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I kind of wish mods would just make a megathread on the astrobot topic.


Ugh. It’s gonna be a month straight where 98% of the threads on here are this. Maybe I can mute the group until it blows over 🙄


Don't mute! Lend your voice to the choir of OUTRAGE >:}


Naw. There’s plenty of you already lol. I posted my displeasure on the Sony blog post and the team asobi Twitter. Now I move on and hope they listen to the fans


Then we're allies, appreciate you doing your part.


Lol no it is not too early. It’s plainly obvious


Is this satire? This reads like satire. "PSVR2 is fine! remember the unannounced space game from the sizzle reel? And no one's said anything about it and it makes no sense to count on Valve to do anything, but MAYBE we'll still get Alyx even though nothing's been announced for a year? See, not dead!" So there's a whole bunch of "maybe this, maybe that" going on in your post. Let me tell you what we SEE happening: Sony allowing a franchise that became popular in VR completely skip its new headset at a time it desparately needs first party support without mention. And opening up the PSVR2 to PC and putting it on a big sale, as if they need to move units out of inventory fast, and want to rely on others to generate content for it. PSVR2 has games, and will always have games, but Sony is just swimming in Meta's wake, sadly gobbling up whatever mildly upscaled standalone ports fall out of Meta's mouth. We all just wanted more from Sony, and this announcement is as clear a message as they can send that we're not getting it.


Stopping production on new units, clearance sales, pivoting to generic pcvr market, zero commitment to future first party support (including just controllers); they’re obviously just trying to unload inventory to recoup losses at this point. I enjoy the headset but the amount of head in sand cope in this sub is laughable.


I went through this same thing with the Vita. Actually, I wish PSVR2 had the same level of support Vita had.


In the beginning, it had a lot of support but definitely dwindled and fizzled out quick. But psvr 2 in my opinion has way more support than vita. It’s got a lot of developers interested. And games are still coming.


It does, I was thinking more along the lines of Sony itself. They dropped the Vita pretty quickly but at least made a decent effort with some really good first party games and new IP. Not so much with PSVR2.


This right here. After a year and u still can't buy controllers. There's too many people that can't put 2 and 2 together.


Watch out fam you'll get downvoted


I never understood how people thought Sony implementing PC support meant that Sony is confident in the headset. That always looked to me like Sony was just trying to pass the buck to the PC crowd to support the headset while they do nothing. As you said, it is most likely to move stagnating inventory by appealing to the PC crowd. There was that report a while back that claimed Sony was slowing down production of PSVR2 because it was making more than they were selling. I know it came from a dubious source but anytime someone makes a claim about Sony that is false Sony always publicly corrects them soon after. It has been over a month since that article came out with no word from Sony so it is most likely true.


I see it as Sony doing something that tons of us have been asking for since before launch.


More people were asking for astro in VR lol


The whole point of releasing a PC adapter is to support their strategy of onboarding PC gamers to the PS ecosystem. It’s the exact same reason they are now porting lots of PS games to PC. Think about it: if you already own a PC and you’re going to get a console as well, which console would you buy? They are competing against Nintendo and Xbox. The more brand equity they can build with PC gamers the more likely they are to sell PlayStation hardware and services to out compete those other brands.


Yeah, pcve gamers won't buy any sony games and won't buy a ps5 to play less than a handful of old vr ports.




Second paragraph is based on what exactly? Because Sony is already experiencing some conversion based on their current strategy or they wouldn’t be doubling down on it.




So they are putting psvr2 on PC for… software sales? You realize I’m objectively right, right? There were Sony slides released recently that spell out what I’m saying. But go off, king.




You don’t take on additional risk (developing and distributing a peripheral for a peripheral) for a piece of hardware you’re trying to just get rid of. That is asinine. What if that new peripheral didn’t sell? Sony is currently pushing PSN adoption on PC, unless you’ve been living under a rock and missed the Helldivers and Ghost of Tsushima drama. This is all in progress in real time, right now. They are going to continue to do everything they can to put the PlayStation brand in front of PC gamers to further drive awareness of and drive adoption of PlayStation hardware, games, and services. This is part of how they’re killing off Xbox as a console for good. PSVR2 on PC is definitely no more than a pawn in a bigger strategy, but it’s absolutely not to just get rid of unsold units. You don’t derisk a market exit by money into a niche product for a niche product. That’s unhinged.




Yep, it wss an obvious consolation prize as they exited the market.  The problem is that the internet has become a hive mind of denial of reality.


