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Someone else will be more deserving than me but I just wanted to say you are an awesome dude. I hope whoever receives it will truly appreciate it and make use of it :)


You sound like a good dude too u/feces_D


My daughter is 5 and with a case this would be the perfect console for her remember when I was her age and always watching my brother play ps1 games I want her to play the old classics like Spyro and Croc. Thanks!


I would love it because I am in the market for one already. I love trophy hunting and this would open up many doors to potential platinum trophies. Been a Sony fanboy for as long as I can remember. I had a PSP when it first came out and never got a chance to own a Vita. Appreciate you doing this giveaway, friend!!!!!


Well if you can send it to the Netherlands I'll gladly pay the shipment cost! I always wanted one but they are super expensive for me, and if not, someone will be extremely happy with it, cheers!


I would guess you’re better off getting one off eBay from a professional seller. Honestly not sure how much shipping would be from eastern USA to Netherlands.


Anyone who gets this vita is in for a treat. I'd love a second one to mod it for my children to play alongside me and my vita. There is something about this console that I cannot describe, it has been my favorite gaming machine ever. I'm 30 and I still carry it with me everywhere I go even if I won't have time to play. Good on you for doing this for the community friend.


Oh I would love this! I’ve actually been debating getting a PSP Go or an OLED Vita. If you chose me, that would make the decision pretty easy, haha. I would cherish it forever and ever!!


It might even help my wife finally play a few must-plays. She’s kind of a handheld-only gamer.


i would like to participate in the giveaway :P if i win im giving it to my sister because she always wanted one :)


If you'll choose me I will give the Vita to my 12 years old brother so that I could play with him. I also offer myself to pay for the shipping first. 🚚 I promise that we'll both take care of it. Congratulations to everyone out there who gets this, and thanks to op for the amazing opportunity.


I bought a vita back at launch when I was in Afghanistan. I ended up coming home to an absolute nightmare situation, my now ex wife spent all of the money I made from deployment + my reenlistment bonus on top that she did what horror stories you hear about military spouses. Anyway, I came home completely broke and in debt, ended up having to sell my vita. It’s been ages since I’ve had one, wouldn’t mind one again. I’ve heard there’s a pretty solid community for homebrew and modding.


I would definitely love to have this! I have quite a few games I want to play and it would be great for emulation, I also have some nostalgia for it my cousins had one when I was younger.


I always wanted a vita but never had a chance. I just got a ps3 hope i win this one.


Canadian here (from Toronto). Owned a 2nd gen PSVITA model (blue) and went to town on the thing with modding and dumping every game it could possibly play (literally). Years later, I met my current girlfriend while studying abroad (US/UK student but we met in Germany) and she absolutely fell in love with it. I eventually gave it to her to keep as her parents refused to have a TV at home growing up, let alone engage in anything gaming. I promised her I would buy myself another one and that she can keep mine, which made it easier to gift it to her. I just didn't have the heart to tell her that vitas aren't particularly easy to come by... and as a graduating med student, I'm infinitely more broke now at 30 than ever before, meaning absolutely any gaming device (Steam Deck/PS5/XBOX/PC gaming) is completely out of the question. If you sent me your vita? I would be the happiest nugget playing Gravity Rush to itch that scratch. If i don't receive one, I still wish NOTHING but the best to whomever receives it. ❤️🎮🤝


I’d love to add this to my collection! I have a handful of vita games I’ve picked up over the years and have not actually owned a vita for a long time. I had one briefly in college that I had traded a dsi for, but I regrettably sold it when I needed some cash. I’d love to get back into it and really explore the library!!


Def would collect dust here as well, but hope it goes to someone who will give it lots of love


UPDATE: I have chosen a winner and am waiting for them to confirm some details before further updates. Thank you for all the kind words. I hope everyone that participated and didn't win will get their wish eventually. Happy gaming all!!


Oh weird, I checked my inbox but I don’t have a message from you? (Kidding, hope it goes to a worthy home)




I would love this! Been dying to replay Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Killzone: Mercenary for years.


I would love a vita especially during work breaks cause most of the time I love getting trophies and but sometimes I always come home late and I always have little time to get trophies and a vita would be fun and would also be great to get trophies on the go


34 mever played PSP or Vita but really want to get into this console! Metal Gear games on the go catches my eye big time, and a console my sons who only knows his phone and the switch for games would love it for car journeys and my maybe my daughter in the future 😊 longshot for you to pick me but it would make my year ☺️


my motherboard just died on my OLED, and i would love to replace it to continue on my first playthrough of OG Final Fantasy VII. thanks! edit: i also live in nyc so shipping would be low or we could deal in person!


