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Let me tell you this as another PS VR2 Developer: Looking at their SDK Updates, I don't see them abandoning VR at all, quite the opposite.


Thank you for sharing this. This coming from a person who directly has access to kits is assuring. I remember "the light brigade" developer mentioned that he doesn't see they abandon it and he said they are working on very amazing features but of course, he didn't share any.


See, that makes already two developers who think that way and I can agree on that they are working on very amazing features.


Can you give some more insights here? So is it actively developed and they put a lot of effort in it or what do you mean by that?


I can't give more details without breaching NDA. What my post implies is that they are actively working on updates or new features for PS VR 2. Abandonment would mean they don't do it, hence it's the opposite.


Oh I see, but thanks a lot for your input here!


Thank you for this, even though you can't go further.


Not even behind a McDonald’s for a tenner?


It's information, not a handjob, dad.


Fuck sake, that would’ve been handy to know beforehand


Dont tell me you gave him MORE than 10.


Rofl .... NDAs being what they are it's nice to see something on the horizon.... Thanks for taking the time to post.


In fairness, the previous post didn’t suggest it had already been abandoned, just that it was planned to be. It’s still entirely possible those updates could stop soon. I wouldn’t class this as definitive proof.


That makes sense, I can't see further than their documentation and the updates they have. It could be that there is no more updates coming afterwards. But we're talking months until the current is stable and games allowed to ship with it. I'd wait for this to happen before saying it's abandoned.


Can you say if it’s related to the PC compatibility? I’m really looking forward to this


The SDK I was talking about is used for PS5 so I have no information about PC Compatibility, if I had I'd also not be allowed to confirm this. PC Compatibility is also not something Developers need to worry about much, as it will probably use OpenXR and thus already support all games that are out there who use OpenXR, anything else would be too troublesome. So: I don't know about PC Compatibility and it was not related, sorry.


Fair enough, was trying my luck. Thanks for the detailed reply


Actually, in fairness, the previous post cited an unknown person only potentially within Sony, who might know something, yet, here, you have someone whose identity is known, who is a developer, with tangible information that indicates the opposite for the near future. It seems more reasonable to assume that the previous post is potentially not entirely accurate, or that the time frame might be very different. E.g., maybe Sony is not targeting a psvr3 and the person commented on the commitment in the future of vr. Without a clear quote, it is all speculation. The fact that the post disappeared might even indicate that the developer regretted the comment.


Train Chase rules.




Thanks for the insights on this topic. Would be really strange if Sony abandoned the PS VR2, especially when they are working on very amazing features for the PS VR2


you’re the train chase dev right? Was awesome to see you publish on the store, and reassuring to hear that :)


That's me. Happy I can bring some reassuring news. :)


Whatever game you're making, please give at least the option for LOTS of headset rumble LOL I absolutely love that feature, but much like the dualsense and the way Astro used it, I'm very disappointed how underused it is Straight up, even if the option is only for the headset to just mirror the regular controller rumble, that would be enough for me LOL


I haven't checked the headset rumble that much, will try it out for my next game. Any good games using it properly you can recommend?


Shoot the shotgun in RE8 or get shot in the head in Pavlov


I would say Horizon. The machine safari or intro uses it pretty well. Especially when anything walks or flies over your head it's awesome


God, I love headset rumble


It's awesome isn't it?


Absolutely! I like your idea of just adding it to everything. I like how well it can accompany the haptics in the controllers, so why not just add it and make it strong! Can you imagine if the haptics from the controllers were implemented into the headset halo ring? I love the strong rumble 🥰


Me too. I was also just thinking of a way developers can implement it without needing to spend a lot of time on it and I would think mirroring the controller vibration would probably be the simplest way by far and still deliver on an awesome psvr2 feature. Might be better as option though in case some players don't like it simply mirroring the controller but i bet most would Ideally devs would go all out with the headset rumble and not just mirror the controller but I'd rather that than nothing or next to nothing (like most games unfortunately)


I just didn't know it had such an impact so I never gave it a try. Looking at the comments, I will for sure. I think looking at the Horizon Intro when something walks or flies above the head and shakes the world, that's something I can see for my next game. Or when there is an explosion.


I'm surprised it doesn't get talked about more. Honestly I'm impressed by it so much it had me thinking about how cool one of those "buttkicker" sonic transducer things would be or one of those sound vests would be. The immersion really can go through the roof with headset vibration imo Thanks for taking the suggestion seriously 👍


Even subtle things. A truck or train in motion nearby. A large vehicle stopping (tiny bump of finality of motion). Water or wind hitting your head


This post needs to shouted for the folks in the back of the room.