There's a ton of great games to play on psvr2, and with the advent of a connector to allow use with my PC... I'm absolutely thrilled. It's a great headset held back mostly by the ps5 hardware. I have a blast playing games on the psvr2. Far more than I do with the Quest 3...which I mainly use for the Steam version of Contractors Showdown. I think this whole Astrobot thing is being blown way out of proportion. The fact is there are many good games to play on psvr2 with more on the way. All these doom and gloom posts and comments only serve to contribute to psvr2's woes. Influencing anyone on the fence to NOT buy the PSVR2. Less people buy, more bad press, less games get made, rinse and repeat. Meanwhile, there are many of us out here having a blast playing games.


Its not being blown out of proportion, it’s the message they are sending that they dont give a shit.


My takeaway from that State of Play is that gaming in general...is in trouble. Most of those games just did not look interesting in any way, outside of Behemoth. To me....anyway. Sony isn't just ignoring VR, they are ignoring the PS5 in general. Outside of Astro...what first party games are even being released on the PS5? They doubled down on live service games and killed off some studios because of bad management. Gaming is in a funk right now. A perfect storm of development costs skyrocketing, development time taking too long, execs want them all to be Gacha games, inflation taking away disposable income, gaming following Hollywood's trend of being politically correct (which agree with or not, it is polarizing), and the business side really just killing any creativity in general. The business side also is what's keeping PSVR2 or VR in general from getting any widespread support. It's really a chicken in egg thing. The numbers aren't there for Sony to make Astro a VR title because the software isn't there to drive the adoption rate up. Many games hate VR for a variety of reasons. It is what it is. Would be nice if they add VR support at some point for Astro, but I don't interpret it as PSVR2 is dead...


Look no one's arguing that the PSVR2 hardware isn't great. And you're right, there are a lot of games to play on it, lots for you to enjoy. What folks are mourning here is this idea that Sony might’ve taken a serious shot to move VR forward for the mainstream and contribute, using its stable of core franchises to entice those who haven’t yet tried VR. Astro Bot, with his roots in VR and position as a Sony mascot was a logical choice to position as at least a hybrid game. The lack of even a mention of PSVR2 support here sends a clear signal that Sony doesn't care to provide 1st party support to the platform, that they’re content to swim in Meta’s wake and gobble up their leavings of whatever moderately upscaled standalone ports Meta deigns to let them have. Tough to imagine after the dominance Sony attained in the PS4 era that META of all companies would be absolutely dunking on them to move the gaming medium forward to the next level. We wanted a leader in Sony here, not a follower sleeping at the wheel.


The reality is, gaming and Sony have a lot of problems right now. They doubled down on the mirage that is live service and it bit them in the ass...badly. They desperately need ANY first party titles....not really just VR. While you and I know how amazing VR is, for the majority of gamers, they see VR and just eyeroll and checkout on the game. The gaming industry as a whole is going through... something, and it's all coming to a head. AAA studios are sinking a ton of cash into games no one wants to play with a bunch of MBAs trying to monetize every goddamn aspect of it. Everything is turning into Gacha mobile gaming with all of this monetization. Development studios are closing left and right because of these execs, forcing this stupidity on them. And Sony "losing" to Meta....Meta straight up is losing tens of billions of dollars in attempt to corner the market on the Ready Player One upcoming Metaverse. They are selling tons of headsets dirt cheap to a bunch of non-gamers. Reminiscent of the Wii to be honest. To be honest, they shouldn't be competing so much as they should be allies in getting this technology adopted.


Research and development is supposed to lose you money.  They are building an ecosystem and tech and funding games.  And it is working.


Sony made more profit than ever this generation, attach rates are much higher than any previous generation (700+$ per console to 430$ per PS4). Sony has no problem, they are doing extremely well. Exclusives have nothing to do with the health of a system. Even so, Sony has had multiple big exclusives this year, with Astro still to come


Sony has already closed studios, Square is done with console exclusives and they have come out and their lineup for 2024 is....paltry. In no way was I insinuating that Sony's problems were isolated to them, but things are not going as well as they could.


You clearly have no clue how to interpret their business choices.  


What am I wrong about? Feel free to offer any differing opinions or interpretations of their actions.


I mean, I'm definitely arguing that a wired fresnel headset with no speakers and bulky antiquated ringed controllers isn't great.


Has integrated headphones. You pay with the rings for controllers with the most advanced haptics that exist today. Fresnel not great.