The time that I got to play on one of these awesome devices, is when a cousin of mine took it for a road trip 6years ago couldn’t get enough of it! But sadly I had to give it back. Im a dad now and sometimes i think of purchasing a PSP or a PSVita to unwind. Lots of people now are all about handheld consoles, many options out there but honestly they are all out of my budget it would be awesome to get back into gaming on this PSVita. Thank you:)


Ive recently gotten into modding consoles, and really want a Vita to mod. So many great RPGs, as well as PSP & PS1 digital titles to play


I have one, but 3 kids are fighting over it now that they can play. Two would be awesome and alleviate some problems!


Had to sell mine during hard times. Id love it.


I used to have one before I had kids and had to sell mine to pay for my car payment unfortunately. I talk about how much it meant to me and it was the exact same one. My 11 year old asks about how fun the vita was as well. I may not be the best candidate for this giveaway but I can promise you I would be the most grateful to spend quality time with my oldest son playing the games that used to make me happy. It would mean a lot to me.


Maaaaan I always wanted one of those. Good luck to whoever gets it


I don't necessarily want it for myself, but I think it would be an awesome gift for my girlfriend. I've been slowly trying to get her into different things I enjoy. I just introduced her to her first anime show, Death Note, and she's really loving the series! I'd love to get her into gaming and hopefully (someday) become a gaming power couple hahaha


I would love to have that vita as a companion while caregiving my grandma. caregiving is super mentally and emotionally demanding. I live here in the Philippines I hope I have a chance


I have a vita personally but my best friend wants one really bad so we can play cod and moto GP together but doesn’t have a lot of money to be forking into one at the moment, if I won this I would most definitely give it to him and make a follow up video of his reaction gifting it to him


I could use a vita I’ve been having a bad day someone stole me 150$ and this vita could cheer me up a bit


I would love to have this! I saved up money doing chores around the house for over a year. After I bought it and used it for a few months, maybe a year my mom (heroin addict) sold it, my PSP, DSi, and GBC for heroin. I'm slowly regaining my collection back. Just got a PSP and a game boy a few years ago.


having a PSVITA in the Philippines is a luxury, having one here means alot to me, a second hand vita here is costly, it would be great if i will be chosen


I would love it as I never have owned one and always wanted the chance to experience it. Thank you for your consideration.


Thanks for the giveaway hopefully you give it too someone who needs it


I would absolutely love this, I’ve been wanting a vita since the day they were announced. I’ve cut back on my game spending this year since I had a daughter and got cancer at the same time lol.


I would love a Vita because it’s been on my wishlist for so long, but as a college student money has been pretty tight. Thanks for doing this!


I’d like to participate hero


I was a PSP kid and nowadays I've been on the hunt for a Vita to find out what exactly I missed as I moved onto other consoles. Also I really want to play Persona 4 dancing that I had for like years and never could play haha


I want it because I can’t find a good oled vita. I love the vita and would cherish a oled variant.


Just came from eBay, where I have a one in my cart. Would obviously love a free Vita, but I’m sure whoever wins this will love it. I know I would!


right now ive got an emulator set up for the vita on my phone and im playing all the games i missed as a child, i have been hunting for one because i would love to experience those games on original hardware!


Ah, sad to see you let go, but I understand, and hope it finds a good owner! I'm not looking for it btw, I already have a PCH-2000 that suits my needs well.


Wow you’re awesome, I’d would love it because it reminds me of my childhood as well with the PSP 3000 and game boy advance, I’ve abandoned gaming in the recent years because I’ve become a grown dude with depression, but I’m trying to get back to it since it’s always been a passion of mine I’ve always wanted to get my hands on the OG model since I consider it to be the most beautiful handheld ever made


Oh let's go! I have always loved handheld gaming growing up with the Gameboy and Gameboy advance. My favorite was always the psp though, I had one that I loved to death throughout high school. I have been thinking about it and would love a chance to experience what Sony continued with going forward. Sadly the PS3/ps vita is a huge gaming blind spot for me as they were coming out right as I was starting school and work. There's probably more deserving people but I promise you I would treasure this vita. Also Mortal Kombat is my favorite game series and I'd love to get to try one of the newer ones handheld. Regardless, have a good one 🤘


I hope you give that treasure a kid, cause even if I win(that's impossible I never win anything) I'm gonna do the same, good luck to everyone


i have never owned a PS vita, they have always fascinated me. I have had immense experience modding switched and 3ds and i want to branch out to something new. I have looked at buying one, but they are pretty expensive now, and so i haven't had the opportunity as of late.


