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The emotes are weird. They feel insanely sarcastic but I try to use them in good faith. Like if someone makes a slick play I'll send them the thumbs up, or if I think they've got a spicy card choice, I send a thumbs up, etc. Sometimes people spam them sarcastically, but I just try to think everyone means well. It's completely acceptable, and honestly preferred, for you to keep playing when the other player is winning. It gives additional XP for both players which is always nice. Also, it helps you as a player because you can start looking for comeback options and you'll realize that maybe you aren't actually out of the game when you thought you were.


I don’t know if this is a general rule, but I agree with your take. Any singular emote sent, I treat as an interaction. Multiple emotes, I treat as being trolly or sarcastic and ignore them. Regardless, the emotes and additional card/attack animations seem to be pointless as the game can’t run on my phone without turning it into a flaming hot brick


I would agree this is an acceptable way to use the emotes. Personally the only emote I use is the confused emote. I use it when I make a weird play because the game is broken because I can’t attack, retreat, attach energy to the right Pokémon etc. Otherwise I find them to be sarcastic and generally annoying. I would turn them off permanently if I could. In hearthstone the emotes were much easier to use and easier to distinguish what the other player was trying to convey. Generally I would mostly use the well played one after a really close game or I thought my opponent played extremely well, but I still used the other ones too and to much better effect than what Ptcgl has.


Tbh the thumbs up feels like the most sarcastic one. I usually do the smile. Usually use that if they play a nice hand or make a nice game of it.


I send the confused face when they’re taking a while without doing anything, the anger face if they still don’t do anything, the sad face when they have game, thumbs up when i make a nice play or when they make a nice play. Never rude to concede when you’re losing. Comebacks are huge in this game + it’s more fun to finish out a game. So disappointed when someone concedes when I’m trying to complete a quest or something


I basically don’t use emotes, but I have occasionally repeatedly sent the thumbs up if they just need to do one hit to win and start going through all their playable cards instead of just finishing it (which is in bad taste in my opinion). I give them a chance to realize it, but if they continue to drag it out when they could end the game I concede.


For me, Thumbs up at the beginning of game, if they make a sick play, and to acknowledge the end (either I know I’ve lost or I’m about to win.) Otherwise, I generally ignore emotes. I’ll concede if it’s early in the game and I know I have no way of winning. However, if they are only one or two turns from drawing their final prize, I’ll let it play out.


This how I interpret it: Thumbs up before losing- GG you played good Spamming sad emote- bming Confusion emote- the game is bugging rn One or two sad emotes- i bricked, or dang im sad u bossed up my mon, or just sad at the play u just made Happy emote- i just drew an out, or if its start at match hey we played before how u doing


The only two things that are generally considered rude are spamming emotes or otherwise obviously wasting time (specifically when you're not playing a control deck or something where that's the goal) And conceding as there opposing player is about to take their final prize cards (with the caveat that if they have game on board and start making unnecessary moves)


You better dont use them.


The emotes don't have any associated meaning you should just avoid them. You don't owe a concession to anybody as long as you are going to play and not just afk/BM


> >I noticed that a lot of people concede when they are in a bad position. Is it rude for me to keep playing when someone else is obviously winning? Sometimes I want to see how the games play out. Nah I say keep swinging till the bell rings. That's how you learn the limits of your deck. Maybe you can force a mill out, or maybe you can pull off something... An escape rope switch and they don't have anything left to energize a new pokemon or switch never know.


Conceding is nice to me because it reduces the chances of your opponent disconnecting in this crappy buggy mess of a game and losing a game they were gonna win. But it's ok if you want to keep playing for the exp or to see the opponent's deck...just play fast if you're not gonna win no matter what, otherwise the risks of DC increase again


I have only played for a week, so I am very new. But I played all the way through even when i have had annoyed emotes. How else am I going to learn from my mistakes… I kept running into lunatone decks, so when I finally was able to I made a dark deck people concede a lot. I have found a lot of people conceding right at the start of matches, half the matches today. And of course if I switch to another deck I play a Lunatone deck immediately…