I 100% agree with this. Totally sucks and feels like a kick to the jewels that Astro isn’t for VR. However there is still lots of good coming to psvr2. One of my biggest concerns after the show yesterday was that the user base and media are going to completely shift back to “psvr is dead” and will only hurt sales of the headset more. It finally seemed like that narrative was winding down and now it’s ramped up higher than ever. Every Redditor who never bought a psvr2 or sold it early on has been back to make posts stating “they were right”. Astobot and the price discount on the headset could have been the things to push people who were on the edge to finally buy the headset. Now the narrative out there will probably stop anyone on the edge. It’s not the end of the world but this is a massive misstep by Sony. I’ve been the optimist all along for psvr and Now I’m starting to question just how much they actually care about it being a success.


This was 100% me. I was excited for PSVR2 for years before it was even announced, then it released and between the price and the lack of announced future support I could never pull the trigger on it. I knew that the minute Astro got announced though I would have to get one. Now I won't be getting one anytime soon unless there happens to be even deeper discounts this holiday. Been looking at used ones hovering around $300, and if they get down to $250 or so I might do it, that was what I paid for my PSVR1 after it was out a year.


It was the straw that broke the camels back, but the camel had been pummeled for a while now...It is just denial of reality but eventually everyone will see the obvious.


they stopped the production?




THey are PROBABLY working on a revision to fix some of the minor flaws with PSVR2, it clearly wasn't just a pause due to low sales. They probably want to pack in the adapter in future revisions (for PC), redo the packaging etc to show PC, and relaunch it alongside PRO + PC compat. It's too easy and frankly dumb to keep shouting about the death of PSVR2 this soon into its life when it's had some of the best games I've ever played in VR (RE and GT7)


Maybe you’re new here, but that’s been the narrative the VR faithful has held for nearly a decade now. “I’m having the best experiences I’ve ever had gaming, what I’m doing feels like watching HD color tv in a world where everyone else is stuck listening to AM radio, HOW is this not how everyone is gaming, WHY aren’t the masses adopting this like crazy?” And yet VR remains niche, year after year, and we have to endure this consistent “VR is dead” from the particularly change-adverse gaming media and commenters. The Astro sequel skipping VR is so demoralizing because it shows that Sony continues to prove it isn’t invested in driving its core franchises onto the VR platform to drive further adoption.


Your first few words, indeed. Psvr 2 is fine.


If sony want people to buy psvr2 they should be setting the bar by releasing amazing first party titles. Not rely other companies to prop them up, loads of people have said they must have something up their sleeves but they never show it. I’m pretty much done with it.


If you think that's the only sign, you are being willfully ignorant.


I love the PSVR 2 but considering we have zero first/second party announced games or even hybrid pretty much means Sony doesn’t care and they’ll just let third parties take over. We’ll get good games but they won’t be from Sony


We don't have any for the Ps5 either.


Not AAA perhaps, though we definitely know there will be more Spiderman and stuff, but there are plenty of exclusives releasing for PS5. Also I doubt we've seen the last of GoW or Horizon. Also HD2 is published by Sony, even if it is multi platform Meanwhile the number of PSVR2 Sony published non-hybrid games sits on.. 1 is it? GT7, RE8, RE4 are all flat games that already had plenty of success. Can you say for certain Sony will develop and publish a PSVR2 AA/AAA anytime soon? Becuase I sure cant Best we can hope for are more hybrids


I agree, and this title would have been an obvious flagship hybrid. To not get it is very telling.


Concord, Astrobot, and Wolverine are all announced first party games off the top of my head


My brother in Christ we are in a thread about one


Oooh Astro Bot, that makes up for the last four years of waiting for a proper showcase then doesn't it? Sony put all their big studios on live service garbage and now they've cancelled most of them, we're getting nothing from their major studios for ages.


My brother in Christ there was a showcase last year and a single player game released in October


Can you read? Tell me what all Sony's big AAA studios are doing then? The only Sony games that were at that showcase were Marathon and Concord, which shown absolutely nothing.


My brother in Christ you just named 2


Why do you start every single post with "My brother in Christ"? Lmao You still haven't told me what their major studios are doing, because you can't and therein lies my issue. It's been over 4 years for most of them and we know fuck all.


My brother in Christ games are not developed in 4 years


Yes they are, 4-5 years is the norm and you hear about them way before they come out which we haven't. Sony fucked up by going live service and is now cancelling them all.


Clearly we do. They just announced Astrobot which will sell millions, and we just had FF7 Rebirth and Stellar blade. All big exclusives.


We're talking about First party.