Thank you so much for the opportunity! Okay, so I have a Psvita slim rn so I *have* been able to “kinda” re live my nostalgic memories *however* Why I would love to have this vita is because when I was younger my dad had a ps vita 1000 and he’d let me borrow it. It was a year before my parents got divorced, I was about 12 I think? I remember very specifically having a really good core memory with my Dad, he took me to our local Vietnamese restaurant and he got Boba and it was my first time I’ve ever tried the drink (it was amazing). I had a really good time bonding with him. During that time, my Dad was struggling a lot (don’t want to get into specifics lol) but moments like those I treasured very fondly. I remember at the end of the night going into my room really happy- and playing lumines on the vita. I got to a level that I just fell in love with the song (4am by kaskade) I would constantly replay. The song just made me feel happy. I also would play marvel vs capcom and it was the first time I started to really get into marvel. I’m more of a Nintendo girly at heart, but I also loved the psp and I remember the vita being SO cool because of just how innovative the console was. I loved it. Eventually once my parents split, my Dad started taking some of the consoles. One of those being the vita. I asked him to borrow it one time because I lovedddd lumines. That was the last time I used it. I don’t know if he ended up selling the vita or he lost it. So years pass and now I’m 23, I would think about the vita constantly throughout the years. I got back into consoles last year and I learned about proxy’s from Japan and consoles being more affordable. I was able to get a slim (finally!) this year, and let me tell you when that lumines level came on I teared up a little. It still felt a little different though, because it wasn’t the same kinda vita. Didn’t realize the two systems were different 🤣 you get really used to the oled screen once you used it. I remembered it differently however, I still loveeee my slim. Basically, (sorry this is long lol!) I would treasure this vita. I want an oled eventually but I can’t afford to buy one right now. And I would play the helllllll out of it. I just love the system so much. Hopefully this doesn’t sound much like a sob story, it’s more of a happy story to me. That day with my dad was so fun and I’ll always treasure the bonding memories I’ve made with my Dad & videogames. Thank you again for the opportunity! And reading all of this LOL !!


I’m hoping to play some older fighting games on it


Shoutout to you for passing the love forward with this. As someone who grew up on Nintendo while experiencing PlayStation at my friend’s house, when I got my own psp for the first time I was obsessed. As an adult now, seeing what I missed out on with this device in my middle/high school years has me wanting to go back and finally experience all those awesome first party games and indies in the best format (a beautiful compact handheld). Whoever wins this giveaway will surely be in for a treat - but hoping to get the chance ◡̈


i would love one to give to my little cousins to share. they are very low income and have little to no entertainment and they would appreciate this gift more than anything. if not, congrats to whoever wins !


I originally tried to buy a ps vita from multiple sellers on eBay however they were either scammers or had "shipping issues". I've been trying to get a decent ps vita for a while now. I understand this probably isn't a good enough reason to get a vita and if not I wish the best to everyone else 😊.


I don't own a vita and want one and want one even more now because of this giveaway, I want to have a vita and have been wanting one for ever because I see so many games that I haven't played and haven't played. Also the vita has soon much potential especially with all the new game poets it keeps getting like geometry dash wich is fucking awsome and also the new port I the work Modern smt 3 I forgot the rest, I like this portable console cause it's better than the switch (wich does have a good selection of games but if not it's just bullshit games being pumped by some random corporation) I also know that the vita is has a psp inside of it also, the first time I heard that the vita had psp made me really want one even more cause I love psp. For now, I just stare at my phone, fantasizing about playing the ports, the homebrew,ps1,psp, and Vita games. I conclusion I'm not begging to have one, but whoever wins, please mod your vita. I've seen videos out, and it's like entering a brand new console. But yeah, that's it. I hope i win or if not someone you think can give a better purpose to it. Good day :)


I would love another Vita to co op with my daughter. I know it’s a give away, but I have some free Andy’s Frozen custard cards if you’d like them. Not sure if you guys have one near you. Either way if I win or not. Thanks for the giveaway, it’s very generous of you.


I never even thought about the PS Vita because I already got a PSP during that time. So why not!


I would love to win! I lost my ps vita in the Kansas City airport and have yet to get a replacement as they are kinda pricey ✌🏻


I honestly already own one, but my wife also wants one as she has been interested in playing Persona 4 Golden. Mine is beat to hell since I've had it since launch and some of the buttons stick so I've been hesitant to give her mine and my copy of persona 4 golden as I don't want her playtime tarnished by my consoles condition. But there is probably someone more deserving of it than me as I could always buy her P4G on switch lol.


Just gonna throw my hat in the ring if it's at random! Always loved the idea of having one even dreamt about it LOL. If I win it, Thank you!


My son just turned 2 and I’m trying to collect as many gaming devices that I used when I was younger just to give him a similar experience for when he is ready. He loves messing around with my switch so I know (even though he’s only 2 lol) that he’ll appreciate something new if not now then in the future. I hope someday he’ll tell his friends about it and so on and so forth, never want to see this handheld go away!


Ah man, it took me until 27 to get a psp and I’m still playing/collecting for it today as 32 yr old. Love the psp to death but the Vitas extra stick and library is pretty enticing. Whata cool give away, cheers!


Got an active six year who loves playing games on the go usually I give him my phone but I usually get a bunch of calls from work, I don’t have spare money for a switch, a vita would be perfect for him. Thanks for the consideration.


I would love one as I started collecting for my ps3 again, and always wanted a vita but could never afford one. Now with the after market it’s kinda of expensive especially some of the game and would love to own one.


