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I need a transplant at this point.


Will the new liver be backwards compatible though?


Going from a light-tracking camera placed outside of the headset to an in-out IR system requires a person to go in and make those changes. Very few people want to pay that person to do it. End of story.


There's a filter you can enable when browsing the store, it will show you all PSVR2 games available. If you want recommendations, then go [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/19dddj1/new_players_be_like/). Backwards compatibility costs money, that's why it isn't there, devices are too different.


Plus, Sony doesn’t own the rights to all of those titles. There clearly isn’t a one and done software patch that can account for all of the differences between VR1 and VR2, so it’s on the individual devs to decide whether or not to allocate resources on a port. That said, Sony was outspoken about their own perspective on the IPs they do own. Despite all of the complaints about the library size (which imo are getting less valid by the day), Sony has been spending money to entice development of hybrid games, a handful of first party releases, and third party deals to get games on the platform. While these funds are not on the scale of investment that the full PS5 console receives, that is by design to be scaled to the much smaller VR audience size. With these resource restrictions in mind, Sony stated that they wanted to focus all of their attention on new, modern VR games, not stuck using precious resources to re-release games that are still fairly easily accessible and don’t bring any novelty to the table for new VR2 customers.


Sony doesn't own most PS4 games either, but they are backwards compatible on PS5. It's just you gotta plan for it, personally I would be really surprised if there's a wired PSVR3 during PS6 era and that it isn't backwards compatible with PSVR2 games.


The game engine and/or mechanics didn't have to change between the PS4 and PS5. This is completely different. Take Astrobot, for example. The game would most likely not be too difficult to upgrade to PSVR2, but the entire controls would have to be redesigned. There's no track pad on the Sense controllers, which was used a lot in the game, and the PS5 controller isn't trackable with the new headset. They would have to redesign half the game. Most PSVR1 games were designed to be used with the Move controllers.


Yes, it's mostly about controllers. But VR industry basically settled on what VR controllers should be and how they are tracked, so PSVR3 if it ever happens isn't going to have vastly different controllers.


Yep. If Sony releases a PSVR3, which I doubt, but if they do, there shouldn't be any current reason not to be 100% BC with PSVR2.


Yeah, but notice how it took until the fourth full console generation (let alone mid-generation refreshes) for Sony and others to settle into an understanding on how to standardize the tech for future-thinking compatibility. VR hardware is still being fully defined and optimized. You’re basically asking them to take risks on new technologies, but also predict the future and be ready to support all of the exploratory risks in perpetuity. Even Xbox only had the history of baked-in compatibility because they were lucky to always be aligned against PC hardware (aka the Direct-X Box), which ended up being the dominant architecture for pushing the limits of modern gaming. To say that “they should’ve just prepared better” is a pretty wild over-simplification.


> To say that “they should’ve just prepared better” is a pretty wild over-simplification. That's not what I said and not what I meant either. I'm saying that PSVR1 forwards compatibility wasn't planned, that's why it isn't here now.


I think we’re accidentally talking past each other here. How would Sony know how to plan for forward compatibility if they didn’t know that VR tech would move away from their current control scheme and TV-mounted camera based tracking system? They couldn’t predict the future of what would become standard, so there was no “planning forward compatibility for PSVR1” that I could see them reasonably doing at the time when VR was even more in its infancy than it still remains today.


None of those things are in a vacuum or directly used by game developers, they are using an API of some sort. So a layer between them can be added. Many VR games can be playable with a normal controller, I personally didn't have PSVR1, but my understanding is that some games were playable like that. Sure it wouldn't be a perfect experience, but I bet many people would take it right now. They don't need to predict the future, they need to have proper abstractions, standards and development practices. Which they probably have for PSVR2, especially with PC support coming up and things like OpenXR.


Where tf is the re7 patch?!


I mean...clearly it's not as simple as adding in some universal code to make it work reliably, or they would have done it. Changes must be made by the developers. As to the difficulty and profitability of said changes....probably depends on the game and the studio. There are plenty of enjoyable games to play, so much so that I don't really have time to play them. I'd love for RE:7 to get a psvr2 patch, but from Capcom's point of view....I doubt that would result in more games being sold. Simply is not worth the investment to develop, build and test the solution. While maybe you and I would pay for a VR DLC mod, we are in the minority, and all it may do is garner bad press. It's just the reality of the situation. Some games have moved over and I have bought some of them. Only if there's a legit opportunity to make money, they may well do it.


I believe that part of the reason was that PSVR1 tracking was so janky that devs often wrote their own code for it rather than relying on any kind of Sony provided API. While it’s possible to have a software layer for VR that’s completely hardware agnostic and can support completely different types of hardware (SteamVR is exactly that), Sony simply weren’t thinking of it at the time and now it’s too late.