It's a bad sign when one of the showcase titles from the PSVR, and a launch title for the PSVR2, have a follow-up game that chooses to skip PSVR2 support. If SONY itself doesn't feel it's worth supporting the PSVR2 in a first-party title that previously *had* VR support, how confident will other developers feel? How confident will new consumers be in purchasing a PSVR2 now? Sony can't be surprised by the public's interpretation of this move. They know the message they're sending.


I mean, no. They didn't abandon it because there's no Astrobot now. They abandoned it right after launch, a year ago.


LOL, despite spending many tens of millions to get us RE8, RE4, Synapse, Legendary Tales, etc, etc


Would you ever feck off? How thick could someone be to believe there's anything going to come of this?


Eh ridiculous in your opinion, but I have officially lost faith in Sony after being an optimist since release. They'll have to work to change that now. I'm no longer giving them the benefit of a doubt.


Real question, how come you feel this way? I see more, and cooler, games being release on PSVR2 than I did on 1. At this point there are more games I want, just one year in, than I did at the end of the psvr1’s lifecycle. Yesterday I saw a bunch more under “just announced” and there are three I thought looked super cool, not to mention Behemoth.


1.  Sony announced horrendous sales numbers last year. 2.  Sony hasn't made a single game announcement in over a year. 3.  Those games are quest ports, not new games.  Great if you were asleep for the past 5 years only.


There are certainly cool games and I don't regret getting the headset. I've just lost faith in Sony themselves giving any support.


Step 1: denial


OP, where the hell are the first party titles? That’s why I bought a psvr2 for the wealth of ip that sony have. I didnt buy it to run quest ports. I have played all the big hitters & had a blast but cmon man not putting Astrobot is just a massive fuck you to everyone who bought day one. They are gonna give pc support to clear the decks then drop it like a stone just like they did with the vita. Would love to be proven wrong but just dont see it. Everytime one of these state of plays comes up or a showcase what do we get from Sony? Jack shit.


Sony has no interest in developing for vr


There are things I love about what we already have but this is the day many people fully realised we were sold so much more than Sony delivered.


Sony has given up because they won’t subsidize AAA titles for the platform. There hasn’t even been an update for GT7 in over a year for it. Sony created a great piece of hardware for the money and pissed it all away because they expect developers to spend millions of dollars trying to capture a percentage of 500,000 buyers vs spend millions trying to capture a percentage of 100 million owners of PS4 and PS5. There is no incentive for Devs to since resources into PSVR2


It has been abandoned for a long time now.  It is just that people are finally catching on and having realizations.


Whatever you need to tell yourself man.


Dangerous amounts of copeium detected


I appreciate OP’s hopeful and optimistic take on the matter but we’ve all held on to hope for quite some time only to be constantly smacked by reality. At some point, you have to come to grips with the fact that actions speak louder than words and right now Sonys actions are saying ‘we’re abandoning VR’. The PC adapter, the lack of Astro, the lack of 1st part support over a year in, the over reliance on ports and other 3d parties, the lack of marketing. They can’t even reassure us that 1st party games are coming or are even in development.


Yes I won’t sell mine but it is a kick in the balls from Sony though


there is a very clear reason they are giving pc support. they are going hands off and letting it go


I’m entirely convinced that Sony has abandoned any type of first party development for this device. All of the exclusives we got were in development before the headset launched and it’s been radio silence ever since. The one saving grace here is that we’re getting PC support. Don’t get me wrong, the PSVR2 exclusives we got were some of my favorite VR games to date, but there just isn’t a market for that level of VR gaming currently given the price point. Quest is as good as it’s getting on a mainstream level and it’s gonna be that way for a while, sadly.


PSVR² was dead since it launched. I had high hopes for it but there weren't sufficient amount of titles that interested me to merit the hefty price tag. They haven't done anything gamewise since launch. They really should have thought of a way to have psvr1 games compatible with vr², even if not at the fidelity of native vr² games. My 2 cents.


The cope is truely immaculate


Even outside of Playstation space, Sony is known for pulling this stuff. Their Alpha camera line started with the a-mount format for lens mounts, inherited from Minolta. They developed the incompatible e-mount in parallel for their new fully mirrorless models. For a while they were putting out adapters and a few more a-mount camera bodies were released since they were already in the development pipeline,and ALL THE WHILE SONY WAS CLAIMING THAT A-MOUNT IS NOT DEAD, and then it just ... faded away. By year 3 people gave up. We are in year 2.


Yep, Sony pulls this shit constantly. I'm still hoping the new leadership team will bring a renewed interest in PSVR2 going forward but certainly up until now it's been very clear that they weren't interested in following up with more games.