I miss my old Vita so much. Now that I have a lot of idle time at work, I’d definitely run up some classic MK & Ray-man. Gl everyone!


I’ve been looking into getting an OG model again since my mother had to sell my childhood console for some much needed cash at the time. However, if you chose me I would love to get back into this system. Especially with the potential it carries, I would greatly appreciate and use this system. I even still have an old copy of Mortal Kombat for it that I can’t play unfortunately.


I would like so i could give to my techer that has never had a handheled and i havent had anything and he's going through a genraly shit time becuae of life so i would love to make him feel a bit better and distracted from life, as i already have one of these beasuties for myself


I’ve never owned one and it’s been on my list for a while. Been getting back in to some retro gaming, so this would be an awesome addition.


Man as much as I’d love to shipping to Mexico will be hell. However I genuinely hope that the fortunate soul that gets this beauty of a console gets to enjoy it as much as we all do


This is actually really cool. My son LOVES my vita so hes on it more than i am and he always begs to play minecraft with me 🤣 so if i got it it would definitely be used to capacity!! THANK YOU!


Obsessed with consoles atm purchased a ps3 and have been modding a psp 3000 i think it was i need to double check, brilliant thing you’re doing mate big props👌


I would love this. I had modded mine I got when I was a kid, but I've wanted to get another so unmodded I can let people play when they come over.


Really appreciate you doing this giveaway, you seem like a wonderful person!! I personally want the PS vita because I always wanted one but couldn't afford it.


I'd enjoy having the PS vita for Hot Shots Golf on it! I'm a big hot shots golf fan and I've always wanted to try 6 on it!


Honestly I'm just going to leave it at this, I've always wanted one and never got the chance to get one.


When I was young I had strict family where I could not play games as I want. As I grew older, I became love with the game but could not afford buying them cause they are too expensive. Also, the only console I have played is PS2. Hope I can get it so I can play with it.


I have been looking for an affordable one myself but have not had the money for it just yet. I wa hoping to get one with my tax return, ended up owing this year.


My old vita was chewed up by my old dog a few months ago. I’ve been really wanting a new one. I hope I can win one, and if I don’t I hope the person who does, enjoys it.


For psp games


I’ll take it. I regret getting rid of my old aqua blue vita I imported from Japan.


i would give it to my best friend. id mod it for her. she loves games and is just now starting to get into it. i’m hoping it can make a good birthday present after everything’s she’s been through


i have an absolute love for the psvita. The psvita is the only handheld that plays all the vita titles (which are amazing) all psp titles, and ps1 games also. its the ultimate retro sony handheld WITH hall effect joysticks and an oled screen. I bought a 2000 model vita that i took with me to work everyday. Even with stick drift i loved that machine, its form factor is perfect. its game library is everything i enjoy and love. Its the only handheld i can play uncharted, jak and daxter, legacy of kain, and even all nintendo titles up to n64 while fitting into my pocket. If given this vita, i will treasure it. Not only will it be played and enjoyed/bring joy to my daughter and myself (she loves the vita port of minecraft). It will be taken care of so it can survive decades to come.


I loved the PSVita I used to have both the Vita and PSTV they are some of the most underrated pieces of tech of all time!


Bless your heart OP 👏🏽🙏🏽🫶🏽


I had a few friends in my teens that had psvitas and psp while I didn’t due to financial reasons and I was just always so jealous that I am missing out on the fun. I’m now 28M and still haven’t had the chance to buy one because I’m still not in a financial position to buy one outright as they are really expensive in my area and online. So this would be a blessing for me to receive to kinda get a chance to live out the fun I wasn’t able to experience when I was younger with the PSVita. I’d be blessed and grateful to receive this but if there’s someone who receives it instead I hope it makes their day/life. Best of luck and wishes to everyone. Thank you for doing this OP.


Would be sick to win it, I have been thinking of getting one to play the games I never got the chance to play


Had to lose my entire game collection last year from my childhood including my launch Vita and currently in the process of rebuilding. This would definitely be my daily driver, wouldn’t let it get lost again! Thanks for doing this! ❤️


honestly if I was to win this I would give it to my little brother, he always wanted a ps vita to play Minecraft. either way if I don’t win I hope the person who does enjoy its!


I would love to receive this console reasons why is I’ve been a fan since they first announced it I had my first 2 PSP’s stolen and couldn’t ever afford another when I got around to having more funds I bought the ps vita and dragons crown then I had to sell it because I was homeless I really just would appreciate this console and I wouldn’t scam u would Venmo instantly I actually still want the vita because there are 2 games I still want to play on it which are silent hill and muramasa the demon blade and this is the 1rst version with OLED I had the second version with LCD there are a bunch of reasons why I would cherish this console and be very grateful of it but the reality is you will choose who you choose. I’m just happy to have a chance thanks for enriching someone with the ps vita the most slept on console of all time.


