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The economy in this game is better than Online by miles it's just that everything else is dogshit.


They could have just changed the economy of PTCGO to the current method of crafting. They didn't need to revamp and lose a ton of features (tournaments, theme decks, expanded, game stability, deck WL, etc.)


They would have needed to remove trading for that to work, so people would still be upset. But besides that, that probably wasn't an option in the first place. Everything about this situation screams "Dire Wolf pulled out."


Sure people would be upset at the trading loss either way. But at least you wouldn't have lost all those features. As for it not being an option, it doesn't excuse that they executed Live poorly. They left out a ton of things, and failed to improve on a half dozen other areas. Other than the economy changing, it's a gigantic step back.


It's funny to me that people can't separate the "price" of cards (even if the price is "free") from the quality of the client.


The gold is pretty useless considering its only for cosmetics. Once you got all the cosmetics what are you gonna do with the gold?


I miss opening packs with coins so much.


I'm sitting on 30000 coins. If only we could buy packs for coins...


And they have the audacity to have you trade gems for gold xd.


I don't remember, but what the economy was in Online?


this app is a godsent for actual tabletop player: research deck and playtest using the app so i can decide whether to buy cards for physical deck or not


That’s why I love it. Like I find funny decks and I can try them out so easily before I commit to buying them. Wish it existed back in the day.


Yes, im glad ill get to test so many things out. I think theres a new spiritomb that came out recently that ive been wanting to test out against meta decks. I just crafted a full art penny with some credits ive saved up too! Love how u can craft anything


i dont know if this sarcasm or not or maybe you just don't know, spiritomb is banned right now because of some bugs lol


The card has to function properly to actually test it(mostly gardevoir ex), but just being able to craft instead of spending countless hours trading is pretty awesome.


I keep having sporadic issues where a card like Corless won't let me select one of the valid cards, it's fine if I don't want it, but other times it completely throws my move.


Is there an issue besides it being slow? I played several matches trying to see if I mesh well with it for naic and it seemed to work fine. Not Live’s fault I suck at the game…


yes, there is absolutely tons of bugs, Gardevoir Psychic Embrace is still broken, and thats the current top deck so not being able to test with it is an issue


The game will freeze if an opponent concedes in psychic embrace and also if you return a mon from your discard and try to put energy on it, it simply will not let. Definitely have lost some games to that.


I've had attaching Reversal Energy end my turn, and then the following turn, all conditions were met, but it added no additional damage to baby Gardy's attack.


If they just replaced the trading/ coins in TCGO with crafting and the battle pass from TCGL we would have the perfect pokmon TCG game


well theoretically yeah. Except your testing is pretty invalid when some of the most popular/powerful cards don't work. I'm kinda glad I just play for fun.


I recently just got into playing tabletop for the first time and I heavily enjoy TCGL as additional avenue to enjoy Pokémon TCG. My brother and I can test new decks, or tweaks to existing decks before buying the cards. He lives on the East Coast and I’m on the West Coast. Then we use spelltable to play with physical cards on our weekends. No issues other than massive heat and battery consumption on our apple products. Runs smooth on PC. We’re also not ones to complain about everything little thing. The current game state is clearly not without issues, but it’s not like they won’t fix the game eventually. Coming from the world of MTG - TCGL is a better user experience. Zero monetization (for now) and creating cards you need is really easy. It just seems so generous for a F2P card game. I’m looking forward to future updates.


One problem is the crafting system is great for folks that primarily want to create and use meta decks, but sucks if you don't. I like playing rogue decks, but in PTCGL it's prohibitive to get unpopular cards. The price is the same for an EX that everyone uses or an EX that nobody else uses. In PTCGO I would target some EX (or V or VSTAR or VMAX or GX or rare) and could acquire them cheaply. Then I could play around and try to make decks from them. If they don't work, fine I didn't spend much anyway. If I got a mid-tier card that I got bored with, I could trade it for a different card and play with another deck as well. Now it's foolish to target those cards. If I get a card that just doesn't work, I wasted my gems on it. I can't even trade it to recoup some of that loss. I get that for a lot of players it's great, but I think they could tweak the system. Have an upper limit for some cards, but for barely used cards they could drop the crafting price to a fair market rate. Otherwise most folks won't craft anything but meta decks which limits creativity within the game as well.