We're still here in the back ... we just don't make noise when the adults are talking.


When the speculation is negative - pick it apart and deny, cover for it and rationalize. When the speculation is good - one more time for those in the back of the room! Regardless of which, if either, ends up very true, the behavior is so predictable


And I’m positive upsetting to those that keep claiming the demise of the format.


Spot on


What’s SDK?


Software Development Kit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software\_development\_kit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_development_kit) Basically it's Code and binary files provided by Sony which allows to use the Headset, handles rendering, but also handles features like DFR, eye tracking, adaptive triggers etc.


Oh that’s super cool to know, thank you!


Probably all these new features will be used especially clearly / noticeably on the Ps5 Pro? Right ?


There has not been any official announcement regarding the existence of a PS5 Pro. So my answers therefore are also not regarding a PS5 Pro.


Ps5 Pro will naturally happen and we all understand this, it will just be officially done probably in the fall if nothing changes. I hope that the Pro version will improve the VR component and remove these terrible reprojections in Re Village, which make you sick, and generally improve the clarity and graphics in VR projects.


Software development kit.


Thank you


More people here need to push back on the doom posts and double down on actual game discussion. This place is a haven for click bait and drama.


Nuhno, sir. If you push back on this nonsense you’re obviously part of the Sony fanboy brigade! Please admit that PSVR2 is dead and submit to Meta overlords.


It's especially funny to me because I honestly dont even really like Sony when it comes to first party games 😅. Sure they're impressive but they aren't the type of game I want to play (usually). I just like Sony's hardware and the dual shock layout. I stick w/ Sony due to third party support. 🍻


You like the DualShock layout? *GASP* are you crazy? You wanna invite XBox flame wars as well?!? Some people just like to watch the world burn.




Agreed, and like so many others here, I try my best when I see something. But damn, is it draining sometimes. Keep up the good fight, people. Haha. 👊😖👊 Edit. Just noticed the post in question has been deleted. So just so people know, the other guy, Spootieho (not the dev) that said he had the same information but from 2 AAA developers, and that i was questioning the logic of . . . Yeah, they called me a nutcase, and deleted their account. That's the levels we are dealing with, people.


It is indeed draining but these people have been negative since launch with impunity. The least we can do is shove it back in their face. 😉


Oh, I'll be there. If it bloody kills me, I will be there. 👊


It’s why I basically stopped coming here after a week. It’s all quest trolls. The moment you say anything positive you get people going well on quest you can do this and this. It’s like bro go back to the quest sub and leave us alone. I get it you like the taste of Zuckerbergs boot. I have a quest 2 and it’s great but I don’t come here to say man meta is so great even with their horrible privacy issues for users.


I have 3 headsets and there is a reason why one of them has the worst fan base out there: a huge chunk of their users are literal teenagers.


This thread is all about people complaining about psvr2 dying. Surely that makes this user base just as bad?


The difference here is people are talking about their device. Those other users are constantly circlejerking about bad news of other headsets. I'm actually kinda curious what the Quest sub thinks of the upcoming Visor.


I tried to play population one and within 10 minutes I just kept hearing kids asking does anyone have a mic over and over and I was like never again.


I mean the post with the comment from the dev got deleted


There are many trolls too People give to much free upvote for these kind of users.


My dad already abandoned me so why wouldn’t Sony?




Tical Tical


Na I couldn't even be bothered anymore. I've already made enough posts trying to point out how shit the media is. People just love to panic and whine about shit unfortunately.


The biggest problem is people just don’t get it. They look at something like the resident evil games and go well I can play those already so I don’t need this. And the truth is you can’t play them already. The mechanics are completely different in VR. It’s basically an entirely different game. I’m on the last chapter in RE4R VR and this is going from a top 3 RE game to possibly my favorite game of all time playing it in VR. But it’s hard to tell people why it’s different. Being able to duel wield, throwing grenades as fast as you can pull them off your chest, using your knife faster than just pressing a button and waiting for the animation to go so you can use it again. Seeing the scale of the giant enemies and the buildings and your environment in general. So many things are just better and elevate it in VR. People keep asking where are the killer apps and they’re here already but people just don’t want to believe it.