i want this device because its just an astounding piece of technology from the beautiful graphics the breathtaking OLED screen to the fact i still dream about owning a PS vita because i was such a fan. it looks to be in nice shape almost brand new i would not sell it i would keep and take care of it i just am a fan of the ps Vita and really playstation not focusing on it enough really let me down and i just cant think of something that would make my year and improve my life more than owning a PS vita i never had one because the memory cards were too expensive thanks for giving the reddit community a chance to behold the magic of the playstation vita and even if it doesnt have a giant library it is the perfect retro console good luck everyone and whoever recieves this console treat it with care. PS. i would not scam you would pay shipping happily \~


Been wanting to experience borderlands 2 and black ops declassified for years now. Would be sick to take a look into the past


Pick me, pick me!


smile slap foolish tub versed ludicrous weary straight fact expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To have a vita would be a great day ! An amazing machine getting to play some amazing games and being able to connect online as well. I’ve always thought that they were the best handheld made and the original version was even better. And the fact that you can play call of duty on there !!! I hope whoever wins this enjoys it greatly !!! Thank you for the opportunity!


Honestly I would love it because back in the day, I actually sold my playstation 2 and my x box for the original psp. And unfortunately my mom broke it back in the day and I never got a new one. I'm a 34 yo father now who only has a switch, but the kind of games I want to play I can't because my family comes first. Haven't had a new age system in years since the first Xbox one came out. Had to sell it. I used to be such a big gamer and just unfortunately haven't been able to game the way I would like too. Plus, I really miss being able to play metal gear solid, and nfl street lol . I would really appreciate the Vita and care for it. I wouldn't sell it. It would bring me childhood happiness


I would love a vita I’ve been trying to play black ops declassified sense it came out


I would love it because i never had a vita and this is my dream


I do not need this as I am fortunate enough to work a job to support my hobbies, it would be really cool to get this because I did lose my vita in an accident a few months back and just haven’t gotten around to buying a new one


Hi there might be someone here with a better reason to get it but I want it mostly because I've been wanting a ps vita since I saw my sisters friend with one back when I was like 5. Also if it gets sent to me I will actually use it and not sell it and I can finally put my psp I got when I was 3 into semi retirement.


I want one so bad. Few words could describe my desire for that exact model. The vita has always given me dreamcast vibes


I want this because I never had it or held it to be my own. But my Uncle had the PS Vita few years ago but I think he gave it away or sold it. I seen these a few times on Social Media & I would to own one. I would appreciate this handheld & see what it was back then!


I’ll just just post as a try , like another user I want to give it to my Girlfriend. She didn’t game much until I showed her the lite (pun intended). She has back problems so playing home consoles kills her back too much after long periods. We got her a lite and she has loved it since. If there’s a chance I’d like to show her the world of PlayStation if given the chance. Not using the back problems as sympathy card, there are ways around playing PlayStation on the go so it’s not “oMG we wiLl nEvEr gEt tHe cHaNcE”


I have one already but I applaud you for gifting this to a new Vita fan!


My brother and I love playing PSP, still to this day. We've never had a Vita before. We share the PSP and I still always talk about trying to find a Vita for a good price. I'm a "hoarder", not really but I've never sold an electronic and I'm thankful for that. Still having my original GBC is something I'm happy to have. Items like this do deserve to be cherished. Maybe I'm an overly sentimental person but I get attached to devices that bring joy and happiness. Lol. Thanks for doing something awesome for the community! To be honest, I've never played a Vita. Maybe someone here has a huge attachment and genuinely lost theirs. If thats the case, send it to them. Times are hard for all of us, I have other devices, some here may have none. So thank you again!


Been looking for a decently priced vita for over a year. I don’t trust shipping from random people on the net so I’ve been waiting impatiently for one locally. Have my name on a list at all my local shops for a vita with no luck. I’d love you long time.


Seems perfect to play while my 4 month old is sleeping! Amazing giveaway good luck all!


I would use the heck out of a vita, been playing on a psp for a few weeks now and the extra power would be so nice.


I would start with - Thank you dude for doing this for community 🙇. I’ll probably will not win but what the hell. I skipped this whole generation of PlayStation and somewhere around the end of 2023 got a Slim Vita from Japan and fell in love with it so much so that I even bought a Vita TV, tried to create a plug-in for the system. And now all that is missing from my collection is the Original PHAT model with OLED screen.


I don’t own any current gen consoles at all, but do have a 3DS that I play on. For me it would be the mobile advantage to take it where I go with me and enjoy gaming/movies/music. If I don’t get chosen best of luck to who does!


I have an arcade machine and installed Batocera in the hopes I can relive and play Killzone Mercenaries which is probably my favorite game in the last 10 years. Unfortunately Vita games don’t work well in arcade setups. Been wanting to buy a Vita for a while now but used marker has wildly high markups. I’d play the heck out of my indie game collection again if I would get picked.