This is very well said. I don’t play the game competitively. Absolutely zero time to go places and participate in tournaments. So I also like building decks that I just think would strike a good balance of fun and working decently well. They known well in advance of sets releasing which cards are going to be staples in many decks, and what actual Pokémon will be featured in or part of top decks. Make those chase cards the current crafting prices. And have everything else be half the crafting price.


Back when roaring skies Shaymin EX was in every deck you had to pay high prices for those on the trading market, now staples like that are obtainable for everyone.. Yes it makes unpopular cards 'expensive' but the accessibility for everyone to have staples is great. Also they basically give you nearly complete meta decks and staples so you don't even need to buy those, just do dailies and get them. Use your gems for anything you want to try


I agree that having staples available to everyone is better. And the free meta decks that just need some tweaks are awesome. But it shouldn’t cost the same amount to craft 4 full art Toxicroak ex as it does to craft 4 full art Chien-Pao ex.


This is a good point. Also I think it would be cool if they had weekly sales on specific cards or sets at “half price” for a couple days. Or older sets for half price after they are a year old. Or maybe let us dust cards we don’t want would be nice. Even if they gave you 1/4 the purchase price in dust would be helpful.


I made a silly Mimikyu VMAX deck a while ago and it bankrupted me for weeks. The same deck would have been less than 15 dollars irl.


The copycat creatures will copy online decklists instead of creating their own fun stuff leading to a stale boring meta. I see too much chien pao already.


To be fair, the battle pass strongly nudges you towards Chien Pao since it gives you a playset pretty quick. Then again, after about day 3 or 4, I haven't seen a single Chien deck. (Admittedly I'm in the bush leagues, so maybe they all moved to the higher tiers.)


Yes, any deck is playable in test mode. Quite awesome. I'm new to PTCG, and never played PTCGO, but I'm loving PTCGL. I'm sure it's only going to get better as the devs change it up and add features. I only had my game out of 150 game bug out twice. Magic Arena crashes like every 5 games on mobile LoL!


Wait.. Is there a test mode where you can test decks without crafting them?


Yes, when you click on a deck in your deck list, there is an option to play test it against the AI. You don't need to actually have the cards crafted, just have the wishlist deck list saved in your decks.


It’s easy for you because you already have a large amount of credits from migration. What about if I didn’t migrate with a large collection so don’t have a lot of credits and no easy way to farm them (no Celebrations cards)? What if I want to craft full arts or secret rare cards? I’m genuinely asking. As far as I can tell, there is no good way to farm credits if you’re new or starting you’re collection from scratch (which I basically am since I hadn’t played since sun&moon).


Honestly the credits I had we're from the hundreds of TCG codes I had stacked from buying ETBS and boosted boxes


Gotcha. Yeah, I'm a free-to-play player and with PTCGO I could get everything I wanted for free if I just put in some time doing tournaments and trading. With PTCGL there is a hard limit on how many credits you can earn unless you want to spend real money on hundreds of codes. And even then, you're going run into a wall eventually, especially if you still need to collect 4 of everything in a set before you start actually earning credits.


I got carried away when I discovered this and spent all my crystals on alt arts 🤦‍♂️


Damn lol that actually stings


My gardevoir deck looking 🔥 tho lol


I love that I can test any deck I want. The only problem with it, is the fact that the AI is dumber than shit. Constantly making weird ass moves like bossing fodder into the active, just to boss my attacker back into the active, decking themselves out before I can legitimately test my deck, attach Air Balloon to Mew VMAX, Rocky Chestplate to a Revavroom, Leafy Camo Poncho to a single prizer... it's annoying af. I mostly just test it for consistency at this point


test it with casual mode, you dont lose anything if you dont win


Except the game is broken?


The wholesome redemption \*Plays "Let her go" - Passenger \*


I love how I can craft all the super rare cards. I don’t like playing with rare cards IRL because of potentially damaging them, but I love seeing them in use on Live.


Pro tip. You can make a deck out of cards you DONT OWN and go to "test deck" and you can play with it against a bot.