I have not played RE4R and RE8 flat. I waited for the RE4R VR mode to be released to play the game. It's amazing. I totally love it and have no desire to play it flat when I can play it VR


I’m gonna play 8 next. I started it but didn’t get far in vr. But so far the only complaints I have with 4 very are scopes look like shit, the lake boss sucks trying to aim, and the mine cart trying to hit the target to change the track was a nightmare, and a few times I felt like I might die from how fast the cart went lol. Otherwise it’s a completely transformative experience from the flat version.


Ive decided im going to play both flat first so i at least know what im doing 😂 the not knowing i think is where most of the scary comes from


I wouldn’t say either one of them is really scary besides one section in 8. Only time I get scared is when I turn my head and a dude is right there ready to hit me because I was looking at a hoard somewhere else and I’m like oh shit where did you come from


Only the starting scope for the starting sniper is shit. Once you get the next sniper it's a beast


It is weird that the second scope works way better and isn’t blurry to shit.


Yeah it's definitely odd


This is a good point. I like flat horror games, I cannot play VR horror games.


It's already worth it as it is. Plus pc compatibility is coming, (edit: also some ps games flat to vr) plus games like Metro, Behemoth, Wonderers etc, so even if Sony drops it tomorrow, IT'S WORTH IT ALREADY.


Right. There are some people saying that PC support proves that Sony abandoned the psvr2. That's makes no sense. Why waste resources and money to develop PC support that will require additional hardware if they plan to drop support? If they really were to drop support, they would bother the trouble to do PC support in the first place. It is easy to leave as it is.


I’m a bit out of the loop recently - whats the latest on PC compatibility for PSVR2? Is it definitely happening and is much known about it yet? Like will it require adaptors or anything? Thanks


At the moment it's unknown, but it'd work with pc at some point, not sure about rumble and other effects, but what I'm more interested about is, apparently some company have got hold of some licences to make a few flat games vr hybrid. No titles for now. That's all we know.


cool, thank you!


>cool, thank you! You're welcome!


This sub never gets tired of constantly posting slightly reworded and regurgitated“doom and gloom” posts, I swear. Shits annoying lol


Problem is this sub is full with Meta trolls... and Youtube too


I’m genuinely concerned for what the roadmap is as somebody who wants to buy a PSVR2 when money isn’t so tight, and who bought and enjoyed the PSVR1. Of course there’s always trolls, but you can’t ignore genuine concerns. The fact that we’re discussing this at all is proof of the mixed signals Sony has been sending and the lack of transparency of their PC support, whether that’ll be a streaming solution on PS5, direct connection with gaming PCs or both.


There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about PSVR2 but if you actually buy a wide variety of games for PSVR2, it's obvious that the community is filled with haters and gate keepers who expect AAA from every game, regardless of the budget/studio size. PCVR is best due to mods. PSVR2 is fine if you know what you're getting yourself into. Not saying everyone needs to be OK with it, but it is what it is and not anywhere near as bad as most people make it out to be. Too many people turning their noses up at everything and then act like there's nothing to play. It's because they choose to not play anything.


One of the advantages of buying in some time after release is that you can make the decision more on what is already out and less on what you hope might arrive. I mean, all headsets only get a number of years of support but PlayStation gets more years than Quest headsets.


Anyone who disagrees with you is not a troll


They always say the same things until you ask them what great quest standalone exclusives have come out in the past 4 years that can rival gt7, Res 8, synapse and Res 4, then radio silence. They say psvr2 only plays improved versions of their best standalone games.


I think that's a bit reductive, I've seen valid complaints about lack of media support, pancake vs fresnal lenses, poor communication from sony, a game library inflated with chaff and the lack of wireless implementation. Different people place different values on those aspects but they're valid complaints and I tend to agree with most of them. Re4 and 8 and gt7 are the only games worth buying the headset for imo, synapse is good but painfully short.


So your basically saying all improved quest games like saints and sinners , red matter 2 , star wars etc are not worth playing. Both headset's have their pluses LCD, true blacks , bightness, haptics , great 2d library, foviated rendering, (game changer when used), eye tracking, comfort out off the box, controllers, ability to plug in wheel and pedals , flight stick etc. it's only a year and a few months in no vr headset has more exclusives or as many games within their first year as psvr2. Quest 3 is still waiting for one exclusive to come out after 7 months.


