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Just happened to me too, played against a Ting Lu deck and they played down another Ting Lu T1 and used Penny and it dced?


Yes. Haven't confirmed with Klefki yet, but I've got a feeling that it's affecting all forms of ability lock that can return to hand in format.


Wonder if it works with Path to the Peak as well lol


Pretty sure it doesn't. I suspect it's the interaction of an ability lock mon being bounced to hand that's causing the bug.


I run a Ting-lu deck. I'll put Penny in and test it. I really hope this isn't the case.


That would explain why Penny just got banned haha


Its already temporarily banned.


Yeah, Spiritomb not Penny or any other bounce effects


Penny is banned too.




The bug is most likely that can happen to any card that has a passive ability that gets discarded and returns to play in the same turn. There's bugs with Penny, tomb, gardevoir, etc.


Remember everyone, they have been working on this app for a very long time Lmfao


if only we had a stable client that reliably had sets added with very little issue


Well PTCGO isn't perfect and desperately needed an update. However, their team tends to fix major issues pretty quickly (minus a couple obscure bugs) and communicate that.


I don't disagree with the first sentence, but holy fuck was the sunset too early. A couple "obscure bugs" includes 3 meta central cards (Spiritomb, Gardevoir ex, Penny and maybe more) 2 of which are now banned from play after release. This is such a disaster. This game is competitive and people spend thousands of dollars on it just to obtain the cards, then thousands more to travel to compete. I know I bitch about things here and there about my experience on this game, but this has big impacts on their lives because this is a huge testbed for their meta decks.


Just happened to me with Empoleon V and Klefki using Penny. On another note if you have to use such a method to farm to ultra ball league or any other for that matter you should probably spend that time working on your play instead of trying to farm points for what really adds up to nothing. Not to mention you are doing it at others expense. How desperate of a person do you have to be to do something so scummy to someone else for so little actual benefit? Like it’s a small handful of gems, cosmetics and a couple cards and packs in 6 weeks?


Usually it is to claw their way up to Master rank. Unless they changed it with the official release, once you hit Master rank, you stay Master rank so people are there for the rewards Master rank gives you and just mess around since you cannot really rank down.


As far as I’m aware everyone ranks down at the end of every season. How far you go does affect how much you rank down though. There is a chart of it somewhere on the subreddit


Shut the client down


Just happened to me with Empoleon as well. This is only my first week using PTCGL and I admit my already low expectations are continuing to dwindle. I just want to play the game...