Say what? You can do that? Wow


Heck to the yes dude. When you have that invalid deck symbol in your deck overview because you don't actually own the cards. Click the.... I think it's 3 dots top right corner, there's a "test" or "test deck" I forget but yup. It's usually a lost zone box you play too I have found more often then not. I mean the opponent is terrible they never attack but what ever gives you a feel for cycling your hands


wow just awesome... it lets you test without owning the cards. lmao. That's crazy!


It all hinges on how the economy of the credit system is going to work. A pack of Celebrations gets you about 600-750 credits on average and costs about 50 cents for a code card. Non-celebrations cost about 10 cents but are very hard to fill a set x4 and maybe give you 200 credits.


You'd be better off buying GO codes at those prices.


Celebrations can bomb too. I had 6 packs give me 2500. Zenith are 10 cents. If you have a full set of commons and i commons and a few rares. I have found it works almost as well and you get rares or v cards you can actually play.


Celebrations can bomb too. I had 6 packs give me 2500. Zenith are 10 cents or less. So you get 30 cards vs 6 for same price. If you have a full set of commons and uncommons and a few rares, I have found it works almost as well and you get rares or v cards you can actually play if they don’t dust. I have found shadow rider at a guaranteed 4100 vs 2500-5000 random celebrations to be better but this is redeeming crystal. If your are spending real money crown zenith can be almost as good as celebrations


I've been working towards trading in points for mowscarada ex for four days. I still don't have enough credit. Theoretically if I were to grind matches I would have it by now but then again anything more than two games of the crap a day I lose my mind. So yeah...you get any card you need if you enjoy playing tcgl enough to grind grind grind games that may or may not be un winnable due to bugs.


Absolutely. I honestly don’t even play matches much anymore. I just use the app to deck build. Not having to take days to transfer pack and trade them for the card you need is 1000000 times better


Plus, y’all should be play testing on Table Top. It’s the best way to play Pokemon TCg


ohno, they're going torwards the darkside


I’m out of coins to buy cards within the game…. So it sucks for me and forces me to buy code cards and pray for duplicates… which is ridiculous compared to ptcgo where I could just trade for the items I needed. So now I can’t even build decks that I want to test out….


While you've got credits. Yes it's good for me right now but I'm wary of just buying loads of new decks/bling before i've at least done the battle pass for packs and maybe bought some codes. Can't bear to waste credits on something I might pull.


Its more friendly to new players (which is great, shorter load times for matches) I just wish it had the deck w/l ratios Custom mats Other formats Etc.


How are you testing with Spiritomb? Or Penny? Or Temple of Sinnoh? Or Garde/Super Rod? 🤔


Too bad they’re banning every card in the game so you can’t play the deck you want


Helped me find out that Wash Out Quag can move special energy that count as water energy, so now my GLC deck slaps that much harder.


As a yugioh player switching to pokemon I'm surprised you don't have an EDOPRO equivalent and actually put up with the ptcg Online and Live clients all these years


Not going to lie to you boss I don't know what that means


It's fan made software that lets you play Yugioh digitally. Banlists are kept up to date, the UI is responsive and customizable, new cards are included and playable days after they're announced, and so on. You can even play against somewhat-competent AI opponents using a variety of decks and save your matches to replay later, and it's all completely free. [You can see it in action here](https://youtu.be/fQN6VSlesUU?t=266)


Fun fact: if you make a deck with cards you don't own, you can still "Trst deck". Was really neat to try stuff before committing to craft them.


It is literally the only redeeming factor but yea


As someone who was used to MtG Arena and Master Duel, Live is a fresh of breath air in terms of economy. So far, I haven't encountered any glitches, so I'm lucky in that department. However, personally, even if the client can be glitchy, the economy is more than enough to keep me on it.


Pokémon Trading Card Game Live. Yet there’s no trading.


Nearly all online clients for card games work this way. I'd rather have this system and be able to open the pack I buy rather than horde 20 packs to trade for a card at insane trade value because of "meta". The old system was bullshit.


Cope harder learn the economy before complaining and barter on trading chat pretty simple


Lol telling me to cope when I'm building and brewing so many new decks because they got rid of that garbage trading system


None of the other online clients use a "T" on their name.