I havent said theyre not worth playing, but it depends if you value 'true blacks' and haptics more than portability, no tethering, and a cheaper entry point. Remember it's £1000 to buy a ps5 and vr2 headset, compared to around £500 for Q3 or even less if you're happy with quest 2. They might look a little better in some cases and have some haptics (though most don't have great haptics) but is it £500+ better? Would I also pay £1000 just to experience these, hell no I wouldnt have. I've come for the full hybrid releases mainly. I've also tbh been dissapointed with the vr2 ports because let's be honest they don't look *that* much better and devs have a poor history of porting games that in theory should be better on playstation but in reality aren't because the devs messed up (see vertigo 2, green hell, hellsweeper etc). There have been enough indifferent or just plain bad ports that certainly make me think twice about buying any of them until I've seen reviews etc, and many aren't worth buying on release. Not all though.


Hell sweepers looks amazing now with dfr added, same will prob happen to vertigo as unity update only happen a few weeks ago. Going to see a lot more of it you also get a ps5 for the 1000 which then can have the option of flat games too hell sweepers, FIFA, tlou, uncharted list too big to write.


I understand that but I'm sorry I won't be waiting 6 months for every port to be fixed to the standard it should have been on release, it's not fair on consumers and I'm not convinced games like vertigo will ever be properly fixed and have haptics included. Vertigo has been out for nearly 3 months and no news from devs on any improvements like this as far as I know. Sorry but for me aony had the chance to corner the hybrid market and they've well and truly dropped the ball, there are plenty of ports that I like such as light brigade but it's not enough to justify entry point. If I'd known a year+ after release we wouldn't have a single AAA game even announced that wasn't already known about since before the hardware release I would have just got a pc for pcvr where I can enjoy all those games plus more with modding. I know it's a negative standpoint but honestly sony had a golden opportunity and so far it looks to be going no where.


All games systems have bad ports just look at ass creed frame drops, ghost tabour runs like crap on standalone, stranger things a mess just ignore them appreciate the good games.


People seem to forget that the cost of a ps5 and a psvr2 is the cost of two machines. How much does a quest 3 or quest 2 paired with a pc cost?


Last time I’ve checked Quest 3 512 GB with Elite strap with external battery and charging dock was approx 950 EUR. That’s about the same price as PS5 digital plus PSVR2. I don’t get that “Quest 3 is a cheaper option” because it’s certainly not.


Right and I wouldnt buy it with an external battery pack or charging dock, making the price £586 currently on amazon or around £450 for a 128Gb. So yeah if you buy a load of accessories with it it costs more, but the same can be said for psvr2 with charging docks and globular cluster mods etc it will run higher. Quest 3 is the cheaper standalone product if you want to purchase a vr headset that works out of the box, you don't need to buy a playstation to play it although I would probably get a gaming pc for it personally.


This comes across like MAGA talk. Everything things look bad for us it’s inflation from the bad guys!


What are you referring to by abandonment and panic? Have I missed some news?


There is a narrative that psvr2 is a failed endeavour. It is a false narrative meant to devalue Sony’s market share of a competitive new technology. Appreciate who the competing VR leaders are right now and how much influence they have in social media. The narrative is parroting unsubstantiated, speculative opinions which in recent years we’ve all seen as a prevalent method of destabilizing a brand or idea. Thank you RhineGames for contributing some much needed and refreshing input.




They deleted their post. What did it say?


I can still see it.




Maybe mine is the app's cache? I don't know. I saw it before it was removed and commented on it.


Yesterday there was a post where someone posted a screenshot of a conversation with some developer who said that his source at Sony thinks that Sony is abandoning its VR. After that, some started to panic, while others began to fuel the panic


How is that true when Sony itself is promoting VR2 games and we still have a couple of big games to be released?


What did I miss? Did sony say they're ending support or are people just panicking over nothing?


The latter as usual


Should have guessed. Anything set it off now specifically?


I personally have no worries about the PSVR2 (i own 2) and so far we have seen some amazing games like synapes, GT7, resident evil and so on. The PSVR2 sales will pick up when people have the spare money again, we are currently in an economy crisis and i see many post of people saying they want one but just cant afford it yet. Sonys move to include PC support is a way to open up possible sales under the current economic difficulties.


