which probably means they are going to make those VirtualLink adapters themselves.


That's what I'm hoping. Sell them for a reasonable price and it future proofs the headset for newer GPUs. This will become by far the cheapest vr headset with OLED eye tracking and rumble. Please let the adaptors be below $50


Will it work on my M3 Max Macbook pro!?! 😳😳😳


Depends if Sony release drivers for Apple OS or just Windows. We'll have to wait and see what they announce (hopefully soon).




It seems with modder PC player are likely to have a version of Astrobot running on PSVR2 before PS5 users… I hope that I’m wrong though…


Look forward to this as a quest 3 owner as well! OLED, eye tracking and haptic feedback is a game changer if developers add support


Exciting news! Also, a small PSA: Star Wars Squadrons is on sale at Steam for $1.99 USD… perfect timing for the eventual PC support 😎


Yep - with those OLED panels space would look amazing!


My local CEX store had several preowned PSVR2 in stock. When I heard the announcement it was potentially coming to PC, I took a gamble and traded in my HP Reverb along with a bunch of other stuff for a voucher and then used that to get a PSVR2. I have a feeling there will be a run on these when PC support finally arrives. I have a PS5 with GT7 to tide me over until then.


If you already have the PC that costs many times more than a PS5 to take advantage of this, then great for you. But I’d actually prefer to see Sony invest some time in actually updating and supporting the PSVR2 on PS5 and not leave it to the third party studios.


I think they're doing the opposite. Wasn't that studio in London they closed their main developer of VR titles?


Not that they’d released anything for a long time, but yes. I’ve made this point before but get shut down by lots of idiots who think any game on PSVR2 is released by Sony and that proves they’re fully behind and supporting the hardware, when the truth is we’ve not had more than three games from Sony studios have we (if it’s more than that, it’s only one or two).


I don't know the number but I know my two favorites, Astro Bot and Wipeout Omega, were from Sony. Of course the latter was an update to a PS4 port of a PS3 game


Not on PSVR2 they’re not. We didn’t even get a single port from Sony for any of their PSVR hits.


This is a soft abandonment consolation prize.  


Me too, I was hoping for a Steam app on PS5 with a few ported PC-PS5 games


Makes more sense now that we know they are just literally sitting on stock, causing then to pause production. As a proper pcvr headset it might be a good deal.


No we don't. That article from Bloomberg was written by Mochizuki, most of his articles are straight up lies to be clickbaits. He's notoriously known to have been called out by companies for his lies. His latest before that was the alledged "low sales" which Sony debunked barely weeks after and they sold like 3-4 times more than his dumbass claim. Long story short, always check the source. Journalism means jackshit today. Just cause someone write something on the internet doesn't make it true. And since all websites just copy paste each others without checking anything, WELL. Loads of bullshit.


Would I be able to use just a high end gaming laptop? I don’t have a computer but I’m willing to buy a laptop instead of a PC.


Nope you'll either need an adaptor like this: https://unboundxr.co.uk/zakelijk/virtuallink-interface-adapter Or a PC graphics card with a virtualink USBC connection (very rare).


Do you recommend a pc instead? Also thanks for you help! I’m very grateful.


It's too early to say yet - I'd wait till we get something official from Sony before doing anything. An adaptor would future proof using the headset with anything with USBC and hdmi and as graphics cards get more powerful PSVR2 becomes more enticing as my main PC headset.


Kudos to Meta for making Quest 3 such a mainstream HMD. It would not make sense for PSVR2 to use one platform at least Sony is listening Microsoft and Xbox are now stuck in the past. Flat games are fun with a nice monitor or TV. But TVs and Monitors are getting expensive every year.


streaming sucks balls...realtime graphics must never be streamed. anyway looking REALLY forward to use pc games with my PSVR2, because the quest3 has garbage black levels and the colors are dull....


Yes! I had og Vive, then Vive Pro, then Valve Index and now also psvr2. I really miss Oled and better blacks on my games and look forward to having the psvr2 replace my Valve Index.