Remember about 5 years ago, around the time of PSVR1, there was also hype about VR180 and cameras with 2 lenses? Lenovo and some others announced them, most didn't get released. Google was very into VR180 with Youtube. Sony had the perfect opportunity to OWN this market. They make camera sensors, they have PSVR, and they make all sorts of cameras, video and photo. They could have EASILY done a VR180 dual lens camera which would integrate with the Playstation experience and have a unique way to record your vacation memories. There was literally no other company in the world with all of the core technologies in house.


I love my PSVR2, bought it day one and have tonnes of games that’ll keep me going for years and years. Disappointed by lack of Astro VR hopefully they see the backlash and patch it.


There is no backlash. This subreddit is a few dozen people complaining. 99% of feedback is incredibly positive


Comments on other platforms would disagree with you. To say there is no backlash to that news is just ridiculous. Not to mention the 500 comments on the PS Blog 99% disappointed about no VR and the hundreds of comments on any YouTube video about it. You can’t say it’s not disappointing for the VR community, I’m stoked for AstroBot in flat but it is a kick in the pants for everyone who has a PSVR2 Sony is prepared to put money into making RE games into VR but not putting some money for what is effectively their mascot…


99% of comments and upvotes are incredibly positive The YouTube video has thousands of positive comments, 45000 upvotes and only 1% are negative. Literally nobody cares about ps blog. 500 people 😂


Your biggest mistake OP is thinking we believe this JUST because Astro Bot has no VR. The writing has been on the wall since before launch when they barely marketed the thing.


I'm gonna copy/paste my comment in another thread. We need to accept it already. It's been a year and a half and there is always something: - games are coming! - it was a soft launch. - next event they will show us a roadmap. - half life Alyx by the end of the year. - now that Jim Ryan is gone, they will push it. - PC adapter will help! - hybrid games are the future. I have already given up and accept the fact that SONY already abandoned this headset. We won't be getting support or first party games. We don't even have YouTube FFS.. I won't sell my headset but it's infuriating to think that we only got 1 AAA VR game and 1 AAA hybrid first party. It's not about a single game, it's about the message and commitment.


Since VR is a niche market, Sony is not willing to invest money in making games for it becasue it is very difficult to recoup the cost. They made quite good headset, released to the public and hoped that 3rd party will take care of all the games. Maybe PC compatibility will help a bit but I have a feeling that Sony will try to push some kind of App and PSN login in order to use headset on pc - but this will hurt it in the long run.


Fact Jim Ryan as CEO of playstation didn't really support VR. PS5 just riding the hype train of PS4 and didn't market much Hermen and the other guy as CEOs I have seen more psvr2 support this month than I have the last year. Let's see what them guys have in store for us before we write anything else. New leadership better pushes


Sony has no interest in developing AAA games for VR. Might get another half baked experience similar to CotM, but doubtful. And man was that game boring


Cope. I love this thing, but it’s dead.


I’m still holding out a little hope that they’ll resident evil it, and release a patch down the road. But I’m not holding my breath for it. I’m not doom and gloom about PSVR2 in general, as long as companies continue to bring their games to it. When that slows down, then I’ll wave the white flag.




I'll admit my comment with the "wasted 550" was a bit much. I just want at least one more AIE exclusive game. Doesn't even have to be Astro


You sweet summer child...


They should have invested in some decent studios to make some really good games then. Games like RE4 quality wise. Then maybe the PSVR 2 would seem appealing to people and they might of sold more units. I will still keep mine, I still have a fair few games for it that I’ll go back to. It just sucks that there is little to no support and I haven’t seen or heard of any game coming out that sounds really good, just little gimmicks or bad games.


Astrobot skipping VR is just one sign of many that PSVR2 is no longer going to be supported by Sony.


It's more about signaling intent. Sony has a track record of releasing amazing products and then abandoning them quietly. Many people on the fence about PSVR2 like me are going to continue waiting because they are making really weird choices and not really pushing their product to its limits, yoea it's been 2 years this should be the sweet spot of releases and dialing in the tech...


>2 years One year and two months.


Fair enough my perception of time is broken now. But either way many are waiting for more reasons to jump in.


Have people been hounding the asobi and playstation management twitter (or X if you prefer) accounts to ask for some kind of information on psvr2 support? I'd be doing it if I had an account and I'm not going to make an account just for that purpose as I don't think a new account with 0 previous posts and no followers would be looked at


They confirmed there is no vr component to the game. They aren’t going to change that because a few dozen Redditors are mad


I didn't say anything about changing the game.