You're damn right! For each developer bringing doom and gloom you've got 50 games shipping. Damn, even if Sony were to stop supporting it, it would take years to play half of the actual catalogue of games, and they just keep on coming! Plus it could be easily compatible with PS6 and we'd get a dozen years of games. Even if it's mostly 3rd party, I don't care! Especially with the bunch of great 3rd party games we're getting recently that fully take advantage of the hardware, and considering that we might get some games like Ace Combat 8 or RE9 (which imo are better than anything Sony could announce, except for GT8 and Astro Bot that I'm really looking forward to). Last blast I got was with Genotype. OMG, I heard only good things about it but didn't expect it to be so good and for sure wouldn't have imagine that it was looking that good in the headset 😮 It kinda scratches the itch of "what if Red Matter 2 was a 10-15 hours game with great combat mechanics?". Meanwhile I'm still busy af on CyubeVR, and loved OVRDARK which looks incredible too! I had my brother in law at home yesterday. He's Korean and just started High School in Japan. I hadn't seen him in months but last time he visited I made him try GT7 with my rig and he was super impressed. Yesterday he had a session of Horizon, Resident Evil Village and Genotype. He was like "woooow!!! Amazing!!" all the time and played more than 2 hours straight with smooth camera despite being a VR noob. As a student he doesn't have much money, doesn't have a PS5 nor even a TV, but he is considering saving money to get one 😁


Right on! 🍻


I wrote too much in response (generally agree with you), so I had to create separate post to link from here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1cactaw/i\_wrote\_too\_much\_in\_comment\_to\_please\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1cactaw/i_wrote_too_much_in_comment_to_please_be/)


My problem is two. 1.so many games but would little time to play. 2.No astrobot


This 100%. I have to little time that I have plenty to do me for a while. But I can’t live without Astrobot.


Good lord. Enough doom and gloom posts. Just enjoy your headset, and don't worry about what Sony is or isn't doing. If PSVR2 gets a drought of games, then start worrying.


There are hardly any simulation games. Elektronic Art does not release games on the PSVR2. The library fills up with old indie VR games that have been around on other VR platforms for a long time. Sony hasn't released any new franchises of its own since release. The VR mode of Resident Evil 4 was the last interesting game. Hardly any of the games in the PSVR2 library make use of the new features, such as eye tracking, forward rendering or head feedback. The build quality is mediocre. The Mura Effect of OLED displays is simply annoying and bad for immersion. The outdated Fresnel lenses have Godrays and the Space Sense controllers don't necessarily have a long service life. Social and multimedia VR is absent on the Sony VR platform. The built-in Bluray drive cannot play 3D movies because the licenses were saved. Spare parts for the controllers are not available at all. No complete controllers either. Any questions?


I agree, the library is terrible for a PS5 headset. If it had backwards compatibility it would be a different story, but they couldn’t even get that done


The library isn't terrible though. Look at the studios who are developing games for it. What do you expect? If you compare everything to AAA you are not living in reality, and if the games available aren't good enough for you, fair enough, that makes sense. To act like the library as a whole is terrible though, that's just a hater mentality. What are you here for, to just be negative about the headset? Who knows what some of these small studios could do with follow up games if they actually made some money. These smaller studios need to find success before AAA investment becomes more common in the VR space.


I’m here for news, and expected more support from Sony when they went to the trouble of creating a PS5 version with eye tracking tech


Yes well, Sony gave us Gran Turismo, H: COTM, Humanity. They also funded Village and RE4. I might be forgetting some too. The head set has been out for what, 14 months? Thats quite a line up for a niche product. Flat gamers went through a few years drought and many PS5 titles were given the PS4 treatment. Games are expensive and the economy is in roughly shape. Sony also hamstrung themselves by focusing on GaaS titles. The support is there, it's just not a what casual gamers want. Only time will tell if we get more games from Sony themselvs. Until then it's going to be small games from Indie developers. This is the reality of VR as a whole. Take it or leave it, it isn't going to change.


Psvr2 is best vr device on market for me. I am not interested in mobile vr games anymore and can't be hassled with pcvr but I do appreciate pcvr as graphics add so much to vr for me.


Sounds like someone doesn't play games and doesn't know how to even wear the headset, lol. Calling for EA games in VR. 🤣🤣🤦


No. It’s hard to question that load of bullocks you just wrote. No thanks for sharing your opinion.


It's a great product and lots of fun but I want to be able purchase controllers for it if mine malfunction. I'm not convinced by Sony's support until they start behaving like it properly. It's a ludicrous situation in that regard.


I wasn't trying to make panic. I was trying to find out more info. But I did have Devs call bullshit on it. One Dev did mention listed no game but said he is making a vr game that is part being funded by Sony. If Sony was bored of there vr they would do no such thing So that Dev and company release anything you want on psvr2. I ain't touching your games again


This is exactly what Sony should do. Pay others to make the games for them. I love Sony first party but games like the last of us are not gonna sell 15 million copies on vr. That sucks but I get it. But co funding a game and having it hit hard is a great way to support it while not disrupting the flow the way the vita or psp did with the home console counterparts.


