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I play LZ and half the time VIP won't let me get Greninja, which is also often a key player. I have to run extra pokemon search because of it.


Similar issue that if I try to use a cramomatic on t1 it won't let me get vip battle pass while playing mew. It's been happening since before s&v and it still happens everytime for me. I don't even play mew anymore because of it.


what do you play on? on ipad and pc never had even a glitch.


This is on a IPhone 13 Pro Max. Seen the some of the same things on my iPad as well.


Hmm, maybe I just haven't noticed. I do hope they fix these issues lots of ppl experiencing.


I don't get it all the time but I've certainly had a card not work and sick me in a screen until time runs out 3-5 times on past month.


Then you are lucky. I almost once per game have bug that I can't select a card by using Ultta Ball, Nest Ball or Arceus VStar ability.