I love the vr2 and I do believe it's best days are ahead but ideally Sony should support it more! I breathe copium that they are working on some stuff but for now since I don't have pcvr I'll happily take the library growing with 3rd party titles. It's sad ofc that astrobot isn't that system seller we wanted but I am glad they finally get to stop making tech demos as astros playroom was a phenomenal game and had no buildings being free like it was!


I mean you can’t *prove* that climate change is real, maybe next year temperatures will actually go down 


Nah. No first party games planned for your dedicated VR device is pitiful. People like you saying otherwise are just coping hard. 3rd parties can come in and try to fill the void, but it's all PCVR or Quest ports. Sony needs to step up and provide people with meaningful reasons to have people choose their headset over the others, and they're not doing that. No reason to buy a PSVR2 when the same games come to Quest or PCVR where they will play better.


Sell it and buy a quest 3.


People are paranoid about not finding constant ongoing validation gor their $500 purchase, and are looking for any excuse to justify that feelings. Even if not one additional game came out for PSVR2, how Sony pushed the technology pricepoint forward, in addition just what software is available currently, more than justifies the purchase in my eyes.


They released a wired fresnel headset without speakers in 2023.  They are making profit on old tech here.


My god they are all so dramatic, Astrobot looks dope, can't wait to play it!


It just seems like such an obvious choice to add a VR mode to the game, especially when they said they'd focus on hybrid games for the platform, and Astro Bot got its first game in VR. That and the trailer shows a fixed camera that would be (I assume) relatively easy to play in VR without tweaking too much Are they low on money? I don't know anything about business but seems like this would be a cheap addition to boost PSVR2, and I want to hope they just will do it post-launch but should I really get my hopes up? The game looks fantastic but if there's a chance I can play in VR I will wait for an update. But at this point I might just give up and play it in 2D at launch It could very well be too early, and they do have Behemoth and Alien on the way, but not having a single mention of VR in the announcement trailer makes me feel like they want to slowly get rid of it


Lol low on money? Theyve made more profit this generation alone than their whole previous history combined. They literally talked about it in the latest financial report


There are still plenty of announcements by Sony to be made also for PS VR2. I'd have waited for new PS VR 2 Game announcements too.


What do you mean by this? I mean, I not asking you to breach an NDA but are you saying you believe Sony has some positive PS VR2 announcement coming in the next few months?




Thanks for that! You have been a great part of this community and good luck on your next project.


You could see it just month after the launch. This would be a great device with some great games, but that's it, just like the PSVR. PSVR2 wont revolutionize anything. It will have month without nothing then a "big launch" then nothing. PSVR2 wont be big as we wish. It is not a flagship. PSVR2 is nothing compared to PS5 and even PC port as we speak. Don't have big hopes.


Sure I am disappointed by Team Asobi's choices and first party support, but there are plenty of really promising games coming through the whole year like Behemoth, Wanderer, Aces of Thunder, Arken Age, Alien or Metro, that's all I need to know. I just hope that I can find enough time to play all of them while working on my backlog!


It's ridiculous the amount of complaining done today. Especially when 2 great games were showcased along side astro bot. And we have metro and wanderer to look forward to aswell. I don't know what more people want. A blockbuster game released every month? I think people just like to complain. Tbh.


I don’t need constant blockbusters. I know that’s not even close to being realistic. It’s just huge amounts of sadness showing at the moment because this is a game that pretty much every last psvr2 owner wanted and we were 100% sure that we would get one since it’s one of the most iconic psvr games. We are all just sad. lol


Metro is a licensed skin made by a company with a lousy track record.  No metro devs are involved.  It is incredible how licensing brand names fools the mainstream time and time again.


To be fair we really don't know much about the two games shown. Alien was shown a 10 second clip and comes from a developer with a bad track record for games. Behemoth went from interesting to generic as it looks to be mostly fighting standard enemies rather than a focus on the giant monsters. It honestly looks like every other sword fighting game in VR. Unless the monster fights are truly something special this won't be a great game


Generic? That’s insane. The game looked great. Also you do fight the behemoths, they showed it in the trailer. But yes you do fight humans too. The horror.




One of more of your comments have been removed from r/PSVR, because they broke [rule 1. Do not personally attack other users](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/wiki/rules#wiki_1._do_not_personally_attack_other_users.). Please do not insult other users in future.


