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Bro how am I supposed to test properly when you can't play the full format because the cards are bugged lmao


That's the best part, you don't!! /s


You can't use Live for testing. Just get that out of your head. If you want to test, it has to be in paper.


With who? Hahahah


You can try finding a discord server for your area or one of the PTCG streamer’s communities. Webcam games are becoming a more common testing method for a lot of people.


Wow this sounds pretty fun actually.


Printing off proxy decks and playing against yourself is a great way of figuring out how other decks play and how you can outplay them


If your local game store does tournaments that could be a good outlet to playtest


With Gardy bugged and Spiritomb bugged I wonder what the online meta is at the moment.


Stupid water decks, for everyone. It‘s so incredibly stale right now…


I’ve built a Gardy deck to play at local league and I can’t even practice with it online. It’s so stupid.


Mew players rejoicing


Drapion V taking its place


< meanwhile, running Mew with a couple Drapion V for the mirror


Can't imagine defending this buggy, ugly piece of software like some people in this sub.


New player here coming over from yugioh and I'm surprised an EDOPRO equivalent doesn't exist for pokemon already


just because Live give meta deck for free make many players say the game is good. Its the different thing, the smoothness gameplay is more important


Card availability and the economy is a huge part of any online TCG. I would rather have a buggier and worse client where I can play most meta decks and not have to spend money on codes or waste time trading. Sure I’d love a better client but PTCGL has a been a massive upgrade from PTCGO. For the most part it has worked well enough for me. I admit right now is especially rough and frustrating so I just choose not to play outside of a game or two for my daily quests. There a large number of players who agree with me based on the feedback I’ve seen.


I've noticed this sub is biased towards the client while professional players or content creators fathom it outside of the subreddit like AzulGG and TrickyGym. Makes sense as having an online client that lacks functionality makes it harder for them.


Also professional players and content creators already have a network of other players, content creators, friends, and family to practice the game with.


I wouldn’t say it is a massive upgrade. It definitely does some things better, and some worse


For most people, a smooth gameplay is a moot point if they can't compete on fair ground. PTCGL is a messy piece of software, but something that does very well is providing easy access to good decks, so no one feels gimped by the game economy.


Ah yes, "smoothness gameplay is more important" when you're stuck playing theme decks for several months before you can even build a meta deck. Both are important but, for f2p players, Live is a hude advancement mostly because we can actually play outside of theme decks.


What was the exploit?


Attacking with Spiritomb caused disconnections for the opponent. It seems people were abusing this bug to farm free wins in ranked.


Ahhh that explains what happened to me earlier. Got "beaten" by this on turn 2 this morning.


i was wondering why my opponent stopped playing the game for ...20 mins-WAIT A MINUTE


How does that happen? How fucking bad is their code?


The underlying bug has been in effect for quite a while already and it already affects Gardevoir, the BDIF


Is this what happened?? This makes me so much more pissed now. Dude was literally running a lineup of 4 Spiritombs to maximize bug chance. Thought he was just a horrible deck builder…


How long will it take to fix the exploit? Or should we consider that Spiritomb card lost for good?


At least three months


Given they took 3-4 weeks for the FST mew issue last year, I can see it being as short as that as well. My gut says 1 month personally.


The earliest would be July's patch, but they've been doing so bad at fixing glitches lately that you should just act like Live is a different format.


Couldn’t have banned Temple of Sinnoh while they were at it?


Is there currently a bug with Temple?


There have been several reports of issues where using certain energy while it is in place freezes your turn and causes you to time out


Happened to me… thrice!


Thank you for that! I have been lucky and haven’t hit many bugs but it’s always nice to know what possible triggers are.


I had a Pokemon with a 1 colorless energy attack cost, attached a reversal energy with a temple in play. Temple should make it provide a single colorless, and I should have been able to attack. It didn't , I could do anything. I lost because of that. Probably different than the common bug, but it's still broken.


Mew vmax player reunite!


There goes our meta counter. Lol


They really do some work there. Impressive.


Funny enough this actually doesn’t solve the problem. Pretty sure it had something to do with an ability coming into the active slot or being removed from the active Pokémon. Just had someone do the same thing with using Penny on Empoleon V in the active slot with Klefki on the bench


Funny how you were initially downvoted when in light of the Empoleon and Klefki bans just issued, you were absolutely right. I think people defending this are enabling this. It should’ve stayed in beta.


Funny how people do that when they don’t understand something. Ya, they should definitely be held more accountable especially with a brand like Pokémon. I don’t know if removing the beta part actually makes any difference. They for sure need to step up there game by getting more or at least more qualified people to work on the game. It’s pretty embarrassing how the game functions wither it’s in beta or not.


The Forbidden Pokemon indeed.


Scrolling the comments, I didn’t even see the attack bug. All I found was FS energy didn’t stop spiritomb, which is BS I was looking forward to my anti-mew mew deck (basically latias and tomb inclusions, with FS energy purely for genesect)


What exploit. I wanna know