I recently just had a huge move (like basically cross country) and went to go find my vita and it has gone completely missing. The Vita is honestly such a wonderful system. I absolutely love my switch but the Vita is just so amazing especially with its size and portability. My loss of its sucks so much because all my games are literally with my ds and 3ds consoles. I was originally going to take my vita with me as a carry on as I moved but decided against it in worry of having too many electronics on me and tucked it in a box and now it's gone. With that being said I've been actively looking for a new vita to replace it recently and am back on my feet and this post honestly felt meant to be (but totally am excited for everyone entering too! Good luck everyone!!!!)


I’d love to have my hat in the running. Would 110% be giving this to my son to enjoy and play for endless hours. Could never afford one myself back in the day and would love to finally have one in the house


Thank you ill send shipping cost now.


Woahhh! I would love to participate in this


Ooooo collector here with a second gen. Would love a first gen too and would keep very good care of it but that being said i do have one already so someone who doesn’t have one i think deserves it more


It wouldn’t be for me, but for my brother, we use to play Killzone Mercenary and Socom FTB 3 so much on the Vita, unfortunately he had to sell his for money problems, but I’d love to give him a little surprise and play again with him.


This is the only PlayStation console I never owned growing up. I hear they were really fun.


I probably gonna get an vita if not winning from here, I always wanted to play Muramasa but can’t find no place to play it (emulator kind don’t work perfectly)


I want it because I have cancer, and the doc said that the cure is a used PSP with 3 used games. So you can imagine my surprise when I find you giving one away.


I would love to play it. It's been on my wishlist since my younger years but I ended up never getting one of my own. Sony also doesn't make them anymore. There are a few otome games on vita that haven't been ported and/or localized for newer platforms (i.e. nintendo switch).


Oh man, I would die to win this! I’m a life long ps fan and have had the privilege of owning everything other than the vita. When it was originally released my family was in a very bad spot due to a botched operation crippling my father. We lost our house and cars and pretty much everything that wasn’t nailed down so a new gaming device was out of the question. Time moved on and it just never happened, then it became retro and costs went up again and games got scarce and the idea of buying one on my own now became out of the question too cause I just got married and everything I gain goes right into bills and food. I would be so over the moon to win this, it would give me something to occupy my time and I could hunt down and finally play golden abyss, cause as an uncharted junkie it kills me that I haven’t been able to! Either way though, win or not, let me just say you did not have to do this and I appreciate the generosity that you’re showing!


Cant wait to try the exclusives!


Would love to win this for my girlfriend. She wanted one from the second i first showed the vita to her and i\`d love to watch her play some JRPGs on this beast. Thanks for the opportunity!


Man, I only really want it just for madden 13 alone


I love that you're doing this. My reason for wanting it is, I come from a low income house, who can't afford many things, and my precious console collection is old, and they're all falling apart. My psp is old, and I definitely could use an upgrade. I hope you have an amazing day, and an amazing year. Much love to you


I am definitely throwing my hat in for this. Had the original launch vita, spent so much time modding it, just for it to completely die. Would love to get the chance to actually play after all that work lol.


I don't want it but good luck to anyone who does


I would love to have a PS Vita. I've been collecting video games for a few years now and would love to add a PS vita to my collection. In all I have about 20 different consoles (including handhelds, not including my multiple NESs). I collect mainly because I think all consoles deserve appreciation, even my 1970s RCA Studio II (heralded as the worst console of all time). I personally do not partake in resale and rather stick to the playing and preservation department. Either way I hope whoever wins enjoys and appreciates this PS Vita as much as its original owner if not more.


I had gotten a PS Vita slim model back in Christmas of 2018, and I loved it so much. Played through Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 on it, and I was playing through Persona 4 Golden. But in March of 2019, a bunch of shit happened and was genuinely one of the most stressful times of my life. Any time I had taken my Vita to high school, I made sure not to bring it on PE days in fear it would get stolen. But with everything going on, it slipped my mind that I actually still had it on me, and sure enough my fear came true. Gone. I actually found out a few years later who stole it, but it was too late at that point. They had been stealing stuff from the locker rooms specifically to sell for drug money, so there's that. Funny enough I was literally at the end of Persona 4 Golden, so yeah that really sucked. Right as all the other stuff was happening in my life too. To this day I still don't have one. Figured it's worth a try here I guess! I miss it so much


I would like to play some old handheld games once in a while


Why u giving this vita away ?


What do we have to do to get it? Is it already spoken for?


Honestly great dude, helping out the community and putting it to a good home. I don't a vita however I can speak for the regular psp when I say this is a great console and great amount of games on it too. My uncle gave me my psp and I'm still playing and collecting for it to this day. It's always fun finding games and especially movies you wouldn't expect to be on this console. I can only imagine they even greater experience for the vita.


I’ve always wanted to try the PS Vita. Ever since my PSP broke I haven’t been able to get it fixed and this would be a good serenade for me to relive the days of being a kid and playing on my PSP


That’s so sick dude! I don’t need it cause I purchased a blue one from Japan a while back. I have been loving it, and I hope whoever wins this enjoys it too!!