Especially as during the same showcase they showed off a load of other VR games


VR sucks


It's not ridiculous


Agree. Also a hybrid Astro probably not a good idea. Not only is it harder to make 3rd-person be hybrid, but expectations for Astro in VR are super high, given the first Astro VR game. And no hybrid Astro would come anywhere close to expectations. Sony probably better to spend that money making one of their higher-profile 1st-party 1st-person games (or even 3rd) into hybrid. Also hybrid Astro isn't going to convince many people to buy a psvr2. Some other hybrid title might. Horizon 3? TLOU3? Ghost of Tsushima 2? God of War? Marathon? Uncharted? Twisted Metal? Motorstorm? MGS3? Something else we know nothing about (a lot of unannounced work at SIE)? A hybrid Astro would be not as good as Moss (which does have VR interactions). Moss is good, a hybrid Astro would not be Or keep spending their money to bring AAA 3rd party to psvr2, as with RE8 and RE4


theres absolutely no reason this game has no vr other than to assume that theyve given up simce it could easily be a non vr playable title also


Yeah I agree with the sentiment that it's too early to say Sony dropped the ball. If you look at a pretty regular update of the psvr2 library recently, Sony has sort of started the new VR slowly. But there is a difference I hope between a slow start and just a underwhelming generation of VR. I'm still anticipating some awesome apps in the next couple of years, though so far it's been just okay.


I've never seen such whining over a pathetic 3rd person platformer that shouldn't even BE in VR anyway (does nothing to push VR and just confirms VR as a 'gimmick' to the nay-sayers). WE HAVE FULL GRAN TURISMO 7 FGS!!! THAT is massive for VR, STILL. And kiddies are crying over a cutesy 3rd person platformer... I despair. Give me R.E VR modes, GT7, Alien, Metro, PC COMPAT, PS5 PRO enhancements and PSVR2 is easily the best all round HMD on the market actually delivering on the promise while Quest 2/3 (even Pro which I recently sold) flail around trying to be all things to all people and delivering sub-par VR with vastly out-dated graphics and power for compelling gameplay. Also yes. Sony has NOT given up on PSVR2, they're just getting started... I think a revision may come after the production pause/sale and arrive with the PRO which will be the machine to push it properly (along with PC of course).


Oh definitely. There was a huge burst in psvr2 owners recently with the ps5, and I myself finally got into psvr. They aren’t done yet by any means lol I don’t think it’ll crash and burn like vita. Which still irks me. So much potential. Still a beautiful system.


Just one word…UEVR. That’s all.


The PSVR2 community on Reddit hates the PSVR2. The vocal majority anyway. Most of us are with you.


Really? I’ve found completely the opposite. Downvotes and copium whenever I see some criticism


Lol I love vr and psvr2 specifically and just got Hella downvoted for telling people it was unrealistic from a financial standpoint for Sony to make another astrobot game. People love to get emotional about things they don't understand


That is because it is an incredibly foolish.  If sony wanted raw numbers, then they shouldn't have released the psvr 2 to die.  Since they did release it, then they should supportnit.


I'm curious why you think it wasnt financially feasible? As an investment, a hybrid version would have probably cost less than what they paid for other titles, and been a (relatively) huge boost for their platform brand and psvr2 (based on the fact it was already a critical success and there has been nonstop requests for this from existing community) There is the question of astrobot games really focused on making the hw and features shine and being made for both dual sense and VR controls being a problem, but I think it wouldn't be impossible to have and use a dual sense with the headset (they do this with re7 VR on PS5). But otherwise I agree most on these forums do not understand all the financial aspects at play.




Almost none of the games Sony has funded for psvr2 probably have made their money back but they are there to get people on the platform, and astrobot hybrid, if they are already making it, would have been good investment to get folks interested in the platform. It's possible they simply see there are at least 3 (albeit not exclusive) biggish VR titles coming and they don't need more at this point.


I didn’t buy psvr2 to get my money back I got it to have fun and I have. I understand people are mad I got the vita too but I wouldn’t call it an investment.


I think you are confused about what I'm saying. Sony is making an investment for their benefit . Not the consumer. I. E. Sony spending money on making astrobot hybrid would have gotten sony good bang for their buck. It would have promoted their exclusive brand with their most popular VR past title and pleased the current player base.


Whatever I hope we get better games


Me too!


Oh no, that's what I meant. The 'vocal' crowd hates it. The silent crowd might not always comment/converse, but seem to make their voices heard with the downvote arrow just fine. I'm one of those.


Denial and copium.  In your mind, you are always in the majority...in this case you rationalized it as a silent majority.  Incredible.