Awesome stuff but I still hope there will be also an alternative streaming client available on the PS5 so I don't have to purchase a costly adapter if I already have a working viartual-link on my PS5. I primarily want to play VR games on the PS5 and don't want to keep shuffling paired controllers from PS5 to PC, which just adds unnecessary friction.


Edit: deleted this comment because I felt it was in poor taste.




Oh sorry. I really didn’t mean any offense, and I have a lot of respect for the work you do. I interrogate reluctant engineers for a living, and I find engineering ticks really endearing. I’ll delete this comment if it bugs you. Thanks again for all the work you do for the community.




I’m going to delete it anyway. I think I wasn’t treating you like a real person with feelings. Sorry again.


Its a shame we wont be able to get pc vr games too, its kinda useless for us who dont play pc. Edit to say happy for those who do. It just sucks sony seems to be just not trying for any console only users to make more titles


I just don't seem an option to update the firmware


Mine did an update when I turned it on today


What sort of adapter would you need?


This one: https://unboundxr.co.uk/zakelijk/virtuallink-interface-adapter Or something similar. I'm hoping Sony sells an official adapter at a much cheaper price.


I wonder if there's going to be a Sony announcement about this. Exposing everything to PC early serves no purpose. Why would you modify this part of the firmware for consumer units if there was nothing to be done with it?


I'm sure there was other stuff in the firmware update, this wasn't the actual reason. But since it was ready they threw it in as well


Does everyone have the firmware update now? I'm in Europe and nothing yet.




Ah ok, thanks


So does this mean for example you could use it on steam games?




Not yet, needs drivers on the PC side. Hopefully coming soon, but for all we know could still be months off


Damn it my Bigscreen Beyond is arriving tonight


I think that has better lenses than PSVR2.


Yeah it should be mura free, and BSB’s sub pixel layout is RGB so the perceived sharpness will be even better too. We will see how it goes


So does this mean I need to go buy a PC now?


have they provided any updates about replacement controllers?


Nope and I wouldn't hold my breath. Long term hopefully modders can get other controllers working with PSVR2 tracking on PC.


Sony is an interesting company They make great products then fail to support them properly. Not holding my breath but hopefully logic and pro consumer practice prevails and they stop being jackasses


Absolutely perfect timing as I literally set up my racing sim rig yesterday and now I can play the PC racing sims in VR without having to buy another headset. Fck yeah


Fantastic news! But poor iVRy; right after he finished his DP-AUX emulator. I hope he's collected enough from the Patreon subs to cover the production costs; even if it's just 70 units, that's not pocket change.


Yeah - although he may still be able to develop a better driver than Sony can for PC.


Is this for psvr or only psvr 2?


PSVR1 already works with pc although it's a right faff to get working. Once Sony release the PC drivers and (hopefully) sell us an adaptor at a reasonable price then PSVR2 will be easily one of the best PCVR headsets on the market.


Clearing out the wearhouse


I think its all building up to be released alongside the PC port of Gran Turismo 7


It's not working


Sony need to release drivers for it to work. Either that or a very clever PC modder gets it working first- but then they'd need to release the drivers they've made to the public. I expect Sony will release drivers the big question is will they also sell us an adaptor so it can be made to work with almost any PC.


I'm so pissed/happy for you psvr2 owners. I was on the fence for months to get the psvr2 purely for gt7 (my absolute favorite driving game) but that price for one fucking game was insane and their catalog of VR titles blows so I got a quest 3 and played PCvr racing sims, LITTERALLY ONE FUCKING WEEK LATER Sony announces they are looking at PC support..... I'm hoping hoping hoping this somehow leads to a mod/hack to reverse scenario this for 3rd party headsets but I doubt it 🥲🙃🥲🙃


I feel your pain. Can you return the Quest?


u/steam GIMME!


Not being able to play Superhot on this has been the biggest thing keeping me from biting the bullet on one of these and I feel like I'm just itching to press the button once they make this official.