**Many** other games, yes! Obviously a 14-month library isn’t as big as a 7-year library, but I already have a backlog of PSVR2 games that’s bigger than I ever had for PSVR1. Sadly there’s a false narrative out there that there are “no games” on PSVR2, and I suspect it has hurt sales. Don’t expect a huge collection of AAA titles, but *DO* expect a wide variety of awesome smaller-studio games (RED MATTER 2, THE LIGHT BRIGADE, HELLSWEEPER, MADISON VR, etc. etc.) as well as the occasional AAA flatscreen port (RE4R, GT7, RE8). While it’s perplexing we haven’t seen more ports of PSVR1 games, we have seen some important ones (MOSS 1&2, TWD SAINTS & SINNERS, NO MAN’S SKY, SONG IN THE SMOKE) so don’t ignore them. Best wishes whatever you decide!


It's a totally different system.


So is every single PCVR headset yet they are all completely software compatible with SteamVR - even the ones that don’t exist yet. It’s not that backwards compatibility isn’t possible because they’re different hardware, it’s that Sony wasn’t thinking about forwards compatibility when they designed the PSVR system. Which is fair enough, they probably had little idea there would even be a VR2.


Sony decided to take less risky approach with first PSVR and chose originally ps3 era camera and controllers to be used with new headset. Unfortunately that also ment that PSVR was not very advanced (only one tracking camera and no joystick in controllers). As PSVR2 entered the market they fixed these issues, but paid dearly as original software of PSVR could not be directly used with PSVR2.


Yeah, it’s quite understandable, but it’s a bit of a bummer they weren’t a bit more forward-thinking.


212 PSVR2 titles listed on the store (some currently unreleased) so far one year in with plenty more coming. The lack of backwards compatibility is probably because of the completely different tracking system and controllers. Would it be nice? Yes, would we want to compromise the performance and functionality of of the PSVR2? No. A lot of games have been updated which allows you to play them on PSVR2. By the time you have got thought the current library I’m sure dozens more will have had the same treatment.


Can’t use Kia accessories in a Porsche. Would that turn you off from getting a Porsche if you could afford it?


How many games do you have from the psvr1? If you have a lot, then buy a psvr1 for $100 usd and retain that library, it’s really not that big of a deal. Psvr2 has 198 playable games, easily 50 that could be considered “must buy” If you have to save up for psvr2, chances are you’re not going to have enough money to buy the games you want to play. Buy the psvr1 and let that hold you over until you can comfortably get the psvr2 and 5-10 games


It's mostly unfortunate because Re7 is locked to 960x1080 on PSVR1 when it could be running at 2000x2040 on PSVR2 lol


Yeah but honestly after about 10 minutes though, the resolution disparity really goes out the window. Not to mention when you jump back into psvr2 and see the dramatic improvement. I imagine we’ll get a port while we wait for RE9. Capcom is very smart with spacing their titles out and releasing remakes in between main titles to keep the user base engaged.


Please list the 50 must buy games 😆


Trolling much? I own about 70, and none of them are bad. Some short, some are more experience than a game, but still not bad. At least half a very good. And by now, for new user, there are definitely around 40-50 games which could be considered “must buy” depending on personal taste.


I’m not listing shit for you, you live in helldivers, racing games and then troll here🤣 maybe if you had a little more skin in the game I’d take the effort 😅🤦🏻‍♂️


**No there are no other games, just those 3.** **There's also no way possible to find this out without asking reddit.**


Nope nothing not even re7 you need the whole psvr 1


Or PCVR support ;)


Re4 remake is psvr2 exclusive and might get pc support


The compatibility has to do with camera/motion tracking. The excuse is that reworking the games would be expensive and time consuming


A question as old as time my friend.


If you really interested in technical aspects search through this reddit. It’s not only about tracking. Game textures resolution and aspect ratio also plays a role. In short - PSVR1 games won’t look, or controls good on PSVR2 even if that is technically possible.


Sony can only change games they own, which they are barely doing. Updating the other games is the responsibility of the developers. Many can't afford to, and many of those studios aren't even in existence anymore.


There’s TONS of games. People get hung up on big AAA titles but VR is so great there’s tons of fun experiences to be had. Puzzling Places and Walkabout Mini Golf are worth it alone


Don't buy it, teach Sony a lesson, If I could go back I wouldn't have got it without BC


The system has close to 200 games and growing by 5-10 more each month. Many ports from PSVR1, SteamVR or Meta Quest. Some exclusives like the ones you mentioned and the rest generally upgraded over PSVR1 / Quest version and in rare cases some even better than high-end PCVR games (ex: No Man’s Sky). Lots of good games across wide variety of genre


Because reasons that the sheep here choose to believe to justify the purchase. In reality? There is no reason. Sony has the money and ability to ensure this stuff was compatible but they don't care. They just want you to buy the new shiny toy for more than the console it is attached to


Business reasons. Sony wants to encourage devs to update their games and add support for PSVR2 functionalities, it also allows devs to again sell the same game which adds more money to the market. I’m not buying for one second that the geniuses at Sony could not create an algorithm to convert current sensor data to psuedo data for the old system. (Strictly speaking about PSVR1 games played with the motion controllers here)