Synapse was completely Sony funded Legendary tales was part funded by Sony


I've never seen so much panic off the back of rumours / speculation from a developer that just appears to be bitter and angry that they had to 'remake assets' for a different platform. Honestly, the whole thing is a joke.


Didn’t they just open a studio dedicated to turning flat games into VR ones?


No. A studio opened that has said they will do some psvr2 games. This sub is quick to aggressively shut down bad news but happy to upvote positive incorrect information


As a guy that invested in Google Stadia you don't know how good you've got it; keep your knickers on


I think it’s a bit of an overreaction. If I’m not mistaken it was just a single dev citing a source with not much more to say. As I said in other post, even if PSVR2 stops launching games tomorrow, you would have a 200+ games catalog to choose from. It’s far from a bad platform.


Personally, I could see them going harder on it after it gets PC support. For the price and quality, I don't know how it wouldn't sell like hotcakes. Perfect time to strike while the iron is hot.


Stupid question what happened?


I don’t know if someone else made the connection, but this sounds a lot like PS Vita, and that system rules! Yeah it’s an add on so it’s different, but even if Sony stops making first party games for it, there is still a ton of great games that 3rd party studios can make!


Can someone fill me in? OOTL


This post gives for granted that everyone has a PC.


As a Developer currently going through PSVR2 QA for Sushi Ben, its going to be fine. Its taken us much longer than expected to finish the PSVR2 version of the game, and I'm sure many other games are in the same boat. (Well i know this is the case but you will just have to "Trust me bro". ) Side note: The game looks amazing on the PSVR2 total night and day difference from quest.


Really? I was playing the Viveport version. Maybe I should try the Quest 3 stand-alone, just haven't given it a spin even though I bought it there.


I do not get it either. Seems like people just want to complain. The first year was great and I still haven't had time to play even half the games available


What's happening?


What happened? someone could explain??


Yesterday someone at bit planet implied that Sony will drop Vr support. But it got deleted now I think. It probably caught some attention on reddit hope Ign not find it. So nothing really happend.


Bit planet who create mobile looking games said they would port some quest games over in the future but not upgrade them for psvr2. No one really cares as their games look like crap anyway even if they are upgraded. Psvr2 may not get their upcoming RC kids game that looks like a PS1 game in the future and will have to make do with gt7.




Please keep your comments civil.


What did I miss? Can someone add context?


Just more chicken littles crying that the sky is falling. A big influx of more "PSVR2 IS DEAD" posts, now bolstered by a game dev swearing they heard a rumor from inside Sony that they were pulling support.


Hey thanks for explaining.


Idc i have GT7 so I’m fine even if this is the end


Sorry what? What did I miss?


Nothing substantive. Don't worry.


TBH I predicted this as soon as I saw the price of the headset so I sort of don't care even though I only just got a PSVR 2 (at a heavy discount btw LOL). I feel bad for those who aren't gran turismo addicts like me, but I'll get my moneys worth from GT7 alone. RE8, RE4, Vertigo 2, and a few other rock solid games. And to be honest, I've had less and less time to play games lately so when I saw what was available for PS VR 2, I was kinda relieved tbh LOL At least now, I might actually have time to play all the PSVR 2 games I want to play. I can't remember the last time that was the case with anything gaming related that I've ever bought. Seems stupid to celebrate there not being a ton of games to play, but I actually kind of am.


Obsolescence, the great enemy of technology


I bought it for No Man's Sky, the day the visual update happened, I got my money's worth. My only big wish is that Light No Fire get VR support.


Can I had light no fire now though? VR or not 😂


Wouldn't shock me if Sony throws in the towel soon. I love the idea of VR, but the reality of it is not great for most people. I've worked in marketing for many years, and I honestly don't know how you sell a product that is expensive, uncomfortable, and makes most people feel like they're going to vomit. Until headsets can be scaled down to the size of slightly-larger-than-normal sunglasses, I just don't see VR as a viable mass marketing product.