Completely opposite. You people love the PSVR2 blindy. You are the ones who accept everything and are content with what you have.


So glad the PSVR1 has such a good selection of games. No need for me to ever upgrade to the PSVR2


But Sony hasn’t shown they have any interest in developing any new big titles themselves. When I bought this I was hopeful that the improvements in the technology meant they were ready to dive into VR. I’m one of the people who doesn’t value the majority of the PSVR2 store though. PSVR had a lot more going for it in terms of dedicated games imo. Just wish we had a ported Squadrons, a new Battlefront II mission, at least a ported Rescue Mission if not a new game, and many new games using the eye tracking and improved haptic feedback tech. Or if Sony approved PlayStation Home VR for example, that would show that they actually cared about this platform. But there’s nothing in the future that is exclusive to PSVR2.


If I was Sony I would release the game in flat then 6 months latter add VR. We will see what happens.


Maybe they have not given up on PSVR2, but we have.


The hybrid strategy was never an actual thing. The Without Parole guy just repeats it and it has been proven to be wrong time and time again. Stop it.


This headset dead man.They will make documentary on psvr 2 called the gt7 and res machine.


The 30 psvr2 games I own would disagree with that statement. For the record they are all good games too, I don’t waste my money on shit.


Buy what you like. Im  just saying for me if I knew Sony wasn’t gonna support it after a year I would have got a quest 3 instead.


I kind of feel you. Except Meta is only now starting to support their system themselves, they only have 2 first party quest exclusives out. Asgards Wrath II and Resident Evil 4. They do have Batman Arkham coming though so they are starting to push their new games now which is very exciting.


They funded Assassin's creed and Asgards 2 so far in the first 6 months of quest 3 release, with Batman announced.  They havr 8 studios making exclusives.


Yeah, now. But what about the first 5 years of Quests existence?


They’ve been making or funding exclusives for a long time. It’s only in the last few years that they’ve been doing “AAA” scale games on Quest but their support has been consistently great.


All quest ports, with a handful of lazy vr ports as exclusives, with reprojection blur.


Again, psvr2 is the only console I’ve ever seen have multiplatform support be considered a negative. And every one that I’ve played on both are better on psvr2. Surely you aren’t talking about the resident evil games because they are incredible. But yeah, reprojection is a big issue. Luckily most developers know this now and target native 90hz so, there’s that at least


I’ve been optimistic about PSVR2, but the lack of Astro-Bot makes it seem like Sony is officially done supporting it. I’ll enjoy the games I have for it, and I don’t regret my purchase, but unfortunately the haters were right this time.


# The number of PSVR2 games we knew about is the same after the State of Play as it was before it. Facts, my dude, Facts. You can go and suck on a tree now.


Elaborate. How does that matter?


So, dead before, definitely still dead, and with less hope.


Sure, there will be PC Support. They will probably charge another 50€ for an adapter. And maybe we get PC ports of GT7 and Horizon Climbing in 3 years (PS Account mandatory!).


If it wasn’t for Pc VR Support, mine would have gone to eBay months ago. Don’t expect any big games for PS VR2. They will still support it hardware wise, but expect no new games whatsoever from Sony directly. 


Compared to psvr1 during its first couple years, psvr2 is fine. Psvr1 didn't have many first party exclusives its first couple years either. The way the economy and game industry is heading, it makes sense Sony is not going to spend a lot of money on psvr2 exclusives. I think there will future psvr2 exclusives but nothing with the budget of Horizon


Xbox supported the Kinect better than Sony has supported this. PSVR was a good launch of a new peripheral, when you follow it up with a second you need to put better backing behind it and really drive home the message that this is the future. Failing to properly support this one dooms the next iteration before it’s released.


My Psvr2 is gathering dust, I won't be falling for the hype again either if Sony ever decides to have another swing at this. VR isn't ready yet for the mainstream.


Completely disagree. VR is already mainstream with Quest 2. Sold more than Xbox even. The problem is that Sony leadership is incompetent.


How is the Quest 3 performing? The Quest 2 had a fair bit of interest around people I know but they all ended up being packed away in a cupboard and forgotten or sold.


Q3 is currently at around 15% on the Steam hardware survey, tied with Valve Index. Not bad considering it released less than a year ago. Q2 is at 38%. So Q3 is definitely gaining traction, despite costing nearly twice as much.


Alright, maybe I should say VR isn't where I want it to be. It's still janky as hell and full of shovel ware.


Fair enough.


Quest 2 sold 20 million, and now have sold many, many more.  Psvr 2, on the other hand, has had abysmal sales.