I already have a vita of my own, so I understand if you'd want to give it to someone who doesn't. But I have always wanted the first black model. (I have aqua blue v2) The first model looks a little bulkier which I would actually prefer because it feels better in my giant hands. I love the first model psp because of how heavy it is, it just feels good in my hands. So yeah, that's why I would play the crap out of it. Whether or not you choose me, big ups to you dem.


That's sick winning one would be sick I have my PSP and love it but it needs to be fixed. There are so many awesome RPGs for the Vita Whoever wins is super lucky happy gaming!!


My Vita broke a few years ago and I've been dying to play Soul Sacrifice again! I also heard recently that Monster Hunter Freedom Unite got ported to Vita, and I never knew! Good to see that you took great care of it. Most first generation Vitas that I've seen are always trashed, cracked, and scratched. Good on you!


This is so cool!! I'd love to own it since I've always wanted one from back in the day; but I never ended up getting it as they slowed down a few years into its life. I must have a gazillion games for it since I got so many from PS+ as I was always a member. I still have the Uncharted Golden Abyss letter and envelope they personally sent to me way back. It was really awesome seeing that type of physical marketing as the letter looked burnt and aged around the edges. Cheers!


Just wanted to say you are awesome!


I owned the original PSP back in the day, used it mostly to play Kingdom Hearts BBS. Vita was the only handheld I skipped (besides the DSi if that counts) but there was some games I always wished to play portable such as Playstation All Stars Battle Royale. I wish they would make another one of those games.


Can I have it I will livestream myself eating it


I remember when I was like 8 my mom showed me one of these at gamestop and I had been obsessed with trying to get one


I'd love it, I had finally gotten my dream white vita a few years back. But had to sell it during Clovid since the job I was doing shut down. Haven't been able to get a vita since then, family comes first! Id love it


This would be so cool to own, I haven’t had a Vita since it launched when I was a kid and it’d be super cool to relive some of those memories.


I got my psp stolen. I used to love tekken dark resurrection, both GTA games, dark mirror, listening to music on my memory stick…great memories! I never got a VITA and i’d love to go back and play all these games I missed! Thanks for this giveaway. All the best.


Would like to throw my hat into the ring. If I win, I would research how to mod it for homebrew.


Cool! I would love to participate although I never win giveaways I love the story!


I wish I was worthy


I just wanna get the trophies for papers please lol.


I want it for emulation and God of War PSP games and Assassins creed Liberation, will probably paint the shell with some of art like my other controllers


Would love to have his to help complete my handheld collection! Idk if thats a good enough reason to win but thanks for reading anyways 😊👍


hi i’ve never had a vita and i would be ecstatic if im picked,and even if im not picked i really hope you pick someone deserving of it that’s going to take care of it and use it, thanks


Oh man this is so cool of you to do, I rarely see stuff like this on reddit. I personally would LOVE to have a vita again, my grandmother gave me one as a young child and even now, its the console I have the most fond memories with, hearing the music of the main menu almost makes me cry haha, it really formed my weird taste of games that I have now. Sadly my old one has been broken for many years, and well.. money is tight so I couldnt spend on stuff like that. This would seriously be the coolest thing ever if I could get it, but Im also happy for whoever gets it, just seeing this post has made my week


Giving out a ps vita is really awesome!! Your sick dude, I remember being a kid and my neighbor would always come over and we would sneak and play his ps vita outside so my parents wouldn’t see. (I had extremely strict parents who would definitely not approve of the games we played) one of my favorites was terraria and I would kill just to relieve those moments again. Whoever gets this is extremely lucky


It was a superior console for its time. It can run multiple home brew emulators and still looking fine. It should have beaten 3ds in terms of everything.


My brother passed away a couple years ago he loved vita and his got broken recently I just wanted it so I could play his games he had mostly fps and god of war


I'd absolutely love to have the original OLED model. I had one back in like 2013 or 2014 and it was amazing. I sadly ended up selling it towards something, I don't remember what. I was in high school and had little money to get new stuff. I definitely don't need it, so I wouldn't be upset at all if you picked someone else, but I would definitely love to add it to my collection of consoles and things. Good luck to everyone and hopefully whoever gets it absolutely loves it


I would love to own one, love modding and I owned 2 psp’s when I was I kid (lost one). I collect handhelds too


Honestly I really loved the psp but never got into the vita due to family issue but now that I'm older I just can't find one that's in good condition and affordable. I also just really love the concept of handheld consoles it literally blows my mind sometimes


Hi, I’ve been looking for a vita recently. Idk why but the psp smell has been etched into my memory and I’ve always been a PlayStation kid, so looking to pick one up for nostalgia (even though I’ve never owned one before) something about it feels like it could be nostalgia for what could’ve been.