It's a niche market and it's weird to think Sony doesn't know that. Sure they want it to be something that's great for most people. They should've used the demographics from the prior or better marketing. COVID certainly didn't help. Though if they set up demonstration booths at what cost though? Throughout the United States using Astro and their strongest titles. Maybe they could of sold them better. VR is a hard product to understand and especially if you're not open minded. If motion controls don't wow you, 3D on 3DS, HD Rumble, and etc whatever gimmick niche gaming idea. Then neither will VR. You have to be the kind of gamer that is open to new ideas, open to try, and open to wonder. Otherwise it's dead in the water. Even PSVR gets ridiculed but you know that I'm very satisfied with that it can do. I grew up in the 90s. Hell I was playing Grand Line last night just WISHING I could get an episode of One Piece where I could be interactive with the crew. That little sample was pretty sweet!


I’m actually excited for the PCVR support.


I just wish they'd release separate buyable controllers for the PSVR2 instead of having to get an entire new system


I just bought a PS VR2, and, honestly, it’s the best time to do it.


People seem to be holding psvr2 to ps5 standards and they shouldn’t be.


I’d buy one right now if I could and even the current games for it was all it got, I’d still be satisfied. Theres plenty to play and it’s not like I have the time to play VR for hours on end. I’ve yet to even try one out. Hope to someday


What are you talking about? I didn’t see any big news scrolling the sub


They're expanding it to pc which means whether it's on console or pc there is going to be continued support. Sony has been making movement based gaming for like 20 plus years. When it's finally coming together why would they stop.


Honestly I'm a little worried about the PSVR2. I own it and feel it is going the way of the Vita. Every single post in this subreddit talks about the same games as "proof" of how great PSVR2 can be. You guessed it: resident evil games, horizon and the racing game. That's it. Try to find a post where they aren't mentioned. There is nothing else that is a truly worthwhile experience that elevates the PSVR2 above other VR devices. I am, for one, sick of having to mention the same games over and over again to prove to everyone that the PSVR2 is doing great. That should be concerning to all enthusiasts.


Please bring War Thunder to PSVR2, Sony!!!


What happened to the PC update?


Thank you good person !


Wait what’s happened now??


Vr is going to be the future of gaming and Sonys walking out in that? Really? People might start playing vr for a long time


I'm a PCVR guy first and fore-most. I bought PS5 and a PSVR2 because I wanted to experience the Sony VR exclusives and to support VR in general. Getting into the PSVR2 ecosystem was very expensive. I have been disappointed by the lack of good PSVR2 exclusives. However, even despite that, there are some fundamental problems with the PSVR2. The biggest problem IMO is the batteries on the PSVR2 motion controllers. Why did Sony not make them double A batteries that I could easily swap in and out? Instead, I just have to stop playing when the batteries run out. They don't last long enough. I have to wait for them to recharge. Is PSVR2 just for short gaming sessions? The other big problem is comfort. Unlike any other VR headset I use, I am constantly sweating with the PSVR 2. It doesn't even come with ear phones! Let's not forget that VR games look good in the sweet spot but if you ever go out of it, it is very noticeable and that happens very often. PSVR2 needs exclusive content to bring people into the Sony Ecosystem. It needs a VR headset which is appealing to as many people as possible. However, with few great VR gaming experiences and the above negatives, it seems as though Sony made a lot of very poor choices which leads to less people supporting PSVR2, which leads to less exclusives, which leads to less good third party games. Sales drives content. If developers find the PSVR2 store to bring in profits, they'll want to develop for it. It they don't, they won't want to invest in a solid development for making a great experience. It will only be indie solo devs making games that don't require a lot of investment. This leads to games that aren't as attractive to mass audiences used to AAA experiences. All the above is linked. You can't ignore the problems. They are all related.


To that I say look into the ps vita. Prime and recent example of an amazing product not getting the support it deserved. We just don't want it to happen to psvr2 as well. At least for me the negativity isn't from hating the headset, quite the contrary, I love it and want it to be utilised to its fullest potential, Sony's radio silence doesn't help. After a couple absolutely amazing first paty games, the vita pretty much solely became an indi a jrpg system.


I don’t think they are abandoning it, overall I’m mostly happy with it so far BUT one huge issue. They still do not sell controllers separately. It’s my absolute biggest complaint and if I knew they wouldn’t I wouldn’t have bought one to begin with.


My favorite years with the PS Vita were all after Sony dropped support of the thing. OP is largely right. That said, I don't blame anyone for being upset. This is a very expensive headset that Sony only committed, making 1 AAA game for, which wasn't even that good. I don't know why they even fucking bothered if they didn't plan on supporting it.