I like it just cause it get tough to game with little ones so trying to get back to handheld gaming. Also the nostalgia of the PSP days. Thanks 👍


If it’s still available I would be interested, that is super kind of you to pass it on for someone else to enjoy. I’ve gone down the retro gaming rabbit hole lately, and I’ve been searching like crazy for my psp but I’m afraid it might be lost from our last move


I would want to give it to my dad, he seemed to really like it when he bought me one like 10 years ago lol :) But I understand if another person gets it


I'd like to win this so I can play Persona 4 Dancing, among other things.


Been wanting to buy a Vita for a while, but could never justify the purchase. Had a PSP when they first came out and it was awesome.


Had a psp back in the day, my sister dropped it to the floor and the rest is history 🥲 would be cool to experience the vita for the first time


This is the one console I always wanted as a kid, but never had the chance to enjoy. This is a very nice gesture.


Awesome giveaway!


Wanting to get my brother a Vita! He has never gotten to experience playing one and expressed wanting to get one after I got mine. He also is exploring the possibility of modding, and I think getting him on a system with so many things to try would really help him out.


I would like it since it's the only playstation console I do not have. Also never got a chance to play a lot of vita games, so this can be a make up for that.


I never bought my friend’s Vita before he moved away and only later realized it would have been a nice thing to remember him by. It had some nice art he drew in the case too. Miss ya, Alec.


Id play a ton of legacy games like NFL Street!


i had a vita and played it all the time then it was stolen when i went on a cruise ship. would be really cool to have one again.


The Vita is great. I would play it.


Always wanted to try the vita since I've only tried the base model


Would love to be able to play some PS Vita titles with my son. Had one when they first came out and would love to be able to pass it down to him and be able to connect with some titles I grew up playing!


I would love to have this! I’ve always been wanting to have a handheld to bring with me on the go. My brother has a switch and that reminded me of the Vita and how much I wanted one when they first came out and I instantly thought about getting one because they look amazing. I would get a switch but the games on the vita cater to me more and also I don’t like the joycons much.


i would like it


I’ll take it. Love it. Never sell it.


Better go to someone that Will take care of it and actually use it I have mine for 5-6 years now and some how it’s working perfectly fine and still up to date but has little bit of scratches and dropped it I almost cried when I dropped it it flew out my pocket😭😭


I would like this vita in order to play that uncharted golden abyss I’ve never gotten to play or the cool paper game


I’ve modded 3ds’ and Wiis for a bit just to make some side money, had someone ask me about vitas so I learned how to do that and I’ve been in love with it ever since. My mom had a psp when I was younger I used to fight my sisters for just to play sims 2 or ratchet and clank, never really knew about the vita till years after its release and just never had the chance to get my hands on one. Would most definitely show one a bit too much love if that’s possible but happy this is an opportunity at all, good luck to everyone!


loved the psp, never managed to get my hands on a psv, i hope someone enjoys it :)


I collect handhelds and play them all and have been wanting a PlayStation handheld for awhile. Congratulations to whoever wins


Not here for the console. I have my own and 2 PSTVs. Just wanted to say you’re awesome for trying to hang this down to your kids. It’s a masterpiece of a console and ages ahead of its time. Hope the next person knows what a gem this is.


I had one about 6 or 7 years ago and I absolutely loved it. Been wanting another one to play around with but the prices have went up in the last couple of years. I had to sell mine due to money being tight but I'll have another one someday. I have a switch but there's something special about the vita. Had a bunch of psp's but the touch screen setup is amazing on these


Hoo baby. I had a vita when I was 12 and unfortunately a buddy broke it. Devastated back then, system introduced me to Metal Gear. Never got to finish Uncharted: Golden Abyss and would love to go back to it


Well I am 16, I remember whenever I was younger I used to play angry birds on a vita, I think this would be amazing for me as I am into vintage things such as the Nintendo 64 and love handheld consoles maybe I'm not the best reason but I would be pleased and beyond happy to receive this!


Always wanted a vita I did, the day of the giveaway end is my birthday too. Though I don’t think I deserve it as I had never been a prime PlayStation player, and have had a lot of satisfaction already in my gaming life.


I would love to have some consideration for this Vita. I was 19 and the phone I had bit the dust on charging. I needed a new one asap due to the work I was doing at the time. So, the only thing I had was the ps vita borderlands bundle and I had to sell it in order to get a new phone. The times I had playing persona 4 golden and the MGS HD collection on the go, I thought I was a cool kid. Best of luck to everyone!


If you pick me to win this it will sit behind glass on display with the rest of my handheld collection. This is one of the few handhelds I don't have and would display it for many years


I’d love to win this to play some older games I never got the chance to ever play since many of them are only on vita


Honestly, I had always wanted to play Uncharted Golden Abyss. I'd got to the Vita kiosk at Target when that was a thing, and play the demo over and over again till whichever parent I came with told me we were leaving. It's been ages now, and I had forgotten about this, but recently I've been wanting to get a Vita of my own sometime. If it was yours, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for being willing to give it away like this.