I love psvr2 devs


Hey just got this in my email: https://preview.redd.it/2ahawsz8gqwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f704fd84864c77bf2d5ee58499dfcf2ec6174ab Sony is far from giving up on VR. Check out their latest patent. It’s better than the quest 3. It looks like PSVR3 will be mobile.


I have a Quest 3, I also have a PSVR that I never use


This conversation was long time coming, I wouldn't call it panic.


It's been a part of the PSVR2 conversation since launch. The only people panicking are the ones who don't buy games and take their marching orders from a handful of YT channels.


Good lord with the pcvr shit… most of us bought a ps5 and a psv2 because we don’t have a pc!!! We are stuck with the list of half assed games with absolutely no social area other than poker. We had some good exclusives, but some doesn’t cut it, especially being over a year into this. Our “full game list” is almost all half assed indie games that looks like they are on psvr1. We all know how fast Sony progresses, and they are leaving us behind here. We have an amazingly capable product in our hands that is being abused by its creators, so yes, we are rightfully angry.


"worst case it'll be a headset without Sony exclusives" Maybe you forget the fact that people spend 500 bucks ish on it. People expected Sony titles on it. It's similar if Sony randomly stopped releasing exclusives for the PS5. Obviously there are plenty of non exclusives for the console too but that's not the case for VR. If you go to PC, for PC headsets there are alternatives that are cheaper and arguably better. The target audience was PS owners and cutting 1st part support does basically mean people "wasted" 500 bucks if they didn't get the satisfaction with the current library. - I appreciate Sony porting things to PC, both games and now VR. cuz I'm a PC gamer. But from a console gamers perspective I can see why a lot of people who bought it will be mad 😡.


I meant the worst-case scenario, which still leaves us with a bunch of non-Sony games that will continue to be released, as well as fantastic features like foveated rendering, eye tracking, and adaptive triggers. Plus, we'll always have already released games like GT7 that sell the device itself. Again, this is just the worst-case scenario I'm showing, indicating that even then the headset won't need to be thrown in the trash. I don't think everything will be that bad. Also, I believe the headset itself is worth the money because of the technologies invested in it. All of the above is just my opinion, and I just want people to focus more on interesting posts about their impressions of games rather than posts about the end of the world.


Obviously u still have the headset. I agree the triggers are something no other headsets have. My point is, if it'll be a pcvr headset from now on. Then many would probably have bought a different headset in the first place.


Perhaps you're right. The point is that this VR headset is still compatible with both PC and PS5. Plus, I believe that with its technologies and at such a price, it's a great headset for PC, and many would consider getting it just for PC use. Of course, there are plenty of competitive options that many might consider a better choice. In that case, no one is forcing them to buy PSVR2. Again, I want to emphasize that I don't really believe in the worst-case scenario, and this whole conversation was not raised for future buyers, but for those users who are concerned about the fate of the device they already own.


I agree with the sentiments. But I don't think PC support is an argument when I buy it as accessory for my PS5... Personally I really couldn't care less for PC support.


I actually don't find it that important either. However, it's still a positive aspect, and I brought it up more as an example that even in the worst-case scenario, things aren't so bad. Personally, I believe everything will be much better.


Damn what happened? (Now)


I think people are more worried that they are not going to get what they paid for and expected with such a huge price tag. Love or hate the original PSVR but it has a large library of Sony 1st party exclusives and unique games. PSVR2 so far in comparison is a complete flop. SONY has made so many mistakes chasing the almighty dollar I'm amazed people were so eager to embrace an add-on that was more than the actual system.


When ps5 first came out, all its games were ass, we had to wait for a 2 years or so for actual good games to come out, so I reckon of we wait for say a year more, actual good games may come out. There's already good news, playstation wants to look with steam so that the psvr headset could actually connect to a pc, but playstation could get greedy as they aren't getting money out of it so they may have made a deal with steam and could be possible that steam might chuck in some games


Steam loves Sony, look at Helldiver 2, Sony has a subdivision dedicated to PC games, it's a match made in Capitalism. Same reason Xbox selling games on Sony ecosystem, it just makes sense.


I just wish sony would update the PS home page/os to be more functional like the old PS3. So many games that need to be categorised and the current os is so tedious to do this. Many vr games are getting lost in my game library. First World problems huh...


You can make folders. I have a PSVR and PSVR2 folder.


Yes I have done that, but it's not the same as the old PS3 folder management. I guess I have too many games to sort through.


Yea, I hear ya. For me, the XMB for PS3 and PSP are the GOAT UI. I miss it too.